Tactical Synthetic Aperture Radar [TESAR] is a US Army product under the Program Executive Office for Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (PEO-IEW) and the Project Manager for Night Vision, Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition (PM NV/RSTA) . PM-TESAR is responsible to the Joint Project Office for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (JPO-UAV) for the delivery of the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) payload for use on the Predator UAV as a part of the Medium Altitude Endurance UAV (MAE-UAV) -- Tier II Minus.
The SAR payload on the Predator UAV produces magnitude only SAR imagery in a continuous strip map of one (1) foot resolution in both range and cross range at a maximum data rate of approximately 0.5x10 (to the 6th power) pixels per second. This imagery is transmitted continuously from the UAV to a ground station over a commercial satellite data link channel. In the ground station, image analysts will exploit and annotate the SAR imagery and disseminate it to users world wide.
SOURCE: Northrop-Grumman