Since late September of 1996, sixteen highly-select juniors at Princeton University's
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, supported by three seniors and
a graduate student have endeavored to understand, evaluate, and propose recommendations
for reform of the US Intelligence Community in the post-Cold War era. As a CIA Officer-in-Residence on the Faculty of the Woodrow Wilson School, I had the privilege and pleasure
of designing and conducting this unique program.
These eager students had two major tasks before them -- intertwined, yet distinct.
The first was the Final Conference Report (this document), which was the cumulative result
of the Conference. The second task (from which the Final Report was synthesized) was each
junior's independent research paper, which individually addressed particular post-Cold War
era challenges for intelligence. These exercises not only required the students to intimately
understand their own topics, but to be familiar with their classmates' research topics,
arguments, and points of view. Students then had to debate and negotiate which
recommendations they felt represented the consensus of the Conference and merited
inclusion in this Report. They had to decide how to handle dissent as well.
Several Presidential Commissions and Think Tank task forces on Intelligence Reform
labored on this topic in late 1995 and early 1996. However, work remained to be done on
the topic and it required examination from a fresh, 'outside the beltway' perspective. The
students were challenged to go beyond these existing efforts. Yet, they would do it with only
6-8 weeks of background preparation in a field unknown to them except through movies and
By definition, a Policy Conference on a topic as esoteric as Intelligence Reform was
bound to carry unique challenges, many not apparent at first blush. Typically, Policy
Conference topics at the Woodrow Wilson School address topics more broadly recognized
and understood by the general public (welfare, health care, etc.) In this case, Conference
members first had to learn about the arcane world of intelligence: beginning with its history,
successes, failures, and major events throughout its evolution and development in the Cold
War. Without a solid education and foundation about intelligence in the Cold War, they
could not address the questions central to the Conference.
Yet, more difficulties raised the ante for these juniors to master the topic: how do
you study something which is traditionally secret? The bibliographies which I was able to
provide drew exclusively on unclassified or declassified materials; yet these sources cannot
always tell the whole story. The students would experience the frustrations of working with
incomplete information in their research. An experience not uncommon to intelligence
analysts! Additionally, those sources would only get the conference members well into the
Cold War period. What about the post-Cold War era? Since the post-Cold War period
constitutes only the five most recent years of 'history,' there was no extant body of literature
upon which to draw.
A combination of 'sources and methods' set the stage and prepared students for the tasks
ahead of them: they read extensively on the subject, attended my classroom lectures, and
were challenged by a seriesÊof impressive senior officials from the policy, intelligence, and
academic communities who have all played a role in the governmentÕs recent efforts to
undertake Intelligence Reform.
The students had to grasp how this complex, sometimes ad hoc system was
ÔsupposedÕ to work, determine how well it was working against that Ôideal,Õ and then
evaluate intelligenceÕs appropriate roles and missions as they should be applied in the post-
Cold War era, leading to their final conclusions and recommendations for reform.
(Presented herein.) If they determined the system, or parts thereof, to be "broken" or in need
of repair, they had to evaluate all the costs and consequences of their reform proposals. It
was not beyond the pale for students to propose recommendations requiring changes in
statutes or Executive Orders.
Conference members approached the question with no preconceived notions or conclusions
regarding the state of health of US intelligence. Nor did they have any desire or motivation
to either maintain or disturb the status quo. They were soon to discover, as had many before
them, that many, many complex issues lurk beneath the surface of the simplest questions.
By the end of the Conference, they would see how nearly all questions and proposed
solutions, as disparate as they might appear, were in fact linked in some fashion.
To support the broad topic of Intelligence Reform, students also engaged in individual,
expert research on specific topics related to Intelligence Reform. For example, What isÊthe
appropriate relationship between intelligence and law enforcement? Should the environment
be on the intelligence agenda in an era of scarce resources? Are the intelligence customers
satisfied? What about transnational threats? How much secrecy do we need today? Is the
oversight process adequate? And many, many more challenging questions - which the
students discovered were intertwined and sometimesÊinextricable from larger issues, such as
questions of authority and resources.
Speakers who addressed the Conference provided critical background information,
professional experience, or theoretical foundations upon which the students could pursue
their queries into intelligence today. These speakers included the former Chief Historian
from CIA, Dr. Gerald K. Haines, who candidly put into context much of what they had read.
His presentation laid out "the good, bad and the ugly" of intelligence from a historian's
perspective throughout the Cold War. Another senior CIA official, Dr. John Hedley also
spent a lengthy session with the Conference. In 1994, Hedley conceived of and published a
"Checklist for Future of Intelligence" while teaching at Georgetown. This checklist served
as a bit of a road map later used by the Presidential Commission on the Roles and
Capabilities of U.S. Intelligence (Aspin-Brown Commission). This presentation put the
students on the first road to answering the question "How does one approach Intelligence
Enlightening first-hand sessions came from the Staff Director of the Aspin-Brown
Commission, Britt Snider, and his deputy, John Moseman, as they recounted the life and
times of that Commission's efforts. Both spoke openly about sources and fates of various
ideas and recommendations. Here, the students began to see many of the personal and
political dynamics at work in a system such as the intelligence community and its
complicated relationships with defense and policy.
Highlighting the role of science and technology in facilitating the relationships and work
within the intelligence and policy communities was the Associate Deputy Director for
Science and Technology, Mr. Peter M. Daniher. The students gained an appreciation of how
Internet technology is used to support intelligence producers and policy consumers.
A recognized academic scholar on intelligence and a member on the Aspin-Brown
Commission, University of Georgia Regents Professor Loch K. Johnson also addressed the
students. Dr. Johnson's presentation drew on his research and publications on intelligence
and democracy, as well as his 20 years of experience serving on various executive and
legislative intelligence committees. Dr. Johnson brought an important theoretical perspective
on the relationship between secrecy and democracy which commission members factored
into their recommendations for the proper use of secret agencies in our US democracy.
Finally, no matter how many fine recommendations are made, they must become law
in order to be effective. Mr. Chris Straub, Minority Staff Director for the Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence gave a riveting presentation on the dynamics leading to the
FYÕ97 Intelligence Authorization Act. This presentation showed the students what fate
may await their own recommendations and provided an essential dose of ÒrealityÓ to the
It was a pleasure to be able to draw on my colleagues from the intelligence and
policymaking communities who willingly gave of their time and experience to support this
unique project at Princeton. They pulled no punches and did not hesitate to reveal to the
students how intangibles such as personality and organizational culture can be the same
stubborn obstacles to reform as amending an act of Congress.
Adding to the balancing act, the students were constantly working in a "live" environment,
where articles appeared daily in the media which affected their research topics and results.
Students learned that views and events could change overnight on certain issues; for
example, the Intelligence Authorization Act was debated and passed while the Conference
was in session. So their learning and research environments were not static, but dynamic,
making the work all the more challenging -- but certainly more exciting as well.
In addition to the literature and outstanding personal support of experts that Conference
members had, this report benefited from the 'virtual' support of several world wide web sites
whose plethora of documents relevant to Intelligence Reform were invaluable for student
research and debate. Oftentimes the material on the web provided broader perspectives and
more controversial views than the students necessarily encountered in class or literature
review. Discovering many of these 'treasures' often led students to spend many hours with
me in consultation regarding credibility of sources, background, etc.
Technology and the modern age truly enabled collaboration among the students and gave
them almost instant access to many government and other documents for their research and
investigations. This report contains many citations whose reference is in fact a world wide
web location.
The three Senior Commissioners and one Graduate Consultant worked with small student
subgroups to give them additional review and guidance for their research and writing. They
also assisted them in preparing summaries for submission and formulating recommendations
to be taken to the Conference at large for debate and eventual inclusion in this report.
This Conference has designed a new framework for intelligence in the post-Cold
War era and therewith presents a coherent set of recommendations to enable that framework:
some maintaining the status quo, others "dabbling around the margins," and still some
radical and provocative. The Conference Report addresses a great many questions, but the
reader will certainly discern several common denominators and recurring themes :
HUMINT is essential to addressing the transnational threats facing the US
and world. It should be given adequate resources to meet these threats, and intelligence
managers may need to be more creative in deploying human source collectors.
The Intelligence Community must reach out and broaden its cooperation
within the IC, with NGOs, academia, and industry. Vast expertise lies waiting to be
tapped. This recommendation includes integration with the policy community and
stronger interagency coordination.
Support to the Senior Policymaker / Diplomat is on a par with Support to
Military Operations and must be given equal priority for resources. This report
recommends halting trends which appear to have drained civilian resources and
I believe that all members of the Conference learned a great deal from the experience
of studying Intelligence in the post-Cold War Era. Students gained new research skills,
knowledge about their own government and democracy, and the ability to think more
critically and analytically. For the first time, they worked on a collaborative product,
achieved consensus, and accommodated dissent, all on a level playing field where the subject
was new to each player.
This report is a testimony to the commitment and hard work of the students, who
often felt it would never end. Senior officials from inside the beltway and their Faculty
Director, myself, now outside the beltway, kept them on track with support and inspiration,
sometimes with correction or redirection. The 1996 Woodrow Wilson School Policy
Conference on Intelligence Reform in the Post Cold War Era should be proud of its efforts
and contribution to this unique field in Public and International Affairs. I count it a privilege
to have been the Director of such a fine group of Policy Conference students and more so, an
honor that they chose to call this the Snyder Commission Report, stemming from their belief
that they functioned more as a commission than as a conference. I wish these students all the
best in their future endeavors.
Diane C. Snyder
Faculty Director
The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ