NOSCINST 5530.3 3301/JRC:skp 1 February 1988 NOSC INSTRUCTION 5530.3 From: Commander, Naval Ocean Systems Center To: Department Heads and above, and All Military Subj: NOSC AUXILIARY SECURITY FORCE Ref: (a) ALNAV 011/87 (CNO Washington DC 202050Z Jan 87) (b) NOSCINST 5500.1, Security Manual (c) OPNAVINST 3100.6D, Special Incident Reporting (OPREP-3 and Unit SITREP) Procedures (d) OPNAVINST 5530.14A, U.S. Navy Physical Security and Loss Prevention Manual (e) SECNAVINST 5500.32B, Carrying of Firearms by Personnel of the Department of the Navy (f) NOSCINST 8010.1, NOSC Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives Management Program (proposed) (g) CNO Washington DC 081919Z Apr 86 (h) NOSCINST 5530.2, Center Antiterrorism Plan Encl: (1) Statement for Use of Deadly Force 1. Purpose. The Center shall organize, equip, and train an Auxiliary Secu- rity Force (ASF) to prevent disruption by onboard civil disturbances, repel or contain overt attack by terrorist or criminal elements, and to rapidly restore essential activities which may have been disrupted by civil disturbances, overt attack, natural disaster, or other crisis. The ASF will consist of Center nondeploying, active-duty, military personnel sufficient to man all additional security posts required to meet Threat Condition Delta and sustain this manning level for a period of at least 5 days. 2. Scope. This instruction incorporates the requirements of references (a) through (h), and is the Auxiliary Security Force Plan for NOSC. Events not considered an emergency and that will not exceed the available resources of the normal security force will be handled under guidance contained in refer- ence (b). Countermeasures required for threat conditions (THREATCONS) are included in references (g) and (h). 3. Definitions a. THREATCON Alpha. This condition applies when there is a general threat of possible terrorist activity against installations and personnel, the nature and extent of which are unpredictable, when the circumstances do not justify full implementation of the measures of Threat Condition Bravo. b. THREATCON Bravo. This condition applies when an increased and more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists. The measures in this condi- tion must be capable of being maintained for weeks without causing undue hardship, without affecting operational capability, and without aggravating relations with local authorities. NOSCINST 5530.3 1 February 1988 c. THREATCON Charlie. This condition applies when an incident occurs or when intelligence is received indicating that some form of terrorist action against installations and personnel is imminent. Implementation of this meas- ure for more than a short period will probably create hardship and will affect the peacetime activities of the Center and its personnel. d. THREATCON Delta. This condition applies in the immediate area where a terrorist action against a specific location is likely. Normally, THREATCON Delta is declared as a localized warning. e. On-Scene Commander. Senior line officer present on the Center. 4. Responsibility and Authority a. Chief Staff Officer (Code 03). The Chief Staff Officer is responsible for directing development of the ASF and maintaining effective procedures for its use. b. Head, Military Support Department (Code 30). Code 30 is responsible for training, equipping, and maintaining an ASF in a state of military readi- ness. The ASF will consist of approximately 20 military enlisted personnel, with an Officer in Charge, and an Assistant Officer in Charge. c. Head, Security/Safety Office (Code 15). Under the direct control of Code 15, the following specific functions will be accomplished: (1) Provide emergency assistance in the form of badging and vehicle passes to control access. (2) Provide advice and other assistance to protect classified docu- ments and equipment. (3) Direct operations of the contract guard force and coordinate with the ASF OIC assignments of NOSC ASF personnel to control access, prevent com- promise of classified material, and exercise physical control over buildings and areas. (4) Provide interface and coordination of functions with other mili- tary and law enforcement activities as directed. (5) Provide safety advice and other emergency assistance to minimize safety and health hazards. d. ASF Office in Charge (OIC)/Assistant Officer in Charge (AOIC). The OIC of the NOSC Auxiliary Security Force is responsible for directing actions of the ASF to provide supplementary assistance in emergency situations requiring protective measures in excess of the available security force. Close coordination must be maintained with NOSC Security (Code 15) and the Center Duty Officer (CDO) to ensure that members of the ASF will be employed at the time, place, and manner in which they will be most effective. The ASF OIC is also responsible for: (1) Recommending to Code 30 those military personnel considered suit- able for assignment to ASF. 2 NOSCINST 5530.3 1 February 1988 (2) Ensuring the ASF Command Center (CDO Office, Bldg. A29) and the adjacent armory are kept in a proper condition of readiness. (3) Conducting exercise drills of ASF members at least semiannually at the direction of the Commander, NOSC, or the Chief Staff Officer. (4) Indoctrinate ASF members on conditions under which deadly force may be used. (5) Request from Commander, NOSC, via Head, Military Support Depart- ment, authorization for ASF members to carry small arms. Subject request will be accompanied with a report of small arms qualification. (6) Maintain statements of understanding use of deadly force executed by each ASF member. See enclosure (1). e. Center Duty Officer. The CDO will assume command of the ASF until relieved by the OIC/AOIC, or until directed otherwise by the On-Scene Com- mander. 5. Procedures a. On-Scene Commander. In the event of a potential or actual civil dis- turbance, terrorist threat, or other emergency, the Commander, NOSC, and the Chief Staff Officer will be immediately notified by NOSC Security (Code 15) during normal work hours and by the CDO outside normal work hours. Upon arriv- al of the Commander, NOSC; Chief Staff Officer; or designated representative, authority shall be turned over to the On-Scene Commander for overall coordina- tion and control. b. Auxiliary Security Force Command Center (ASFCC). The CDO's Office, Bldg. A29, is to be used as the ASF command center under increased threat conditions. An armory is located adjacent to Bldg. A29. This armory will contain all weapons, ammunition, and protective gear for the NOSC ASF. The On-Scene Commander will coordinate emergency actions from this command center. ASF members will be equipped, briefed, and dispatched from the command center by the ASF OIC. c. Threat Conditions (THREATCON). Threat conditions are specified in references (g) and (h). The Commander, NOSC, or Chief Staff Officer will direct the setting of threat conditions. In the event the Commander, NOSC, or the Chief Staff Officer are unavailable to set THREATCON's, the On-Scene Com- mander will assume that responsibility. THREATCON's will be reviewed on each watch by the CDO to ensure adequate knowledge of the impact of each THREATCON and the importance of timely implementation of the required actions specified under each THREATCON. Each higher THREATCON employs procedures of all previous THREATCON's and modifies procedures to employ stricter measures of security. 3 NOSCINST 5530.3 1 February 1988 6. Directive Responsibility. The Head, Security/Safety Office, Code 15, is responsible for keeping this instruction current. /s/E. G. SCHWEIZER Distribution: A E 4 NOSCINST 5530.3 1 February 1988 STATEMENT FOR USE OF DEADLY FORCE ASF members will successfully complete an interview on the use of deadly force, given by the ASF Officer in Charge, before any type of weapon is issued. Each member will then read, demonstrate understanding of, and sign the attached statement on use of deadly force. STATEMENT ON USE OF DEADLY FORCE I, , have read and completely understand the fol- lowing: 1. Use of Deadly Force. Deadly force is that force which a person uses with the purpose of causing, or which he knows or should know would create a sub- stantial risk of causing, death or various bodily harm. Its use is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity, as a last resort, when all lesser means have failed or cannot reasonably be employed, and only under one or more of the following circumstances: a. Self Defense. When deadly force reasonably appears to be necessary to protect law enforcement or security personnel who reasonably believe them- selves to be in imminent danger of serious bodily harm. b. Property Involving National Security. When deadly force reasonably appears necessary: 1) to prevent the threatened theft of, damage to, or espi- onage aimed at property or information specifically designated by a commander or competent authority as vital to the national security; 2) to prevent the actual theft of, damage to, or espionage aimed at property or information which, though not vital to the national security, is of substantial importance to the national security; 3) to apprehend or prevent the escape of an indi- vidual whose unauthorized presence in the vicinity of property or information vital to the national security reasonably appears to present a threat of theft, sabotage, or security only when its loss, damage, or compromise would seriously prejudice national security or jeopardize the fulfillment of an essential national defense mission. c. Lawful Order. When directed by the lawful order of a superior author- ity who shall be governed by the provisions of OPNAVINST 5530.14A. d. Serious Offenses Against Persons. When deadly force reasonably appears to be necessary to prevent the commission of a serious offense involving violence and threatening death or serious bodily harm (such as arson, armed robbery, aggravated assault, or rape). 2. Procedures for Using Deadly Force a. Remove weapon from holster and place in the ready position. b. Pull the hammer back with your thumb while still at the ready. Enclosure (1) NOSCINST 5530.3 1 February 1988 c. Give the order to halt twice before a shot is fired. Firing a warning shot is a safety hazard and is strictly prohibited. d. Shots shall not be fired if they are likely to endanger the safety of innocent bystanders. e. Shots shall be aimed to disable; however, if circumstances render it difficult to direct fire with sufficient precision to assure that the person will be disabled rather than killed, such circumstances will not preclude the use of a firearm, provided such use is otherwise authorized. f. The service weapon should never be removed from the holster for any other reason but to use it per this instruction with the exception of passing it on during the relieving of the watch. No other instances will be toler- ated. Drawing practice, sighting practice, using the weapon as a conversation piece, or any skylarking with the weapon in general is strictly prohibited. g. It must be remembered that the service revolver is one of the tools of the security person's trade, but it is the most serious one. It is an instru- ment of death! Its handling, care, and use must never be taken for granted. The responsibility for the decision to remove the weapon from its holster and to use it rests with the individual. It may only be done after due consider- ation is given to all requirements of received instructions. h. No individual will be permitted to perform independent security duties until instructions have been received on applicable regulations relating to other uses of force in the performance of such duties. In addition, instruc- tions will be given periodically to all personnel assigned to these duties to ensure that they continue to be thoroughly familiar with all restrictions on the use of force. i. Weapons will not normally be fired from a moving vehicle. j. Off-duty security personnel are not authorized to store Government weapons in private residences, either on or off the installation. k. Only Government weapons and standard military ammunition officially issued for on-duty use in the performance of security functions may be carried by security force members. The use of privately owned weapons and ammunition is not authorized. Date Signature Witness: ASF Officer in Charge (or assistant) Signature Enclosure (1) 2