The joint air operations plan format uses the same format as the JFC campaign plan but from an airpower point of view. Each air operations plan will differ with the AOR/JOA, situation, and capabilities of the joint force. A sample format follows:

Copy No Issuing Headquarters Place of Issue Date/Time Group of Signature


References: Maps, charts, and other relevant documents.

COMMAND RELATIONSHIPS. Briefly describe the command organization (composition and relationships) for the JFC's campaign and the air operations envisioned. Detailed information may be included in the command relationships annex. Cover component commanders, AADC, and ACA identities, and others as required.

1. Situation. Briefly describe the situation that the plan addresses (see JFC's estimate). The related CONPLAN or OPLAN should be identified as appropriate.

  1. Guidance. Provide a summary of directives, letters of instructions, memorandums, treaties, and strategic plans, including any campaign/operation plans received from higher authority, that apply to the plan.

  2. Adversary Forces. Provide a summary of pertinent intelligence data including information on the following:

    NOTE: Assumed information should be identified as such. Reference may be made to the intelligence annex for more detailed information.

  3. Friendly Forces. State here information on friendly forces not assigned that may directly affect the command.

  4. Assumptions. State here assumptions applicable to the plan as a whole. Include both specified and implied assumptions.

2. Mission. State the joint air task(s) and the purpose(s) and relationship(s) to achieving the JFC's objective(s).

3. Air Operations

  1. Strategic or Operational Concept. (Based on the relevant major elements of JFC strategy.) State the broad concept for the deployment, employment, and sustainment of major air capable joint forces including the concepts of deception and psychological operations during the operation or campaign as a whole. (This section is a summary of details found in annexes.)

  2. Phase I. Provide a phase directive for each phase.

  3. Phases II-XX (last). Cite information as stated in subparagraph 3b above for each subsequent phase. Provide a separate phase for each step in the operation at the end of which a major reorganization of forces may be required and another significant action initiated.

  4. Coordinating Instructions. If desired, instructions applicable to two or more phases or multiple elements of the command may be placed here.

4. Logistics. Brief, broad statement of the sustainment concept for the joint air operations with information and instructions applicable to the joint air operations by phase. Logistic phases must be consistent with operational phases. This information may be listed separately and referenced here. This paragraph should address:

  1. Assumptions (including coalition requirements).

  2. Supply aspects.

  3. Maintenance and modifications.

  4. Medical service.

  5. Transportation.

  6. Base development.

  7. Personnel.

  8. Foreign military assistance

  9. Administrative management.

  10. Line(s) of communication.

  11. Reconstitution of forces.

  12. Joint and multinational responsibilities.

  13. Sustainment priorities and resources.

  14. Inter-Service responsibilities.

  15. Host-nation considerations.

5. Command. Control. and Communications

  • Command

  • Communications

    (Signed) (Commander)

    ANNEXES: As required



    10-31-1996; 11:56:58