1. Purpose. To establish an Operations Security Plan for headquarters, Naval Computer and Telecommunications Command (NAVCOMTELCOM) as prescribed in references (a) and (b).
2. Scope. The provisions of this plan apply to all NAVCOMTELCOM elements assigned functions related to the following operations and activities: physical security, personnel security, classified waste collection and destruction, secure and non-secure telephone service, visitor control, central mail room, directives control, duplicating, graphic arts, photographic services, ADP services, and public works construction and maintenance services.
3. Training
a. Orientation. Employee indoctrination will be conducted annually and will cover such OPSEC topics as telephone security, protection of photo ID badge, disposal of "Official Use only"e; material, carbon and writing papers, reporting of foreign contacts, electronic transmission threats, etc. All NAVCOMTELCOM personnel are required to attend this indoctrination.
b. Continuing Awareness. Command OPSEC awareness is achieved by:
(1) Noteworthy OPSEC issues and articles issued on cc-mail under security notes.
(2) Annual and ongoing Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) intelligence/audio threat briefing conducted by the Naval Investigative Service (NIS).
(3) Ongoing briefings for escorts of uncleared persons conducted by the security division.
(4) Security quotes published weekly in the plan of the week and regularly in the command newsletter by the security division.
(5) Maintaining a video library by OPSEC coordinator for checkout on subjects such as telephone security, protection of classified material, etc.
(6) Conducting an annual security awareness week featuring subject matter experts as guest speakers.
4. Action
a. The Assistant Chief of Staff (ACOS) for Facilities Engineering is the NAVCOMTELCOM organizational element with overall responsibility for OPSEC.
b. All ACOSs will designate an OPSEC representative (preferably the directorates' security coordinator) as a member of the OPSEC Survey Team to assist the OPSEC officer in planning and training. The Inspector General OPSEC coordinator will include all special assistants in his area of responsibility.
c. The OPSEC Survey Team will meet quarterly to discuss OPSEC problems, training, and continuing awareness programs.