DATE=7/30/1999 TYPE=CORRESPONDENT REPORT TITLE=MCCAFFREY - LATAM DRUGS (L-ONLY) NUMBER=2-252349 BYLINE=MICHAEL BOWMAN DATELINE=MIAMI CONTENT= VOICED AT: INTRO: President Clinton's top anti-narcotics official, Barry McCaffrey, has again ruled out direct U-S military intervention in Latin America to fight the drug war. He has just concluded a five-day trip that took him to Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela - as well as the Caribbean islands of Curacao and Aruba. V- O-A's Michael Bowman reports from Miami. TEXT: With Colombia's peace process faltering, newspapers in Bogota are speculate that U-S troops will be sent to take over the country's anti-narcotics effort - and to combat the leftist rebels who are widely believed to profit from the drug trade. But White House Drug Policy Director McCaffrey says nothing could be further from the truth. /// FIRST MCCAFFREY ACT /// There is zero possibility of a U-S intervention in Colombia. Period. This is a Colombian issue. It must be their strategy, their leadership. Now, hopefully, what we can do - as one of the regional partners - is provide resources, training, equipment, intelligence and political goodwill. /// END ACT /// Mr. McCaffrey says he has grave concerns about Colombia - particularly what he describes as a huge increase in the production of coca leaf (for cocaine) and poppies (for heroin) in the country's remote southern regions. Colombia is already the third largest recipient of U-S foreign aid, but Mr. McCaffrey says even more American resources are needed. The U-S drug official says he plans to lobby vigorously for a substantial boost in U-S counter- narcotics assistance when he returns to Washington. /// SECOND MCCAFFREY ACT /// I have put together a package of ideas and shared them with the 14 (U-S) cabinet officers who have some responsibility relating to the drug issue. And I will argue that we (the United States) are not doing enough, that there are severe emergency conditions in the region (Latin America), and that we need to respond with a balanced program. /// END ACT /// Mr. McCaffrey described his consultations with South American and Caribbean officials as extremely positive. He says there is growing recognition in the region that the narcotics trade threatens all nations, and that international cooperation is the key to effectively fighting the drug war. /// REST OPTIONAL /// /// THIRD MCCAFFREY ACT /// I am enormously encouraged by what I saw as a strong commitment throughout the region to see this enormous problem of corruption and violence that comes from the money of coca and opium production confronted on a regional basis. Every one of the heads of government I talked to saw the problem as one that would only succumb to a coordinated response. /// END ACT /// Mr. McCaffrey's trip followed last week's crash of a U-S anti-drug plane in southern Colombia that killed all seven people on board - five of them U-S soldiers. Mr. McCaffrey declined to comment on the accident, except to say that the bodies of the American servicemen will be returned to the United States when all have been recovered and identified. (signed) NEB/MCB/gm 30-Jul-1999 15:49 PM LOC (30-Jul-1999 1949 UTC) NNNN Source: Voice of America .