1. Purpose. This NRIP Master Training Manual is the
authoritative NRIP training instruction and is intended to establish
and set forth the training requirements and priorities of the
Commander, Naval Reserve Intelligence Command (COMNAVRESINTCOM) and
to direct and assist Deputy Reserve Intelligence Area Commanders
(DRIACs) for Training and Readiness and unit Training Officers and
Training Petty Officers in the implementation and furtherance of
their duties and responsibilities. The objective of this instruction
is to improve individual and unit readiness in order to increase
contributory support to the Navy and the NRIP's gaining commands.
This goal will be achieved by:
- planning and managing effective training;
- enhancing professional growth and opportunities for
advancement and promotion;
- standardizing training procedures and relying upon automated
systems (e.g. RSTARS(TM) and AIMS) for the scheduling, tracking and
documentation of training;
- analyzing the training requirements of each unit,
establishing these requirements in a unit training protocol,
identifying the deficiencies of unit personnel in regards to these
standards and training to remedy such deficiencies; and
- Centralizing at the Reserve Intelligence Area (RIA) level
those training requirements which are common to all units and which
may otherwise be delivered most efficiently at this, rather than the
unit, level.
This instruction does not "layer" or repeat the directives
and/or guidance of other COMNAVRESINTCOM instructions or those of any
other command. The contents of instructions and other material which
are referenced at the beginning of each section will not be repeated
within the body or text of this instruction. As such, this
instruction demands, and the effective and efficient use of this
instruction necessitates, that all training professionals be
thoroughly knowledgeable with such instructions. There is no
substitute for mastery of policy and procedural guidance.
"Maior scientiae pars est intelligere unde scientia sit
petenda;" or in the English language "the greater part of knowledge
is understanding whence knowledge is to be sought."
Translated roughly, this means that half of knowledge is
knowing where to find it. In regards to NRIP training policies,
procedures and requirements, there is no substitute for a working
knowledge of this instruction.
2. Cancellation. Effective with the issuance of this
instruction, the following instructions are hereby cancelled:
While the Training Officer Manual (July 11, 1994) is not
cancelled (and, in fact, the many explanations of, among other
things, past actions and intentions should be helpful), care must be
taken in relying thereon since this instruction revises many training
requirements and practices; and, in the event of any conflict or
inconsistency between this instruction and the Training Officer
Manual, this instruction controls.
3. Points of contact. Points of contact for NRIP
training issues are (and all change recommendations should be
directed to): Deputy or Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, Training and
Readiness; COMNAVRESINTCOM staff IS and BRIT Technical Manager; and
National BRIT Director; and each may be contacted through
Distribution: (refer to COMNAVRESINTCOMINST 5216.1K)
Lists I, II, III
Organization and Responsibilities 1
Organizational Overview 1
NRIP Vision 1
Duties 2
Command Chief 2
Training and Readiness Department Head 3
Leading Chief/Petty Officer 3
Planning for Training 4
Overview 4
Purpose 4
Action 5
Format 5
Purpose 5
Membership 5
Action 5
Format 6
Distribution 6
Purpose 6
Action 6
Contents 6
Three-Year AT Plan 6
Purpose 7
Requirements 7
Readiness 7
Gaining Command 7
AT-at-Sea 7
School 8
MG-1 8
MG-5 8
Operational 8
Select Requirements 8
Action 9
NITRAS Planning Report 9
Purpose 9
Action 10
Training Notebook 10
Action 10
Requirements For All Personnel 10
Privacy 10
RSS 10
ITL 11
Additional Requirements For Officers 11
OQQ 11
Additional Requirements For Enlisted Personnel 11
ITP 11
General Instructions 12
Basic Reserve Intelligence Training 12
Purpose 13
Description 13
Personnel Required to Complete 13
Tracking 14
Graduation 14
Prerequisites To AT 15
Waiver 15
Academic Review 18
Responsibilities 18
ONI 19
BRIT Director 20
Instructor 22
Expanded Charter 22
Training Advisory Board 23
Purpose 23
Issues 23
Membership 23
Assignments 24
Procedures 24
Location 24
Timing 24
Reports 24
General Requirements 25
Administration 25
Background 26
Scheduling 26
PMT 26
Purpose 26
Categories 26
Billet Training 26
Rate Training 26
Practical Job Training 26
Career Enhancement Training 27
Action 27
Documentation 27
Navy Leader Development Training 27
GNT 28
Purpose 28
Action 28
Delivery 28
Documentation 28
PRT 28
Priority 28
Action 29
Reporting 29
Required Briefs and Training 29
Background 30
Delivery 30
Required Briefs 30
Security Indoctrination/OPSEC 30
Security Orientation/OPSEC 30
Annual Security Refresher/OPSEC 30
Counterespionage 30
Foreign Travel/Terrorist Threat 31
Security Debriefing 31
Intelligence Oversight 31
Guides to Conduct and Special Interest Items 31
Navy Rights and Responsibilities 31
Documentation 32
Additional Security Requirements 32
Consolidated Rate Training 32
Background 32
Action 32
Training Automation 33
Background 33
Utilization 33
Action 33
Plans, Reports and Schedules 33
Individual Training Requirements 34
Unit(s) OTE/Rqmts 34
Individual Training Plan 34
Interview Sheet 34
Unit Training Schedule 34
3500 Muster Sheet 34
Individual Training Accomplishments 34
Training Requirements/Personnel Report 34
Training Comparison Report 34
Readiness Comparison Report 34
Unconfigured ITP Report 34
Instructor Listing Report 34
Training Summary Report 35
Individual Training Accomplishments Report 35
Enlisted Individual Progress Report 35
Background 35
Action 35
Background 36
Action 36
Readiness 36
Background 36
Action 36
Background 37
Special NRIP Rules 37
Action 37
Officers 37
Enlisted Personnel 38
NEC 38
Background 38
Billet Requirements 38
Assignment 38
Background 38
Requirements 39
Instructors 39
Requirement 39
Action 39
Enlisted Advancement 39
Background 39
Action 39
Training Officer 39
LCPO and LPO 40
Tracking Checklist 40
Background 41
APG 41
COR 41
DIRCOM/Interservice Transfer/COD 41
Interservice Transfer 42
COD 42
Inspection Protocol 42
Focus 42
Guidance 42
Direction 42
Master Training Specialist Recognition Program 43
Enclosures and Tabs 43
Training Readiness Objectives
1. Organization and
a. Organizational
Overview. Training professionals
must be cognizant of the NRIP's organization in regards to training,
the key players and their assigned duties and responsibilities.
The organization of the Naval Reserve Intelligence Command,
RIAs and NRIP units is promulgated in reference (a). In short, the
Commander, Naval Reserve Intelligence Command is an Echelon IV
commander responsible to the Commander, Naval Air Reserve Force
(COMNAVAIRESFOR) for performance, including readiness, of the NRIP.
The Commander is supported by an integrated headquarters staff,
consisting of active duty, civilian and reserve personnel The NRIP is
geographically divided into Echelon V Reserve Intelligence Area
Commanders (RIACs). Within the RIAs there are numerous Echelon VI
units, each with a Commanding Officer.
Each command level (Unit, RIA staff and COMNAVRESINTCOM staff)
is organized along similar lines, which includes a training and
readiness function. This organization promotes vertical communication
among all organization levels and thereby facilitates and encourages
the interchange of management support.
The Deputy Chief of Staff (DCOS) for Training and Readiness is
responsible for the NRIP's training and readiness function. Without
elaborating all the specific duties and responsibilities, a key
function of this DCOS is to maintain communications with, and provide
assistance and support to, counterpart Deputy RIACs. Similarly,
DRIACs assist their counterpart Training and Readiness Department
Heads in subordinate units.
The DCOS for Training and Readiness has responsibility for
monitoring, assessing and recommending improvements to NRIP training
programs, including the Basic Reserve Intelligence Training program
(BRIT). Since references (a) and (b) provide detailed guidance
regarding the roles and responsibilities of the national, RIA and
unit level training staffs, training professionals must have a
thorough working knowledge thereof.
b. NRIP Vision. Each RIAC and unit
Commanding Officer share responsibility for attaining NRIP goals and
implementing COMNAVRESINTCOM vision set forth in references (c) and
(d). These requirements represent the vision and annual guidance and
priorities of COMNAVRESINTCOM. Each subordinate command is expected
to act in concert with and otherwise support COMNAVRESINTCOM's
specific objectives. To that end, note again that references (c) and
(d) set forth the policies, objectives and vision of the NRIP, while
references (a), (b) and (e) address the roles and responsibilities of
specific billets.
c. Duties. The duties and responsibilities
of RIA and unit level personnel having training and readiness
functions are set forth in references (a), (b) and (e). The following
also addresses such matters, but with the caveat that the duty of
each training professional is not only to accept established
responsibilities, but also to ascertain relevant deficiencies and
address the same.
(1) DRIAC. The DRIAC for Training and
Readiness is responsible for the overall administration and
organization of RIA training. Specific duties and responsibilities
(a) Training Officer for RIAC Staff;
(b) Liaison with DCOS for Training and Readiness, program
manager of the host activity, BRIT Director and training department
heads of subordinate units;
(c) Prepare training and readiness section of RIAC planning
(d) Monitor unit readiness;
(e) Monitor basic intelligence training programs for newly
affiliated officer and enlisted personnel;
(f) Monitor AT planning, especially AT-at-Sea, and consolidate
unit NITRAS Planning Reports for submission to COMNAVRESINTCOM (Code
(g) Perform assist visits and inspections of unit training
departments and report findings to RIAC and commanding officer of
subject unit;
(h) Monitor PRT, GNT and PMT; and
(i) Monitor required briefs of RIA personnel (i.e. security,
intelligence oversight, guides to conduct, etc.).
(2) Command Chief. The Command
Chief has responsibilities set forth in reference (b), including
(a) CPO/PO indoctrination courses; and
(b) enlisted career and advancement examinations.
(3) Training and Readiness Department
Head. The unit
Training Officer is responsible for the overall organization and
administration of unit training and readiness, including:
(a) Preparing the training sections of the unit planning
(b) Liaison with RIPO, DRIAC and cognizant Educational
Services Office (e.g. timely availability of advancement materials
and recommendations);
(c) Interview newly reported personnel to ascertain readiness
status and develop appropriate individual training plan;
(d) Conduct career counseling and advise and/or establish AT
selections, together with assuring that AT applications are properly
submitted and maintained;
(e) Develop a unit-based training plan for efficient and
timely integration and training of new personnel in regards to the
unit's specific mission (i.e. MRP, RISP, etc.);
(f) Review and update Individual Readiness Assessment
Designators (IRADs) in the Reserve Training Support System
(g) Review applications for assignment of NOBCs and NECs prior
to review by Commanding Officer ("CO");
(h) Develop and conduct GNT;
(i) Ensure presentation and recordation of required special
briefings; and
(j) Recommend correspondence courses and provide guidance to
unit personnel in applying for such courses and professional
(k) Ensure the proper training of, and maintenance of training
records with respect to, all individuals assigned to and/or regularly
drilling with unit, including CAO personnel, but excluding, among
others, CAI personnel, students assigned to and attending BRIT and
individuals assigned to the COMNAVRESINTCOM national staff.
(4) Leading Chief/Petty
Officer. The Leading
Chief/Petty Officer provides advice on the training of enlisted
personnel, including (I) assisting the unit Training Officer to
ensure effective enlisted rate training and (ii) ensuring advancement
examination eligibility and participation by Time in Rate (TIR)
eligible personnel.
2. Planning for
a. Overview. The paramount
responsibility of Training Officers is "training planning". Command
inspections generally reveal that a lack of understanding, and
resultant failure to adhere to the requirements, of applicable
directives is a major area of weakness. At the outset, all training
professionals must consider the preeminent importance of the Training
and Readiness Objectives (TRO), the Planning Board for Training
(PBFT), the Short Range Training Plan (SRTP), the individual-specific
Three-Year AT Plans and the NITRAS Planning Report. These must be
considered and treated as integrated analytical planning tools in
which to address the training deficiencies of the unit and RIA.
(1) The TRO is the road map to advance unit readiness. This
document is the basis for an effective and efficient training program
and evidences whether the unit leadership/management team is
cognizant of training deficiencies and is otherwise addressing the
(2) The PBFT is the unit's primary vehicle for monitoring,
scheduling and updating all training requirements for each individual
in a unit.
(3) The SRTP is the document which announces the schedule for
future training.
(4) The Three-Year AT Plan is the individual-specific plan
which addresses deficiencies and identifies AT requirements and
projections for each individual in the unit.
(5) The Navy Integrated Training Resources and Administrative
System (NITRAS) Planning Report is a Navy-mandated report which
identifies quotas for the ensuing five years for formal intelligence
courses taught at active duty schoolhouses.
b. TRO.
Encl: (1) TRO Format
(1) Purpose. The TRO is the unit's annual
training plan and must constitute the basis and agenda for all
training activities. This plan is the single most important training
tool for the unit. In preparing the TRO, consider that there is no
single criterion of readiness from which to identify training
shortfalls. Training requirements must be considered from the
broadest possible perspective and capture numerous training
requirements not specifically linked to readiness deficiencies.
(2) Action. The TRO must be prepared each
fiscal year and submitted to the RIAC, attention DRIAC for Training
and Readiness, no later than 01 September for the next fiscal
(3) Format. Enclosure (1) is the general
format in which the TRO may be presented.
c. PBFT.
(1) Purpose. The TRO establishes an
effective training program. In turn, this program is monitored by the
PBFT. The PBFT is the unit's "in-the-trenches" executive group
responsible for the identification of deficiencies and the
implementation of solutions in order to meet the goal of the TRO. The
major work product each year of the PBFT is the TRO. In addition, the
minutes of the PBFT:
(a) Provide the CO with a current evaluation of unit readiness
and training shortfalls;
(b) Consolidate and schedule training requirements and
activities; and
(c) Develop, update and publish training plans and schedules,
including SRTPs.
(2) Membership. The members of the
PBFT are designated by the CO and must consist of at least the
Training Officer (who will "chair" each PBFT), Command Chief/LPO and
other personnel, at the discretion of the CO, who are deemed "key" to
the training process. The PBFT is not a "department head", "all
hands", "all officers" or any similar meeting. In the interests of
efficiency, PBFT membership should be limited solely to members
responsible for training planning and implementation. If the CO does
not attend a PBFT, the results thereof must be briefed to the CO
(e.g. by delivery of the PBFT minutes).
(3) Action.
(a) PBFTs must meet no less often than (i) quarterly or (ii)
upon the occurrence of a significant training planning event (e.g.
the assignment of a new unit member or the restructuring of the
training requirements of any unit member, whether evidenced by a
revised ITP, the -- requirements of the gaining command or
otherwise). When required, the PBFT must commence at the start of the
drill weekend.
(b) Notwithstanding the periodicity of PBFTs, an effective
training regime mandates frequent, effective and efficient
communication among the unit leadership team, together with the DRIAC
for Training and Readiness, in regards to training requirements and
shortfalls. To be effective, PBFTs must be forward thinking in their
deliberations and employ a long-term (i.e. twelve-month) horizon in
addressing training requirements.
(c) Minutes of the PBFT must be kept on file for the current
and the prior two years.
(d) IVTUs are not required to conduct a PBFT.
(e) The DRIAC for Training and Readiness must conduct a PBFT
for all unit Training Officers not less often than semiannually in
order to provide Training Officers with appropriate training and an
unfiltered forum at which to discuss training issues (and thereby,
among other things, share solutions and successful practices) and
otherwise to monitor unit training practices; provided, (I) one of
these semiannual meetings must take place in either October or
November of each fiscal year and should be attended in person by all
Training Officers in order to review the currency of NRIC, RIA and
unit training requirements, plans and practices and (ii) remaining
RIA-level PBFTs may be conducted in the most efficient manner taking
into account unit locations and schedules.
(f) If the RIA relies on a host activity to satisfy training
requirements, then the RIA must have a representative in attendance
at the host activity PBFT to present training requirements identified
by the NRIC units' PBFTs.
(4) Format. Units may adopt any format for PBFT minutes so long as such format facilitates the continuous review of the status of unit training; however, (I) a form which follows the structure the TRO (and, hence, this instruction) should be considered in order to permit cross-referencing and (ii) the format must include the following:
- Date conducted;
- Attendees (name, rate or rank) and members not in
attendance; and
- Training deficiencies and accomplishments, training
requested and action assigned.
(5) Distribution. A copy of the PBFT
minutes must be provided to the DRIAC for Training and Readiness. The
DRIAC must review these materials and advise the RIAC and the RIPO on
a monthly basis in regards to the status of the RIA's training
efforts and requirements.
d. SRTP.
(1) Purpose. The SRTP should follow and
"flow" from the TRO and the PBFT. The SRTP is prepared by the unit on
monthly basis for the following month and sets forth the schedule of
training specified by the PBFT and otherwise based upon the TRO.
(2) Action. The SRTP must be incorporated
into (preferably) or attached to the unit Plan-of-the-Month
(3) Contents. The SRTP must identify the
title and course number, instructor, time and location of each
training session, together with the personnel (individually or
generally -by name, rate, department or such other identification
which provides objective notice to the subject personnel) expected to
attend. While there is no specific format, all required information
must be included.
e. Three-Year AT Plan.
Ref: (a) Ready For Sea Course Handbook"
(c) ONIINST 1001.8C
(1) Purpose. Each officer and all
enlisted personnel must have a structured career plan in order to
address mobilization readiness and to provide the greatest
opportunity for maximum career development. There are and will always
be numerous options to any formal plans in order to meet the needs of
all personnel and depending on the type of unit to which an
individual is assigned. There exists no master career plan. All
personnel will require individual customizing for their billet
assignments and career needs.
(2) Requirements. In addition to the
general Naval Reserve requirements, the following priorities (in the
order indicated) apply to NRIP personnel:
(a) Readiness. Perform AT required for
100% readiness.
(b) Gaining Command. Perform AT
to satisfy gaining command requirements (especially at the gaining
command), but in no event less than once every three years. Note that
a "gaining command AT" as used in these plans refers to current
gaining command only. What was a gaining command AT in one unit may
be redefined as a non-gaining command OJT when the individual
transfers to another unit or another billet in the same unit.
Performing gaining command AT more frequently than otherwise required
is encouraged so long as all training requirements referenced herein
are satisfied.
(c) AT-at-Sea. For officers O-1 through
O-4 and enlisted personnel E-4 through E-6, perform an AT-at-Sea in
accordance with the following:
i) for such enlisted personnel, once during the E-4/5
progression and once as an E-6;
ii) for such officers, once for the 0-1 through 0-3
progression and once as an O-4; and
iii) the first AT-at-Sea must be aboard an underway afloat
platform. Subsequent ATs-at-Sea may be performed ashore with VP/VQ or
similar functional wings or squadrons, in OSIS nodes or in support of
fleet units engaged in joint, fleet or other similar exercises. An
NIS Agent Afloat AT can satisfy one, but not both, of the AT-at-Sea
requirements so long as the individual is assigned to an NIS billet.
Personnel who have been on sea duty while on active duty within the
last five years shall be deemed to have satisfied their first
AT-at-Sea requirement. Further, note that the review of reference (a)
course handbook which has been distributed to all RIAs will benefit
personnel and enable them to better prepare for their AT-at-Sea.
(d) School. For officers 0-3 and below and
for enlisted personnel E-6 and below, perform an AT at a formal
school which enhances billet-based required skills; and for officers
0-4 and above and enlisted personnel E-7 and above, perform an AT at
a formal school which enhances leadership and management skills. For
example, COMNAVRESINTCOM has developed and manages the following
courses for the professional development of NRIP personnel (and which
are announced, and application and selection procedures are set forth
in, reference (b):
i) MG-1. Senior Intelligence Leadership
Symposium (SILS) is a two-week course which provides a national
perspective on intelligence as well as RIA management and leadership
issues for CAPTs who are highly competitive for RIAC selection, E-7
through E-9 who are incumbent or prospective RIA Command Chiefs,
RIPOs and senior TARS.
ii) MG-5. Mid-Level Intelligence Officer
Symposium is a two week course which focuses on the nuts and bolts of
running an NRIP unit, together with a national program overview, for
current XO(s), department heads with proven leadership records and
post-department head 0-4/0-5s who are competitive for CO.
(e) Operational. Perform an
"operationally-orientated" AT (e.g. supporting a fleet unit or
command, whether or not at sea or in direct support of the gaining
command, including shore-based exercises).
(3) Select Requirements. In
addition to the general guidance set forth above, AT
(a) BRIT. For BRIT (including APG, COR,
DIRCOM and COD) students are set forth in a specific section of this
(b) APG. For APG personnel includes APG
Indoctrination (MI-2, see reference (b)).
i) Note that Enlisted Fleet Orientation Course is a
COMNAVRESINTCOM sponsored course required for E-1 through E-5
personnel with less than three years (reserve and active duty) Navy
experience. The course is not intended to replace APG Indoctrination,
but is intended to provide a minimum military indoctrination into the
Navy, together with an element of fleet familiarization. This course
is announced (and application and selection procedures are set forth
in) reference (b).
(c) DIRCOM. For Direct Commission officers
includes DCOIC (MI-1, see reference (b)).
i) Note that MI-5, DIRCOM Fleet Orientation (see reference
(b)), is an NRIP mandated course for 1635 direct commission officers
in pay grades O-1 through O-3 which is structured to be complementary
to DCOIC and should be attended after completion of DCOIC or, if
DCOIC and Fleet Orientation can be attended in the same FY, prior to
DCOIC. The primary component of MI-5 is the Strike Intelligence
Training Syllabus (SITS) provided at Navy Strike Warfare Center, NAS
Fallon. This course is announced (and application and selection
procedures are set forth in) reference (b).
(d) NOBC. For NOBC attainment are set forth
in reference (c).
(4) Action. Training Officers shall
develop three-year AT plans (i.e. for the next three fiscal years)
for all personnel (i.e. all designators and rates) based upon the ATs
set forth above and with particular concern for individual billet and
readiness requirements. These AT Plans must be developed and/or
updated annually and submitted to the DRIAC for Training and
Readiness as a constituent part of the TRO and otherwise concurrent
with the projection of AT intelligence school quotas under the NITRAS
Planning Report. Plans should provide sufficient detail at an
individual level to facilitate tracking and coordination of such
training (e.g. when a member is projected to attend a formal course,
the name listed in reference (a) should be utilized).
f. NITRAS Planning
Ref: (a) COMNAVRESINTCOMNOTE 1550 (Series)
(1) Purpose. The NITRAS Planning Report
gathers anticipated intelligence course requirements for use by
intelligence schools and for entry into NITRAS. There exists an
informal relationship between the individual Three-Year AT Plans
(which are primarily intended to foster career development and
readiness) and the projections set forth in the NITRAS Planning
Report since the planning set forth in the former should be reflected
in the latter. However, since the NITRAS Planning Report covers two
additional years, Training Officers must take reasoned care to
address these out-year AT course projections notwithstanding the
inherent difficulty in making such projections due to the dynamic
careers of and requirements imposed upon NRIP personnel. For example,
in making these out-year projections, Training Officers should
analyze the utilization of AT courses in previous years (e.g. examine
OQQs) and consider projected changes in (I) the unit's mission, (ii)
Reserve Billet Training Requirements (RBTR), (iii) Individual
Training Plans (ITP) and (iv) career or AT plans.
(2) Action. Until further advised by
COMNAVRESINTCOM, any requirement to prepare and/or distribute the
NITRAS Planning Report is suspended.
3. Training Notebook.
a. Action. While there is no need to
maintain enlisted and/or officer training jackets, there is a need to
maintain basic documentation in the most efficient and effective
manner. As such, each unit shall maintain a Training Notebook (either
combined or separate) for officers and enlisted personnel which shall
contain the items referenced in the following sections. In addition,
the materials in the Training Notebook must be reviewed for currency
and accuracy no less often than annually in connection with the
preparation of the TRO; provided, the materials relating to a
specific individual must be updated within a reasonable period after
any change thereto.
b. Requirements For All
(1) Privacy. Privacy Act Statement
(NAVRES 1500/14).
(2) RSS. Readiness Status Statement,
including AIMS or RSTARS originated documents, which evidence
satisfaction of professional intelligence training and
billet-mandated intelligence training and requirements. This
statement must address the basic and advanced training requirements
and milestones of each individual. This statement enables
verification of readiness status. For example, the following must be
addressed: the date the 9600 (plus all other) NOBC(s) was received;
the date the 1635 designator or IS NEC was received; the date formal
courses or other ATs, including at the gaining command, required for
current billet 100% qualification were completed; and, to the extent
any qualification is not complete, the status of the application or
request therefore. There is no particular form for this information;
however, every consideration should be given to provide this
information in an efficient and orderly format in order to permit
easy access, review and report writing, including use of a
WordPerfect template (i.e. enabling all personnel to be addressed in
a single file) and without duplication of the information and data
provided in RSTARS and/or AIMS.
(3) ITL. Individual Training Log, including
AIMS or RSTARS originated forms, which records PMT, GNT, Required
Briefs (e.g. security education, guides to conduct, intelligence
oversight), safety and any other training which is not addressed in
the Readiness Status Statement. Again, as with the Readiness Status
Statement, there is no particular form for this information; however,
every consideration should be given to provide this information in an
efficient and orderly format in order to permit easy access, review
and report writing, including use of a WordPerfect template (i.e.
enabling all personnel to be addressed in a single file) and without
duplication of the information and data provided in RSTARS and/or
AIMS. This log is intended to capture that training which is not
susceptible or capable of being recorded in the AIMS (primarily) or
RSTARS (secondarily) databases.
c. Additional Requirements For
(1) OQQ. A current (i.e. within the preceding
12 months) Officer Qualification Questionnaire (OQQ) or the
functional equivalent which addresses current and past active duty
and Reserve unit assignments and billets and Reserve AT/ADT duty and
d. Additional Requirements For Enlisted
(1) ITP. Individual Training Plan (ITP) and,
if applicable, gaining command mobilization billet equivalent
training letters. The ITPs within RSTARS(TM) identify the minimum
training required for mobilization billets. These minimum training
requirements are driven by the NEC manual, fleet pipeline training
tracks, gaining commands and Type Commanders who direct training
required for billets with assigned NECs. Training Officers shall:
(a) Interview and develop ITPs for all enlisted personnel
(including CAO personnel) immediately upon their reporting to the
(b) Train all personnel (including CAO) to the training
requirements identified in their ITP.
(c) Maintain liaison with gaining commands to ensure that ITPs
are accurate and reflect what is required for each billet.
(d) Obtain an appropriate waiver from the gaining command in
regards to any requirements which are not feasible for completion by
reserve personnel.
(2) PARS. Personnel Advancement Requirements
(PARs) (NAVPERS 1414/4) and PQS sign-offs.
e. General Instructions.
(1) These documents shall be filed alphabetically by last name
and should be divided into separate notebook sections.
(2) This notebook can be used to file other records of
completed training or qualifications; provided (I) such records shall
be filed in the section of the notebook most nearly pertaining and
(ii) the unit training officer shall ensure that the notebooks are
not a repository for unnecessary or duplicative material. This
notebook is a working tool, not a filing system.
(3) Upon detachment from the unit, these materials should be
delivered to the individual for transfer to the new unit or for
retention until reaffiliation. This applies to all hard copy
documentation, as well as AIMS and RSTARS(TM) print-outs. If a member
departs without the appropriate personal training documentation,
those documents will be delivered to the RIPO for forwarding. If the
member cannot be located, the jacket/documentation will be retained
in RIA files for three years and then destroyed.
(4) The training notebook shall not contain FITREPs, EVALs,
military awards or commendations or other documents that are
administrative in nature.
(5) An overriding consideration in regards to these records is
to maintain an accurate record of an individual's training, but
without duplication of records or effort. To the extent information
may be recorded in either AIMS or RSTARS, the same should not be
duplicated in locally developed training databases or records.
4. Basic Reserve Intelligence
Ref: (a) BUPERSINST 1001.39A
(b) Enlisted Classification Manual
(c) ONIINST 1001.8C
Encl: (2) Curriculum
(3) Academic Review Board Guidelines
(4) Instructor and Module Critique
(5) Module Test Check
(6) Module Grade Report
(7) Module Revision Request
(8) Officer Fitness Report and Enlisted Performance Evaluation Guidance
(9) Enrollment
a. Purpose. BRIT is the seminal NRIP
training program. As a CNET-approved basic training program, BRIT is
the primary means by which COMNAVRESINTCOM ensures the high calibre,
professional nature and broad-based skills of accessions to the
reserve intelligence community who support the Fleet and other active
Navy and joint commands. All NRIP commands have a responsibility to
vigilantly uphold and maintain the integrity and high standards
applicable to BRIT.
b. Description. BRIT provides entry
level intelligence training for officer and enlisted personnel who
seek to obtain, respectively, the 1635 designator and the IS rating.
The BRIT curriculum has been designed by COMNAVRESINTCOM in
conjunction with NMITC, FITCPAC and CNET. In turn, NMITC and FITCPAC,
as Course Curriculum Model Managers (CCMM) for, respectively,
CORE-RES and NIOBC-RES, have developed and produced a high intensity
training curriculum which implements this design and is predicated
upon and mirrors NIOBC (i.e. Reserve intelligence training will be
Fleet focused -- the Fleet drives NIOBC and NIOBC drives BRIT). The
BRIT curriculum is structured so as to achieve parity in subject
matter, topics, exposure and depth with NIOBC. BRIT is comprised of
both RIA schoolhouse modules ("takehome" and classroom) and AT
courses. The current BRIT curriculum reflects enclosure (2). Students
who commenced BRIT under the previous curriculum will be transitioned
into this curriculum in order to allow appropriate credit for work
completed to date. In general, this curriculum has been developed on
the basis of a "core and stranding" concept. All BRIT students will
receive the same "core" training (i.e. the schoolhouse modules and
the CORE-RES AT). In addition, officers will receive the NIOBC-RES AT
(as a "follow-on" or "strand" of the basic course).
c. Personnel Required to
Complete. Satisfaction of
BRIT is required for DIRCOM, COD, APG, COR, OSVET, inter-service
transferee (with officer transferees addressed in the same manner as
a COD and enlisted transferees addressed in the same manner as an
OSVET) and non-designated enlisted (addressed in the same manner as a
COR) personnel. In this regard:
(1) Except for a 1635 DIRCOM or an IS APG, no student may
commence BRIT without receiving "In Training" status from BUPERS
which authorizes that individual to commence BRIT (PERS-912
authorizes officer and PERS-932 authorizes enlisted).
(2) In accordance with references (a) and (b), non-DIRCOM/APG
students who have not received "In Training" status shall not be
enrolled in BRIT (i.e. "hidden" or "stash" students are not
permitted). Students who have no intention of qualifying as a 1635 or
an IS may audit the BRIT schoolhouse modules, but are not authorized
to attend any portion of the BRIT curriculum which is conducted at
other than the schoolhouse site. An individual who audits any portion
of BRIT must have the written authorization of their CO (which
authorization must confirm that the individual has acknowledged that
such attendance may not satisfy completion requirements if the
individual subsequently obtains "In Training" status and commences
BRIT). The RIA BRIT Director shall maintain a record of all such
(3) To the extent billets are available, "In Training" status
students must be assigned to valid 163X/IS billets; provided, the
unavailability of pay billets shall not preclude assignment of "In
Training" status or attendance at BRIT.
d. Tracking.
(1) Any student who has not satisfied all BRIT requirements
shall continue to be listed on AIMS and similar reports (i.e. any
student who has completed the schoolhouse modules but who has not
satisfied the AT course requirements even though such student has
returned to drilling with their unit).
(2) Each RIAC, RIPO IS and BRIT Director should take note that
the intent is to obtain access to current BRIT data via monthly AIMS
updates. As such, the AIMS data base must be updated after every RIA
BRIT schoolhouse weekend, but in any event not later than the end of
the third week of each month in order to allow COMNAVRESINTCOM the
opportunity to review current data on a monthly basis.
(3) If a BRIT student withdraws for any reason, a
disenrollment letter must be forwarded to BUPERS (PERS-912 for
officer and PERS-932 for enlisted) and copies concurrently forwarded
to COMNAVRESFOR (Codes 12 and N2) and COMNAVRESINTCOM (Code 03) so
that all cognizant activities are informed that such personnel have
been disenrolled from training.
(4) Upon graduation, enlisted classifiers and BUPERS must be
informed such that APG and COR personnel are credited with
satisfaction of BRIT requirements.
e. Graduation.
(1) In order to graduate from BRIT:
(a) Officers must complete all schoolhouse modules and the
CORE-RES and NIOBC-RES AT courses.
(b) Enlisted personnel must complete all schoolhouse modules
and the CORE-RES AT course.
(2) In the absence of a COMNAVRESINTCOM waiver, enlisted
personnel will be eligible to take advancement exams only after
graduation (i.e. completion of all BRIT components).
(3) A minimum grade of 70% is required to pass each
schoolhouse module. The minimum grade for each test conducted under
CORE-RES and NIOBC-RES shall be established by NMITC and FITCPAC (as
the CCMMs) from time to time in accordance with the standards
utilized in NIOBC.
(4) Upon graduation from (i.e. successful completion of) BRIT
and the other requirements of reference (c), an officer will be
eligible to apply for the 9600 NOBC in accordance with reference
(5) Upon graduation from (i.e. successful completion of) BRIT,
enlisted personnel will be eligible for a permanent IS rating.
f. Prerequisites To AT.
(1) The completion of all schoolhouse modules is a
prerequisite to attend the CORE-RES and the NIOBC-RES AT courses.
(2) The completion of the DIRCOM and APG orientation AT course
is a prerequisite for a DIRCOM or APG student to attend the CORE-RES
and the NIOBC-RES AT courses.
g. Waiver.
(1) No waiver of any component of BRIT will be granted or
otherwise permitted for enlisted personnel.
(2) No waiver of either CORE-RES or NIOBC-RES will be granted
or otherwise permitted for officers since these courses provide
current and focused OPINTEL, systems and other necessary training for
1635 accessions.
(3) An officer may receive a waiver in regards to the
requirement to complete the BRIT schoolhouse modules only upon
satisfaction of the following standards due to:
(a) The stringent active duty training requirements of 1630
(b) The increasing complexity of the demands imposed on 1635
officers by NRIP gaining commands and other Fleet and joint
(c) The imperative to be responsive to the complex training
needs of Naval intelligence professionals;
(d) The broad based and in-depth training afforded by BRIT;
(e) The need to maintain:
i) a consistently high quality of 1635 officers;
ii) the integrity of BRIT (i.e. note that no waiver of any
potion of BRIT is permitted for enlisted personnel); and
iii) the balanced nature of the BRIT studentbody (i.e. former
active duty, warfare qualified, civilian intelligence professionals,
(4) A waiver must encompass all (and not less than all) of the
schoolhouse modules since a qualifying student's prior training and
experience must evidence broad-based intelligence expertise
reflective of all the subjects addressed in the schoolhouse modules.
The waiver of individual modules will not be permitted since these
modules represent an integrated training syllabus and are presented
in a modular format solely for the convenience of BRIT students.
(5) COMNAVRESINTCOM will approve such a waiver only if the
(a) Is warfare qualified with (I) significant active-duty
tactical operational experience and (ii) significant (i.e. at least
two years) active-duty experience within the preceding five years in
an intelligence assignment or billet which demonstrated broad-based
intelligence skills; or
(b) Is non-warfare qualified with significant (i.e. at least
two years) active-duty experience within the preceding five years at
an intelligence command or center (e.g. DIA, ONI, JICPAC, AIC, etc.)
and in an assignment with direct intelligence analysis
(6) COMNAVRESINTCOM predicates this policy on the
(a) If an officer were qualified to receive a COD without
first proceeding by means of "In Training" status (with the
concomitant necessity to satisfy all of the requirements of reference
(c) in regards to the 9600 NOBC, this COD would have been granted by
ONI without qualification or necessity for "In Training" status.
(b) The BRIT schoolhouse modules are an integral and
integrated component of BRIT.
(c) Due to the currency of instruction and the breadth and
depth of topics, every Reserve intelligence officer would benefit
from an intensive current intelligence, sources and methods training
(d) While warfare qualified officers with tactical experience
are desirable for their expertise, such officers must have had recent
relevant experience demonstrating broad-based intelligence skills in
order to receive a waiver from the broad-based integrated training
reflected in the BRIT schoolhouse modules.
(e) Non-warfare qualified officers must have served in the
equivalent of an active duty intelligence officer (1630/1635) billet
(i.e. as an analyst) in an objectively recognized intelligence center
(e.g. DIA, ONI, AIC, JICPAC, etc.) in order to receive a waiver from
the BRIT schoolhouse modules.
(f) Even in regards to mid-grade officers, COMNAVRESINTCOM
anticipates few waivers since:
i) As these officers progress into "management" or
"leadership" positions, the need for broad-based training in and/or
introduction to intelligence areas unassociated with their prior
expertise is all the more pressing since units in which they may be
exercising command or leadership influence may be involved in
unfamiliar intelligence disciplines (i.e. areas in which such officer
does not have an adequate familiarity or appreciation).
ii) There is a limited, if any, need for senior officers in
leadership positions with a background limited to one "narrow" (by
definition in comparison with all the intelligence
areas/disciplines/commands associated with the NRIP) field related
solely to their "then remote" active duty experience. As an officer
transitions into other intelligence units/disciplines/areas, the need
to have an appreciation for, and more than anecdotal familiarity
with, areas other than their narrow field of expertise becomes more
(7) An officer with prior enlisted service who has graduated
from IS-A School or BRIT is not required to complete the schoolhouse
modules or the CORE-RES portions of BRIT. However, this officer must
complete NIOBC-RES immediately after the required DIRCOM or similar
orientation AT.
(8) A waiver request must be submitted to the Office of Naval
Intelligence (ONI-14) via the chain of command and COMNAVRESINTCOM
(Code 03) with detailed justification therefore.
h. Academic Review. Any student
who fails a schoolhouse module for the first time will be counseled,
provided remedial instruction and re-tested. If the re-test is
passed, the assigned grade for that module shall be 70%. Failure of
the re-test or of any subsequent module (i.e. without the benefit of
a retest) shall result in the convening of an Academic Review Board
(ARB) before any further action or training in regards to such
student. The purpose of the ARB is to determine the disposition of a
student who has failed to meet the academic requirements of BRIT.
Adverse ARB recommendations (i.e. to discontinue training) shall be
reviewed by the Reserve Intelligence Area Commander (RIAC) and, only
if the RIAC concurs with an adverse ARB recommendation (i.e. to
discontinue training), COMNAVRESINTCOM. A COMNAVRESINTCOM Academic
Appeals Board (AAB) shall review adverse ARB recommendations in which
the RIAC concurs and otherwise provide final disposition for students
recommended for disenrollment from BRIT. ARB procedures shall be
undertaken in accordance with enclosure (3).
i. Responsibilities.
COMNAVRESINTCOM shall manage BRIT and:
(a) Establish, direct, coordinate and verify program policy
and guidelines.
(b) Conduct an AAB as the final authority in determining the
disposition of a student who has been recommended for disenrollment
by an ARB and the cognizant RIAC.
(c) Review and endorse any and all waiver requests.
(d) Issue a graduation certificate to each student who has
successfully completed all BRIT requirements.
(2) ONI. ONI-14 shall review technical
qualifications of all waiver requests.
(3) NMITC. NMITC, as the CCMM for CORE-RES
and the BRIT schoolhouse modules, shall:
(a) Update (as required and appropriate to maintain parity
with NIOBC), produce and distribute BRIT modules.
(b) Update (as required and appropriate to maintain parity
with NIOBC) CORE-RES and, together with FITCPAC, conduct CORE-RES and
(c) Receive, evaluate and validate each Module Revision
(d) Issue a completion certificate to each student who has
successfully completed an AT course (i.e. CORE-RES and/or NIOBC-RES)
(4) FITCPAC. FITCPAC, as the CCMM for
NIOBC-RES, shall:
(a) Update (as required and appropriate to maintain parity
with NIOBC) NIOBC-RES and, together with NMITC, conduct CORE-RES and
(b) Issue a completion certificate to each student who has
successfully completed an AT course (i.e. CORE-RES and/or NIOBC-RES)
(5) RIAC. Each RIAC shall:
(a) Appoint a RIA BRIT Director who shall:
i) Evidence the proactive leadership and management skills
necessary and appropriate to manage the RIA BRIT program.
ii) Be a Lieutenant through Commander.
iii) Serve in a pay billet.
iv) Serve at least two (2) but not more than three (3) years
in such billet.
v) Serve as a member of the RIA staff and otherwise in a
manner commensurate with unit department head status (or greater if
the position, responsibilities and number of students warrant).
(b) Ensure monthly class instructional schedules permit
appropriate time to accomplish all training objectives without
interruption for any reason.
(c) Appoint members of each ARB.
(d) Act as reviewing authority for an adverse ARB
(e) Issue a completion certificate to each BRIT student upon
the successful completion of all the schoolhouse modules.
(6) BRIT Director. Each BRIT
Director shall:
(a) Assemble a corps of qualified instructors and ensure that
these instructors have adequate instructional materials and
(b) Schedule, and assign instructors to, each module.
(c) In consultation with the RIPO IS, ensure performance of an
annual instructor evaluation on each instructor using the current
CNET form therefor.
(d) Certify successful completion (on the enrollment form
forwarded by the RIPO) of (I) the schoolhouse modules (individually
and as a condition to attending either CORE-RES or NIOBC-RES, the
latter as evidenced by the approval of the AT request therefore) and
(ii) all BRIT requirements.
(e) Ensure the security of all classified materials used in
(f) Analyze and validate each Instructor and Module Critique
(see enclosure (4)) and each Module Test Check (see enclosure (5))
upon receipt thereof from the module instructor.
(g) Update the AIMS data base after every RIA BRIT schoolhouse
weekend, but in any event not later than the end of the third week of
each month in order to allow COMNAVRESINTCOM the opportunity to
review current data on a monthly basis.
(h) Analyze and validate each Module Grade Report (see
enclosure (6)) upon receipt thereof from the module instructor.
(i) Maintain liaison with COMNAVRESINTCOM in order to provide
timely report of any difficulty experienced, error discovered or
revision needed to any module (the latter of which shall be forwarded
to COMNAVRESINTCOM and NMITC as a Module Revision Request -- see
enclosure (7)) and otherwise to provide data and/or to respond to
requests and direction from COMNAVRESINTCOM in regards to BRIT.
(j) Serve on each ARB.
(k) Maintain records of all enrollment, grade, module, test,
graduation, critique, revision, check, evaluation, request and other
reports and/or forms produced or arising from BRIT.
(l) Provide each student's commanding officer with input to
such student's fitness report or performance evaluation, as
appropriate and otherwise in accordance with enclosure (8).
(m) Administer BRIT indoctrination.
(7) RIPO. Each RIPO shall:
(a) Enroll each student and forward the same, see enclosure
(9), to the RIA BRIT Director, COMNAVRESINTCOM (Code 03) and
(b) Assist the BRIT Director in the assignment of qualified
(8) RIPO IS. Each RIPO IS shall:
(a) Serve as the RIA BRIT technical advisor and primary BRIT
instructor in addition to any and all other duties assigned to such
individual and/or billet.
(b) Obtain NEC 9502.
(c) Satisfy the requirements and responsibilities set forth
below as to instructors.
(d) Ensure availability of classrooms.
(9) Instructor. Each instructor shall:
(a) Obtain NEC 9502 or otherwise complete the appropriate
course of instruction in order to be designated a Subject Matter
Expert (SME).
(b) Teach and administer modules as directed, including
ensuring the availability of all module components and/or required
training aids.
(c) Be thoroughly knowledgeable in the BRIT curriculum.
(d) Correct and grade module tests using approved correction
guides distributed by NMITC and thereafter:
i) Provide test results to students prior to the end of the
drill weekend in which the test is taken; and
ii) Prepare and deliver to the RIA BRIT Director the Module
Test Check and the Module Grade Report.
(e) Distribute, collect and deliver to the RIA BRIT Director
the Instructor and Module Critique for each module.
(f) As and when appropriate, prepare and deliver to the RIA
BRIT Director a Module Revision Request.
j. Expanded Charter. In addition
(but in all respects and events collateral) to the conduct of BRIT,
the RIA BRIT Director and the RIA schoolhouse staff (i.e. RIPO IS and
other instructors) shall endeavor to utilize their training
capabilities and assets to the maximum extent practicable to
facilitate the timely and efficient delivery of training to the RIA
and the units and personnel comprising the same. To that end, each
RIAC, Deputy RIAC Training and Readiness and RIA BRIT Director shall
convene as a group, no later then June each year, in order to analyze
the allocation of BRIT and schoolhouse resources during the current
and the next fiscal year. As a result of such meeting, the RIAC shall
prepare and submit to COMNAVRESINTCOM (Code 03), for receipt no later
then 01 August of each year, a Training Objectives Analysis which
shall analyze current and prospective utilization of BRIT and
schoolhouse assets for purposes of BRIT and any other RIA-level
training deemed necessary and/or appropriate. For example, and
without limitation, the following usage of schoolhouse assets should
be considered:
(1) Preparation and delivery of required briefs;
(2) Preparation and delivery of PMT - for IS and/or other
rates assigned to RIA units;
(3) Maintenance of a reference library containing, among other
things, the documents specified in the Bibliography for Advancement
Examination Study (NAVEDTRA 12052);
(4) ADP systems training;
(5) Leadership training; and
(6) Professional forums.
5. Training Advisory
Ref: (a) COMNAVRESINTCOMNOTE 1510 (Series)
Encl: (10) Membership
a. Purpose. The Training Advisory Board
(TAB) serves as (I) a forum where training policy, planning and
priorities may be analyzed and discussed and (ii) a training "think
tank" and policy board from which the COMNAVRESINTCOM training staff
may obtain the benefit of the expertise of senior NRIP, gaining
command and other leadership in planning for the future.
b. Issues. TAB issues shall be solicited
from all elements and levels of the NRIP and its associated commands
(e.g. gaining commands, schoolhouses, etc.), selected and staffed by
COMNAVRESINTCOM and assigned to members of the TAB for presentation
and, thereafter, in depth discussion by all TAB members. The number
of issues will be limited in order to facilitate in-depth analysis
and detailed planning and recommendations by the TAB and to enhance
implementation (subject to COMNAVRESINTCOM approval) by the national
training staff. TAB issues must reflect matters of major import and
significance. Administrative or general "house-keeping" items will
not be addressed. All TAB recommendations will be submitted to
COMNAVRESINTCOM for comment and approval or disapproval.
c. Membership. The TAB shall be
comprised of the members selected in accordance with enclosure
d. Assignments. The following
assignments shall be made by COMNAVRESINTCOM. All such
responsibilities shall be carried out in a timely and professional
(1) TAB Chairperson: responsible for the development of the
TAB agenda in consultation with the Deputy Chief of Staff, Training
and Readiness (who also shall serve as the Secretary).
(2) Secretary: responsible for the scheduling of the TAB,
conference organization and the preparation of materials presented to
and derived from the TAB.
(3) Officer Chair: responsible for the implementation of the
agenda focusing on officer-related issues.
(4) Enlisted Chairperson: responsible for the implementation
of the agenda focusing on enlisted-related issues.
(5) Recorder(s): appointed for the TAB and each of the officer
and the enlisted boards and responsible for recording all comments
and discussions of the respective boards and, as to the TAB Recorder,
preparing the initial report of recommendations of the TAB for
submission to COMNAVRESINTCOM.
e. Procedures.
(1) Location. The TAB will meet
alternately at either NMITC or FITCPAC.
(2) Timing. The TAB will meet annually in
August; however, special meetings of the TAB may be convened by
COMNAVRESINTCOM in order to address urgent or time sensitive issues.
Appropriate notices will be issued by COMNAVRESINTCOM under reference
(a) in a timely manner in order to properly announce the exact time,
location, membership and other relevant issues in regards to the
(3) Reports. The final report of the TAB
shall be (I) the responsibility of the Secretary, (ii) prepared
within 30 days following the conclusion of the TAB and (iii)
distributed by the Secretary to all members (voting and ex-officio)
of the TAB after approval by COMNAVRESINTCOM.
6. AT/ADT.
(b) BUPERSINST 1001.39
a. General Requirements.
References (a) and (b) provide general guidance and requirements in
regards to AT, including that
(1) AT is required each fiscal year of all NRIP personnel
unless exempt or waived by competent authority;
(2) Reservists who are within six months of retirement are not
authorized to perform AT/ADT with pay;
(3) Reservists who will be mandatorily separated within the FY
are neither required nor encouraged to perform AT/ADT;
(4) The following categories of personnel are exempt from
(a) Mandatory drillers during the FY they are released from active duty or initial active duty service.
(b) Non-mandatory drillers during the FY if they affiliate
after July 1st in the Naval Reserve.
(c) Personnel assigned to the Intelligence Voluntary Training
Unit (IVTU).
(5) Active Duty Training (ADT) may be performed on a voluntary
basis; provided:
(a) ADT cannot be used to satisfy AT requirement; and
(b) a member must have an AT request approved for the FY
before an ADT request will be considered.
(6) AT and ADT can be performed either with or without
b. Administration. ATs for unit
personnel should be spread out evenly over all four quarters of the
FY; and applications for AT should be solicited as early as possible
in order to ensure all unit AT requirements are satisfied. Reference
(a) provides procedures for waiver of AT requirement. Reference (c)
provides a list of available formal intelligence training
opportunities. Reference (d) sets forth the requirements for planning
AT and ADT. Each member must complete NAVRES 1571/15 to apply for
AT/ADT. Lead time requirements must be met (i.e. must be received
CNARF N2 a minimum of 60 days in advance for travel in the U.S. and a
minimum of 90 days in advance for travel outside of the U.S). Travel
outside of the U.S. requests must be submitted subject to travel code
5. Entire unit requests must be submitted a minimum of 90 days in
advance of requested travel dates. A quota for a member must be
obtained in advance of orders being requested in most cases. Upon
completion of AT/ADT, a member must submit fully endorsed copies of
orders and Pay Voucher (NAVCOMPT 2120) to the RIPO. Note that AIMS
provides an automated tracking system which must be used to track
AT/ADT requests and orders. If orders, for legitimate reasons, cannot
be executed or require modifications due to new travel of funding
requirements, an AT Orders Modification Request (NAVRES 1571/11) must
be submitted.
7. IDTT.
a. Background. Inactive Duty Training
Travel (IDTT) provides opportunity for short-term (e.g., weekend)
training at a site other than the normal drill site. IDTT is not a
substitute for, nor an addition to, the regular monthly drill with
the unit. IDTT funding will not be authorized if an adequate training
opportunity is available at the local drill site.
b. Scheduling. Guidelines for planning
and scheduling IDTT are set forth in references (a) and (c). Units
are responsible for making arrangements with the IDTT training
8. PMT.
a. Purpose. Professional Mobilization
Training (PMT) is training utilized to attain and maintain
mobilization billet qualifications, improve rating knowledge and
skills and expand individual intelligence skills and professional
b. Categories. PMT is comprised
(1) Billet Training (BT): to attain and
maintain a mobilization billet qualification by means of the
utilization of gaining command or ITP approved courses delivered by a
SME, CDI or NEC-designated instructor in a formal classroom
(2) Rate Training (RT): to increase rating
knowledge by means of rate training manuals or
COMNAVRESINTCOM-approved curriculum delivered by a SMI, CDI or
NEC-designated instructor in a formal classroom environment.
(3) Practical Job Training (PJT):
to develop or increase intelligence-based skills by means of MRP or
RISP contributory support delivered to a gaining command or other
intelligence command so long as:
(a) such work results in a written work product (e.g.
database, message, study, etc.) which evidences intelligence-related
analytical skills;
(b) the member participates to a material degree in such work
and the written product represented thereby; and
(c) such participation is confirmed by the team leader,
division officer or department head responsible for such work (e.g.
3500 or ITL signed by such responsible person).
(4) Career Enhancement
Training (CET): to increase
military professional development by means of COMNAVAIRESFOR or
COMNAVRESINTCOM approved curriculum (e.g., Collateral Duty/Subject
Matter Instructor courses, mid-level and senior career development
c. Action. All enlisted personnel E-6 and
below are required to receive semiannually not less than twelve (12)
hours of PMT in a formal classroom environment; provided, (i) if an
individual has PNA'd the most recent advancement exam, then not more
than six (6) hours of PJT may be used to satisfy this requirement,
and (ii) at least six (6) hours of semiannual PMT must be comprised
of RT. In particular, the limited and judicious use of drill time for
the study of rate training manuals (including in preparation for
advancement examinations) is permitted at the discretion of each unit
d. Documentation. All training must
be documented; provided, the documentation of BT and RT must be by
means of NAVRES Form 3500/2 (note the a computer generated 3500 is
available through the RSTARS(TM) software). Entries must be made in
the member's ITL, RSTARS(TM) or AIMS.
9. Navy Leader Development
Ref: (a) OPNAVINST 5351.2
Reference (a) addresses NAVLEAD advancement requirements,
including that NAVLEAD is required prior to taking an advancement
examination. Training Officers are required to ensure that all unit
E-6 and E-7 personnel have completed this course while on active duty
or on AT/ADT. Note that personnel who have completed LMET are
considered to have satisfied the requirement. Due to the severe
consequences for non-completion, (i) this requirement must be
monitored and tracked at the unit and RIA level and (ii) Command
Chiefs and LCPO/LPOs must take full responsibility for completion of
this requirement by all members for whom they are responsible.
10. GNT.
Ref: (a) OPNAVINST 1500.22D
a. Purpose. General Navy Training (GNT)
is intended to train, motivate and inform Naval personnel in regards
to military life and to address issues that impact their military
career and otherwise arise from service life. Phase three GNT (see
reference) is designed for presentation during regularly scheduled
drills and includes topics of a general military nature that are not
endemic to any particular occupational field.
b. Action. Reference (a) mandates GNT for
all Navy personnel. Enclosure (1) to reference (a) provides a list of
required topics. GNT shall be limited to only the topics contained in
enclosure (1) of reference (a). GNT should be planned and scheduled
in the TRO and monitored by the PBFT. Note that reference (a)
requires that all topics be taught within 24 months and, if this
requirement will not be satisfied, the GNT schedule must be
c. Delivery. GNT may be provided by
means of written attachments to the POM so long as appropriate detail
and instructional value is preserved, including by means of the
COMNAVRESINTCOM-prepared standard POM - GNT notes. In addition,
videotapes may be available from the LACAIR/RESCEN to cover certain
GNT topics.
d. Documentation. A NAVRES 3500/2
must be utilized to account for all GNT; however, if GNT is delivered
by means of a POM note, than such material shall be deem delivered so
long as appropriate documentation is provided (e.g. 3500 executed by
personnel, entry in ITL or unexecuted 3500 evidencing delivery during
the 1630 period on the Saturday of a scheduled drill weekend). Note
that computer generated 3500s are available through RSTARS(TM)
11. PRT.
Ref: (a) OPNAVINST 6110.1D
(c) NAVADMIN 071/93
(d) NAVRESFOR 015/93
a. Priority. Physical Readiness Training
(PRT) must receive the highest priority of RIACs and unit COs. Strict
compliance with references (a) through (e) is required. The personal
involvement of RIACs and COs is essential and necessary in order to
assure compliance with PRT requirements in a fair, impartial and
universal manner.
b. Action. The requirements of references
(a) through (e) are self-explanatory; however, note the following
(1) Each unit CO must appoint in writing a Command Fitness
Coordinator (CFC) to administer the PRT program (see reference
(2) OPNAV 6110/2 (Pink Folder) - Risk Factor Screening and PRT
results must be evidenced in the "Pink Folder".
(3) Section "A" of the Pink Folder must have a signature of an Accredited Medical Department Representative dated from the member's last (i.e. most recent) "long form" physical and otherwise when an individual responds in the affirmative (i.e. "yes") in Section B or the member is out-of-standard on an official measurement.
(4) RIACs are responsible for compliance and successful
administration of the PRT for all members and units in the RIA (less
NRCIS personnel), including active duty members.
(5) Procedures for remediation of persons failing the PRT are
found in reference (b); and guidance for transfer of personnel
out-of-standard is provided in references (b) and (c).
(6) In accordance with reference (d), members who have failed
the (i) PRT for two consecutive test cycles or (i) the body fat
standards on their last PRT measurement may not perform AT/ADT or
IDTT unless granted a waiver by COMNAVRESINTCOM.
c. Reporting. All units and RIAs will
use the official PRT software (provided by the Bureau of Naval
Personnel) for PRT recordkeeping. After the final test of the fiscal
year, each unit shall promptly submit the Command Physical Readiness
Test Summary (OPNAV 6110-3) to their RIAC; the RIAC shall collect
these hard copy reports and submit, along with RIA staff reports, to
PERS-601 with copy of the same items to COMNAVRESINTCOM (Code
12. Required Briefs and
(c) SECNAVINST 5370.2J
(e) OPNAVINST 5510.1H
(f) OPNAVINST 3300.53
(j) OPNAVNOTE 5040 (series)
(k) SECNAVINST 5211.5D
(l) SECNAVINST 5720.42E CH-1
(m) OPNAVINST 5510.161
(n) OPNAVINST 5370.2A
(p) OPNAVINST 5354.1C
a. Background. Security education
takes priority over all other training activities and applies to all
NRIP personnel. Reference (a) provides guidance in matters of
required security briefings. Reference (b) requires that briefings on
all subject matters that are included in reference (c) be given (and
documented as such) to all hands each fiscal year. Note that AIMS
permits recordation of completion data for all required briefs and
generates exception reports.
b. Delivery. Every effort should be made
to deliver these briefs in the most efficient manner available. To
the extent practical and efficient (in terms of the total unit time
devoted to the delivery of these required briefs), RIAs and units
should provide these briefs in common with other units or otherwise
scheduled to permit maximum flexibility and opportunity for
individual receipt thereof.
c. Required Briefs.
(1) Security
Required by reference (a). Documentation is by means of AIMS or,
solely to the extent AIMS is unavailable, an entry in an individual's
(2) Security
Orientation/OPSEC. Required by
reference (a) and, among other things, must be provided to all
personnel who will have access to classified information within two
months of receiving initial clearance and otherwise to personnel
newly assigned to a unit who will have access to classified material
while assigned to such unit. Note that the brief must include OPSEC
in accordance with reference (d).
(3) Annual Security
Refresher/OPSEC. Required
by references (a) and (e). This brief must be provided to all NRIP
personnel. Note the requirement of reference (d) to include
(4) Counterespionage. Required
by reference (e) to be provided by a NCIS Agent to all personnel with
access to classified material at least once every two years.
(5) Foreign Travel/Terrorist
Threat. As required by
references (a), (d), (f) and (g), a defensive briefing must be
provided to persons who will travel to or through the designated
countries or who will have contact with representatives of those
countries. In addition, reference (g) requires that personnel who
will travel outside CONUS (except Alaska and Hawaii) must receive a
terrorist threat awareness, personal protection and pre-departure
travel security briefing. Due to the duplication of subject matter,
these briefs may be satisfied concurrently.
(6) Security Debriefing.
Required by references (a) and (e) to be provided to any person whose
clearance expires or is revoked.
(7) Intelligence
Oversight. References (h) and (i)
require that, among other things, (i) a detailed indoctrination
briefing be provided to all personnel who join the NRIP, (ii) a
refresher briefing will be given to all NRIP personnel once per
fiscal year, including NRCIS personnel, (iii) publish an Oversight
summary be published in the POM and (iv) a copy of reference (h) is
available to all hands at the unit spaces.
(8) Guides to Conduct and Special Interest
Reference (b) mandates this briefing and shall include the subject
matters addressed in reference (c) and provides guidance regarding
personal conduct with an emphasis on areas of interest to higher
authority, including Standards of Conduct and Government Ethics,
Items of Special Interest during command inspections in accordance
with reference (j), Privacy and Freedom of Information Acts
(references (k) and (l)), Disclosure of Unclassified Technical Data
(reference (m)) and Fraternization (reference (n)). Briefings are
required for each individual initially upon joining the NRIP and for
all unit personnel once per fiscal year during the first quarter
(together with a short summary of select provisions during the third
quarter). Report compliance with these requirements to RIAC during
the first and third quarters.
(9) Navy Rights and
Reference (o) requires all SELRES personnel to attend an NR&R
workshop in accordance with reference (p) (including Navy Equal
Opportunity and Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy) upon first
reporting to their Inactive Duty Training site and at least once
every four years thereafter. Intelligence units and commands should
satisfy the initial requirement by utilizing the resources of their
host air or surface reserve facilities. The delivery of the annual
workshop should be coordinated and likely delivered at the RIA level.
These workshops should use training guides provided by CNET.
d. Documentation. Unless otherwise
required under the applicable instruction, documentation of receipt
of required briefs is required on CNAVRES 3500/2 and should be
entered in RSTARS(TM), using locally assigned TSN numbers, and
e. Additional Security
(1) Each Security Education Officer must be designated in
(2) Each Security Officer must complete the Department of the
Navy Personnel and Information Security correspondence course prior,
or within the first quarter of appointment, to such billet.
(3) Each RIA and unit Special Security Officer (SSO) must
complete the SCI Administration and Physical Security course prior,
or within the first quarter of appointment, to such billet.
13. Consolidated Rate
Ref: (a) COMNAVRESINTCOMNOTE 1550 (Series)
COMNAVRESINTCOM established the Consolidated Rate Training Program for small percentage rated personnel in 1991; however, budget constraints caused cancellation of this program in FY94. In the event of the reactivation or implementation of such a program, reference (a) will announce and address such training requirements and plans for non-IS ratings.
14. NRCIS.
a. Background. References (a) and (b)
assign COMNAVRESINTCOM as the principal agent for administration of
Naval Reserve Command Intelligence Support (NRCIS) billets.
b. Action. In furtherance of reference
(c), RIACs must:
(1) Ensure that NRCIS personnel receive from the RIA the
requisite Oversight of Intelligence Activities briefings; and
(2) Conduct an annual assist visit to each unit which has
assigned NRCIS personnel, including to confirm that the required
security education and guides to conduct/special interest items
briefings have been received.
15. Training Automation.
a. Background. The NRIP has two
principal systems and methods available to administer training and
readiness: the Naval Reserve-wide RSTARS(TM) system and the
NRIP-originated AIMS. Units shall maintain training information and
related material (e.g. reports and information derived from RSTARS
and AIMS in the Training Notebooks for officers and enlisted
personnel. These subjects involve issues relating to designators,
NOBCs and NECs; and, as such, this instruction will address these
issues in order to provide appropriate guidance in regards to
training and readiness determinations.
Ref: (a) RSTARS(TM) End Users Manual-05 dated February 1994
(1) Utilization. The Reserve Standard
Training, Administration, and Readiness Support (Training Module)
(RSTARS(TM)) provides management information support to the training
functions performed by the Naval Reserve. The NRIP relies upon
RSTARS(TM) for the efficient and effective tracking and documentation
of required training; and, as such, training professionals are tasked
to fully appreciate and understand the potential, options,
requirements and limitations of RSTARS(TM). The major function of the
system is to automate and standardize the manner in which training
requirements are identified, displayed, compiled and reported for
reserve activities. RSTARS(TM) supports training management functions
by identifying mobilization billet training requirements, planning
and scheduling training evolutions, tracking and documenting training
accomplishments and analyzing readiness. The instructions for the
proper utilization of RSTARS(TM) are provided in reference (a), with
general guidance which is germane set forth in reference (b).
(2) Action. Each Training Officer and
DRIAC is directed to utilize RSTARS(TM) reports, plans and schedules
to the maximum extent practicable.
(3) Plans, Reports and
Schedules. While not
exhaustive, the following are select RSTARS(TM) reports, plans and
schedules which should be utilized by RIA and unit training
(a) Individual Training
Requirements: ITP requirements
that have not been completed or whose currency has expired for a
specific individual.
(b) Unit(s) OTE/Rqmts: displays OTE
for locally assigned and CAO personnel, but not personnel assigned to
an ADMIN billet and/or those having an NN IRAD code.
(c) Individual Training Plan:
identifies the mobilization billet training requirements for an
individual based on the assigned billet. Any training completed and
entered in the ITP automatically posts to the Individual Training
Accomplishments file.
(d) Interview Sheet: provides a means to
configure an ITP by means of the applicable billet and personnel
information and training requirements.
(e) Unit Training Schedule:
permits a unit to identify training scheduled for a future training
session and thereby automatically generate a 3500 Muster Sheet
(f) 3500 Muster Sheet: generates the
standard NAVRES Form 3500/2 Report of Training for individuals
scheduled to attend a specified training session.
(g) Individual Training
Accomplishments: provides a
method of tracking and recording completed training requirements. Any
accomplishments added to the Accomplishments file automatically post
to the ITP.
(h) Training Requirements/Personnel
Report: provides a list
of individuals assigned to a unit whose ITP indicates a requirement
to complete a specific TSN.
(i) Training Comparison
Report: provides a list of local and
CAO personnel, individual percent qualifications and individual
(j) Readiness Comparison
Report: provides a display of local
and CAI personnel, individual percent qualification and individual
(k) Unconfigured ITP Report:
provides a list of individuals by RUIC who have unconfigured
(l) Instructor Listing Report:
provides a list by unit of personnel who have an Instructor Type code
of NEC, CDI, SMI or SME.
(m) Training Summary Report:
provides a list by individual of the accrued hours accomplished in
each training category within a specified date range.
(n) Individual Training Accomplishments
Report: provides a
report listing an individual's training accomplishments, sorted by
training type category within a specified date range.
(o) Enlisted Individual Progress
Report: summarizes
Semiannual Training requirements for both individuals and units.
c. AIMS.
(b) AIMS RIA User's Manual, April 1994
(c) AIMS UNIT User's Manual, April 1994
(d) AIMS Technical Reference Manual, April 1994
(1) Background. The Automated
Information Management System (AIMS) was developed to provide
COMNAVRESINTCOM, RIAs and Unit Commanding Officers with an integrated
and streamlined personnel management system. To this end, AIMs was
designed with the RIA and the UNIT as its primary user/customer. The
primary goal of AIMS is to provide COMNAVRESINTCOM, RIAS and units
with a useful automated information management tool.
(2) Action. Installation and use of AIMS is mandatory; and monthly reporting to COMNAVRESINTCOM is required in accordance with reference (a). Procedures and individual screen descriptions can be found in the RIA, Unit and Technical Managers manuals (see references (b), (c) and (d)). Training professionals must be thoroughly knowledgeable in regards to the requirements and procedures for the efficient and effective utilization of AIMS. As such, DRIACs and Training Officers must have a working knowledge of the AIMS manual(s) in order to be fully cognizant of the functions, reports and general operating procedures and guidelines for this system. In particular, the designated training reports must be utilized in order to preclude the maintenance of manual records (e.g. Required Briefs and Training, BRIT Tracking, Enlisted Advancement Status and TIR Eligibility For Next Exam Cycle, etc.).
d. RUAD.
(c) COMNAVRESFORINST 3501 of 16 Jul 1996
(1) Background. The Reserve Unit
Assignment Document (RUAD) is the official manning document and
manpower authorization for SELRES units. The RUAD contains specific
billet requirements for pay grade, designator/rating and NOBC/NEC
codes. The RUAD is produced by both the RSTARS and the RTSS-TE
systems; units are to utilize RSTARS RUADS only.
(2) Action. Each Training Officer
(a) Obtain a working knowledge of references (a) through
(b) compare the month's RUAD with last month's, note all
changes and ensure last months' update inputs are reflected in the
current RUAD.
(c) review all IRAD codes (including CAO personnel) and submit
updates as members complete additional RBTRs.
(d) review billet assignments and request changes as
(e) review personnel billet assignments and verify the
accuracy of Reserve Functional Area and Sex Codes (RFAS).
e. Readiness.
(c) COMNAVRESFORINST 3501 of 16 Jul 1996
(1) Background. In accordance with
references (a) and (b), NRIP units are primarily responsible for
Overall Training Effectiveness (OTE). OTE reflects the command or
unit's ability to train personnel locally assigned and CAO. OTE is
defined as an average of the total IRAD values for all personnel
locally assigned to mobilization billets, including CAO personnel.
CAI personnel are not included. However, with respect to the NRIC an
in the case of individuals who are locally assigned to a unit but
regularly drill IDTT with another unit due to
COMNAVRESINSTCOM-approved orders (and are not CAI), OTE for any such
unit may be locally calculated to exclude such individuals in
recognition that, in accordance with the intent of references (a) and
(b), OTE is a measure of local performance and of training completion
of personnel over which a unit has direct control. The unit at which
such individual regularly drills is responsible for the training of,
and the maintenance of training records with respect to, any such
(2) Action. DRIACs and Training Officers
are charged to obtain a thorough working knowledge of reference (a)
in order to facilitate calculation of Readiness, including OTE.
f. IRAD.
(b) ONIINST 3501.1
(1) Background. Reference (a) establishes IRAD Codes as the means by which readiness is reported. This code is a five character alphanumeric code representing training readiness information on the billet incumbent. The first and second characters represent a percentage (0 - 100 percent; "XX" = 100%) of completion of mobilization billet requirements. For less than fully trained personnel, the third character indicates the type of training required to be fully trained or major obstacle(s) to the incumbent's training. The fourth character represents the month the first three characters of the IRAD were entered into or generated by RTSS(TE). The fifth character represents the calendar year when any of the first four characters were entered or last updated.
(2) Special NRIP Rules. NRIP
units shall use the special rules established in reference (b) for
defining and selecting the third character training deficiency code
to be used with the first and second character readiness level
R - New member still in processing. This code is not valid for
more than 30 days and may be utilized only when the first and second
characters are coded "NN".
I - Non-adjudicated or outdated SSBI.
L - Does not hold designator or NOBC/Navy Enlisted
Classifications (NEC).
F - Member has not yet completed all 17-day-or-less AT courses
which are required for 100% readiness.
D - Member is SSBI-qualified and has completed all required
courses but has not performed an AT current gaining command or an
approved equivalent AT within the last 3 fiscal years.
G - Member has completed all 17-day-or-less courses but needs
a formal course 18 days or longer. (ONI combines the "G" and "H"
codes utilized by COMNAVRESFOR.)
N - Member has completed training and is awaiting Chief of
Naval Personnel (BUPERS)/Naval Reserve Personnel Center (NRPC)
approval for NOBC/NEC. Use of the Training Experience Factor, letter
"Y" in reference (a) is not authorized by NRIP units.
(3) Action.
(a) Officers. Readiness for officers,
whether in a 1635 or a non-1635 billet, will be calculated in
accordance with reference (b). Note that for non-1635 officers
assigned to a 1635 billet, readiness calculations must be made in the
same manner as if that billet was filled by a 1635 officer. Non-1635
officers in a non-1635 billet will be considered fully qualified in
the Basic Professional Qualifications category upon completion an
intelligence course appropriate to the billet held.
(b) Enlisted Personnel.
Readiness for enlisted personnel will be determined with reference to
their ITP.
16. NEC.
Ref: (a) NAVPERS 18068F
a. Background. The Navy Enlisted
Classification (NEC) system, of which the NEC coding system is a
part, supplements the enlisted rating structure in identifying
personnel on active or inactive duty in NEC-coded billets on manpower
authorization documents. NEC codes identify a non-rating wide skill,
knowledge, aptitude or qualification that must be documented to
identify both people and billets for management purposes. The system
facilitates management control over enlisted skills by identifying
billets and personnel and enhances the efficient use of personnel in
distribution, detailing and billet assignment. Reference (a)
identifies all NECs applicable to all ratings within the Navy.
b. Billet Requirements. The
NEC required for a billet assignment is found in ANEC(ASNE) column of
enlisted RUADs; and NECs held by an individual can be found in P/S
NEC column of enlisted RUADs. Billets should be filled by matching
NEC requirements with personnel holding those NECs. Reference (b)
indicates priorities.
c. Assignment. The procedure for
recommending NEC assignment is found in the introduction to reference
17. NOBC.
Ref: (a) ONIINST 1001.8C
a. Background. Navy Officer Billet
Classifications (NOBCs) are used to assist in describing billet
requirements for officer assignments and for analysis of manpower
resources. NOBCs are assigned by Office of Naval Intelligence
(ONI-14) based upon qualifying military or civilian experience and
education. NOBCs reflect exposure to a certain discipline of the
intelligence field rather than evidence of expertise in that
discipline. They are used to better define a billet, not to define an
intelligence officer. NOBC acquisition is based on the billet that
the individual officer is occupying. NOBCs are not a measure of
readiness, nor used in billet selection or criteria for
b. Requirements. In accordance with
reference (a), a 1635 officer in an NRIP billet is not fully
qualified if the individual does not hold the 9600 NOBC; provided,
former active duty 1630/1635s should apply for the 9600 NOBC (but
their readiness shall not be reduced for failure to hold the same).
Other NOBCs will be awarded dependent on the billet that the officer
currently fills (i.e. NOBCs are only approved if the officer is
currently filling a billet that requires the particular NOBC),
provided reference (a) controls.
18. Instructors.
a. Requirement. All NRIP training
must be conducted by qualified instructors. There are three types of
qualified instructors (who must meet the requirements of reference
(a)): Navy Instructors (NEC 9502), Collateral Duty Instructors (CDI)
and Subject Matter Instructors (SMI).
b. Action. RIAs must maintain an inventory
of NEC, CDI and SMI certified instructors for planning purposes.
19. Enlisted
Ref: (a) BUPERSINST 1430.16D
a. Background. Unit Leading Chief
Petty Officers (LCPO) and Leading Petty Officers (LPO) are the
primary liaison among the CO, Training Officer, LACAIR/PSD/ESOs and
unit enlisted personnel regarding advancement. AIMS and RSTARS(TM)
are designed to track TIR status and identify missing requirements.
Note that the LACAIR/PSD/ESOs may have different requirements
relating to exam cycle lead times and processing; and, upon
assumption of the training officer billet, each Training Officer
should determine the local requirements to exam eligibility in the
b. Action.
(1) Training Officer. The
Training Officer must monitor compliance with reference (a) and with
the progress toward exam eligibility and results and otherwise plan
rate training to eliminate deficiencies.
(2) LCPO and LPO. The LCPO and LPO
must ensure compliance with reference (a) and that all requirements
are completed to enable all unit enlisted to take advancement exams
at the earliest opportunity. To that end, the LCPO/CPO must ensure
(a) The ESO has received from each unit a letter signed by the
CO listing all personnel who are eligible and recommended for exam
participation. This letter must be received by the ESO in December
for the February exam cycle; and received in June for the August exam
(b) Correspondence courses have been completed and Service
Record entry (page 4) procedures followed.
(c) All performance evaluations are current.
c. Tracking Checklist. The
following are the elements for tracking exam and advancement
(a) TIR eligible;
(b) Recommendation by unit CO;
(c) Military leadership exam;
(d) PARS;
(e) Professional correspondence courses;
(f) Military requirements correspondence course;
(g) Current evaluation;
(h) Special requirements for certain ratings; (e.g., security
clearance); and
(i) TIR requirements:
i) E-1 to E-2: 6 months as E-1
ii) E-2 to E-3: 6 months as E-2
iii) E-3 to E-4: 9 months as E-3
iv) E-4 to E-5: 12 months as E-4
v) E-5 to E-6: 36 months as E-5
vi) E-6 to E-7: 36 months as E-6
vii) E-7 to E-8: 36 months as E-7
viii) E-8 to E-9: 36 months as E-8
(b) BUPERSINST 1001.39A
a. Background. The references listed
above provide requirements for three categories of enlisted personnel
who join the NRIP to train for IS rating: Advanced Pay Grade (APG)
enlisted, other service veterans (OSVET) and personnel seeking a
change of rating (COR). Note that members enlisted under the APG and
OSVET options hold a temporary rate until requirements for permanent
rate have been completed; and they have a maximum of 36 months from
date of enlistment to make rate permanent.
b. APG. Civilians with applicable skills and
with or without prior military service can be recruited directly into
a reserve petty officer billet. Upon satisfactory completion of the
applicable requirements as set forth in references (a) and (b), APG
personnel will be permanently advanced to the pay grade temporarily
granted upon their enlistment without a rating examination. Note that
each member must receive documented counselling at the 18th and 30th
month anniversary of enlistment regarding completion of requirements
(NAVPERS Form 1070).
c. OSVET. This program is similar to APG,
but there is no requirement for APG school. All enlisted personnel
with prior active or inactive service with other service components
are eligible provided they were assigned the equivalent of the Navy's
RE-4 reenlistment code. References (a), (b) and (c) control.
d. COR. Reference (b) controls. COR personnel
must have received "in training" status from BUPERS in order to
participate in BRIT.
21. DIRCOM/Interservice
(b) ONIINST 1001.8C
(d) ONIINST 1001.2A
a. DIRCOM. Individuals requesting a direct
commission as a 1635 officer in accordance with reference (a) must
meet the following requirements in addition to age restrictions:
(1) Complete the DIRCOM Indoctrination Course (DCOIC),
including the NRIP Fleet Orientation portion.
(2) Complete BRIT.
(3) Qualify for NOBC 9600 in accordance with reference
b. Interservice Transfer.
Officers must follow reference (c).
c. COD. Officers requesting a change of
designator to 1635 must meet the requirements of reference (d).
22. Inspection Protocol.
Ref: (a) COMNAVRESFOR ltr of 29 Mar 1994 Guide for Senior
a. Focus. This instruction provides a
comprehensive and orderly guide to NRIP training requirements. DRIACs
and Training Officers must be fully cognizant of the requirements set
forth in this instruction. Compliance with these requirements is a
prerequisite for a successful training program.
b. Guidance. Each inspection of a unit
or RIA must comply with reference (a) and otherwise determine
(1) The command or unit has a thorough working knowledge and
understanding of this instruction and the COMNAVRESINTCOM, ONI and
other training instructions referenced herein;
(2) The training program and processes are in compliance with
these instructions and directives and their requirements; and
(3) The command or unit is aware of specific personnel
training deficiencies and the appropriate remedy thereof.
c. Direction. Prior to any inspection,
the inspecting party shall review reference (a) in order to assure
compliance therewith and advise the unit and/or command regarding the
materials which must be collected, organized and made immediately
available to the inspection team in order to enable the inspecting
party to analyze, determine and measure the effectiveness of the
applicable training program and process.
23. Master Training Specialist Recognition
Ref: (a) CNETINST 5000.5
Ref: (b) Master Training Specialist Job Qualification
Requirements (JQR) Handbook Supporting CNETINST 1650.4C
The COMNAVRESINTCOM Master Training Specialist (MTS) program
identifies superior enlisted personnel in instructor related and/or
curriculum development billets as Master Training Specialists so as
to recognize outstanding individual effort and foster excellence in
training and education. In accordance iwth and subject to references
(a) and (b), COMNAVRESINTCOM will annually direct the appropriate
procedures and qualifications in regards to the submission of
recommendations for and the awarding of this most prestigious of
training-related honors. MTS designation is a permanent recognition
of training excellence and, as such, remains in effect for personnel
subsequently reassigned to noninstructor related duties.
24. Enclosures and Tabs. To the extent identified as a "format", the materials and enclosures appended to this instruction are intended for informational purposes and not as prescibed forms.
Training Readiness Objectives
Unit Name: ____________________
UIC: ____________
Present OTE:
Goal OTE:
Projected Date:
Readiness Deficiencies: [List:
- O/E personnel/shortfalls;
- Ratings, NECs and NOBCs the unit needs to recruit and/or train to;
- O/E individual specific readiness training deficiencies;
- Formal schools requirements identified by individual.]
[Develop training plans and policies.]
[Establish personal training plans for all unit members (e.g.
required annual briefs, training tracks, readiness deficiencies,
[Other training shortfalls beyond specific training shortfalls
tied to readiness deficiencies; identify, by individual and category
of training, additional requirements, e.g.:
- Professional Mobilization Training (PMT)
- Enlisted Fleet Orientation
- Consolidated Rate Training
- DIRCOM Fleet Orientation
- MG-1 and -5
- SCI Administration
- CDI/SMI instruction
- Correspondence course requirements for DIRCOM/COD/APG/COR personnel
- Information and Personnel Security]
AT Summary: (No Pers. O/E/)
Gaining Command:
See attached Three-Year AT Plan.
ADT: [Project by name, command and identify purpose; if none,
so state]
IDTT: [Project by name, command and identify purpose; if none,
so state]
PMT: [Identify plan to deliver and satisfy requirements.]
See attached FY__ monthly PMT Plan (by rating).
Required Briefs: [Present or attach FY schedule, including:
Security Indoctrination/OPSEC
Security Orientation/OPSEC
Annual Security Refresher/ OPSEC
Biennial Counterespionage
Foreign Travel/Terrorist Threat (as required)
Intelligence Oversight
Guides to Conduct
Standards of Conduct/Ethics (NAVRESFOR 014/93)
Navy Rights & Responsibilities (4 year requirement)
Annual NR&R Workshop
Safety Standdown]
GNT: [Identify plan to deliver and satisfy requirements.]
See attached FY__ monthly GNT Plan.
1. Schoolhouse Modules ("X" = Takehome)*
2. CORE-RES Topics**
SCI Administration OSIS
Sensitive Reconnaissance Operations TAMPS
Geopolitical Communications
DF Fundamentals ELINT
Expeditionary Warfare MASINT
National SIGINT Systems NTCS-A
Ground Warfare SPECOPS
Analysis and Briefing Fundamentals Strike Warfare
JIC/CVIC CD Databases
Fusion Center Watchstanding IADS
Physical Training IMINT
3. NIOBC-RES Topics**
Naval Leadership BG/ARG
Systems Architecture and OTHT IADS
JTF/JIC Strike
Expeditionary War/LIC/OOTW
* Schoolhouse modules 1 through 7 may be taken in any order; provided, all such modules must be completed prior to commencing any of modules 8 through 10 inasmuch as the former modules constitute "building blocks" and required learning for the latter modules.
** Predicated upon and to be revised concurrent with NIOBC.
Tabs: A - Convening Letter
B - Recommendation Record
C - Results Letter
1. Purpose. To promulgate policy and procedures for
conducting an ARB.
2. Background. ARB procedures must emphasize individual
rights of privacy and due process. Standardized procedures and record
keeping are a prerequisite to ensure the same. However, any
administrative procedure undertaken in non-disciplinary cases must be
sensitive to the perception that such undertaking is punitive in
nature. An ARB is not punitive. An ARB is limited solely to a
student's academic progress. An ARB will make a determination solely
respecting a student's academic progress and otherwise ensure that
the best interests of the Navy and the individual are served. An ARB
determination shall be limited to either (i) direction to continue
training (including remedial actions) or (ii) adverse recommendation
for disenrollment.
3. Policy.
a. An ARB will not be utilized for disciplinary purposes.
b. The RIAC will convene an ARB (Tab A is recommended)
composed of not less than three nor more than five members (exclusive
of the recorder who shall be a non-voting member). Membership must
include the Deputy RIAC Training and Readiness, as the chairperson,
and, unless having served as the instructor of the module in
question, the RIA BRIT Director and the RIPO. Members may be selected
from among, but not limited to, the BRIT instructors, senior SELRES
ISs and the RIPO IS. The instructor of the subject module may not
serve on the ARB. Further, the ARB must be comprised of at least one
member who is familiar with the material of the subject course.
c. ARB recommendations must be fair, impartial,
problem-solving in nature and, most importantly, consistent
regardless of who serves on the board.
d. The ARB will include a recorder; provided, the recorder may
not serve as a voting member.
e. The instructor of the failed module must be interviewed
with respect to the student's academic standing, classroom
participation, behavior and attitude.
f. An ARB must sit as one body. Members may not pass judgment
or make determinations in the absence of a meeting of the entire
g. An ARB must interview the student who is the subject of the
h. Any combination of two failures (i.e. module test failure
and retest failure of the same module or two different module test
failures) shall result in the first ARB. Any subsequent module
failure shall result in the second ARB.
i. A maximum of two (2) ARBs per student shall be
j. Upon a fourth failure, the RIAC shall forward to
COMNAVRESINTCOM an administrative recommendation for attrition and
disenrollment, together with the student's BRIT record.
k. Any student has the right to appeal an adverse ARB
recommendation to the RIAC in writing within 15 days of the student's
receipt of the adverse ARB recommendation. The RIAC must act on an
adverse ARB recommendation within 15 days of the later of (i) the
adverse ARB recommendation or (ii) receipt of the student's appeal.
The RIAC may either (1) reject an adverse ARB recommendation or (2)
concur in the adverse ARB recommendation and forward the ARB record
and RIAC endorsement, together with the student's appeal, if any, to
l. COMNAVRESINTCOM will act within 60 days of receipt of the
appeal package.
m. The COMNAVRESINTCOM Academic Appeals Board (AAB) shall
consist of such COMNAVRESINTCOM personnel as are appointed by
4. Procedures.
a. ARBs will be conducted with the utmost respect for the
student's privacy and otherwise in a vacant classroom, conference
room, etc. All procedures shall be formal, standardized and conducted
in a military manner. All voting members shall review the student's
BRIT record, including grade sheets, prior to interviewing the
b. Prior to commencing any interview of the student, the
chairperson shall explain to the student why the student is subject
to the ARB, the nature of the ARB, the potential actions of the ARB,
the rights of the student and, most importantly, that the ARB is not
a disciplinary board.
c. The recorder shall keep a record of the proceedings and
otherwise ensure that any requirement for record submission to the
RIAC and/or COMNAVRESINTCOM is satisfied.
d. Prior to making any determination, the ARB shall question
the student concerning course material, academic progress, attitudes,
personal problems and any other issues which may have a bearing upon
the decision of the ARB. The student shall be afforded the
opportunity to ask questions and to explain any acts or omissions
before a determination is made by the ARB.
e. The student shall depart the ARB meeting space in order to
permit the ARB to review the record and otherwise make a final
determination; provided, the student should remain in the area until
dismissed by the ARB in order to be present in the event the ARB has
additional queries.
f. The record of an ARB shall be in the form of Tab (B) and
made a part of the student's BRIT record.
g. Upon reaching a determination, the chairperson shall
clearly explain to the student the ARB's decision, the consequences
thereof and any requirements, actions or conditions to which the
student shall be subject. Immediately thereafter, the chairperson
shall forward the ARB's decision to the student in the form of Tab
h. In the event that COMNAVRESINTCOM concurs in an ARB
recommendation and RIAC endorsement to attrite a student, the
appropriate NITRAS drop codes will be forwarded by
5. Standards.
a. In order for the ARB to direct continuation in BRIT, there
must be clear and convincing evidence that the student has the
demonstrated ability and desire to pass the remainder of BRIT.
b. In order for the ARB to recommend attrition and
disenrollment from BRIT, the student must demonstrate that:
(1) The student is unable to satisfactorily perform tasks
required for which they are being trained; or
(2) The student is unable to master or pass the objectives
associated with a block of instruction; or
(3) The student exhibits personal integrity problems such as
cheating on exams or assignments, plagiarism, security violations or
abuse of authority; or
(4) The student exhibits a lack of interest or motivation
regarding the course of instruction or unwillingness to perform to
prescribed standards.
6. Determinations.
a. The ARB may either:
(1) Direct continuation in BRIT (together with such remedial
action, if any, as the ARB deems appropriate). In such event, no
further action shall be taken and the student shall return to BRIT
subject to the written acknowledgement (in addition to the
satisfaction of whatever remedial conditions the ARB deems
appropriate) that upon subsequent failure(s) (one or two additional
failures, depending upon the number of past failure(s), if any) of a
module(s), the student shall be automatically recommended for
attrition and disenrollment from BRIT without any further action or
hearing. Any and all remedial requirements and acknowledgments shall
be set forth in both the record of the ARB and the notice to the
(2) Recommend that the student be attrited and disenrolled
from BRIT. In such event, the record of the ARB shall be forwarded to
the RIAC.
b. Upon receipt of the ARB record and, if submitted in a
timely manner, the student's appeal, the RIAC may either:
(1) Reject an ARB's attrition and disenrollment recommendation and direct continuation in BRIT (together with the requirement to satisfy such remedial actions, if any, as the RIAC deems appropriate). In such event, no further action shall be taken, notice of such determination by the RIAC shall be given to the student and the student shall return to BRIT subject to the written acknowledgement (in addition to whatever remedial conditions must be satisfied) that upon subsequent failure(s) (one or two failures, depending upon past failure(s), if any) of a module(s), the student shall be automatically recommended for attrition and disenrollment from BRIT without any further action or hearing. Any and all remedial requirements and acknowledgments shall be set for in the RIAC's notice to the student.
(2) Concur with an ARB's attrition and disenrollment
recommendation and forward the record of the ARB, together with the
student's appeal, if any, and the RIAC's endorsement thereof to
COMNAVRESINTCOM for final review and determination by the AAB.
c. COMNAVRESINTCOM is the sole authority for directing final
attrition and disenrollment from BRIT.
7. Responsibilities.
a. The ARB shall:
(1) Familiarize themselves with requirements and procedures
for conducting an ARB as set forth in this instruction.
(2) Review the student's academic record.
(3) Interview the student and otherwise investigate the issues
under consideration.
(4) Make one of the following determinations and provide the
analysis and evidence supporting the same:
(a) Direct continuation (with or without setback and/or
remedial actions); or
(b) Recommend attrition and disenrollment from BRIT.
(5) Complete the ARB record and, if continuation is directed,
retain the same in the student's BRIT record or, if attrition and
disenrollment is recommended, forward the same to the RIAC.
(6) Deliver the official notice of such determination and
decision to the student.
b. The RIAC shall:
(1) Appoint the ARB.
(2) Make one of the following determinations:
(a) Direct continuation (with or without setback and/or
remedial actions); or
(b) Recommend attrition and disenrollment from BRIT.
(3) Complete the RIAC endorsement and, if continuation in BRIT is directed, retain the ARB record and the RIAC endorsement in the student's BRIT record or, if attrition and disenrollment are recommended, submit the ARB record and the RIAC endorsement, together with the student's appeal, to COMNAVRESINTCOM.
From: Commander, Reserve Intelligence Area ___
To: Chairperson, Academic Review Board
1. In accordance with reference (a), you are hereby directed
to convene an ARB for the purpose of reviewing the academic
performance of:
2. The remaining members of the ARB shall be:
____________________________ - Voting Member
____________________________ - Voting Member
____________________________ - Voting Member
___________________________ - Recorder.
3. The ARB shall consider all aspects of the individual's academic performance, aptitude and potential for continuation of BRIT. The ARB's actions, determinations, evaluations, findings and recommendations shall be made in accordance with reference (a).
1. Name: _______________________________________
Last First MI
2. Rank/Rate: ___________
3. SSN: ______-____-______
4. Module: ______________________________
5. Academic Review Board Recommendation:
6. This recommendation is based upon the following:
7. Concur: ___________________________________
8. Dissent: ___________________________________
From: Chairperson, Academic Review Board
Subj: Results of Academic Review Board (ARB)
(a) Commander, Reserve Intelligence Area __ ltr dtd ___
1. In accordance with reference (a) and as directed by
reference (b), an ARB was conducted to review your BRIT record.
2. After due consideration, the ARB has made the following
1. Module: ________________________________________
2. RIA: _________ 3. Date: ___________________
4. Student (optional): ____________________________
5. Critique: After each statement, please insert the number
that most clearly expresses your reaction to each statement (and
attach additional sheets with supplementary comments):
1-Strongly; 2-Agree; 3-Satisfactory; 4-Disagree; 5-Strongly
Agree Disagree
a. Module content and pace were challenging, but not
unreasonably difficult: ____;
b. Learning objectives were clearly stated at beginning of
each lesson: ____;
c. Lessons adequately expanded upon the stated learning
objectives: ____;
d. Practical work/exercises reinforced lessons appropriately:
e. Instruction included adequate review of key points and
appropriate feedback: ____;
f. Test items correlated with learning objectives: ____;
g. Instructors were well-prepared, responsive to questions and
willing to assist students: ____;
h. Training aids were appropriate to subject and clearly
understandable: ____;
i. Student Handbooks supported the presentation and adequately
covered the subject: ____; and
j. Overall evaluation of module (recommendations for revisions
should be addressed with an separate Module Revision Request):
6. Instructor Comments:
7. BRIT Director Comments: ___________________________________
1. Module: __________________________ 2. Test: __________
3. RIA: ___________ 4. Date: _______________________
5. Number of Students: ___________
6. Instructor: _______________________________________________
Last First MI Rank/Rate
7. Number of incorrect answers:
1. Module: _______________________________________________
2. Test Date: _________________________
3. RIA: ___________
4. Grades:
5. Instructor Certification: The undersigned instructor
certifies that the administration, testing and grading of this module
has been completed in accordance with standard and approved
instructions and procedures as set forth by the Commander, Naval
Reserve Intelligence Command.
Last First MI Rank/Rate
1. Module: __________________________
2. Test: ____________________________
3. RIA: _________
4. Instructor: _______________________________________________
5. Instructions: Recommendations for changes which improve the
quality of BRIT training materials are encouraged. Please submit
detailed recommendations on this form and use additional pages as
required. Unclassified subject matter is especially solicited; and
all material should include bibliographic data for reference
6. Change Recommendations (identify part, page and other
7. BRIT Director Confirmation: ___________________________
Fitness reports and performance evaluations for BRIT students
should be addressed in the same manner as such materials are
completed for other members of the unit to which the individual is
assigned (and with the acknowledgement that the unit, but neither the
RIAC nor the BRIT schoolhouse, is responsible for preparing these
materials) subject to the following:
1. Reports and evaluations should be made based on the
observations of the BRIT Director, RIPO IS and other BRIT
instructors. These observations should be consolidated and
disseminated to the student's unit not less than one month prior to
the evaluation due date. Marks of "not observed" (i.e. NOB) are
mandatory in the areas of rating knowledge, writing, directing and
counseling due to the limited scope that these traits are
demonstrated in a schoolhouse environment.
2. The description of the individual's employment during the
reporting period should recite the following (at the appropriate
items or locations of the applicable report format):
[Rank/Rate, Name] is enrolled in the Basic Reserve
Intelligence Training (BRIT) program in Reserve Intelligence Area [#]
located at [location]. BRIT is comprised of eleven schoolhouse and
one take-home modules which address security and multiple substantive
areas of basic and operational intelligence skills.]
[Rank/Rate, Name] attended BRIT from [date] to [date] and successfully completed [number] modules.]
1. Name: _____________________________________________
Last First MI
2. Rank/Rate: ___________
3. Social Security Number: _______-____-_______
4. RIA: ______
5. Unit: _____________________
6. DIRCOM/APG Contract Date: _____________________
"In-Training" Status Approval Date: __________________
7. BRIT Commencement/Enrollment Date: __________________
8. Schoolhouse Modules Completion Date: __________________
9. CORE-RES Completion Date: ___________________*
10. NIOBC-RES Completion Date: ____________________**
11. Remarks:
* BRIT Completion Date for enlisted personnel.
** BRIT Completion Date for officers.
PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: The authority to request this information is contained in 5 USC 301, Department Regulations. The principle purpose of this information is to enroll you in Basic Reserve Intelligence Training. This information will be maintained by the Navy and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center and will be made available to the Director of Naval Intelligence and the Commander, Naval Reserve Intelligence Command for use in compiling pertinent statistical data for monitoring individual performance and the overall management of this program. Completion of this information is mandatory; falsifying or failing to provide information may result in delay or cancellation of your enrollment.
B. Voting Membership. The following shall be voting
members of the TAB:
1. One representative from one of the following schoolhouse or
related commands:
- Naval and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC);
- Fleet Intelligence Training Center, Pacific (FITCPAC);
- Joint Military Intelligence Training Center (JMITC); and
- Chief of Naval Education and Training (CNET).
2. One representative from one of the following gaining
- Atlantic Intelligence Center (AIC);
- Joint Intelligence Center Pacific (JICPAC); and
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
3. One representative from either Commander Naval Air Forces
Pacific Fleet (COMNAVAIRPAC) or Commander Naval Air Forces Atlantic
Fleet (COMNAVAIRLANT) on behalf of the NRIP Naval Reserve Command
Intelligence Support (NRCIS) commands.
4. Chief of Naval Operations (N2R).
5. Commander Naval Air Reserve Force (N2).
6. Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI-14).
7. One Reserve Intelligence Program Officer (RIPO).
8. COMNAVRESINTCOM representatives: Deputy Commander, Command
Master Chief (also the Chairperson of the enlisted board) and Deputy
Chief of Staff, Training and Readiness (also the Secretary).
9. Five representatives from the Reserve Intelligence Areas
(RIA): two Reserve Intelligence Area Commanders (RIAC) (respectively,
the TAB and officer board Chairpersons), one additional senior
officer (e.g. senior BRIT Director, unit Commanding Officer, etc.)
and two Chief Petty Officers (one of whom must be a command
C. Ex-Officio Membership. In addition, ex-officio non-voting members shall be invited as determined appropriate by COMNAVRESINTCOM.