Air Force
Intelligence and Security Doctrine






This instruction implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 33-1, Command, Control, Communications, and Computer (C4) Systems, and portions of Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 4630.5, Compatibility, Interoperability, and Integration of Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Systems, November 12, 1992; Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 4630.8, Procedures for Compatibility, Interoperability, and Integration of C3I Systems, November 18, 1992; DoDD 8120.1 Life-Cycle Management (LCM) of Automated Information Systems (AIS), January 14, 1993, Chairman, Joint Chief of Staffs Instruction (CJCSI) 6212.01, Compatibility, Interoperability, and Integration of C3I Systems, 30 Jul 1993, and JTC3A Joint Interoperability Engineering Organization (JIEO) Circular 9002, Requirements Assessment and Interoperability Certification of C4 Information and Automated Information Systems and Equipment. It establishes Air Force procedures to ensure compatibility, interoperability, flexibility, and integration for new and modified C4 information systems including automated information systems. Attachment 1 is a glossary of references, abbreviations, acronyms, and terms. Refer technical questions to Headquarters Air Force Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Agency (HQ AFC4A), Interoperability Verification Branch (HQ AFC4A/TNA), 203 W. Losey St., Room 1020, Scott AFB IL 62225-5233. Send an information copy to Headquarters United States Air Force (HQ USAF), Interoperability and Integration Division (HQ USAF/SCTI), 1250 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC 20330-1250. Refer recommanded changes and conflicts between this and other instructions to HQ AFC4A, Policy and Procedures Branch (HQ AFC4A/XPXP), 203 West Losey St., Rm 1065, Scott AFB IL 62225-5224 using AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication, with an information copy to HQ USAF, Plans and Policy Division (HQ USAF/SCXX), 1250 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC 20330-1250.

Summary of Changes
This revises AFR 700-52.

1. Objectives.

Supersedes AFR 700-52, 31 May 1988 Certified by: HQ USAF/SC (Lt General Carl G. O'Berry)
OPR: HQ AFC4A/TNA (Mr Wilson) Pages: 11/Distribution: F

2.1. HQ United States Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), Command, Control, Commu-nications, and Computer Systems (HQ USAF/SC):
2.1.1. Develops and approves C4I systems policy, standards, and architecture to ensure compatibility, interoperability and integration.
2.1.2. Serves as the Air Force focal point for systems that affect joint technical interfaces.
2.1.3. Serves as the Air Force point of contact with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)/JIEO for interoperability policy and standards.
2.1.4. Oversees the Air Force program for compatibility, interoperability, flexibility, and integration of all C4I and AIS systems.
2.1.5. Develops long-range planning, including Five-Year Interoperability Assurance Plan (FYIAP) (per JIEO Circular 9002).
2.1.6. Is the Air Force representative to the Military Communications-Electronics Board (MCEB) (per CJCSI 6212.01) and improves interoperability by active participation on MCEB panels and working groups, specifically the Interoperability Improvement Panel (IIP) and the Interoperability Test Panel (ITP) (per MCEB Pub 1) by coordinating Air Force actions or issues and:

2.1.7. Chairs the C4I Interoperability Steering Group (ISG) which provides a forum to discuss issues and share information (Attachment 2).
2.2. HQ USAF/XO:
2.2.1. Ensures Mission Need Statements (MNS) and Operational Requirements Documents (ORD) include requirements for C4 compatibility, interoperability, flexibility, and integration. (AFI 10-601, Mission Needs and Operational Requirements Guidance and Procedures (formerly AFR 57-1))
2.2.2. Staffs MNSs and ORDs within the Air Force, throughout the other services, Joint Staff, DISA and Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD).
2.2.3. Serves as the overall focal point for Air Force Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control Systems (JINTACCS) program and joint configuration management activities.
2.2.4. Directs Air Force efforts to develop and implement joint standards, joint configuration management procedures (per JIEO Circulars 9000, Tactical C3I Configuration Management and 9001, Tactical C3I Configuration Management Documents List), and similar programs through operating commands and acquisition activities. Supplies inputs to joint configurations for the Air Force Operations functional area. HQ USAF/XO is the Air Force approval authority, although major commands (MAJCOM) are authorized to provide inputs to joint architectural documents and coordinate these documents within the Air Force.
2.3. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, for Acquisition (SAF/AQ):
2.3.1. Ensures interoperability requirements defined in MNSs and ORDs are implemented in Air Force Acquisitions. (DoDD 5000.1, Defense Acquisition and the Air Force supplement to DoDI 5000.2, AF Defense Acquisition Management Policies and Procedures)
2.3.2. Ensures interoperability policy, standards, and architectures are implemented in Air Force Acquisitions.
2.4. Director, Test and Evaluation (HQ USAF/TE):
2.4.1. Ensures interoperability requirements defined in MNSs and ORDs are tested for Air Force Acquisition. (AFPD 99-1, Test and Evaluation Policy, Air Force Instruction (AFI) 99-101, Developmental Test and Evaluation (formerly AFR 80-14), AFI 99-102, Operational Test and Evaluation (formerly AFRs 55-43 and 80-14), AFI 99-103, The Air Force Test Process, and Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 99-111, Air Force C4I Test and Evaluation Process Manual)
2.4.2. Ensures Test and Evaluation Master Plans (TEMP), Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E), and Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) plans and reports are forwarded to DISA/ Joint Interoperability Engineering Test Center (JITC) to support Joint Interoperability Certification. (JEIO 9002) Systems Program Offices and the Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC) are responsible for Air Force Interoperability Testing. According to JEIO Circular 9002, JITC plans to base joint interoperability certification on service DT&E and OT&E reports. Only if the services cannot accommodate JITC needs, will JITC conduct a separate interoperability test.
2.4.3. Serves as the Air Force point of contact for OSD DT&E, OSD OT&E, DISA/JITC, and the OSD Test and Evaluation Interoperability Task Force.
2.5. Air Force C4I Interoperability Steering Group (ISG). The Air Force C4I ISG is established with executive representation members from the Air Staff, MAJCOMs and Field Operating Agencies (FOA). Responsibilities and membership are detailed in the organizational charter, March 1994 in Attachment 2.

3. MAJCOMs and FOAs will:
3.1. Define interoperability in their MNSs , ORDs and C4 systems requirements documents..
3.2. Advise HQ USAF/SCTI of their points of contact for actions covered in this instruction.
3.3. Prevent duplicate and nonstandard C4 system development by identifying when mission needs have similar C4 requirements or can be met by existing C4 systems.
3.4. Identify mission deficiencies, required functionality, security requirements, and the need for electromagnetic compatible, interoperable, and integrated Air Force, DoD, and Allied C4 systems.
3.5. Carry out approved modifications to accommodate procedural and technical interface standards and interface changes throughout the life-cycle of C4 systems.
3.6. Assist acquisition activities on configuration management by preparing requested configuration control management documents (standards, specifications, and interface control documents).
3.7. Properly document intelligence systems interfaces in the configuration management process.
3.8. Identify for HQ USAF/SC, technical interface requirements pertaining to:

3.9. Help HQ USAF/XO in configuration management by proposing, implementing, and evaluating changes to JINTACCS procedural interface standards, including the interface for intelligence systems.
3.10. Identify to HQ Air Combat Command (ACC)/DRI procedural interface requirements affecting C4 systems employing joint tactical data links for interoperability assessment, inclusion in the FYIAP.

4. HQ ACC represents the Air Force in the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)-managed JINTACCS program. HQ ACC will:
4.1. Develop and maintain MTF, TADILs, and other data link architectures and standards
4.2. Serve as Air Force focal point for coordinating the Air Force program for compatibility, interoperability of procedural interfaces, and integration of C4 systems employing joint tactical data links by:

4.3. Maintain and manage the AF Participating Test Unit (PTU).
5. HQ AFC4A will:
5.1. Program necessary resources and provide support personnel to operate and maintain the Air Force C4 Interoperability Facility, for verifying compatibility, interoperability, and integration ability of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) and other nondevelopmental C4 products and systems. The facility keeps a composite C4 assessment infrastructure, with equipment, tools, and contractor support. To request services from the Air Force Interoperability Facility:
5.2. Serve as Executive Agent for the Air Force C4I ISG.
5.3. Develop and execute interoperability evaluation plans and procedures to ensure compatibility, interoperability, and integration of Air Force C4 equipments and systems.
5.4. Develop and maintain a methodology and process for tracking new, emerging technologies, products, and services relevant to Air Force C4 architectures.
5.5. Identify, assess, apply, and validate (collectively known as technology insertion) new and emerging technologies, products, and services which have real potential in satisfying critical Air Force requirements.
5.6. Provide advice/recommendations to Air Staff and MAJCOMs on applicability of new, emerging technologies, products, and services that improve/enhance current capabilities and satisfy Air Force requirements.
5.7. Maintain liaison and coordinate appropriate activities with the USAF Technology Transition Office and other applicable USAF, DoD, and U.S. Government entities.

6. Air Intelligence Agency (AIA) Responsibilities. Comment to the Director of the National Security Agency, when acting as the Air Force Service Cryptologic Element.

7. Air Force Cryptologic Support Center (AFCSC) Responsibilities. Identify and program C4 system security requirements to ensure compatibility and interoperability of C4 systems, with the support of the operating commands and acquisition activities.

8. Air National Guard (ANG) and United States Air Force Reserve (USAFR) Responsibilities. Identifiy and solve C4 system compatibility and interoperability issues through their gaining MAJCOMs. Work reserve issues through HQ Air Force Reserves (AFRES).

9. Acquisition Activities Responsibilities. Follow the guidance in DoD Instruction 5000.2, Defense Acquisition Management Policies and Procedures and the Air Force supplement, AFI 33-103, Requirements Development and Processing (formerly AFR 700-3) and AFI 33-104, Base Level Planning and Implementation (formerly AFR 700-4, V1, V2) by:
9.1. Promoting C4 systems compatibility and interoperability throughout the life-cycle of each system, identifying interoperability requirements, testing interoperability. Ensuring that C4, C4I, and AIS systems acquired following DoDD 5000.1 are certified by DISA/JITC (per JIEO Circular 9002).
9.2. Informing operating commands of incompatibilities and scheduled corrective actions.
9.3. Maintaining C4I compatibility and inter-operability throughout the life-cycle of each centrally managed system.
9.4. Maintaining configuration management.
9.5. Including intelligence systems interfaces in configuration management actions.
9.6. Informing HQ USAF/SC, of test schedules for programmed (FYIAP) C4 systems.
9.7. Ensuring that approved C4 architectures and standards are used to design or modify C4 systems.

10. All Air Force Activities, Planners and Managers that procure, plan or operate systems using C41 assets must:
10.1. Ensure Air Force existing and planned C4 systems conform to DoD and Joint Staff C4I interoperability guidelines. Verify this conformance using Joint Staff and other services planning and requirements documents for C4I interoperability.

10.2. Ensure that C4 systems embedded within weapons systems programs receive the same compatibility, interoperability, flexibility, and integration considerations as stand-alone C4 systems.
10.3. Implement configuration management procedures.
10.4 Take part in developing and implementing joint standards, joint configuration management procedures, and related efforts.
10.5. Coordinate changes to existing standards and requirements for new standards. Coordinate follow-up actions with the appropriate standardization and interoperability organizations. Air Force C4 programs/systems supporting Allied operations must comply with international or alliance standardization and interoperability agreements per AFI 60-103, International Military Standardization Programs (formerly AFR 73-6).
10.6. Evaluate for compatibility, interoperability, and integration of all C4 systems throughout their program life-cycle (to include system development and/or modification phases.)
10.7. For developmental C4I and AIS systems (Acquisition):
10.8. For COTS C4I system procurements:
DCS/Command, Control,Communications, and Computers

2 Attachments
1. Glossary of References, Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Terms
2. ISG Charter C4I

Glossary of References, Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definitions

Section A--References

DoD Directive 3222.3/AF SUP 1, AF Electromagnetic Compatibility Program (EMCP)
DoD Directive 4630.5, Compatibility, Interoperability, and Integration of C3I Systems, November 12, 1992
DoD Directive 5000.1, Defense Acquisition, February 23, 1991
DoD Directive 8120.1, Life-Cycle Management (LCM) of Automated Information Systems (AISs), January 14, 1993
DoD Instruction 4630.8, Procedures for Compatibility, Interoperability, and Integration of C3I Systems, November 18, 1992
DoD Instruction 5000.2/AF SUP 1, AF Defense Acquisition Management Policies and Procedures
Joint Pub 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
CJCSI 6212.01, Compatibility, Interoperability, and Integration of Command, Control, Communications,
Computers and Intelligence (C4I) Systems
JTC3A (JIEO) Circular 3101, Tactical C3I Interoperability Improvement Program
JTC3A (JIEO) Circular 9000, Tactical C3I Configuration Management
JTC3A (JIEO) Circular 9001, Tactical C3I Configuration Management Documents List
JTC3A (JIEO) Circular 9002, Requirements Assessment and Interoperability Certification of C4I and Automated
Information Systems and Equipment
JTC3A (JIEO) Circular 9005, Preparation of Technical Interface Specifications
MCEB PUB 1, MCEB Organization, Mission and Functions Manual
MCEB PUB 2, MCEB Administrative Procedures Manual
AFDD 100, Air Force Glossary of Standard Terms (formerly AFM 11-1)
AFPD 10-6, Mission Needs and Operational Requirements Use Agreements (formerly AFR 57-1)
AFPD 33-1, Command, Control, Communications and Computer (C4) Systems
AFPD 63-1, Acquisition System
AFPD 99-1, Test and Evaluation
AFI 10-601, Mission Needs and Operational Requirements Guidance and Procedures (formerly AFR 57-1)
AFI 33-102, C4I Capabilities Planning Process (formerly AFR 700-2)
AFI 33-103, Requirements Development and Processing (formerly AFR 700-3)
AFI 33-104, Base Level Planning and Implementation (formerly AFR 700-4,V1,V2)
AFI 33-112, Computers and Automatic Data Processing Equipment (formerly AFRs 700-6 and 700-26)
AFI 60-103, International Military Standardization Programs (formerly AFR 73-6)
AFI 62-201, Systems Survivability (formerly AFR 80-38)
AFI 99-101, Developmental Test and Evaluation (formerly AFR 80-14)
AFI 99-102, Operational Test and Evaluation (formerly AFRs 55-43 and 80-14)
AFI 99-103, The Air Force Test Process
AFMAN 99-111, Air Force C4I Test and Evaluation Process Manual

Section B--Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviations and
Acronyms Definitions

ACC Air Combat Command
AFC4A Air Force Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Agency
AFCSC Air Force Cryptologic Support Center
AFI Air Force Instruction
AFMAN Air Force Manual
AFOTEC Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center
AFPD Air Force Policy Directive
AF PTU Air Force Participating Test Unit
CJCSI Chairman, Joint Chief of Staff Instruction
COTS Commercial-Off-The-Shelf
C4 Command, Control, Communications, and Computer
C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computer, and Intelligence
C4I ISG Command, Control, Communications, Computer and Intelligence
Interoperability Steering Group
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency
DoD Department of Defense
DoDD Department of Defense Directive
DoDI Department of Defense Instruction
DT&E Developmental Test and Evaluation
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
FOA Field Operating Agency
FYIAP Five-Year Interoperability Assurance Plan
IIP Interoperability Improvement Panel
ITP Interoperability Test Panel
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JIEO Joint Interoperability Engineering Organization
JINTACCS Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control Systems
JITC Joint Interoperability Test Center
MAJCOM Major Command
MAP Mission Area Plan
MCEB Military Communications-Electronics Board
MTF Message Text Format
MNS Mission Needs Statement
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
O&M Operations and Maintenance
ORD Operational Requirements Document
OT&E Operational Test and Evaluation
TADIL Tactical Digital Information Link
TEMP Test and Evaluation Master Plan

Section C--Terms

C4 Systems--Integrated systems of doctrine, procedures, organizational structures, personnel, equipment, facilities, and communications designed to support a commander's exercise of command and control through all phases of the operational continuum. C4 systems include base visual information support systems. (Joint Pub 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms)

Compatibility--Capability of two or more items or components of equipment or material to exist or function in the same system or environment without mutual interference. (Joint Pub 1-02)

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)--The ability of systems, equipment, and devices that utilize the electromagnetic spectrum to operate in their intended operational environments without suffering unacceptable degradation or causing unintentional degradation because of electromagnetic radiation or response. It involves the application of sound electromagnetic spectrum management; system. equipment, and device design configuration that ensures interference-free operation; and clear concepts and doctrines that maximize operational effectiveness. Also called EMC. See also electromagnetic spectrum; electronic warfare; spectrum management.

Five-Year Interoperability Assurance Plan (FYIAP)--A Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) program managed by JITC that documents requirements for interoperability certification, recertification, requalification, and revalidation testing. The FYIAP, published annually in January, establishes the C4 interoperability testing and certification program:

Functional Area Plan (FAP)--A Functional Area Plan outlines an investment strategy that influences the programming, requirements, laboratory, and independent research and development processes to support a specific functional area or necessary subset.

Interoperability--1. The ability of systems, units, or forces to provide services to and accept services from other systems, units, or forces and to use the services so exchanged to enable them to operate effectively together. 2. The condition achieved among communications-electronics equipment when information or services can be exchanged directly and satisfactorily between them and/or their uses. The degree of interoperability should be defined when referring to specific cases. (Joint Pub 1-02)

C4I Interoperability Improvement Program (IIP)--A panel under the Military Communications-Electronics Board (MCEB). Panel promotes, enhances, and maintains compatibility and interoperability of C4I systems (to include interface between tactical and strategic C4I systems as appropriate) to meet mission-essential needs of the operational commanders. The panel seeks to accomplish these goals by identification and resolution of critical C4I interoperability issues brought forward by the participants. The panel consists of one member and alternate from each Joint Command/Service/Agency represented on the MCEB. The Joint Staff (J6I) will chair the panel. The Joint Interoperability and Engineering Organization (JIEO) acts as Executive Agent for the panel.

C4I Interoperability Test Panel (ITP)--A panel under the Military Communications-Electronics Board (MCEB). Panel reviews, develops, recommends, and coordinates studies, reports, and DoD positions for MCEB consideration in the areas of interoperability testing for all DoD information exchange systems destined for combined use. The panel consists of one member and alternate from each Service/Agency represented on the MCEB. Panel members are responsible for processing actions within their respective mission areas of expertise.

Mission Area Plan (MAP)--A Mission Area Plan outlines an investment strategy that influences the programming, requirements, laboratory, and independent research and development processes to support a specific mission area or necessary subset.

Mission Needs Statement (MNS)--A document, prepared by the respective using command or HQ USAF, that identifies an operational deficiency that can't be satisfied through changes in tactics, strategies, doctrine, or training. A correction of the deficiency normally entails research and development, production, and procurement of a new system or modification of an existing system. (AFPD 10-6 and AFI 10-601)

Requirements Document--As used in this instruction, a requirements document is normally one of the following:

Procedural Interface Standards--Specifications for exchanging information across an interface. The standards define format, language, syntax, vocabulary and interface operating procedures. Information exchanged among C4 systems using a TADIL, MTF, and other combat data links.

Technical Interface Standard--Specifications for functional, electrical, and physical characteristics necessary for exchanging information across an interface between different tactical C4 systems or equipment.



March 1994

1. PURPOSE: This charter formally establishes the Air Force C4I ISG. The Steering Group is assigned the following specific duties and responsibilities:

a. Providing a forum for the coordination of member agencies' views on interoperability testing issues to facilitate staffing of Air Force positions.

b. Clarifying, coordinating, and publicizing Air Force C4I systems testing missions among the member agencies.

c. Serving as technical consultant to aid in establishing funding priorities for existing and new C4I test facilities requirements and advocating sharing of C4I testing capabilities.


a. HQ Air Force Communications Command (AFCC)/DOV Message, 121400Z Jan 90, AFCC Testbeds.

b. AFCC Testbeds Meeting, 7 Feb 90, at 1842d Electronics Engineering Group.

c. DoDD 4630.5.

d. DoDI 4630.8.

e. CJCSI 6212.01.


a. Develop an operational concept for coordinating resource sharing among all Air Force C4I interoperability testbeds.

b. Promote effective and efficient use of C4I interoperability test resources.

c. Create an Air Force C4I interoperability testing environment (excluding DT&E and OT&E) which supports interoperability policy, procedures, and certification.

d. Assist the Air Staff in developing corporate Air Force positions on C4I interoperability testing issues.


a. Steering Group: An action group, composed of designees from concerned activities within the Air Force, tasked with developing strategy to implement the objectives stated in paragraph 3.

b. Executive Member: Organization within the Air Force which has a C4I interoperability testing mission.

c. POC Working Group: A working-level action group, established by the Steering Group to take primary responsibility for a project.

d. Lead Activity: The organization recommended by the Steering Group to take primary responsibility for a project.

e. Participating Activity: An organization represented on the Steering Group in an advisory capacity on issues pertaining to the participating organization.

f. Host Activity: The organization tasked to host a scheduled Steering Group meeting.

g. Chairman: HQ USAF/SC. The organization that officially endorses the Steering Group, provides representation on the Steering Group, and oversees the Steering Group's operations.

h. Executive Agent for HQ USAF/SC: AFC4A. The organization tasked to operate and maintain the Steering Group. This includes management and administrative tasks.

5. RELATIONSHIP: The relationship among executive members and participating activities is equal on matters of policy implementation recommended by the Steering Group.


a. The Air Force C4I ISG is established with executive representation (executive members) from the following organizations:


(2) SAF/AQ

(3) HQ USAF Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence (USAF/IN)


(5) ACC

(6) Air Mobility Command

(7) Air Force Space Command

(8) Air Force Special Operations Command

(9) Air Force Materiel Command

(10) AFC4A


(12) AIA

(13) Electronic Systems Center

(14) Air Force Information Warfare Center

(15) 1912th Computer Systems Group

(16) Standard Systems Center

(17) Communications Systems Center

b. The Steering Group will be chaired by HQ USAF/SC or his designee.

c. The Steering Group is responsible for:

(1) Developing an AF C4I interoperability testing environment (excluding DT&E and OT&E).

(2) Recommending C4I interoperability testing tasks (excluding DT&E and OT&E) to responsible lead activities.

(3) Reviewing C4I interoperability test facilities capabilities and utilization to avoid undue duplication of efforts and the wasting of critical resources.

(4) Advocating and defending requests for existing and new C4I test facility funds.

(5) Identifying needs and long-range plans for Air Force C4I interoperability testing facilities.

(6) Identifying new technologies and standards that could impact C4I interoperability testing.

(7) Identifying new test objectives, as appropriate, to integrate existing and future C4I systems as specified by Air Force architectures.

(8) Coordinating Air Force position on C4I interoperability test issues with the JITC and the DoD (excluding DT&E and OT&E).

(9) Resolve schedule conflicts for planned Air Force and Joint Service C4I interoperability testing projects (excluding DT&E and OT&E) with the JITC and the DoD.

(10) Coordinating the interchange of completed or planned testing information within the Air Force C4I test community.


a. The Steering Group will meet at least triannually (once every four months), or as mutually agreed. A special meeting may be called by the Chairman at any time.

b. Each executive member will assign an organizational POC to serve on POC Working Groups as required.

c. The Executive Agent will prepare the agenda with inputs from all Steering Group members.

d. Formal minutes will be prepared and distributed by the Executive Agent. Action items recorded in the minutes will be staffed by the members of the Steering Group through their respective activities as required.

8. EFFECTIVE DATE AND REVIEW: Terms of this charter will become effective upon signature of the HQ USAF/SC and will remain in effect until rescinded or changed by mutual consent, provided such changes are accomplished as written amendments hereto. Provisions of this charter will be reviewed annually, 60 days prior to the anniversary of signature.


_______________________________________ DATE:__________
DCS/Command, Control,
Communications, and Computers