Released: Dec 5, 1996
Ulchi Focus Lens is a computer modeling and simulation command post exercise designed to test, evaluate and improve combined and joint communications, coordination, procedures, plans and systems needed to conduct contingency operations by the Republic of Korea and the United States.
PACAF has traditionally sought captains and majors who are air operations officers, HC-130 pilots and air traffic controllers. Other desired Air Force specialties have included captain through lieutenant colonel B-52 navigators, F-111 weapon system officers and operations officers, and intelligence officers. Command and control majors, analytical scientist lieutenant colonels, and logistics plans officer majors and lieutenant colonels have also been in demand.
Aerial port, intelligence targeting, intelligence imagery, intelligence electronic signal, and morale, welfare and recreation staff sergeants through master sergeants have historically been needed. PACAF usually looks for staff and technical sergeants in satellite and wide-band communications, and techs and masters in the in-flight refueling and command post specialties.
Before submitting an Air Force Form 49, Application for MPA Man-Day Tour, reservists must coordinate with their unit commander and major command reserve affairs office. The AF Form 49 must include the following statement: "Member will coordinate with their local LGX shop and be issued mobility gear which they will take with them to the exercise."
The completed and coordinated form must reach HQ PACAF/CR by March 30. Selectees will receive written notification by mid-April, and their transportation will be coordinated with the Pacific Airlift Management Office.
Capt. Mary Nilges is the point of contact in Hawaii. Her telephone number is DSN 315-448-0462 or (808) 448-0462. Her fax extension is 3182 and her e-mail address is (Courtesy AFRES News Service)