COMNAVRESINTCOMINST 3501.4A 27 October 1996






Encl: (1) Workhour Reporting Rules

(2) AIMS System User Error/Change Report Form (COMNAVRESINTCOM 3501/1)

1. Purpose. To direct the use of AIMS, to standardize and clarify reporting procedures within AIMS, and to establish a process for the submission of AIMS data.

2. Cancellation. COMNAVRESINTCOMINST 3501.4.

3. Background

a. The goal of AIMS is to provide Reserve Intelligence Areas (RIA)s and units with a useful information management tool. Successfully streamlining and standardizing our processes will facilitate more effective and efficient management of personnel, units, and RIAs, and enhance training and intelligence support. Considerable effort has been expended to: (1) standardize hardware and software; (2) establish a software development process; (3) establish an error reporting and configuration management process to systematically improve the software; and (4) provide field support and training to users.

b. AIMS provides automation for generating standard reports and user-defined reports from the AIMS database. Since much data for this data base is downloaded from Reserve Standard Training Administration and Readiness Support (RSTARS) and then updated by the RIAs and units, the data should be up-to-date. This process allows the current RIA AIMS database to be submitted to COMNAVRESINTCOM for data analysis and report generation.

4. Policy. Installation and use of AIMS by Naval Reserve Intelligence Program (NRIP) units and RIAs is mandatory. RIAs will update and transmit AIMS data to COMNAVRESINTCOM monthly.

5. Action. All units and RIAs will report data via AIMS. Data will be forwarded to COMNAVRESINTCOM via E-mail to the Resource and Information Management shop (05) at COMNAVRESINTCOM, no later than the 1st of the next month.

6. Technical Assistance. AIMS will be supported by a Technical Support Director on the COMNAVRESINTCOM Staff and AIMS Technical Support Representatives in each RIA.

RIA Technical Support Representative will normally be a Selected Reservists (SELRES) drilling in that RIA.

7. Responsibilities

a. RIA Level: Following responsibilities are designated:

(1) Reserve Intelligence Area Commanders - Responsible for overall timeliness and accuracy of AIMS data for their RIA.

(a) Designation of RIA AIMS Technical Support Representative SELRES, as well as RIA AIMS Coordinator (active duty staff).

(2) RIA Staff: Responsible for data entry/assignment of RIA-owned data, AIMS submissions to headquarters, and day-to-day AIMS functions:

(a) Maintains RIA billet file in Automated Information Management System (AIMS).

(b) Enters/tracks Mobilization Readiness Project (MRP) and Reserve Intelligence Support Project (RISP) information, as unit projects are assigned/canceled.

(c) Tracks Annual Training (AT)/Active Duty for Training (ADT) applications and orders.

(d) Updates Annual Training (AT)/Active Duty (ADT) for Training applications.

(e) Enters/tracks all students enrolled in Basic Reserve Intelligence Training (BRIT).

(f) Updates/tracks security clearance information on RIA members.

(g) Performs/tracks Classified Document Inventory Control (RIA-owned materials) using Classified Document Inventory Control Numbers for classified titles.

(h) Ensures NAVAIRES RSTARS Coordinator produces diskette from the RSTARS database containing unit data for all units in RIA prior to start of each drill weekend.

(i) Extracts information from RSTARS diskette and transfers it to RIA AIMS computer for comparison, reporting, and eventual import into the AIMS database.

(j) Prints all exception reports, researches exceptions, and updates AIMS with RSTARS data.

(k) Creates AIMS diskette for each unit.

(l) Applies post-weekend updates from units.

(m) Submits AIMS data to COMNAVRESINTCOM.

(n) Conducts periodic training of unit personnel needing AIMS familiarization and training.

(o) Educates units on AIMS issues and new developments.

(p) Ensures each unit has current version of AIMS and AIMS documentation.

(q) Forwards error/change/enhancement reports utilizing enclosure (1).

(r) Participates in AIMS Configuration/Control boards, as necessary.

(s) Notifies COMNAVRESINTCOM of problems/difficulties encountered with AIMS as prescribed in enclosure (1).

b. Unit Level: Following responsibilities are designated:

(1) Commanding Officer Responsible for overall accuracy and timeliness of Unit AIMS data. Utilizing reference (a), analyzes AIMS data for generation of quarterly comments to Reserve Intelligence Area Commander (RIAC) and ultimately to COMNAVRESINTCOM.

(2) Training Officer: Utilizes AIMS for:

(a) AT/ADT application/tracking.

(b) Entering and tracking data for Enlisted Exam Eligibility Status, to include Personnel Advancement Requirements (PARS), NAVLEAD Course, Date of Rate, Time in Rate, and results of last exam.

(c) Entering/tracking required annual and special interest briefs.

(d) Assigning Individual Readiness Assessment Designator (IRAD) code updates.

(3) Administrative Officer: Utilizes AIMS for:

(a) Initial data entry on new personnel assigned to unit.

(b) Entering/tracking unit gains/losses.

(c) Entering/tracking Personal Awards Recommendations for electronic submission.

(4) Security Manager: Utilizes AIMS to

(a) Track and monitor security clearance information on unit members.

(5) Special Security Officer (SSO): While the use of AIMS for classified document inventory control of unit specific classified materials is not mandatory, it is strongly encouraged. Use of AIMS for this function will satisfy the COMNAVRESFOR requirement specified in reference (b). Classified titles shall not be used in AIMS; classified documents may be listed under their unclassified publication number and their Classified Inventory Control Number.

(6) Intelligence Support Officer: Utilizes AIMS to:

(a) Track workhours expended on various MRPs and RISPs assigned to unit, to include Production/Production Support workhours of:

(1) unit personnel.

(2) non-Navy personnel.

(3) non-unit personnel.

8. Workhours reporting. All unit members will record their daily activities in hours in the blocks provided for Administration, Training and Production. RIAs should also include workhours of all Involuntary Training Unit (IVTU) personnel. Personnel should record all hours, both compensated and non-compensated, spent at the drill site, performing NRIP-related duties. Workhours of personnel of other service components will be accounted for under the category of Production, under the appropriate MRP/RISP supported. Enclosure (1) provides a summary of the various categories of workhours. All workhours will be reported according to the following guidelines:

a. Administration hours: All Administration hours will be recorded under the Administration category, except when they are required to support gaining command activities, such as time spent receiving, storing, issuing, and mailing production materials. These hours will be reported under "Production Support". The Administration block will be used to record:

(1) All time of the commanding officer, the executive officer and all department heads (unless time was spent on production support, which should be recorded under production).

(2) All non-training and non-production support time performed by personnel assigned to the Administrative Department.

(3) All personal administration time, to include time spent reviewing the member's service record, correcting RESFIRST records, applying for AT/ADT, time spent at medical for annual physicals, sick call, or other medical visits, and taking any other administrative action of a

personal nature. Time spent in all hands meetings of an administrative nature will also be recorded here.

b. Training hours: Training activities will be recorded under the training category recorded. Exceptions are hours required to support gaining command activities, such as time spent training

to work on specific projects; these hours will be reported under "Production Support". The Training block will be used to record:

(1) Rate training, billet training, time spent at required and special interest briefings, PRT, GNT, intelligence briefings (other than MRP-related briefings), and all other types of training.

c. Production hours: All Production hours will be recorded, including those of non-Navy and non-unit personnel (including IVTU), under the unit and MRP for which they were performed.

Production hours will be recorded by MRP or RISP and will be reported in two categories which, when added together, will give total Intelligence Support. These categories are:

(1) Production: all time spent working directly on projects and their quality control.

(2) Production Support:

(a) Time spent managing, supervising and administering production activities.

(b) Time spent training to work on specific projects.

(c) Time spent receiving, storing, issuing and mailing production materials.

d. Reporting on personnel from other component services drilling with a unit: Units and RIAs will ensure that all production workhours of all non-Navy personnel drilling with their RIA/units are entered in AIMS under the appropriate MRP/RISP. These workhours should be listed under the MRP/RISP for the unit which received the support.

(1) For Marine Corps personnel drilling in the RIA, the following information, at a minimum, will be maintained:

(a) Name

(b) Branch of Service

(c) Address (work and home)

(d) Telephone numbers (home and work)

(e) Social Security number

(f) Rank/rate

(g) Paygrade

(h) Designator/NEC equivalent (i.e. MOS, AFSC,)

(i) Date of birth

(j) Name of the unit supported (to be entered in the comment block of the Personnel Identification screen)

(k) Security clearance information

(l) BRIT information (if applicable)

(m) Production/Production support workhours (listed under the MRP for the unit which received the support)

e. Reporting workhours of non-unit personnel providing Production/Production Support: Non-unit personnel (i.e. IVTU, rescheduled drillers, etc.) may periodically provide Production/Production Support to a unit other than their own. In this event, the individual's name providing this support should be entered on the AIMS workhours entry screen of the unit to which the Production/Production Support was given. These hours should be listed under the appropriate MRP/RISP number.

f. Recording workhours of rescheduled/make-up drills: Units will record workhours on all personnel performing rescheduled/make-up drills in the following manner:

(1) Rescheduled/make-up drills performed after the member's regular drill weekend will be recorded by the unit in the following month's AIMS workhours report.

(2) Rescheduled/make-up drills performed before the member's regular drill weekend will be entered and reported on the unit's drill weekend following the rescheduled/make-up drill.

g. Recording non-drill workhours: Non-drill hours are defined as any hours worked by reserve personnel in excess of the required sixteen compensated (by pay or points) hours per month, in support of the NRIP. This will include only those hours worked at the drill site (i.e., not at home or business). Units will record non-drill hours of all personnel, both Navy and other component services, in the following manner:

(1) All non-drill workhours will be recorded in the appropriate category of Administration, Training or Production.

(2) Non-drill hours performed between drills will be reported by the unit/RIA in the

following month's AIMS report.

(3) Non-drill hours performed on the drill weekend will be recorded on the AIMS report for that particular drill weekend.

9. Other reporting requirements

a. Duplicate reporting: Data maintained in AIMS is no longer required to be maintained in other formats. However, there are two exceptions to this policy:

(1) Training reporting. All training data will continue to be documented on hardcopy COMNAVRESFOR 3500/2 forms.

(2) BRIT reporting requirements: Reference (c) directs student progress to be documented and reported on COMNAVRESINTCOM forms 3500/5 and 3500/6. Continue to report on those forms and via AIMS until otherwise advised.

b. Required annual briefs: Reference (c) prescribes that these briefs be documented on form COMNAVRESINTCOM 1500/7. The AIMS printout will be used in lieu of this form. The AIMS printout must be filed in the enlisted training jacket or notebook maintained to document officer training.

c. Reporting on NRCIS personnel: All NRCIS personnel will be entered and tracked in AIMS by the RIA, and will be included in the RIA AIMS submission. The following

information, at a minimum, will be maintained on all NRCIS personnel (more detailed information may be maintained at the option of the RIA):

(1) All information on the Personnel Data screen, with the following exceptions:

(a) Dept Assigned

(b) IRAD Code

(c) IRAD Code Change Date

(d) Recall Area/Caller

(2) Record of intelligence oversight briefings

10. AIMS Error/Change Reporting

a. Error Reporting: AIMS users will utilize enclosure (2), the AIMS System User Error/Change Report.

(1) All error reports will be forwarded via the AIMS Technical Representative. In the event that the RIA AIMS Technical Representative is unable to resolve the error, the RIA AIMS Technical Representative will forward the information via E-mail to COMNAVRESINTCOM (Code 05) using the format specified in enclosure (2).

b. Change Reporting: Changes to the software will be categorized and planned for future releases. The format in enclosure (2) will be used for all Change reports. Change reports will be sent via the RIA AIMS Technical Support Representative by E-mail to COMNAVRESINTCOM (Code 05).

11. Reports and Forms

a. Report symbol 3501-1 is assigned to this reporting requirement in paragraph 5. This report is approved for 3 years from the date of this directive.

b. COMNAVRESINTCOM 3501/1 (8/95) is stocked at COMNAVRESINTCOM and may be locally reproduced.



Distribution: (refer to COMNAVRESINTCOMINST 5216.1K)

List I, II, III


Administrative Hours Time spent by CO, XO and department

heads which cannot be reported as training or production/production support time.

Time spent by Administrative Department personnel which cannot be reported as training or production/production support time.

Unit all hands meetings.

All personal administrative time, e.g:

* review of service records

* RESFIRST correction time

* applying for AT/ADT

* annual physicals

* sick call or other medical matters

* all other administrative matters

Training Hours Non-production related training, to include:

* rate training

* billet training

* required and special interest briefs



* intelligence briefings (other than MRP-related briefings)

* all other types of training

Production Hours - Actual

Production All time spent working directly on projects.

Project quality control time.

Production Hours -

Production Support Time spent managing, supervising and administering production activities.

Time spent training to work on specific projects.

Time spent receiving, storing and issuing project materials.


SERIAL NO- rr-vvv-nnn

rr - two digit RIA number

vv - AIMS version i.e. 011 for version 1.0, 020 for version 2.0

nnn - Sequential report number, assigned by CNRIC TECH SUPPORT

IMPACT CODE - This indicates the level of a problem

1. Soft ware failure - This is the most critical level. The problem causes a system crash or a major failure of the software, i.e. the inability to retrieve data files.

2. Software limitation - This problem prevents use of a particular function, or generates incorrect data or reports -- major impact but not total failure.

3. Nuisance errors - Problems which need correcting but do not have a major impact on mission completion.

RIA - RIA number

UNIT - Unit reporting the problem, or RIPO/RIA

DATE - Date problem occurred (Report date should match)

User/Rate/Name - A point of contact who can respond to any questions about the problem.

Platform - i.e., which make PC (make/model)?

SCREEN/REPORT - The screen or report in use at the time of the error.

FIELD - If data was being entered, list the fields that caused the problem.

Detailed Problem DESCRIPTION - Provide a detailed description of the actual problem, describing the system's response, function attempted, and error messages.

CAN THE ERROR BE REPRODUCED? - Every effort should be made to attempt the same scenario a second and third time and compare results (Y or N)

Recommended problem Resolution - Provide suggested solutions, to include temporary work arounds.


Serial No: ___-_____-_____

Impact Code: 1 2 3




User Rate/Name:


Platform: (PC Make/Model)

Screen/Report No:


Detailed Problem Description: __________________________________________________________





Can error be reproduced? Y N

Recommended Problem Resolution:

Temporary: ________________________________________________________________________



Permanent: ________________________________________________________________________



Rec'd: (Dt)

RIPO: ____________

TECH: ____________

CNRIC: ___________









