Released: Feb 10, 1998
Onizuka Air Station - BRAC actions result in a reduction of 257 military authorizations from the 750th Space Group which will inactivate in FY 00.
Buckley Air National Guard Base - As a result of a classified mission change, 31 active military and six civilian authorizations will be added. The 21st Space Wing will receive 72 military authorizations to support implementation of the Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS). These actions result in an increase of 103 military and six civilian authorizations.
Robins AFB - The 93rd Air Control Wing will gain three E-8C aircraft resulting in an increase of 330 military and seven civilian authorizations. The Air Logistics Center will also gain 278 civilian authorizations to support increased maintenance workload. The Base Network Control Center will increase by 23 military authorizations.
Nebraska:Furthermore, the 7th Airborne Command & Control Squadron will lose seven EC-135 aircraft resulting in a decrease of 419 military and one civilian authorizations finalizing the transfer of the Airborne National Command Post mission to the Navy. Also, a base support reduction for the previously announced EC-135 reduction will result in a decrease of 40 military authorizations.
Overall, these actions result in a net reduction of 623 military and six civilian authorizations.
Nellis AFB - The 11th Reconnaissance Squadron will gain two UAV systems resulting in an increase of 117 military and two civilian authorizations. As a result of realigning the Air Ground Operations School, 34 military and one civilian authorizations will be gained. Additionally, as a result of the termination of RED FORCE, intelligence support will be reduced by 62 military and two civilian authorizations. Overall, these actions result in an increase of 89 military and one civilian position.
New Mexico:
Holloman AFB
The downsizing of the 4th Space Warning Squadron and its reduction in security support requirements results in a reduction of 51 military authorizations.
Kelly AFB
Classified program adjustments will reduce 49 military and five civilian authorizations.