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FAS Project on Intelligence Reform

The First N1-L3 SL-X-15 FSL and TV (IMI) on the Pad

Mission: 1102-1 -- Date 11 December 1967 -- Frame A 065

The "2L," N1-L3 on the first completed N1 launch pad is the Facilities System Logistic Test and Training Vehicle. It was sent to the launch pad November 25, 1967 and was returned to the MIK Factory Horizontal Assembly Buidling on December 12, 1967.

The "1L" was the dynamic test vehicle produced in Samara at the Progress Factory and tested in Samara. All the individual stages were dynamically tested. The full stack of N1-L3 was not dynamically tested except in 1/4 scale at TsNIImash in "Korolyov," formerly Kaliningrad. There is evidence to suggest that the "1L" dynamic vehicle was not scrapped.

As early as November-December 1966 marked the arrival on the cosmodrome of the first element of N1-L3 through early 1967, when 1M1's completed payload and upper stages and the parts to build its first stage arrived. Work on N1's infrastructure on the cosmodrome was staked out in the Spring 1963 with full ground breaking starting in August 1963. Work on the first "J" east pad started in September 1964 while the west pad work started in February 1966. The "J" east pad was not completed until August 1967 while the west "J" pad was completed in November-December, 1968.

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Created by Charles P. Vick, Sara D. Berman, and
Christina Lindborg, Scoville Fellow
Created by John Pike
Maintained by Webmaster

Updated Friday, February 28, 1997