The laws, directives, policies, and procedures that provide the
basis for development of this publication are:
- The National Security Act of 1947, as amended.
- The Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense Reorganization Act
of 1986 (10 USC 161 et. seq. PL 99-433).
- Secretary of Defense memorandum, 15 March 1991, "Strengthening
Defense Intelligence."
- Executive Order 12333, 4 December 1981, "United States
Intelligence Activities."
- DOD Directive 5100.1, 25 September 1987, "Functions of the
Department of Defense and its Major Components."
- DOD Directive 5240.1, "DOD Intelligence Activities."
- JCS Pub 1, 10 January 1995, "Joint Warfare of the Armed
Forces of the United States."
- JCS Pub 0-2, 24 February 1995, "Unified Action Armed Forces
- JCS Pub 1-01, 14 September 1993, Chg-1, "Joint Publication
System Joint Doctrine and Joint Tactics, Techniques, and
Procedures Development Program."
- JCS Pub 3-0, 1 February 1995, "Doctrine for Joint
- MJCS-51-88, 13 April 1988, "Doctrine for Intelligence
Support to Joint Operations."
- CM-1502-92, 23 November 1992, "A Doctrinal Statement of
Selected Joint Operational Concepts."