
August 18, 1998


In the aftermath of the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania 11 days ago, media outlets worldwide continued to weigh in heavily on the growing threat of terrorism and how the international community can best "organize itself" to combat this global scourge. Most said that their governments should support a more "coordinated" global anti-terrorism strategy. Foreign analysts' main assumption was that "Islamic fundamentalists" were responsible for the bombings and that their aim was to frustrate U.S. policy in the Middle East. There was a fair amount of understanding for the pressures that America faces in being the world's leader. But even among these positive viewers, there was much criticism of U.S. foreign policy and leadership. A considerable number urged Washington not to "retreat" from its determination in leading the fight against terrorism. These were regional themes:

AFRICA--Kenyan papers' initial criticism of the U.S.' rescue efforts in the aftermath of the bombings was tempered in recent days by President Clinton's televised address to the Kenyan people, Secretary Albright's visits to Kenya and Tanzania, and the U.S.' lifting of travel restrictions on the two countries. Others joined a Nigerian paper in lamenting that the bombing came at a time when the U.S. has shown great economic and diplomatic interest in the continent. But a few expressed trepidation about Africa's relationship with the superpower, with some questioning Washington's foreign policy agenda, and others hoping that Africa does not become a "proxy battleground for a terrorist war being waged by religious fanatics against the U.S."

EUROPE-- A number of commentators deemed that Washington was distracted by domestic scandal and that the U.S. has been particularly vulnerable to terrorist attack. Some expressed concern that problems such as international terrorism will intensify absent a firmly engaged superpower. In London, the independent Economist hoped that any potential isolationist sentiment in the U.S. would not be boosted by the bombings.

MIDDLE EAST: Some of the strongest condemnations of terrorism were found in the Arab and Muslim press. Several dailies stressed that Islam does not, in any way, condone the taking of innocent life. They also held that terrorism does not further the aims of any group and only serves to strengthen the resolve of the supposed target--the U.S. Journalists also called for firm international action against the perpetrators, but underscored that the U.S. should change its policies in the Middle East.

EAST AND SOUTH ASIA: East Asian analysts focused on the U.S.' global role, Middle East tensions, and the need for international coordination to combat terrorism. In Pakistan, media voices touted Islamabad's positive "commitment" to thwart global terrorism as evidenced by its arrest of a suspect believed to have been involved in the embassy blasts. An Indian pundit, however, denounced what it called Pakistan's "promotion of terrorism."

LATIN AMERICA: Some expressed sympathy for the U.S. as it tries to deal with the scourge of terrorism against its citizens and facilities abroad.

This survey was based on 79 reports from 56 countries, August 9-18.

EDITOR: Gail Hamer Burke

To Go Directly To Quotes By Region, Click Below

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KENYA: "Big Expectations In U.S. Envoy's Trip"

Under the above headline, the top-circulation, independent Nation's editorial stated (8/18): "It is to the United States' great credit that Madame Madeleine Albright has so quickly found time to come down here to commiserate with us and the Tanzanian people.... Her trip is a gesture of good will and friendship at a moment of great psychological need. But there is a physical and material need which is even more apparent than the psychological shock.... Kenyans are aware that any assistance that may be given will be subject to very stringent accounting procedures. This is as it should be and the details can be worked out. The key fact at this point will be that she has brought some tangible assistance."

"U.S. Message Welcome"

The independent Standard had this to say (8/16): "President Bill Clinton's videotaped message to Kenyans and Tanzanians was indeed timely and most encouraging. Just when people had believed that the Clinton administration was only emotionally moved by their own and neglected the Africans who perished in the attack...there was relief when the U.S. leader appeared on the TV screens. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's visit is also timely."

"Travel Restrictions Eased"

According to the independent East African Standard (8/15): "We hail the American State Department's decision to lift the travel advisory on Kenya and Tanzania.... However, U.S. Ambassador Prudence Bushnell's allegations that Kenyans were barred from entering the U.S. Embassy because of fears of looting were in bad taste and an abuse to Kenyan society."

"New Focus After Rescue Mission"

The independent East African Standard observed (8/13): "Already facing a severe cash crunch, there is no way the Kenyan government or insurance industry can afford to bail out those affected.... As Kenya continues to bury her dead, it is hoped that the international community will contribute to the disaster kitty, and that the donors would now, on humanitarian grounds, release the withheld loan program."

BOTSWANA: "Hope Africa Does Not Become Proxy Battle Ground"

The independent weekly Botswana Gazette held (8/12): "We hope no efforts are missed to identify the terrorists who planted the bombs and call upon governments around the world--and in particular in the Middle East--to leave no stone unturned under which these inhumane monsters can hide. We pray that our continent, which beleaguered by problems of its own, does not become a proxy battle ground for a terrorist war being waged by religious fanatics against the United States."

BURKINA FASO: "Terrorist Attempts: To Avoid The Amalgam"

Independent Le Pays suggested in its rubric "Internal Dialogue" (8/11), "America must stop cultivating a certain ambiguity that always brings it to an amalgam [of responses] when it concerns...the question of terrorism. In fact, despite the many international meetings established to fight against terrorism, where the United States would like to be the leader, one now wonders who [can] respond to the profile of terrorism. Even less the way to fight it."

GHANA: "Senseless Bombings"

The virulently pro-ruling-party Ghana Palaver stressed (8/14-17): "On the whole, there can be no end to the condemnations and it is hoped (such bombimgs) never should happen again.... Meanwhile, it is about time the United States, itself, re-examined its policies to find out whether they've been fair to all.... Many of the world's crises, with some resulting in horrible deaths, have been caused as a result of Washington's policies, some of which are fashioned to empower or enrich the pockets of a few individual Americans.... But even there, two wrongs never make a right. And the bombers of Nairobi and Dar es Salaam...will stand condemned in the eyes of the world."

MALAWI: "A Warning To Us All"

The independent weekend Nation (8/5-16) "Plain Talk" column by Jonathan Kuntambila, editor, argued for people and countries to "always keep dialogue on course" in a bid to stop such senseless terrorist activities: "This is a warning to all of us, especially to us Malawians and other people emerging from dictatorships and moving towards more democratic ways of doing things. There is always the danger that self-propelled, or autistic, hostility will get in the way of dialogue.... This is the seed of internecine conflict which sprouts into civil war or terrorism."

NIGER: "Africa In The Sights"

Independent weekly Haske stated (8/12), "The murders in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam come at a time when the United States has shown a great interest in the dark continent and unprecedented diplomatic and economic initiatives are being undertaken. The American commercial offensive considers southern Africa as its main front of attack. Do the terrorists intend to torpedo this cooperation? Finally, it would not be wrong to relate these events to the Islamist wave sweeping the continent, a wave that escapes the control of governments that are faced with enormous economic difficulties and that deceive themselves with dreams of religious tolerance. And so, it is time to stop this lax attitude because nothing indicates that the terrorists are going to stop their activities in such fertile territory."

NIGERIA: "Clinton's Speech Reflects World's Position"

The respected, Lagos-based independent Guardian said (8/14): "The attacks were senseless and unconscionable. There can be no political justification for such heinous crimes. The perpetrators of the terror were cowardly as they were callous.... At the memorial service yesterday, Clinton reiterated that no matter what it takes, America must find out those behind the blasts because worse forms of that horror may lie ahead. He spoke not just for Americans, Kenyans or Tanzanians, he spoke for a world which abhors terrorism, a world that cherishes freedom and the sanctity of every human life."

SOUTH AFRICA: "U.S. Being Forced To Play Global Policeman"

The conservative Citizen commented (8/10), "Fanatics using the name of religion have wreaked evil upon our already troubled continent. It is a gross distortion of Islam to murder anyone. To do so on the scale seen in the bombings of the American despicable.... Culpability is far from decided.... America, as the dominant power, attracts the hate of may who see it as the root cause of everything wrong in the world. The United States is being forced to play global policeman, by those who most resent it in that role.... As the global champion of free democracy, the United States lays itself, and its hosts, open to attacks by extremists. U.S. personnel around the world will have to keep their eyes open...eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. It is a price we all have to pay."

ZAMBIA: "We Condemn Bombings"

The main government-owned Sunday Times Of Zambia had this editorial (8/9): "We condemn the bomb explosions in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam which have needlessly claimed so many innocent lives, and maimed other people for a cause they do not even understand. We are disgusted that the Egyptian terrorists have chosen innocent sub-Saharan countries, Kenya and Tanzania, to carry out their dastardly acts far from their Maghreb states. It is a situation that must never be condoned by any sensible people any where in the world.... Sub-Saharan Africa has had its own internal problems and quarrels but unlike the Arabic terrorists, they have not tried to export or externalize them. Yes, they have been internationalized, but in a peaceful manner.... Sub-Saharan Africa feels there is nothing more important than dialogue. Sit down and talk."


GERMANY: "Burden Of Leadership Role"

Leo Wieland held on the front-page of right-of-center Frankfurter Allgemeine (8/13): "The question of whether terrorists feel encouraged by President Clinton's domestic scandals is difficult to answer.... But we currently see little of the often proclaimed U.S. leadership role--not concerning UN arms inspections in Iraq, nor the events in Kosovo, nor the bogged-down peace process in the Middle East. As long as Clinton spends more time with his lawyers than with his security advisors, he will not create the impression outside of the United States that he is fully capable of action and that he is able to make military decisions. This does not mean that he would not act in a tough manner if the authors of the bomb attack in East Africa can be clearly identified. Nobody should underestimate the determination and the solidarity of the Americans. But the president must finally come to terms with his crisis at home in order to avoid giving the impression that the cannot do what is important as a result of the unimportant problems at home."

BRITAIN: "Target: America"

The independent weekly Economist had this lead editorial (8/14): "Who did it? The usual Islamist suspects are being laid out for inspection.... America is by no means the only victim of international terror, but it is a particularly attractive target for a new sort of anti-West, anti-everything terrorist group, which typically lacks a clear agenda but harbors a deep grudge. It is also, however, a butt for grudge-bearers with an agenda, especially in the Middle East. And it is here that it has from time to time--in the past in Lebanon, recently in Saudi Arabia--been an outstanding target for terrorist attack.... America is the favorite target for terrorist outrages such as those in Kenya and Tanzania because, rightly, it sticks its neck out.... Terrorism, if you cannot do anything about it, is a powerful disincentive. America';s temptation to withdraw into an isolationist shell could be compelling. For a start, it would please a great many Americans who see little point in enduring the grief that comes with a busy foreign policy. So far, this retreat has not taken place.... The greatest disaster would be for terrorist bombs to create an isolationist or cowering America."

FRANCE: "America Needs A Partner, Even A Rival: Europe"

Left-of-center weekly news magazine Le Nouvel Observateur devoted its cover story to the United States (8/14): "The Americans start to realize that ensuring alone the whole world's security is not easy. Doing it makes them the common enemy of implacable ennemies. Terrorist barbarity scoffs at superpowers. For the good of international stability, America needs a partner, even a rival. It's the role of Europe."

ITALY: "Terrorists Meant To Destabilize East Africa"

Provocative, classical liberial Il Folio asserted (8/13): "Despite the name of...Osama bin Laden, among the first suspects of the bombing in Kenya and Tanzania, recalling memories of Afghanistan and the Middle East, U.S. investigators know that the culprits of the bombs in Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam are to be looked for closer to home, in the Horn of Africa and maybe in the Red Sea area. East Africa is the region that the terrorists meant to destabilize. In recent years, the United States has been leading a vigorous political-diplomatic action in the Black continent...which has included two strategic goals. First, to ease and to support the success of new pro-West leaders.... The second objective has been to reject and to reduce the threat of `Islamization' of the continent. `Islamization' is characterized by heavy anti-American feelings, which have their origin in Sudan...and from there, it (Islamization) threatens to move north, to moderate Egypt, and down to the south, to pro-West Kenya.... Now, the United States will have to make a clear choice....whether to use a `strong reaction', verbally in Tripoli...or be ready to leave the place, as in Somalia. It would be a serious strategic defeat, because the real stake is the control of the `platform' in front of the Red Sea and the Arabic Peninsula."

RUSSIA: "U.S. Gets Paid In Kind"

Neo-communist Pravda-Five (8/11) front-paged a comment by Yuriy Glukhov: "The Americans would stop at nothing to gain global hegemony. Now they are getting paid in kind. They are just as vulnerable as everybody else.... What is it that the bombings in Kenya and Tanzania and the Taliban offensive in Afghanistan have in common? Nothing, it would seem. As a matter of fact, those three events are parts of one and the same thing. Terrorist Number One (Osama bin Laden) is hiding in Afghanistan, protected and patronized by the Talibs. The Americans and their Pakistani partners reared and raised the Taliban. Washington cared for Islamic extremists, hoping to see them turn against the ex-USSR someday. By playing up to Islamic fanatics in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Kosovo, the United States sowed a wind. So now it is reaping a storm."

ARMENIA: "Monstrous Acts"

In the only Armenian media organ to comment so far on the terrorist acts, Ramkavar Party- affiliated, moderate Azg ran this column by Rafik Hovhannissian (8/12), The bombings are characterized as "monstrous acts that shocked not only the American society but the whole world."

BELGIUM: "The American Boomerang"

Foreign Editor Gerald Papy observed in conservative Catholic La Libre Belgique (8/11): "It is...paradoxical to see the Americans today point their finger at Saudi opponent Osama bin Laden while the Taliban, whose protection he enjoys, are themselves a product of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United States.... The Americans probably did not imagine that, by supporting the Afghan Mujahideens, they would give birth to the Talibans who have almost finished imposing their backward Islam all over Afghanistan, in violation of human rights and above all of women's rights, and to hordes of Allah fighters who all share deep-rooted anti-Americanism."

BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA: 'Wag The Dog' Scenario?"

Weekly Nezavisne Novine (Independent Newspapers) of Banja Luka ran this comment by Oleg Sladojev (8/12): "Despite the fact that this kind of comparison is repulsive (because of all the victims in Kenya and Tanzania) one cannot give up remembering the movie 'Wag the Dog.'...

"Of course we do not think that the Americans attacked their own embassies, but the momentum of the Lewinsky case has been seriously shaken by the explosions in Kenya and Tanzania. When you add to this naughty and disobedient Saddam Hussein, Clinton has an excellent chance to look like a president who does his job, this time under the convenient pressure of the two extremely critical situations."

BULGARIA: "The U.S. Supports The Warriors Of The Islam"

Bulgarian Socialist Party daily Duma observed (8/17), "The Clash of civilizations does not stop for a day on the world's hot spots--from the Balkans to Afghanistan. The Talibans rule almost the whole country. Since the former USSR pulled out 10 years ago, there has been no cease-fire. Who keeps this going and why? The American oil companies are looking for direct routes for the oil and the other raw materials to go around Iran which is considered to be the exporter of terrorism and America's biggest enemy in this part of the world. Even before the last strongholds of Uzbeks, Tadzhiks, and Khazars in Northern Afghanistan fell, the Talibans had held meetings with American consortiums on the construction of an oil pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan worth $2 billion. Apparently, not all Islam fundamentalists are bad. As Madeleine Albright says, the United States has a long memory for the terrorist attacks against it. That's why it should not forget that before the Talibans, Washington supported the Mujahedins--the same who are now suspected to have placed the bombs in Kenya and Tanzania."

CANADA: "A Motive For Murder"

Eric Margolis wrote in the conservative Ottawa Sun (8/13): "The attack was either payback time or a bloody step in driving the United States out of its Mideast Oil Raj. Mindless, it was not. Expect more."

"He Who Sows The Wind"

French-language, centrist La Presse commented (8/13): "Overall, American policy in the Middle East gives way to confusion and tends to trigger irrational reactions in this part of the world where the expression of political ideas and committed dialogue are not always easy. "

CROATIA: "Malignant Verbal Terrorism"

Indenpendent Novi List, Drazen Vukov-Colic chastised the government of Croatia for its tardy expression of condolences (8/14): "President Tudjman conveyed his condolences to President Clinton three days after the event; Granic's message to Albright wasn't even mentioned in the Croatian media. Official Zagreb with inexplicable delay and unnecessary secrecy finally fulfilled its unavoidable protocol duties regarding the explosions in Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam. All others, from Moscow to Bonn, from Rome to Paris, have hastened to show their support and solidarity.... In its two, wide trousers, the United States has too few real friends and too many bitter enemies.... Croatia without the United States is nothing. But Croatia is against everything American if the United States does not support every Croatian stupidity."

CZECH REPUBLIC: "Monster Of Terrorism Moving Closer Than We Think"

A commentary in Prague's leading right-of-center daily Mlada fronta DNES stated (8/11), "Deadly bombings in East Africa carry a disturbing warning: There is definitely no region in the world that terrorists would pass by without interest.... For instance, if it is established that innocent people in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam have died in order for Americans to leave Muslim countries, next time, a terrorist front can move anywhere, maybe even to the Czech Republic.... This reason alone should suffice for us to join loudly the voices demanding consistent investigation of the crime and tough punishment of culprits....

"This is not a fight for big, empty words but for us ourselves. It is possible that the monster of terrorism is moving closer than we think."

FINLAND: "Every Nation Has Obligation To Join War Against Terrorism"

Leading, independent Helsingin Sanomat commented (8/11): "The appalling bomb attacks show in the cruelest possible way that terrorism has not gone away. Increasingly often, the target is the world's only remaining superpower, the United States, whose efforts to implement its strategy, aimed at pacifying the world, also continue to raise strong opposition. Often, the benevolent aspirations of the United States are interpreted as attempts to gain hegemony. The war on terrorism must be global and ongoing, and every nation has the obligation to join in that war. It is not yet known who bears the responsibility for the attacks.... The situation is growing worse because Palestinians and Arab nations that support them, consider the policy of the West and the United States severely biased."

HUNGARY: "Terrorists In Turbans"

Top-circulation Nepszabadsag published this op-ed piece (8/11) by Gabor Szegofollow: "Islamic fanatics have taken over the role of a global public enemy of today. They are the ones who, with their turbans on their heads and with their special curved sword in their mouths, are going against the West. The bomb-blasts in Tanzania and Kenya last week are very sad evidences of the fact that even the United States, that has remained the only superpower on the global stage of world affairs, is incapable of preventing unpredictable and senseless terrorist attacks... a matter of fact, can't even be considered to be a forcefully converting one and in its framework it has long not been about dogmas, but rather about political interests under the cover of religion. "

KAZAKHSTAN: "They Did Not Kill The Ambassadors"

Independent weekly Delovaya Nedeylya contended (8/14): "The goal was not the embassy itself but [making] peaceful citizens living near Americans [believe that the Americans] are a threat to them. Public opinion could become anti-American, and due to this pressure, it would be possible to close the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, to separate American diplomats from the local people, to make them feel distrustful and fearful toward each other."

THE NETHERLANDS: "U.S. Merits Full Support In Fight Against Terrorism"

Calvinist-left Trouw commented (8/10): "It is almost impossible to completely protect a country from terrorism's holy war. This is particularly true for a United States that has taken up the task to resolve all problems in the world.... In most cases, the rest of the world, especially Europe, is very happy that the Americans are prepared to do the tough jobs. The bomb attacks in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam show the dangerous sides of being the world's only superpower. True, such terrorist attacks cannot be prevented...but the world should not blindly accept this.... Terrorism hurting mainly innocent people, is a crime against humanity. The United States deserves full support from every country that takes itself seriously in the fight against terrorism."

NORWAY: "Cooperation To Fight Terrorism"

Conservative Aftenposten commented (8/12), "Last Friday's cold-blooded and ruthless attacks on the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania is also an attack on all civilized interaction between nations through diplomacy.... This type of terrorism must never lead to political gain due to increased American isolationism and the abandoning of regions where they feel threatened. There will be more violence--not less-- if the U.S. withdraws from its role as the leading power in the international community."

POLAND: "Who And Why?"

Adam Szostkiewicz maintained in Catholic weekly Tygodnik Powszechny (8/16), "There is no certainty as to the who and why in the attack on the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. It is known that the action was coordinated, that it must have been well prepared--and that means big money. This rather excludes amateurs or debutantes from within the international terrorist community. Hence, a lot of speculation by experts and the media leading to a wealthy Islamist renegade from Saudi Arabia who is at odds with the pro-American regime [in Saudi Arabia].... Embassies were attacked, which--according to international law--is tantamount to an act of aggression, i.e., declaration of war. In this sense, America has the right to immediate defensive action outside the forum of such institutions as the United Nations."

SERBIA-MONTENEGRO: "A Planetary Hypocrisy"

Belgrade's nationalistic Vecernje Novosti published this commentary (8/12) by London correspondent Dejan Lukic: "Each individual death is a genocide in its own right. What is fascinating, however, is the total impotence of the U.S. administration to realize the mechanism of the crime and evaluate its own participation in it.... The question now is will the U.S. administration ever ask itself what part its own global terrorism is playing in the terrorism of which it is the target? The unerring law of life is that an attack provokes a counter attack. Until the day this has been comprehended, Clinton's envoys will be running around the globe, and within the United States, in search of the phantoms of terrorism, but the head of the serpent will not be cut off."

SPAIN: "Globalized Terror"

Liberal El Pais opined (8/11): "Such acts of terrorism spring not from religion itself, although religious zeal may exacerbate them, but rather from obscure political confrontations.... Accordingly, the response to this phenomenon, which is nurtured by the weakness of nations, must be sought at a supranational level. This has been underlined by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in his proposal for the convocation of an international conference on terrorism."

TURKEY: "Simply Unforgivable"

Mim Kemal Oke wrote in the religious/conservative Turkiye (8/13): "The attack on U.S. embassies in Africa is simply unforgivable. Moreover, it is even worse if the allegation regarding 'Islamist terrorists' is true. Why Africa, and why the United States? The ground work can be found in Graham Fuller and Ian Lesser's book on Islam and the geopolitics of the West.... As we are heading toward the 21st century, the gap between the well-off north and the long forgotten poor south is deepening. Africa is the worst affected. On the other hand, Islam is a rising force in Africa, forming a spiritual impetus for the power of opposition to the West. In other words, Islam is about to become an ideology of the forgotten ones in Africa.... Within the next 30 years, Africa will suffer more poverty, unemployment and international debts. This will aggravate extremism. And the United States shouldn't be a scapegoat for the West's neglect. We have to think about global responsibilities again. Because what is now happening in Africa may create troubles not only for the West, but also for Islamic countries."


ISRAEL: "Clinton, Practice What You Preach"

Former MK (Tehiya party) Geula Cohen wrote in popular, pluralist Maariv (8/12): "No mistake spare no efforts to apprehend the culprits,' announced President Clinton.... Well, far from trying to fight terror, the United States actually encourages it.

"How else should we read U.S. pressure on Israel to recognize the terror and crime organization called PLO...or accept Yasser Arafat as a partner to negotiations? What else should we make of the clean bill of health given to the American branches of the PLO and Hamas and the acceptance of Yasser Arafat into the UN? Isn't the demand of Israel to release hundreds of terrorists tantamount to cooperating with terror.... The message Israel carries to the world should go beyond the need to come to the rescue of the victims of terror attacks. It ought to include a stiff warning never to give in to terror under any shape or form - the same message our Prime Minister delivered in a book he once wrote on the issue but which he appears to have since forgotten."

"Israel's Rescue Mission"

The independent Jerusalem Post commented in its lead editorial (8/12): "The sad fact is that American claims that it will punish terrorists lack credibility, and in any case do not go far enough....Terrorism cannot be deterred by endless and inconclusive investigations seeking ironclad proof of responsibility, which is exactly what has led to the lack of anyone paying the price for the bombing of the U.S. Khobar Towers barracks in Saudi Arabia, in June 1996, in which 19 airmen perished. Israel has long known that it is impossible to fight terrorism without holding those who control the territory they come from responsible."

BAHRAIN: "Islam Rejects These Actions"

Leading, semi-official Akhbar Al-Khalij said (8/10): "Islam rejects these actions (the bombing).... Our great religion asks Muslim fighters, even when they are at war, fighting their enemies: 'not to kill the elderly, not to intercept a woman and not to cut a tree.' These are the teachings of Islam. Therefore, our immediate reaction to the reports stating that an Islamic organization claimed responsibility condemns that report and the bombing.... If they (the terrorists) meant to harm America, they harmed themselves and most importantly they harmed one billion Muslims who are clear of these stupid actions."

EGYPT: "Blaming The U.S. Policy Mistakes In The Region"

Dr. Abdel Atti Mohamed wote in pro-government Al-Ahram (8/18): "Some people believe that the two bombings will drive the U.S. to hold a broad deal with Arab and Islamic countries to fight terrorist groups. But this assumption can be refuted by several facts. Domestic circumstances remain to be the main reason behind terrorism. In addition, after the bombings, the U.S. tends to adopt the security outlook in fighting terrorism, while the Arab and Islamic reaction has focused on blaming the U.S. policy mistakes in the region. Even if the two sides agree on the security perspective, there are obstacles to implementing it because it constitutes an unacceptable restriction to the domestic policies of the countries of the region. In addition, no one guarantees the results of a political deal on fighting terrorism and the concessions each party will actually give or gain. What is expected is that the U.S will proceed alone with responding to such acts from a security perspective, while other parties will be waiting in expectation, which means a lot of work should be done for terrorism to decline acutely."

"U.S. Seems To Become Afraid"

Salah Montasser opined in pro-government daily Al-Ahram (8/18): "Obviously, the motive behind the crime of the bombings is to direct a blow at the U.S. Being threatened any place, the U.S. seems to become afraid. The plotters may have achieved part of their goals, but it was at the expense of innocent people, whose number was double that of American victims. The innocent will continue to pay the price with the tightened security measures taken in every American and non-American establishment. The problem is that the U.S. has come to have many enemies in the world. Most probably, the U.S. will find the perpetrator to be one of its former agents.

"Most importantly is that the U.S. should know the reason behind such hatred by many peoples. The U.S. can win the hearts of many people if it exacted justice. Then, it will be in no need of securing any of its embassies or buildings."

"Unjust, Imbalanced American Policies"

Salama Ahmed Salama wrote in pro-government Al-Ahram (8/13): "Undoubtedly, the success of international terrorism to overcome U.S. security measures, as shown in the two bombings, is proof that the roots of terrorism have become very complicated. It is also proof that U.S. policies created international circumstances that are responsible for the nourishment of terrorism..... The United States can pursue the bombing perpetrators. But the unjust and imbalanced American policies will remain a fertile soil for creating terrorists everywhere. Then, it is us who will pay the price of Bin Laden's madness and Clinton's perversion."

JORDAN: "Real Culprit: American Foreign Policy"

Tareq Masarweh wrote in pro-government influential Al-Rai (8/15): "We can tell the American State Department who was the perpetrator... and we are even willing to forego the reward promised for such information. The real culprit is the American foreign policy decision-maker and no one else.... American decision-makers must reconsider their foreign policies and the sanctions to which they subject more than 60 peoples in this world. Washington is not the policeman of the world. It was neither selected by the people of the world, nor by its creator to fulfil His function."

MOROCCO: "America Has Struck Itself"

Government coalition Liberation ran this front page editorial by editor-in-chief Mohamed El Gahs (8/12): "Who is against the Americans? This question can take us far and wide in the world. All it takes is to look at U.S. policy: its arbitrary actions, schemes, arrogance, injustice, cynicism, market-focus, and its alternating stifling presence or exasperating indifference. The United States wants to remake the world, but the world has always wisely renounced this.... Let's say the Islamists did it. It was the United States which created, supplied, and manipulated political extremist groups to destabilize nationalist regimes and counter progressive movements, and this same U.S. has never changed its policy.... If the Islamists are in fact behind the bombings, then who can we blame for this strike against America? America has struck itself through a hand which America has armed."

OMAN: "An Act To Be Condemned''

Said Al-Shaqsi wrote in semi-independent Al-Watan (8/9): "American policy towards the Arab region seeks enemies and enmity. Nevertheless, there is no Arab with any political awareness...who would let his resentment against American policy drive him to commit such an act (as the bombings), which is simply inhuman and more harmful to the Arab cause and Arab-African relations than to relations with Washington. This act also serves Israel's objectives first and foremost. If any of us (Arabs) claims responsibility for this act, he will have committed not a blunder, but rather a crime that deserves only condemnation and expelling the offender from our midst, because he will have harmed us and our cause before all else."

SAUDI ARABIA: "Finding The Criminal"

London-based, pan-Arab Al-Sharq Al-Awsat carried this commentary (8/12) by former Saudi Gazette Editor-in-Chief Ridha Mohammad Larry: "We do not want to defend the Nairobi and Dar es Salaam bombings because we all agree that it is a big crime and its perpetrators deserve firm punishment, but...we want to say that America is responsible for this crime by imposing its policies and economic aggression upon Africa....

"Israel is able to influence Africa by controlling its economy and training the African armed forces; therefore, Israel has the capability of committing such a crime."

"Bin Laden Rumor"

London-based, pan-Arab Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (8/12) printed an opinion piece under the byline of its newly appointed editor-in-chief, Abdulrahman Al-Rashed: "All papers have accused bin Laden and Dr. Al-Dhawahri of being involved in the bombings of the American embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. They might be responsible, but until now no one knows the truth and even both incidents seem to be a bigger than possible operation for a small group. In the current time no one can accuse any party as long as there is no evidence and no one can expect that the American government will change its policies, but that it will escalate its stand and enmity and will impose its hegemony without considering the United Nations or consulting with its allies."

TUNISIA: "This Is Terrorism"

Senior Editor Mohamed Ben Rejeb wrote in independent As-Sabah (8/11): "The bombing of U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Dar Es Salam was a terrorist and criminal act.... The effect of the bombings will be to strengthen the resolve of the U.S. administration to track down and punish perpetrators of terrorist acts.... Some believe that by attacking American interests they will be able to achieve important political objectives.... However, they are mistaken.... It is true that some organizations have struggled for their independence through legal means and obtained the support of U.S. administrations. But organizations that attempt to gain power through illegal means such as bombings, killings and hindering economic interests, must be tracked down and punished."

YEMEN: "Al-Islam Condemns The Bombings'

The Al-Islam Party used its weekly Al-Sahwa to express its condemnation of the bombings (8/12): "An official source of the Yemeni grouping for reform (islah) condemned the bombings of the embassies of the United States in Kenya and Tanzanya which resulted in innocent victims. The source confirmed in a special statement to Al-Sahwa that these regretable events indicate a growth and spread of the phenomenon of violence to new areas, and an evolution in the means of violence. This calls for everyone to engage in a serious and honest search for all the real and latent causes behind the appeaarnce of violence, and to implement sound solutions, based on the principle that sound diagnosis leads to sound treatment. Error and shortcoming in diagnosis will only lead to the continuation and worsening of the errors, and their transformation into dangerous phenomena that will threaten humanity, and its security."


PAKISTAN: "Deporting Suspect Bomber"

An editorial in the center-right Nation remarked (8/18): "There are speculations that the U.S. government may consider military action against Saudi millionaire Osama Bin Laden's base in Afghanistan, once his involvement in the embassy blasts is confirmed.... Actually, the existing development has left Pakistan with two alternatives, both fraught with potential dangers. If it provides refuge to alleged terrorists, it risks getting branded as a terrorist state. If it hands them over to the relevant quarters, like it has done in the present case, it risks arousing possible retaliatory steps from these groups. Pakistan, however, has chosen the high moral ground by opting for the second alternative. It has evinced its intention to cooperate with the international community and counter terrorism in all forms at all levels. The deportation of the blast suspect substantiates Pakistan's commitment to these ideals of state conduct."

"Howaida's Arrest"

Islamabad's rightist English-language Pakistan Observer commented (8/18): "The arrest of the suspect at the Karachi airport is yet another manifestation of Pakistan's commitment against international terrorism, irrespective of the place of its occurrence.... A whispering campaign is, however, current that he was taken into custody in a covert operation carried out by FBI agents, rather than the Pakistani agencies. Despite our reservations about the credibility of these reports, no one would like to remain unconcerned to such covert activities of a foreign security agency on our soil, howsoever friendly might be the concerned state."

"A New Plot"

Hamid Mir held in an op-ed column in popular, Urdu-language Ausaf (8/17): "It is feared that, following the arrest of Mohammed Siddique, the United States could put pressure on Pakistan to assist in (the United States') operation against Osama Bin Laden (in Afghanistan.)... On Osama, Pakistan should adopt a highly guarded policy. It should not take actions which could adversely affect its relations with Taliban."

"Why Terrorists Target The U.S."

An op-ed column by Haroon Siddiqui in the Peshawar-based, independent Frontier Post held (8/17): "Terrorist attacks...are only the twisted and violent manifestation of a general discontent felt across the Muslim world against the United States and the West generally.... Muslims everywhere are tired of the anti-Islamic tirades that pass for North American and European public discourse.... Second, there is the geopolitical reality of America's foreign policy which is heavily pro-Israeli.... There are also several honorable exceptions--such as the humanitarian intervention in Somalia. But cumulatively, American is seen as no friend of Muslims, indeed as a perpetrator of much of modern Islamophobia."

INDIA: "Pakistan: The Sorcerer's Apprentice,"

C. Raja Mohan had this to say (8/17) in the centrist Hindu: "Consider the following headlines about Pakistan in the international media. A suspect in the bombings of American embassies in East Africa is picked up in Karachi trying to flee to Afghanistan.... Here is Pakistan that is on the verge of economic bankruptcy and racked by internal turmoil, but capable of hurting at the same time the interests of such a diverse group of countries as the United States, Russia, Iran, the Central Asian republics and those in East Africa. (Forget India for a moment.)... The Taliban's connections with the anti-Shiite forces in Pakistan are deep, and Pakistan has unleashed a crude form of Wahabi fundamentalism as a challenge to the Islamic revolution in Iran.... All these years, Iran, the Central Asia republics, and China have been unwilling to come out openly against the promotion of terrorism by Pakistan. The United States, which knows more than anyone else about the infrastructure for terrorism in Pakistan and the active use of it by the state agencies in that country, has been unwilling to confront it directly.... America has been and will remain one of the biggest targets of international terrorism...but Washington has rarely empathized with India in its battle against terrorism.... Few countries in the region will be immune from the dangerous forces that Pakistan has nurtured in the last to decades. And unless Pakistan is convinced that its sponsorship of terrorism has a high political price tag to it, Islamabad is unlikely to desist from the present dangerous course it has chosen for itself."

BANGLADESH: "World Must Wait And See Who Perpetrators Are"

According to anti-West Inqilab (8/9): "The American authorities have...not been able to blame anyone for the explosions. But they tried to insert into the incident an indication of Middle Eastern links. But the State Department has no evidence of that.... The explosions in Kenya and Tanzania are certainly terrorist acts and (are) condemnable....

"Terrorism is an abominable crime, but terrorists are not to be hated. The United States must find out why the two attacks, carried on the American embassies."

"Subversive Acts Must Never Be Supported"

Pro-Awami League Bhorer Kagoj opined (8/9), "The strategy to achieve any political or idealistic goals through unconstitutional and subversive acts must never be supported.... Peaceful means to resolve all disputes have been accepted by the world community. Most efforts aimed at peaceful resolution of conflicts have succeeded."

SRI LANKA: "Danger Of Global Terrorism"

The English-language, independent Island held (8/11): "Sri Lanka does not possess an iota of the military prowess of the United States, but ironically, terrorists have not spared either of them and have proven their capability to wreck havoc on both of them. This is the danger of global terrorism. It transcends with ease geographical boundaries that the civilized world is jealously guarding. And the real danger of global terrorism lies in the connivance of certain countries with it, who appear to act on the maxim, 'my enemy's enemy is my friend' if terrorists that operate from their soil pose a threat to perceived enemies of theirs."


AUSTRALIA: "African Terror Attacks Must Be Punished"

The conservative Brisbane Courier Mail (8/11) opined, "This latest act of terrorism...should prompt those involved with the stalled Middle East peace talks. Although there is no established link, the fact that Israel and the Palestinian authority have broken off negotiations gives oxygen to terror groups who claim the Oslo accords are unproductive. All those involved should take this barbarous act as a reminder to return to the negotiating table."

CHINA: "U.S. Intelligence Inability To Infilitrate Terrorist Groups"

Jiu Linger wrote in the official Central Legal and Political Commission Legal Daily (Fazhi Ribao) (8/11): "For many years, the American intelligence institutions have endured low prestige and international isolation. U.S. intelligence agents' inability to infiltrate international terrorist groups enabled the two bombings. It is impossible for Americans who are in the open to guard against terrorists who are in the dark."

JAPAN: "Contemptible, Indiscriminate Terrorism Cannot be Condoned"

An editorial in the top-circulation, moderate Yomiuri observed (8/11), "The international community must also join the United States in dealing resolutely with terrorist attacks.... In the Middle East and West Asia, where acts of terrorism by Islamic fundamentalists are said to be growing, it will be necessary for the United States to exchange information with governments in those regions and also take proper anti-terrorist measures."

"Work To Create A World That Won't Tolerate Acts Of Terrorism"

Moderate Tokyo Shimbun's editorial noted (8/11) "These bombings may have been launched to express opposition to the U.S. dominance of the world after the end of the Cold War. But we cannot condone indiscriminate bombings that kill and injure ordinary citizens.... The United States must deal cautiously with prevailing views that hold Islamic radicals responsible for the latest bombings. In the past, the United States, defying international opinion, conducted air strikes against Libya in retaliation for what was believed to be a Libyan-initiated terrorist attack on American service members in Germany.

"This time, the United States should deal with the situation in a more patient manner. It is, first and foremost, important to strengthen anti-terrorist measures. But a growing sense of dissatisfaction or frustration with the status quo is always behind the birth of such indiscriminate acts of terrorism. The United States, the sole superpower in the post-Cold War world, should not forget that it is now in the position of having a profound impact on the world with its every single action. The United States should not play the role of a policeman alone in the world. If Washington becomes fully aware of the importance of being a fair leader in the international community, it will lead to the termination of terrorism."

NEW ZEALAND: "There Are More Of Us Than Them"

The conservative Waikato Times of Hamilton commented (8/10): "The bombs were aimed at U.S. embassies apparently in anger at Washington's role in extraditing Islamists to Cairo from Albania.... Terrorism unleashes huge waves of hysteria, fury, grief and disbelief. Such acts of violence affect a nation's sense of security and self. U.S. intelligence is already being accused of failing to protect Americans in embassies abroad. A grim-faced President Clinton, briefly diverted from domestic woes said: 'We are determined to get answers.' The hardest thing for people to come to grips with is that even the most powerful nations are impotent in the face of such unexpected strikes. Wars at least define the enemy. With terrorism, it's never clear who the villains are or who they'll hit."

PHILIPPINES: "Cruelty Of International Terrorists"

Former presidential press secretary Jesus C. Sison noted in independent Malaya (8/10): "The simultaneous bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania proved the cruelty of international terrorists. They don't care who they kill or hurt. As of this writing, 107 persons were killed in two bombing incidents. The whole world should agree on measures to stop or minimize international terrorism."


ARGENTINA: "Revenge Will Be Terrible"

Alfredo Grieco y Bavio wrote in left-of-center Pagina 12 (8/11): "As with drugs, when it comes to terrorism, the United States intends to kill the serpent's egg.... When we are dealing with 'free-lance' terrorists--though they are sometimes backed by some states which leave in their hands this peculiar expression of international relations--investigation and revenge are more difficult.... If the investigation is delayed, Americans will discover what they already know: that to them, Islamic fundamentalists are more dangerous, more cryptic and more unpredictable than Oklahoma's Christian fundamentalism."

BARBADOS: "Washington Should Review Its Inflexible, Hostile Policies'

Caribbean commentator Rickey Singh commented in the pro-government Nation (8/14): "Those senseless, cowardly, despicable acts of terrorism must be unequivocally condemned by the Caribbean Comminuty (CARICOM).... That the United States stands accused of organising, or funding and directing terrorist activities in various countries over the years--with Cuba being a victim in this hemisphere--must not prevent an outright condemnation of what the Security Council has rightly identified as 'barbarous terrorist attacks.... More than reviewing security arrangements at American embassies worldwide...Washington should also critically review the wisdom of inflexible, hostile policies towards some nations, mostly in the Arab world."

BRAZIL: "Global Terror"

Center-right O Estado de Sao Paulo stated (8/11): "The attempts in Kenya and Tanzania indicate a new trend that had already been noticed in the attack against the World Trade Center in NYC. As fearful as the states that sponsor fanatic terrorist groups are the persons who finance those groups. Terrorism has become relatively cheap to the point that individual fortunes are sufficient to feed the worst of the political pathologies. It is said that globalization weakens the state's power to benefit companies and individuals. Is it true in this area too?"

CHILE: "The Price And Responsibility Of Power"

Conservative, influential, newspaper-of-record El Mercurio held (8/17), "Washington must not retreat to its boundaries, leaving the most conflictive regions of the world on their own. A significant part of this hate directed toward the United States is because the United States has exercised its responsibility as the world's greatest power.... It would be ideal to achieve international consensus on how to face future conflicts, but the period since the end of the Cold War has gone to show that, without U.S. leadership, difficult decisions are too often postponed indefinitely. Unfortunately, the struggle of small countries or small extremist groups will be increasingly more complex."

COSTA RICA: "Terrorism Is Cowardly And Treacherous"

Independent La Republica carried this lead editorial (8/11), "Terrorism is one of the evils of our time.... The civilized world must condemn these acts with energy and loud shouts of protest. Otherwise, silence will become complicity."

HONDURAS: "International Conference Could Be A Step In Right Direction"

In the view of liberal La Prensa (8/12), "The secretary general of the UN has proposed an international conference. Although not the solution to the problem, it could be on the right road towards one.... If only it doesn't concentrate on denunciations and accusations."

PANAMA: "Stop International Terrorism"

Independent El Universal de Panama said (8/10): "We congratulate President Clinton for his position that we cannot yield to those that do not respect human life or the norms of conduct expected from communities and civilized countries. By working to capture those responsible and making them pay for their crimes we can guarantee life in a civilized world.... Even more important than sharing the pain, more important than the world's repudiation, must be everyone's commitment to provide solutions to stop international terrorism so that all are able to live in a humane and sensitive world."

VENEZUELA: "Terrorism Without End"

Influential, liberal El Nacional opined (8/12): "The United States, France and Russia are competing to sell arms to developing countries. It's big business--the United States alone sells $25 billion--but it is no less certain that the armaments generate tension and destruction, consume enormous resources, and compound the debt of countries that are already financially exhausted. It is right to combat terrorism in the most radical way possible, but is also necessary to reflect on the nature of the violent society that we are building."

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