Intelligence Estimate


Originating Section, Issuing Headquarters*
Place of Issue
Day, Month, Year, Hour, Zone


( ) REFERENCES: a. Maps and Charts. b. Other relevant documents. 1. ( ) Mission. State the assigned task and its purpose. The mission of the command as a whole is taken from the commander's mission analysis, planning guidance, or other statement. 2. ( ) Adversary Situation. State conditions that exist and indication of effects of these conditions on enemy capabilities and the assigned mission. This paragraph describes the area of operations, the adversary military situation, and the effect of these two factors on adversary capabilities.

a.( ) Characteristics of the Area of Operations. Discuss the effect of the physical characteristics of the area of operations on military activities of both combatants. If an analysis of the area has been prepared separately, this paragraph in the intelligence estimate may simply refer to it, then discuss the effects of the existing situation on military operations in the area.

b. ( ) Enemy Military Situation (Ground, Naval, Air, Other Service)

c. ( ) Enemy Unconventional and Psychological Warfare Situation

3. ( ) Enemy Capabilities

5. ( ) Conclusions. Conclusions resulting from discussion in paragraph 4 above. Include, when possible, a concise statement of the effects of each capability on the accomplishment of the assigned mission. Cite adversary vulnerabilities where applicable. This paragraph contains a summary of adversary capabilities most likely to be adopted, listed in the order of relative probability if sufficient information is available to permit such an estimate. If appropriate, it should also include a concise statement of the effects of each adversary capability on the accomplishment of the assigned mission. Exploitable vulnerabilities should also be listed, where applicable.

a. ( ) Adversary Capabilities in Relative Probability of

(1) ( ) Defend in present locations with ....

(2) ( ) Delay from present positions along ....

(3) ( ) Reinforce the defense or delay with ....

(4) ( ) Conduct UW operations in the area ....

b. ( ) Vulnerabilities

(1) ( ) Enemy left (west) flank is open to envelopment by amphibious assault ....

(2) ( ) The enemy's air search radar coverage is poor in the left (west) portion of its defensive sector ....

(Signed) _________________ J-2

(The staff division chief signs the staff estimates produced by that division. If the estimate is to be distributed outside the headquarters, the heading and signature block must be changed to reflect that fact.)

ANNEXES: (By letter and title) Annexes should be included where the information is in graphs or of such detail and volume that inclusion makes the body of the estimate cumbersome. They should be lettered sequentially as they occur throughout the estimate.

DISTRIBUTION: (According to procedures and policies of the issuing headquarters)

* When this estimate is distributed outside the issuing headquarters, the first line of the heading is the official designation of the issuing command, and the ending of the estimate is modified to include authentication by the authoring section, division, or other official according to local policy.

**Normally, these are numbered sequentially during a calendar year.

07-16-1996; 16:16:19