Global Intelligence Forum Golden Candle Award
Global Intelligence Forum-the international gathering of spies and
intelligence analysts-announces five Golden Candle Award recipients for
1998-award ceremonies 18 May at 0830
Mr. Robert D. Steele and Dr. Mark Lowenthal, OSS Inc. partners and
experienced international intelligence professionals, today announced the
five recipients of the annual international Golden Candle Award. The Award
was established in 1992 to recognize individuals and organizations with
superior understanding of open sources, systems, and services such as to
contribute significantly to the revitalization of the global all-source
intelligence community largely reliant on spies and satellites but not on
schoolboys and open sources.
Past individual winners have included Dr. Stevan Dedijer, founder of the
discipline of business intelligence and behind-the-lines member of the
original Office of Strategic Services; Dr. Douglas Englebart, inventor of
the mouse, computer graphics, hyperlinks, and other vital analysis tools;
Mr. Rop Gonnggrijp, leader of the European hacker community known as
Hac-tic; Dr. Loch Johnson, dean of the intelligence reform movement; Mr.
Roger Karraker, author of the seminal work on "Highways of the Mind" as
published in the Whole Earth Review; Dr. Ross Stapleton-Gray, CIA analyst
described by the NSF as one of America's leading cybernauts; Mr. Winn
Schwartau, author of INFORMATION WARFARE: Chaos on the Information
Superhighway; and Dr. Vipin Gupta with Mr. Frank Pabian, for their
pathfinding work on using commercial imagery to track Indian nuclear test
Organizational winners have included government intelligence organizations
with open minds toward change, such as the J-2 of the Special Operations
Command; the Defense Intelligence Agency; the U.S. Army's PATHFINDER
project; the Department of Justice Center for Missing & Exploited Children;
the EUROPOL Drug Unit; the Swedish Military Intelligence & Security
Directorate; the Italian Servizio Centrale di Investigazione sulla
Criminilata Organizzata (SCICO); the Ministry of the Interior in The
Netherlands; the Metropolitan Police of London; the Belgian Gendarme; and
the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service.
In the private sector, only a few companies have qualified for this
special award. They include Jane'' Information Group, Oxford Analytica,
Eastview Publications, LEXIS-NEXIS, the Institute for Scientific
Information, SPOT Image Corporation, Burwell Associates, and i2 Ltd..
This year, the citations read:
Awarded to Mr. Harry Collier, founding and Managing Director of
Infonortics Ltd.; founder of the Association for Global Strategic
Information; and author of many distinguished publications, the most recent
of which is the electronic publishing maze: strategies in the electronic
publishing industry. Mr. Collier has contributed significantly to the
concurrent development of knowledge in the open source intelligence
community, the business intelligence community, and the information industry.
Awarded to Dr. Mark Maybury, for his vision of web-based analytic tools;
his contribution toward distributive, collaborative open source
exploitation; his leadership of MITRE's Open Source Processing Research
Initiative (OSPRI); his technical leadership in computational linguistics
and intelligent interfaces, and his contributions to the integration of
innovative news on demand, machine translation, web summarization, and
content visualization technologies.
Awarded to Mr. Tom Will, for his balanced approach to developing a defense
open source information capability able to significantly enhance defense
all-source intelligence collection management and defense all-source
intelligence production. In addition, as steward for selected elements of
the national open source program, including training, Mr. Will has been
singled out for recognition as the most accomplished open source manager in
the U.S. government.
Awarded to the national intelligence community of South Africa, including
the foreign, clandestine, military, and domestic intelligence elements, in
recognition of their extraordinary accomplishments during the period of
reconciliation. This community has simultaneously become fully integrated;
embarked on an ambitious program of revitalization including a
community-wide consideration of the utility of open sources & methods; and
contributed significantly to new ideas in support of the African renaissance.
Awarded to Autometric, Inc., in recognition of its broad program to fully
integrate all sources of commercial multi-spectral imagery into a larger
all-source national imagery collection and production architecture, while
simultaneously leading the industry in setting new benchmarks in advanced
visualization, multi-source imagery exploitation, and spatial
decision-support systems development.
The recipients will be presented with their award at 0830 Monday 18 May
1998, at the Marriott Tysons's Corner Hotel. Ample press passes are
available. A copy of the complete program for the event is available at
www.oss.net under Events/OSS '98, or by calling the OSS Inc. conference
office at (703) 506-3743. Interviews for TV and print media readily
arranged Monday. The hotel telephone number is (703) 734-3200. It is
located at the intersection of 495 and Route 7 (Leesburg Pike).
Contact: Mr. Edward Ostentoe or Capt William Horn USN (Ret) at (703)
506-3743. After the event, contact Mr. Robert Steele, OSS Inc., at (703)
242-1700 or bear@oss.net. Complete information about OSS Inc. and its
international activities is available at www.oss.net.
Robert D. Steele, President
4350 Fair Lakes Court, Fairfax, VA 22033 USA
Voice: (703) 242-1700 -- Facsimile: (703) 242-1711
Internet Info: bear@oss.net, Web: www.oss.net