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A8.1.1. Global Geospatial Information & Services (GGI& S). Worldwide, accurate, current, spa-tially co- referenced, attributed feature information about the earth arranged in a coherent structure to support measurement, mapping, monitoring, modeling, terrain elevation, and spatial reasoning appli-cations.
A8.1.2. GGI& S Community. Refers to the combined efforts of any and all U. S. organizations deal-ing with the planning, collection, production, dissemination, ordering, or exploitation of GGI& S for the purposes of supporting the JCS, Unified Commands, Services, and agencies.
A8.2. Aeronautical Products. A specialized representation of mapped features of the Earth, or some part of it, produced to show selected terrain, cultural, and hydrographic features, and supplemental infor-mation required for air navigation, pilotage, or for planning air operations.
A8.2.1. Global Navigation and Planning Chart (GNC). Worldwide small- scale (1: 5, 000,000) aeronautical chart series. Used for high- altitude, high- speed, extended long- range navigation and flight planning.
A8.2.2. Jet Navigation Chart (JNC). A worldwide small- scale( 1: 2, 000, 000) aeronautical chart series. Used for high- altitude, high- speed, long- range navigation and planning and as a source for navigational filmstrips.
A8.2.3. Operational Navigation Chart (ONC). The ONC is the standard worldwide small- scale (1: 1,000,000) aeronautical chart series, and contains cartographic data with an aeronautical overprint depicting obstructions, aerodromes, special use airspace, navigational aides, Maximum Elevation Fig-ures (MEFs), and related data. Because of scale, some features, including obstructions, are general-ized in developed regions. A Military Grid is overprinted for interoperability, especially in regions of no TPC coverage. Designed for medium altitude high- speed visual and radar navigation. Also used for mission planning/ analysis and intelligence briefings, and as source for navigational filmstrips, spe-cial purpose, and cockpit/ visual display products.
A8.2.4. Tactical Pilotage Chart (TPC). The TPC is the standard worldwide medium- scale aeronau-tical chart series (1: 500,000). TPCs provide essential cartographic data appropriate to scale, and are overprinted with stable aeronautical information such as obstructions, aerodromes, special use air-space, navigational aids, MEFs, and related data. Cartographic data with aeronautical overprint depicting obstructions, aerodromes, special use airspace, navigational aids and related data. Because of scale, some features, including obstructions, are generalized in developed regions. A Military Grid is overprinted for interoperability. Designed for very low- altitude through medium- altitude high- speed visual and radar navigation. TPCs are also used for mission planning/ analysis and intelli- 184
A8.2.5. Joint Operations Graphic- Air (JOG- A) Chart. The standard DoD medium scale chart, 1: 250,000 scale. The JOG- A is a standard series modified for aeronautical use. The JOG- A displays topographic data such as: relief, drainage, vegetation, populated places, cultural features, coastal hydrography, aeronautical overprint depicting obstructions, aerodromes, special use airspace, naviga-tional aids and related data. The JOG- A supports tactical and other air activities including low alti-tude visual navigation.
A8.2.6. Chart Updating Manual (CHUM). A semi- annual publication containing a complete list of published aeronautical charts and a list of known corrections, if any, to each chart. A CHUM supple-ment is published monthly during the five months between issues of the complete CHUM and con-tains a cumulative listing of additional corrections since the previous CHUM was published. The CHUM is used to manual amendment of selected aeronautical charts with update or corrected infor-mation pertaining to safety of navigation. The contents of the CHUM include chart series, chart name, edition number, aeronautical information, current date and corrections for the available charts in a given series. The CHUM lists only the known chart discrepancies that meet the CHUM criteria and which are received on or before the published cut- off date. The chart corrections found in the CHUM are retained in the CHUM or CHUM Supplements until the chart in question is obsolete or replaced by a new edition.
A8.2.7. Electronic CHUM (ECHUM). ECHUM will contain the same information as the CHUM but the information is accessible by dial- up capability/ electronically accessible.
A8.2.8. Flight Information Publications (FLIP). Provides aeronautical information required by aircrews in flight and is designed for worldwide use in conjunction with the Enroute Supplements. A series of textual and graphic products aligned to the three phases of Flight Planning (Planning Docu-ment), Enroute, (Flight Information Handbook, Enroute Supplement, Enroute Charts, Terminal Area Charts, Area Arrival Chart Depicting Terrain Data), and Terminal (Terminal Instrument Approach Procedures, Standard Instrument Departure Procedures). These products are geographically grouped into seven regions. They are published in 28- day cycles to coincide with internationally established effective dates. Designed primarily for use in instrument flight conditions and for planning. Product is critical to the safety of flight.
A8.3. Topographic Products.
A8.3.1. City Graphic. Large- scale lithographic map of populated places and environs portraying streets and through- route information. Features include important buildings, airfields, military instal-lations, industrial complexes, embassies, government buildings, hospitals, schools, utilities, and places of worship. Militarily significant relief is shown. A guide to numbered buildings and an index to street names are provided in the margin. Used to support administrative and tactical planning and operations in urban areas.A8.3.2. Joint Operations Graphic - Ground (JOG- G). The standard DoD 1: 250, 000 scale medium scale map. This series is produced by several nations using the same product specification. The JOG- G displays topographic data such as: relief, drainage, vegetation, populated places, cultural features and coastal hydrography. The JOG- G supports ground forces employed in joint air/ ground operations and is used primarily for tactical and logistical planning and search and rescue. 185
A8.4. Digital Products.
A8.4.1. ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (ADRG). ADRG is a standard NIMA digital product designed to support applications that require a raster map background display. Paper maps and charts are converted into digital format by raster scanning and transforming the data into the Equal Arc- Sec-ond Raster Chart/ Map (ARC system frame of reference). Data collected from a single map/ chart series and scale are maintained as a worldwide seamless data base of raster graphic data, with each pixel having a distinct geographic location. NIMA has produced more than 4,500 CD- ROM titles with worldwide coverage of GNC, JNC, ONC, and TPC products. Extensive coverage of JOGs is pro-vided, and some coverage is provided of TLM 100s and TLM 50s, for high- interest areas.
A8.4.2. ARC Digital Raster Imagery (ADRI). ADRI is digital imagery produced to support vari-ous Air Force weapons and mission support systems. ADRI is currently produced from panchromatic SPOT commercial imagery which is orthorectified using NIMA DTED or other elevation data to remove terrain displacement and other distortions which may be present within the original source imagery. ADRI can be used as a digital map substitute, as a background display for command and control systems, as controlled imagery for draping during terrain visualization, and as a metric foun-dation for anchoring other spatial data in geographic information systems or to anchor more current imagery for interpretation. A joint requirement has been recognize, and is being documented, for abroad- area CIB.
Composite Data Geographic object composed of a raster product format frame (RPF) with vector product format (VPF) features located within the boundaries and text product format paragraphs whose indexes fall within the boundaries.
Raster Data A representation of Geospatial data characterized by a matrix of evenly spaced rows and columns of data points. These data points (Pixels) typi-cally represent some value at that point, while the position within the col-umns and rows determines the geographic position. Raster data structures are typically used to record scanned maps and charts, image data, or grided data.
Vector Data Data which represents each cartographic feature by an entity description (feature code) and a spatial extent (geographic position). Geographic posi-tion may be two- dimensional (horizontal position only) or three- dimen-sional (including elevation). Features are categorized as point, line, or area features. The position of a point feature is described by a string of coordi-nated of points lying along the line, while the extent of an area feature is described by treating its boundary as a line feature. Vector data may be stored in a sequential, a chain node, or a topological data structure. 186
A8.4.4. Controlled Image Base (CIB). CIB is unclassified digital imagery, produced to support mission planning and command, control, communications, and intelligence systems. CIB will be used as a map substitute for emergencies and crises in the event that maps do not exist or are outdated. CIB is panchromatic digital imagery and is produced from SPOT commercial imagery that has been orthonormalized using NIMA DTED. CIB is RPF and NITF compliant.
A8.4.5. Digital Feature Analysis Data (DFAD). DFAD is a standard NIMA product that supports radar return simulation, navigation and terrain obstruction studies. When combined with DTED, DFAD provides an off- line data base for use by weapon system flight simulators and other types of simulation, such as line of sight, obstruction, and perspective view development. It portrays major natural and man- made features on the Earth's surface; the features and associated attributes of which are generally of radar reflectance significance. Content is derived from both cartographic and photo-grammetric source material.
A8.4.6. Digital Chart of the World. A comprehensive 1: 1,000,000 scale vector base map of the world. It consist of cartographic, attribute and textual data stored on CD- ROM. The primary source for the data base is the NIMA's ONC series. This is the largest scale unclassified map series in exist-ence that provides consistent, continuous global coverage of essential base map features. The data base contains more than 1,500 megabytes of vector data and is organized into 17 thematic layers. The data includes major road and rail networks, major hydrologic drainage systems, major utility net-works, all major airports, elevation contours, coastlines international boundaries and populated places. The DCW also has an index of geographic names to aid in locating areas of interest.
A8.4.7. Digital Point Positioning Data Base (DPPDB). A new digital product produced by NIMA, replacing the hard copy Point Positioning Data Base product. The DPPDB provides the warfighter with a deployable data base, in a computer workstation environment from which latitude, longitude, and elevation can be quickly and accurately derived on digital image exploitation systems.
A8.4.8. Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED). DTED was originally developed in the 1970s to support aircraft radar simulation and prediction. DTED supports many applications, including line- of- sight analyses, terrain profiling, 3- D terrain visualization, mission planning/ rehearsal, and modeling and simulation. DTED is a standard NIMA product that provides medium resolution, quan-titative data in a digital format for military system applications that require terrain elevation. DTED Level 1 has a post spacing of 3 seconds or 100 meters. DTED Level 2 has a post spacing of 1 second or 30 meters.
A8.4.9. Vector Smart Map (VMAP). A collection of data bases that provide vector- based geo- spa-tial data at low, medium, or high resolution. These data are separated into nine thematic layers and are topologically structured. This product is designed to support geographical information system analy-sis and can be used for various situation/ map background displays. VMAP Level 0 contains the low- resolution feature and attribute content of ONC. VMAP Level 1 will contain the feature and attribute content similar to JOG scale. VMAP level 2 will have the feature and attribute content sim-ilar to TLM scale. VMAP is VPF and NITF compliant. 187
A8.5.1.1. Semiannual Bulletin Digest for Aeronautical Products (CATP1UBD). Used to update Part 1.
A8.5.2. Part 3, Topographic Products, Volume I, All Scales (CATP3V01U). This catalog identi-fies the topographic products available from NIMA.
A8.5.2.1. Semiannual Bulletin Digest for Topographic Products (CATP3V01UBD). Used to update Part 3.
A8.5.3. Part 3, Topographic Products, Volume II, Classified Topographic Maps and Rel at ed Products (SECRET) (CATP3V02C). This catalog identifies the classified topographic products available from NIMA.
A8.5.3.1. Semiannual Bulletin Digest for Classified Topographic Maps and Related P r o d-ucts (CONFIDENTIAL) (CATP3V02CBD). Used to update Part 3, Vol II.
A8.5.4. Part 4, Target Material Products, Volume I, Air Target Materials Charts ( CONFI -DENTIAL) (CATP4V01). A semiannual publication listing air target materials.
A8.5.5. Part 7, Digital Data Products, Volume I, Terrain, Feature and World Vec t or Shore -line Data (CATP7V01). Provides information on the availability of DTED and DFAD.
A8.5.6. Part 7, Digital Data Products, Volume III, ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (CATP7V03). Contains aeronautical and topographic ADRGs that are portrayed graphically and listed by stock number.
A8.5.7. Consolidated Air Target Materials Notices/ Target Materials Bulletin, Vol u me I (SECRET) (CATP4CATMNV1). Contains informational articles and ATM change notices in tex-tual form. Provides an inventory of previously published and new ATM changes to Series 200 Air Target Charts and Series 1501 Radar Joint Operations Graphics.
A8.5.8. Consolidated Air Target Materials Notices/ Target Materials Bulletin, Vol u me I I (SECRET) (CATP4CATMNV2). Contains ATM changes notices in graphic form. Provides an inventory of previously published and new ATM changes to Series 200 Air Target Charts and Series 1501 Radar Joint Operations Graphics.
A8.5.9. NIMA Chart Updating Manual (CATP1CHUM). Produced semi- annually, contains a complete list of published charts for each series and a list of known corrections, if any, to each chart.
A8.5.10. NIMA Chart Updating Manual Supplement (CATP1CHUMSUP). Published monthly during the five months between issues of the complete CHUM and contain a cumulative listing of additional corrections.
A8.5.11. NIMA Interim Catalog of Controlled Image Base (CIB) Products (CATP7V04). This catalog contains CIB graphics along with text pages showing stock numbers. 188
A8.6.1. DEW_ Drop DPPDB Exploitation. DEW_ Drop allows the user to quickly and accurately view DPPDB imagery and to perform point mensuration.
A8.6.2. Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy Utility Software Environment (MUSE). MUSE repre-sents an effort to develop a standard suite of software to access NIMA digital data sets and work with standard NIMA datum transformations and coordinate conversions. The MUSE objectives are to pro-vide multiple system platform interpretability (MS- DOS, Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX), access to standard NIMA products, NIMA standard datum transformations and coordinate conversions, and applications demonstrating NIMA digital data synergy and exploitation. The standard NIMA spatial (raster) products that can be accessed are ADRG, ADRI, CADRG, CIB, and DTED. The standard NIMA VPF products that can be accessed are DCW and VMAP. MUSE applications are provided to demonstrate raster/ vector map construction and manipulation, raster/ elevation draping and perspec-tive views, and raster elevation line of sight analysis.
A8.6.3. Vector Product Format VIEW (VPFVIEW). The VPFVIEW software designed to access any database implemented in VPF and query data contained in any VPF data base but its analytical capability is limited to constructing views and themes. It enable you to select data for display by geo-graphic region as well as type.
Datum A math model of the Earth's shape used as a basic reference to cal-culate position coordinates, heights, and distances. The datum is the origin or point of reference.
WGS 84 World Geodetic System 1984 is the official DoD positional refer-ence system. WGS 84 is a unified earth- centered model of the globe based on improved geometric, geodetic, and gravity infor-mation. WGS 84 relates positions on the other datums to a single interoperable standard. 189
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