AADC              area air defense commander
A2C2              Army airspace command and control
ABCCC             airborne command, control, and communications
ACA               airspace control authority
ACO               airspace control order
ACP               airspace control plan
ADA               air defense artillery
ADR               air data relay
AIRREQRECON       air request reconnaissance
AIRREQSUP         air request support
AOC               air operations center
AOR               area of responsibility
ASAS              all-source analysis system
ASMD              antiship missile defense
ASOC              air support operations center
ASW               antisubmarine warfare
ATA               airport traffic area
ATO               air tasking order
AV                air vehicle
AWACS             airborne warning and control system

BDA battle damage assessment

C2 command and control CAS close air support COC combat operations center CP control point CR-UAV close range unmanned aerial vehicle CSAR combat search and rescue

DASC direct air support center DASC(A) direct air support center (airborne) DOD Department of Defense

EA electronic attack EEI essential element of information EMCON emission control E-UAV endurance unmanned aerial vehicle EW electronic warfare

FAC forward air controller FAC(A) forward air controller (airborne) FLOT forward line of own troops FO forward observer FSCC fire support coordination center

GCS ground control station GDT ground data terminal GSE ground support equipment GSM ground station module

HMMWV high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle

IMINT imagery intelligence

JAOC joint air operations center JFACC joint force air component commander JFC joint force commander JIC joint intelligence center JSEAD Joint suppression of enemy air defenses JSTARS joint surveillance target attack radar system JTCB joint targeting coordination board JTTP joint tactics, techniques, and procedures

LOS line-of-sight LRS launch and recovery site

MAGTF Marine Air-Ground Task Force MHE materials handling equipment MMP modular mission payloads MPS mission planning station MR-UAV medium-range unmanned aerial vehicle MSL mean sea level

NBC nuclear, biological, and chemical NSFS naval surface fire support

OPSEC operations security OTH-T over-the-horizon targeting

POL petroleum, oils, and lubricants

RECCE reconnaissance ROZ restricted operations zone RPV remotely piloted vehicle RSTA reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition RVT remote video terminal

SAR search and rescue SIGINT signals intelligence SINCGARS single channel ground and airborne radio system SPINS special instructions SR-UAV short-range unmanned aerial vehicle

TAC(A) tactical air commander (airborne) TACC Tactical Air Control Center TCA terminal control area

UAV unmanned aerial vehicle UNAAF Unified Action Armed Forces (Joint Pub 0-2)

VFR visual flight rules VIPER vertical takeoff and landing integrated platform for extended reconnaissance VTOL vertical takeoff and landing VTOL-UAV vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aerial vehicle



direct support. A mission requiring a force to support another specific force and authorizing it to answer directly the supported force's request for assistance. (Joint Pub 1-02)

general support. That support which is given to the supported force as a whole and not to any particular subdivision thereof. (Joint Pub 1-02)

joint force commander. A general term applied to a commander authorized to exercise Combatant Command (command authority) or operational control over a joint force. Also called JFC. (Joint Pub 1-02)

near real time. Pertaining to the timeliness of data or information which has been delayed by the time required for electronic communication and automatic data processing. This implies that there are no significant delays. (Joint Pub 1-02)

unmanned aerial vehicle.** A powered, aerial vehicle that does not carry a human operator, uses aerodynamic forces to provide vehicle lift, can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely, can be expendable or recoverable, and can carry a lethal or nonlethal payload. Ballistic or semiballistic vehicles, cruise missiles, and artillery projectiles are not considered unmanned aerial vehicles. Also called UAV.

** Upon approval of this publication, this term and definition will be included in Joint Pub 1-02.

12-26-1996; 15:43:03