12 January 1996
Ref: (a) COMNAVRESINTCOMNOTE 1080 (COMNAVRESINTCOM Drill Schedule and ONIHQ 0170 Billet Assignments)
1. Purpose. To outline procedures for providing reserve support services to Selected Reserve
members of the Headquarters staff who are cross assigned in to ONIHQ 0170 and who travel to
Dallas from other parts of the U.S.
2. Cancellation. COMNAVRESINTCOMINST 1080.2A.
3. Background. With the establishment of the "national staff concept" in FY-92, some of the
Selected Reserve members of the COMNAVRESINTCOM staff will travel to Dallas from
remote locations. However, like RIACs and RIA command chiefs, they will remain
administratively attached, cross-assigned-out, to a local RIA unit. This unique arrangement
requires a delineation of responsibilities for providing normal reserve support services to the
4. Procedures.
a. Unit assignment (IDT) orders. All prospective ONIHQ 0170 members whose regular
permanent drill site is not Dallas, Texas, will be attached to local pay units in their RIAs and
cross-assigned-out to ONIHQ 0170, NAS Dallas (UIC 88716) in the billets shown in reference
b. Officer orders should read as follows:
(1) "Report to Commander, Naval Reserve Intelligence Command, Dallas TX, for inactive
duty training in a pay status. For administrative purposes, report to Commanding Officer, (name
of local unit, RUIC, base, city, state) in a cross-assigned-out billet. Your permanent drill site is
(local base, city, state).
(2) All your records will be maintained at your permanent drill site. You are cross assigned out to NR ONIHQ 0170, RUIC 88716, Dallas, TX, billet (RBSC/AUIC from reference (a)). For fitness report purposes, your regular reporting senior is Commander, Naval Reserve Intelligence Command."
c. For enlisted personnel: IDT orders will identify COMNAVRESINTCOM as the reporting senior and will also identify the appropriate cross-assigned out billet shown in reference (a)
(including the TRUIC, 88716.) Ensure the local RSTARS/RTSS operator assigns the member to
that billet.
d. IDTT orders. Subject members will travel to Dallas on IDTT orders as required. Senior
staff members will normally get 3-day orders, while the rest of the staff will get 2-day orders.
Reference (a) shows who routinely needs 3 days. RIPOs are to send IDTT order requests to
Commander Naval Air Reserve Force N2 using published lead times. The
COMNAVRESINTCOM drill schedule is also published annually in reference (a). It is the
member's responsibility to inform the RIPO of any individual schedule changes.
COMNAVRESINTCOM will notify RIPOs and N2 of any unit schedule changes. IDTT orders
will normally be liquidated by sending the completed travel claim to N2; however, if the member
desires liquidation at another location, he/she may so request from N2, via the ONIHQ 0170
program manager. (In such a case, copies of completed vouchers must be forwarded to N2.) To
receive payment for drills, administrative personnel of ONIHQ 0170 will forward documentation
of completion of drills to the local RIPO/RESFIRST office. However, the member should check
to see this is done.
e. AT/ADT orders. RIPOs will process AT/ADT orders the same as for any other member of
his/her RIA. Paper AT/ADT applications will normally be prepared on drill weekends in Dallas
and mailed/faxed to RIPOs for RESFMS entry. RIPOs will normally be responsible for getting
tickets and orders to the members. However, in unusual circumstances (e.g., very short lead
time), the ONIHQ 0170 program manager (COMNAVRESINTCOM Chief Staff Officer) may
process AT/ADT orders applications in Dallas. All AT/ADT orders should normally be
liquidated at the AT/ADT site.
f. Service records, medical/dental records, and pay records should remain at the permanent
drill site (that is, wherever they would normally be maintained were the member drilling in the
local RIA unit).
g. In general, subject members will receive the same support services as any other member
attached to that local RIA/unit; i.e., mustering, drill accounting, pay, AT/ADT orders, service
record and medical/dental record maintenance, etc.
h. Cross-assigned-in members of ONIHQ 0170 will appear cross-assigned-out on the muster
of the local unit to which administratively assigned. That unit must account for the member's
drills the same as for any other unit member; i.e., mark the member "IDTT" on the muster every
5. Action.
a. For all members listed in reference (a), RIPOs ensure that order modifications are written
per paragraphs 3.b. and 3.c. above, effective 1 October. Ensure this command receives a copy of
all orders.
b. RIPOs ensure local RTSS/RSTARS operators assign both officers and enlisted to the
correct CAO billets as shown in reference (a).
c. Members advise RIPOs of travel plans (i.e., travel code, which airport, etc).
d. Members should ensure that RIPOs submit IDTT requests to N2 with appropriate lead time
prior to each month's drills. Members/RIPO's are encouraged to submit IDTT applications well
in advance of scheduled drills to N2. Reference (a) gives drill dates and number of IDTT days
per month. The "report UIC" is 68899 (COMNAVRESINTCOM). N2 deadline for IDTT
submission is generally 30 days prior to travel. Also, all members will normally use travel mode
7 (subject to reimbursement).
e. Members should contact his/her RIPO if IDTT orders are not received 15 days prior to a
drill weekend.
Distribution: (Refer to COMNAVRESINTCOMINST 5216.1J)
List I, II
RIPOs provide to local RPDs
ONIHQ 0170 Unit members