The objective of this policy directive is to provide security clearances for Air Force personnel.
This revision clarifies the objective of this policy directive and responsibilities of commanders and the 497 IG/INS. It clarifies the reporting requirements for metric data and deletes the metric on "Cleared Persons Occupying Positions Requiring Access."
H1. Appropriate personnel security investigations must be promptly requested, completed, and adjudicated before individuals are given access to classified information or are assigned to sensitive duties.
H2. The Office of the Secretary of the Air Force and Headquarters US Air Force, Chief of Security Police (HQ USAF/SP) are responsible for policy, resource advocacy, and oversight of the Air Force Personnel Security Program.
H3. HQ 497 IG/INS, Directorate of Security and Communications Management (Air Force Central Adjudication Facility) will evaluate personnel security investigations, adjudicate them using established policy guidelines, make security clearance eligibility determinations, and maintain a central database of clearances and investigations. HQ 497 IG/INS evaluates information that may affect a person's security clearance eligibility status, decides upon appropriate actions to take, and initiates due process procedures when the determination is to deny or revoke the person's eligibility.
H4. Commanders are responsible for identifying positions requiring access to classified information, continuously evaluating those persons with access, and promptly reporting adverse information on cleared personnel.
5. Security police offices at the major command (MAJCOM) and installation levels will manage program implementation and provide oversight within the commands.
6. This policy directive implements DoD Directive 5200.2, Department of Defense Personnel Security Program, May 6, 1992, and DoD 5200.2-R, DoD Personnel Security Program, January 1987.
7. Compliance with these policies is mandatory for all Air Force military and civilian personnel.
H8. This policy interfaces with various security publications. Related policy and procedures include AFPD 31-4, Information Security, and AFI 31-501, Personnel Security Program Management .
9. See attachment 1 for the ways to measure compliance with this policy.
Supersedes AFPD 31-5, 5 April 1993. Certified by: HQ USAF/SP (Brig Gen Stephen C. Mannell)
OPR: HQ USAF/SPI (Ms Jean Smith) Pages: 2/Distribution: F
HA1.2. Data will be provided semi-annually and transmitted by electrical message. Reporting will be continued during emergency conditions using emergency status code C-1 priority. Continue reporting during MINIMIZE. Measurement data will be provided by the MAJCOMs to HQ USAF/SPI via RCS: HAF-SPI(SA)9225, Personnel Security Measurement Report.
Figure A1.1. Sample Metric of Clearance Processing Time.