DATE=8/10/1999 TYPE=CORRESPONDENT REPORT TITLE=U-S/AFGHAN SANCTIONS (L) NUMBER=2-252662 BYLINE=DAVID GOLLUST DATELINE=WHITE HOUSE CONTENT= VOICED AT: INTRO: The Clinton Administration has frozen U-S assets belonging to the Afghan national airline "Ariana" -- under sanctions aimed at punishing Afghanistan's dominant Taleban movement for harboring alleged international terrorist Osama Bin Laden. VOA's David Gollust reports from the White House. Text: The Afghan airline does not fly in and out of the United States and only about a half-million dollars in its assets have been affected by the freeze thus far. But the sanctions also bar U-S citizens and companies including aviation firms from dealing with "Ariana." And David Leavy, spokesman for the White House National Security Council, says the move underlines the Administration message to the Taleban that its support for the Bin Laden network will not be tolerated: ///Leavy Actuality/// It's really an important signal to send that we will not allow the infrastructure of these terrorist networks to operate unabated. We will take action when we have identified businesses or persons who are affiliated with Bin Laden or supporting his network. We will act. ///End act/// The action against "Ariana" is an extension of economic sanctions President Clinton imposed against the Taleban in July for giving refuge to Mr. Bin Laden, whom the Administration holds responsible for last year's bombings of the U-S embassies in Kenya and Tanzania -- which killed more than 200 people. As the only international carrier serving Afghanistan, "Ariana" is believed here to be involved in ferrying material, personnel and finances to the Taleban, which controls Kabul and much of the country. "Ariana" conducts flights to India and the United Arab Emirates and Mr. Leavy says U-S officials will try to persuade those countries to impose similar sanctions against it. The spokesman also said the U-S Treasury Department is reviewing reports that a number of banks, companies, and individuals in the Middle East and elsewhere are acting on behalf of Mr. Bin Laden in providing material and financial support for his organization. Without naming those allegedly involved, Mr. Leavy says if they do not cease such activity, they will face the same sanctions the Administration has imposed against the Afghan airline. (Signed) NEB/DAG/JO 10-Aug-1999 16:57 PM EDT (10-Aug-1999 2057 UTC) NNNN Source: Voice of America .