Air Force
Intelligence and Security Doctrine






This Air Force instruction (AFI) implements Air Force Policy Directive 36-21, Utilization and Classification of Air Force Military Personnel, and Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 5210.42, Nuclear Weapon Personnel Reliability Program (PRP), May 25, 1993. It explains how certifying officials screen, select, and monitor people who work with nuclear weapons and direct the removal of all individuals with questionable reliability. This AFI does not apply to the Air Reserve Components (ARC).

This instruction requires the collection of information protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. Your authority to collect this information is in Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 8013. System of Records Notice F030 AF MP A, Personnel Data System, also applies.

Coordinate major command (MAJCOM) level publications with Headquarters Air Force Military Personnel Center, Assignment Programs Section (HQ AFMPC/DPMRIP1), 550 C Street W Suite 32, Randolph AFB TX 78150-4734. Address only Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) management in these instructions. Process supplements that affect any military personnel function as shown in AFI 37-160, volume 1, table 3.2, The Air Force Publications and Forms Management Program--Developing and Processing Publications (formerly Air Force Regulation (AFR) 5-8). See attachment 1 for references, abbreviations, acronyms, terms, and addresses.


This is the first publication of AFI 36-2104. This revision streamlines PRP procedures; elevates administrative certification authority to unit commanders versus headquarters squadron section commander; identifies the MSSQ commander (CC) as the senior commander's representative on PRP matters; deletes the unit PRP monitor responsibilities; changes the Social Actions Office and Family Support Center responsibilities to base agency responsibilities; changes duration for suspense and interim certifications and suspension; establishes the Wing CC (or equivalent) as the approval or disapproval authority for permanently decertifying and reinstating DoD civilians to PRP duties; moves PRP status codes and decertification cause codes to attachments; and moves all figures for certification and decertification to PC-III Help screens.

Chapter 1


1.1. Headquarters US Air Force (HQ USAF):
1.1.1. The Assignment Programs Section (HQ AFMPC/DPMRIP1) monitors the PRP.
1.1.2. The Directorate of Civilian Personnel (HQ USAF/DPCW) monitors civilian PRP matters and annual reporting to DoD.
1.1.3. The Clinical Quality Management Division (HQ AFMOA/SGPC) coordinates medical issues.

1.2. MAJCOM Directorate of Personnel. Administers the PRP for the command and serves as liaison on PRP matters within the command staff. Designates, in writing, military and civilian PRP monitors for the MAJCOM-level PRP.

1.3. MAJCOM PRP Monitor:

1.3.1. Advises and assists all serviced organizations.
1.3.2. Recommends improvements to the PRP and prepares the MAJCOM PRP supplement, if necessary.
1.3.3. Works with the MAJCOM Weapons Safety Officer (WSO) on PRP matters.

1.3.4. Provides checklists and guidance to the MAJCOM inspector general (IG) teams and validates IG findings on PRP.
1.3.5. Reviews the content of MAJCOM PRP training courses.
1.3.6. Establishes MAJCOM procedures in coordination with other MAJCOM offices sharing PRP responsibilities.
1.3.7. Coordinates MAJCOM procedures with the HQ USAF OPR.
1.3.8. Provides annual certification and decertification statistics on contractors to HQ AFMPC/DPMRIP1 and on DoD civilians to HQ USAF/DPCW. These statistics are due by 15 January (RCS: DD-C3I-1403).
1.4. HQ AFSA/SENS. Determines PRP position categories for critical, controlled or noncoded duties when required. Administers PRP contractor and contingency operations requirements.

Chapter 2


2.1. Wing Commanders. Supervise the PRP for the wing.
2.1.1. Review all permanent decertification case files started by subordinate units. For DoD civilians, send copies of your decision to HQ USAF/DPCW and the MAJCOM/DPC.
2.1.2. Approve or disapprove requests for removal of permanent decertification for people in subordinate units. Ensure the case history arrives at HQ AFMPC/DPMRIP1 (military) or HQ USAF/DPCW (civilians) and the Mission Support Squadron commander. Do not remove permanent decertifications if the cause was drug abuse or alcohol dependency (see attachment 1).
2.1.3. Determine the need, frequency, agenda, and participants of base PRP meetings.
2.1.4. Ensure annual staff assistance visits (SAV) to units with an active PRP are conducted and documented in writing.
2.1.5. Ensure that base agencies have procedures for notifying unit commanders of any potentially disqualifying information (PDI) on PRP-certified personnel.
2.1.6. Instruct commanders on their role under the PRP.

2.2. Group and Unit Commanders:
2.2.1. Certify, decertify, and remove personnel according to DoD Directive 5210.42 and local procedures (see attachment 2). Administratively certify non-PRP individuals within 30 days of notification of their assignment to a PRP position. Certify individuals upon their arrival to the location before they perform any PRP duties. Document these certifications and decertifications on the Report on Individual Person (RIP) Personnel Reliability program Administrative Certification (PRPCER), AF Form 286, Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) Certificate, or AF Form 286A, Notification of Personnel Reliability Program Permanent Decertification Action. For DoD civilians, annotate the AF Form 971, Supervisors Employee Brief, to record PRP certification. In the event the AF Forms 286 or 286A are not in the unit personnel record group, obtain the certification or decertification dates from the personnel or medical records and reaccomplish the form.
2.2.2. Identify each position requiring a PRP-certified individual, coding only the minimum number of PRP positions and reevaluate annually. In some cases you may require additional-duty PRP positions. Certify those selected for additional-duty PRP positions according to this instruction, but do not document these requirements on the Unit Manning Document.
2.2.3. Delegate certification or decertification authority in writing to a certification official (CO) when the number of certifications warrant (attachment 1).
2.2.4. Screen personnel records and arrange for medical records screening or medical examination for each PRP candidate.
2.2.5. Initiate the appropriate security investigation (see AFI 31-501, Personnel Security Program Management [formerly AFR 205-32]) making sure the local security police accept it and forward it off base to the Defense Investigative Service (DIS). (See paragraphs 2.2.10 through 2.2.13 and attachment 3). Ensure Defense Investigative Service (DIS) completes a current single scope background investigation (SSBI) or higher investigation on each person in a position designated critical before certifying them. The term SSBI, as used in this instruction, includes the single scope background investigation (SSBI), special background investigation (SBI), or background investigation (BI). Ensure DIS completes a current security clearance with a favorable National Agency Check (NAC) or higher investigation on each person in a controlled position before certifying them. The term NAC, used in this instruction, includes the Entrance National Agency Check (ENTNAC) and the National Agency Check Plus Written Inquiries (NACI).
2.2.6. Ensure that individuals certified for PRP meet all the following criteria: Have an S-1 physical profile (for civilians, physical competence, and mental alertness). Are technically competent to perform the assigned duties. Have the required security investigation (see paragraph 2.2.5) and a security clearance level commensurate with the security classification of information required for the position. Disqualify a person from PRP duties when security clearance is withdrawn for cause (see attachment 2). Have a positive attitude toward nuclear weapons duty and the objectives of the PRP. Are not under consideration for separation for cause, under court-martial charges, or awaiting civilian trial for felony charges. NOTE: The certifying official can temporarily decertify an individual pending the outcome of these actions. Are US citizens or US Nationals. Do not have a history of drug abuse. With the exception of preservice cannabis use, all other drug abuse and misuse is permanently disqualifying. Candidates must not have a history of nonprescription steroid use, or mood or mind altering drug use that could cause flashbacks (LSD or PCP are examples). Candidates do not have a diagnosis of alcohol dependence.
2.2.7. Determine the person's reliability by studying the person's past behavior. Review the person's job or duty history. For civilian candidates with prior active duty service, contact HQ AFMPC/DPMRIP1 and verify that no prior record of permanent decertification exists. Get comments from base agencies such as the Medical Treatment Facility (MTF), Military Personnel Flight (MPF), Civilian Personnel Flight (CPF), Social Actions (SA), Family Support Center (FSC), Security Police (SP), and the Office of Special Investigations (OSI). Consider all potentially disqualifying information (PDI) uncovered during certification and continuously monitor the person's behavior to detect signs of unreliable performance before any compromise can occur.
2.2.8. Do not suspend or decertify people with an illness, injury, or disease that requires hospitalization or placement on quarters if their reliability is not in question.
2.2.9. Personally interview each PRP candidate, including DoD civilian candidates, for PRP positions. See attachment 4 for sample interview topics.
2.2.10. Make sure that all security investigations are less than 5 years old for initial PRP assignments. If the person has been out of PRP for over 5 years, or the individual had a break in service of 2 or more years since their last investigation, then initiate a new investigation (see attachment 1).
2.2.11. Ensure that people certified for critical PRP positions have a periodic reinvestigation (PR) every 5 years. Initiate the PR when the person's current investigation (SSBI) is 4 years, 6 months old. Remove from PRP duties persons for whom investigations over 5 years old have not been requested (or have been lost), or accepted and forwarded to DIS. Return to duty when the PR has been forwarded to DIS.
2.2.12. COs may formally certify people on their second or subsequent assignment to a critical or controlled position when the investigation is over 5 years old. The person must have performed PRP duties in the past 5 years without a break in service or employment of more than 2 years. The security police must forward a PR to DIS (see attachment 3) before formal certification for critical PRP duties.
2.2.13. Start new investigations on people who are projected to a critical PRP position prior to administrative certification. Accomplish all administrative certification within 30 days of assignment notification. Do not delegate administrative certification authority below squadron commander level. COs must request PRs when an investigation is 4 years, 6 months old (or older) between the assignment notification date and the projected departure date. The security police must accept and forward investigations to DIS before you administratively certify the person for PRP.
2.2.14. Interim certify people when necessary to accomplish the mission (see attachment 3).
2.2.15. Record all PDI resulting in suspension or decertification on AF Form 164, Personnel Reliability Program Notification and Suspension Log, or by local methods.
2.2.16. See that inbound personnel allocations carry the appropriate Personnel Processing Code (PPC). If the code is incorrect or missing, contact the losing commander or MPF to complete administrative certification.
2.2.17. Update PDS codes so they reflect the person's current PRP status (attachments 5 and 6).
2.2.18. Create procedures to immediately remove suspended or decertified individuals from PRP duties. Inform the DBMS, MPF and other base agencies of your actions in writing, when appropriate. Refer to the CPF for help in placing permanently decertified DoD civilians.
2.2.19. For units responsible for officer accessions and the 394th Personnel Processing Squadron, refer to attachment 7 for Air Force specialty codes (AFSC) requiring initial PRP screening for either critical or controlled PRP. If you recommend the individual for PRP, add this statement to their permanent change of station (PCS) orders: "Member has been initially screened and meets the qualification criteria as stated in AFI 36-2104 for performance of nuclear weapons associated duties."
2.2.20. Ensure TDY orders reflect PRP status codes.
2.2.21. Refer to PC-III Help Screens for step-by-step certification and decertification procedures.

2.3. Mission Support Squadron (MSSQ) Commander:
2.3.1. Represents the senior commander on PRP matters.
2.3.2. Informs units or commanders, and their supporting staff agencies, on policy or procedural changes.
2.3.3. Trains MPF and CPF personnel on the program objectives.
2.3.4. Keeps a current listing of civilian positions designated under the PRP.
2.3.5. Publishes PRP rosters (see AFMAN 36-2622, Base Level Military Personnel System Users Manual [formerly AFM 30-130, volume 2]).
2.3.6. Monitors unit PRP status updates (at PC III bases) or update unit requests for status updates (at non-PC III bases). Updates frequently and accurately. See attachments 5 and 6.
2.3.7. Files AF Forms 286 and 286A in the permanent section of the UPRG until a new AF Form 286 replaces them. HQ AFMPC/DPMRIP1 is the only office who may remove AF Forms 286A.
2.3.8. Helps to place permanently decertified DoD civilians.
2.3.9. Ensures MPF-generated TDY orders reflect PRP status codes.

2.4. Director, Base Medical Services (DBMS):
2.4.1. Appoints a competent medical authority (attachment 1) within the DBMS function to make medical recommendations of reliability.
2.4.2. Screens the health records, including preservice or pre-employment documents, of military members, DoD civilians, contractor employees, and candidates for employment and notify the CO of all PDI. Makes recommendations on their suitability to perform PRP duties before formal certification.
2.4.3. Identifies all medical and dental records belonging to PRP-certified individuals using AF Form 745, Sensitive Duties Program Record Identifier (see AFI 41-115, Medical Programs and Benefits [formerly AFRs 168-2 and 168-4]).
2.4.4. Notifies the certifying official or designated representative if the medical authority has any doubt about a person's reliability. Reviews medical or dental treatment, including referrals, on PRP individuals by nonmilitary providers. Treat these procedures in the same way you treat those performed by military providers.

2.4.5. Does not administer hypnosis to a PRP-certified individual without the MAJCOM surgeon general's (SG) approval.
2.4.6. Trains assigned medical personnel, including geographically separated units (GSU), on the objectives of this program.
2.4.7. Gives medical records to certifying and reviewing officials at their request, without a request from or the consent of the individual (5 U. S. C. 552a[b][1]). Certifying and reviewing officials must not release or discuss the medical records except as directed in this paragraph.

2.5. Weapons Safety Officer (WSO). Works with applicable agencies to support the PRP and resolve any PRP issues (see AFI 91-101, Nuclear Weapons Surety Program [formerly AFR 122-1] for details).

2.6. Supervisors:
2.6.1. Monitor the reliability of subordinates and notify the CO of any potentially disqualifying information.
2.6.2. Tentatively select DoD civilian candidates for PRP positions.

2.7. Individuals:
2.7.1. Monitor your own reliability and notify the CO of any potentially disqualifying information.
2.7.2. Inform your certifying official of all medical and dental treatment.
2.7.3. Inform support agencies of your active PRP status before getting treatment or consultation.
2.7.4. Inform your certifying official or supervisor when coworkers appear to engage in situations that may affect reliability.
2.7.5. Ensure your reliability by staying physically competent, mentally alert, and technically proficient.
2.7.6. Arrange for your private physician to provide civilian medical records for PRP purposes.
2.7.7. Get a waiver from the MAJCOM/SG before you are hypnotized.

2.8. Forms Prescribed. AF Form 164, Personnel Reliability Program Notification and Suspension Log; AF Form 286, Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) Certificate; and AF Form 286A, Notification of Personnel Reliability Program Permanent Decertification Action.


1. Glossary of References, Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and Addresses
2. Suspension and Decertification Guidelines
3. Interim Certification Guidelines
4. Sample Interview Topics
5. PRP Status Codes
6. PRP Decertification Cause and Extent Codes
7. AFSCs Requiring Initial Accession/TDY PRP Screening
8. Medical and Dental Records Annotation


Section A--References

AFI 31-501, Personnel Security Program Management (formerly AFR 205-32)

AFI 36-2701, Social Actions Operating Procedures (formerly AFR 30-2)

AFI 41-115, Medical Programs and Benefits (formerly AFRs 168-2 and 168-4)

AFI 47-101, Management and Administration of the US Air Force Dental Activities (formerly AFR 162-1)

AFI 91-101, Nuclear Weapons Surety Program (formerly AFR 122-1)

AFMAN 36-2622, Base Level Military Personnel System Users Manual (formerly AFM 30-130, volume 2)

Section B--Abbreviations and Acronyms

and Acronyms Definitions

AFMPC Air Force Military Personnel Center
AFRES Air Force Reserve
AFROTC Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps
AFSC Air Force Specialty Code
ANG Air National Guard
BI Background Investigation
CO Certifying Official
CPF Civilian Personnel Flight
DAFSC Duty Air Force Specialty Code
DBMS Director of Base Medical Services
DEP Delayed Enlistment Program
DIN Data Identification Number
DIS Defense Investigative Service
DOD Department of Defense
EAD Extended Active Duty
ENTNAC Entrance National Agency Check
GSU Geographically Separated Unit
IG Inspector General
MAJCOM Major Command
MPF Military Personnel Flight
MTF Medical Treatment Facility
NAC National Agency Check
NACI National Agency Check Plus Written Inquiries
OPR Office of Primary Responsibility
OSI Office of Special Investigations
PCA Permanent Change of Assignment
PC-III Personnel Concept III
PCS Permanent Change of Station
PDI Potentially Disqualifying Information
PDS Personnel Data System
PPC Personnel Processing Code
PR Periodic Reinvestigation
PRP Personnel Reliability Program
PRPCER Personnel Reliability Program Administrative Certification
RIP Report on Individual Person
SAV Staff Assistance Visit
SBI Special Background Investigation
SDP Sensitive Duties Program
SG Surgeon General
SSBI Single Scope Background Investigation
SSN Social Security Number
TDY Temporary Duty
UPRG Unit Personnel Record Group
WSO Weapons Safety Officer

Section C--Terms

Active Service--A general term applied to all active military service with the active force without regard to duration or purpose. For PRP purposes:

Alcohol Abuse--Any substandard behavior or performance in which alcohol is a primary contributing factor (see AFI 36-2701, Social Actions Program (formerly AFR 30-2) for details). Such behaviors include:
Break in Active Service--For the purpose of PRP, people are considered to have a break in active service or employment when:
Certification--A statement on an AF Form 286 signed by the certifying official. It validates that the person named in the certificate has been screened and evaluated and meets the standards for assignment to the PRP. There are four types of certification:
Certifying Official--
Commander--The person who controls operations within a specific Air Force function (usually the squadron commander). In most cases, the commander is the formal certifying official. Headquarters squadron section commanders and staff agency heads do not qualify as commanders unless appointed under G series or assumption orders.

Competent Medical Authority--A US military medical officer or a US civilian physician employed by or under contract to the US Government designated by the supporting US military medical treatment facility commander. Other qualified medical personnel (officer or enlisted) specifically qualified, trained and designated by the supporting US medical treatment facility commander, may be appointed to review medical records for the purpose of PRP eligibility recommendation only. NOTE: Specifically, Independent Duty Medical Technicians (IDMT) at a Munition Support Squadron (MUNSS).

Controlled Position--A position that requires the assigned person to enter a no-lone zone unescorted or to control entry into a no-lone zone. The person has no technical knowledge pertaining to the launching, releasing, or detonating of a nuclear weapon or critical component.

Critical Component--A component of a nuclear weapon system that if bypassed, activated, or tampered with could contribute to authorization, prearming, arming, or launching of a combat delivery vehicle carrying a nuclear weapon, or the mistargeting of a nuclear weapon.

Critical Position--A position that requires a person to be in close physical proximity to a nuclear weapon. This person uses technical data on the electrical or mechanical parts of a nuclear weapon or weapons system that launch, release, or detonate the weapon.

Drug Abuse--The illegal, wrongful, or improper use, possession, sale, or transfer of any narcotic, cannabis, or other controlled substance. For PRP purposes, drug abuse also includes the abuse of anabolic steroids and misuse of prescription or over-the-counter medication.

Individual Reliability--Stable performance in carrying out duties associated with nuclear weapons, weapons systems, or critical components.

Medical Treatment Facility (MTF)--A facility established to provide medical and dental care to eligible individuals. (Joint Pub 1-02)

Notification--A procedure used by support agencies (such as MTF, social actions, security police) to inform the commander of a person who should be considered for suspension or decertification. (Joint Pub 1-02)

Nuclear Weapon--A complete assembly (implosion type, gun type, or thermonuclear type) whose arming, fusing, and firing can produce the intended nuclear reaction and release of energy. (Joint Pub 1-02)

Nuclear Weapons System--A combat delivery vehicle with its nuclear weapon or weapons and associated support equipment, noncombat delivery vehicles, facilities, and services.

Permanent Decertification--A determination by the certifying official the person does not meet the reliability standards specified in this Instruction or in DoD Directive 5210.42.

Personnel Data System (PDS)--The total vertical computerized personnel data system. Use it when a specific subsystem is not being referenced. The system is designed to uniformly manage and administer of active duty military, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, retired, and civilian personnel.

Personnel Reliability--A commander's determination of an individual's trustworthiness to perform duties related to nuclear weapons.

Potentially Disqualifying Information--Any information regarding a person's reliability to include, but not limited to, drug or alcohol abuse, emotional, character and behavior disorders, and medical conditions.

Reviewing Official--The commander or a designated representative at the command level immediately above the certifying official (no lower than wing or comparable level commander). The reviewing official makes final decisions on permanent decertification case files.

Sensitive Duty--The medical community uses this terminology to refer to the PRP in this AFI and the Presidential Support Program (AFI 31-501). Use AF Form 745, Sensitive Duties Program Record Identifier, to identify the health records of personnel in PRP.

Substance Abuse--The illegal use of any psychoactive substance. This definition includes the misuse of any prescribed medication and "designer" drugs or the abuse of alcohol. See AFI 36-2701.

Suspension--Actions initiated by the certifying official, the supervisor, or the individual to temporarily relieve a person from PRP duties (attachment 2).

Technical Competence--The degree of skill and knowledge required to perform the assigned tasks effectively. Personnel with an entry-level Air Force specialty code (AFSC) are technically competent for purposes of the PRP.

Temporary Decertification--An interim procedure used to prohibit an individual from performing PRP duties.

Two-Person Concept--A system designed to prohibit access by one individual to nuclear weapons and certain designated components. It requires the presence, at all times, of at least two authorized persons, each capable of detecting an incorrect or unauthorized procedure with respect to the task to be performed.

Section D--Addresses

550 C Street W Suite 32
Randolph AFB TX 78150-4734

Rm 5D323
1040 AF Pentagon
Washington DC 20330-1040

170 Luke Ave, Suite 400
Bolling AFB DC 20332-5113

9700 Avenue G, SE
Kirtland AFB NM 87117-5670


A2.1. Suspension. Use this action to immediately remove an individual from PRP-related duties without decertification. Although a recommendation for suspension may come from many sources, the certifying official makes the final decision. A person who has been suspended is still considered reliable with regard to the PRP but because of circumstances, cannot perform duties requiring PRP certification.
A2.1.1. Application. Suspension applies only to individuals who have received interim or formal certification in the PRP. Use suspension:
A2.1.2. Mandatory Actions. A suspension requires the certifying official to:
A2.1.3. Documentation. A suspension is:
A2.1.4. Duration. A suspension lasts for a maximum of 30 days. If the cause of the suspension lasts longer, temporarily or permanently decertify the individual.

A2.2. Temporary Decertification. Use this action to keep an individual from performing PRP duties when an individual's reliability is in question or impaired and neither suspension nor permanent decertification is appropriate. Do not use temporary decertification if the facts dictate permanent decertification. A person who is temporarily decertified may not perform duties requiring PRP certification.
A2.2.1. Application. Temporary decertification applies only to individuals who are interim- or formally certified.
A2.2.1.1. Use it when a 30-day suspension expires or while researching the facts of an incident or situation.
A2.2.1.2. Make sure that temporary decertification does not delay military separation or discharge processing or impede mandatory intrabase moves or PCS action.
A2.2.1.3. If you can't resolve a temporary decertification and military reassignment is mandatory, the losing commander must explain why the individual is being reassigned in a temporarily decertified status.

A2.2.1.4. Following the individual's reassignment, the gaining commander reevaluates the case, and either continues or removes the temporary decertification, or permanently decertifies the individual.
A2.2.2. Procedures:
A2.2.2.1. Immediately remove the individual from duties requiring PRP certification.
A2.2.2.2. Notify the individual in writing of removal from duty, detailing reasons and restrictions, no later than 15 workdays after taking action.
A2.2.2.3. The individual acknowledges receipt of the notification memorandum.
A2.2.2.4. Do not document the temporary decertification on the AF Forms 286 or 286a.
A2.2.2.5. Continue to evaluate the individual's reliability.
A2.2.2.6. Remove temporary decertification as soon as you have enough information to decide an appropriate action, or at the end of the temporary decertification period.
A2.2.2.7. If you do not remove temporary decertification, permanently decertify the individual.
A2.2.3. Duration. Temporary decertification can last for up to 180 days. Use this time to collect the information you need to decide whether to remove the temporary decertification or take permanent decertification action. If you cannot find enough information to make this decision, you may extend the process in 30-day increments, not to exceed a total of 270 days. Document the extension by memorandum.

A2.3. Permanent Decertification. Use this action to remove an individual from the PRP. Use it in situations that won't allow suspension or temporary decertification. Permanent decertification indicates the individual has questionable reliability or long-term impaired capability (longer than temporary decertification time frame). Under these circumstances, the individual may not perform duties requiring PRP certification.
A2.3.1. Application. Permanent decertification applies to individuals who are certified in the PRP or are being screened for the PRP. Permanently decertify when:

A2.3.2. Mandatory Actions. To permanently decertify a person:
A2.3.3. Documentation. Document permanent decertification on AF Form 286a. The reason for decertification must include the specific circumstances surrounding the CO's decision to decertify the individual.
A2.3.4. Duration. Permanent decertification stays in effect until it is removed.


Table A3.1. Interim Certification Guidelines (see note).



L If the PRP
E requirement is a and the individual then
1 critical position has a favorable NAC that is under 5 years old and no break in active service or employment (see attachment 1) longer than 2 years since the investigation


has a favorable SSBI over 5 years old and no break in active service or employment longer than 2 years since the investigation

you may interim-certify this individual for up to 180 days provided the local security police have submitted the security investigation paperwork to DIS.
2 controlled position has a prior NAC or higher investigation that is over 5 years old and there is no break in active service. you may certify this individual for up to 90 days provided the local security police have submitted the security investigation paperwork to DIS.

NOTE. COs may approve extensions of the interim certification period at 90-day intervals after confirming with DIS that the delay of the investigation is not the result of derogatory information. The individual remains in PDS status code E or T. If you do not receive the investigation update by the expiration of the interim certification and no extension is granted, then remove the individual from PRP duties.


A4.1. After screening an individual's personnel and medical records for PRP duties, the certifying official must interview the person. In the interview, cover the following topics:
A4.1.1. Spirit and Intent of the PRP. Explain to the person that:
A4.1.2. Qualifications of People Selected To Perform PRP Duties. In the interview:
A4.1.3. Individual Responsibilities Under the PRP. Explain that individuals have an obligation to report to their certifying officials any factors or conditions (on and off duty) that could impair their performance or that of other PRP-certified members.
A4.1.4. Consequences of Irresponsibility. Make it clear that an individual who has displayed irresponsibility or instability (on or off duty) will not be permitted to perform PRP duties.
A4.1.5. Disqualification from the PRP. Explain the purpose of suspension, temporary decertification, permanent decertification, and their possible impact on the individual.
A4.1.6. Other Topics. Discuss any other topics you deem appropriate.


Table A5.1. DIN ADA Update.

PDS Code (See note.)


Authorized or assigned critical position for nuclear weapons duty.


Administratively certified for training or PCS requiring PRP certification (applies to military only).


Awaiting results of a security investigation (not interim certified).


Authorized or assigned controlled position for nuclear weapons duty.


Interim certified for a critical position.


Certified critical required by additional duties.


Certified controlled required by additional duties.


Certified within the last 5 years in a critical or controlled position.


Awaiting certification.


Temporarily decertified.


Permanently decertified from a critical nuclear weapons duty position.


Permanently decertified during initial screening for critical PRP duties. This does not apply to a person certified within the last 5 years (code J).


Permanently decertified from a controlled nuclear weapons duty position.


Interim certified for a controlled position.


Permanently decertified during initial screening for controlled PRP duties. This does not apply to a person certified within the last 5 years (code J) (applies to military only).

NOTE. Use DINs JZY and AEJ for civilians.


Table A6.1. DIN ADD Update (see notes 1 and 2).

Cause Code


Negligence or delinquency in performance of duty.
B800 Alcohol misuse.
C400 Courts-martial or civil conviction of a serious nature. Also requires input of DIN ADE.
D100 A pattern of behavior or actions that reasonably indicates a contemptuous attitude toward the law or duly constituted authority.
E900 Drug abuse. Also requires input of DIN ADE.
J600 In the commander's judgment, a failure to meet the necessary standards for duties under the PRP. Also requires update of DIN ADE.
M300 Medical reasons. Also requires update of DIN ADE.
Q500 Other (use with codes Q and V only). (Use when other cause codes do not apply.)
S150 Lack of loyalty or trustworthiness; security clearance not obtainable or withdrawn for cause.

1. Update DIN ADG with DAFSC.
2. See AFMAN 36-2622 (formerly AFM 30-130, volume 2).

Table A6.2. DIN ADE Update (see notes 1 and 2).
Cause Code Extent Code Definition
B800 ABU8 Alcohol Abuser
DEP8 Alcohol Dependent
C400 CIV4 Civilian Conviction
MIL4 Military Conviction
E900 793A Narcotics
793C Depressants
793E Stimulants
793F Marijuana/Cannabis
793H Hallucinogenics
793S Anabolic Steroid Abuse
OTHER Other (remarks required -- DIN AMU)
J600 ATT6 Thinking or attitude
BEH6 Behavior or activity
CON6 Level of consciousness
MOO6 Mood and feeling
M300 PHY3 Physical condition
MEN3 Mental condition
ABR3 Aberrant behavior
OTHER Other (remarks required -- DIN AMU)
Q500 UPR5 UPRG review
INT5 Personal interview
PRO5 Proficiency qualification

1. Update DIN ADG with DAFSC.
2. See AFMAN 36-2622 (formerly AFM 30-130, volume 2).


Table A7.1. AFSCs Requiring Initial Accession/TDY PRP Screening.

11FX K
22SX A
11BX A, C
11RX F
12BX A, B, C, D, E
12FX H, J
12B4 B
2M0X3 A
2A5X1 E, F, K
2M0X2 A
2A5X3 A, B, C
2W1X1 K, L
3E8X1 (see note)

NOTE. For training purposes only.


A8.1. When a PRP-certified member receives treatment, medical and dental personnel must use the stamp illustrated (figure A8.1), or one of similar content, to annotate the medical or dental records when a PRP-certified member receives treatment.


Is PRP (AFI 36-2104) reporting required?
Yes____No____If yes, then what functional impairment is expected?
Type of medication prescribed:
Estimated duration:____________Unit:
Person contacted: ______________Date:__________Duty phone:
Notification made by:

Figure A8.1. PRP Notification Stamp.

A8.1.1. Medical Treatment Record. When a PRP-certified individual receives medical treatment, annotate the SF 600, Health Record-Chronological Record of Medical Care, using the PRP notification stamp. The attending practitioner determines whether to notify the unit.
A8.1.1.1. If you notify the unit, enter the date and fill out the rest of the stamp. Notify immediately.
A8.1.1.2. If you are not notifying the unit, enter No on the stamp and take no further action.
A8.1.2. Dental Treatment Record. When a PRP-certified individual receives dental treatment, use the AF Form 644A, Record of Dental Attendance (SDP). Indicate in the SDP block (section 4, Treatment Narrative), whether you notified the unit.
A8.1.2.1. When PRP notification is required, annotate SF 603, Health Record-Dental, and 603a, Health Record-Dental Continuation, section 3, item 17, using the PRP notification stamp. The stamp on the SF 603 or 603a may extend across the columns in item 17. The provider completes the stamp.
A8.1.2.2. When PRP notification is not required, enter the statement, PRP No in SF 603 or 603a, item 17. The provider verifies this entry along with treatment entries according to AFI 47-101, Management and Administration of the US Air Force Dental Activities (formerly AFR 162-1).