SORT: 5100.78 DOCI: DODD 5100.78 DATE: 19860825 TITL: DODD 5100.78 United States Port Security Program, August 25, 1986, USD(P) Refs: (a) DoD Directive C-5100.78, "United States Port Security Program," November 25, 1975 (hereby canceled) (b) National Security Decision Directive Number 200, December 4, 1985 A. REISSUANCE AND PURPOSE This Directive: 1. Updates reference (a) consistent with reference (b). 2. Outlines the authorities, responsibilities, and functions relative to appropriate security measures and programs to counter the threat posed to U.S. security interests by admitting foreign vessels into U.S. ports. B. APPLICABILITY AND SCOPE This Directive: 1. Applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military Departments, the Organization of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Defense Investigative Service, the Defense Nuclear Agency, and the National Security Agency (hereafter referred to collectively as "DoD Components"). 2. Pertains to vessels of foreign countries designated under reference (b), (hereafter called "special interest vessels"), that enter into all harbors, ports, and waterfront facilities of the United States. C. POLICY Foreign ship visits provide unique opportunities for multidisciplinary intelligence collection over a wide spectrum of collection activity, from visual observations by crewmen to complex operations such as interception of electromagnetic emanations by ship-based electronic equipment. Therefore, it is the policy of the Department of Defense to take all feasible steps to reduce the vulnerability to hostile intelligence collection and to prevent exploitation of the vulnerability of sensitive Defense activities in or near U.S. port areas. D. AUTHORITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (DUSD/P) shall coordinate Department of Defense participation in the U.S. port security program and shall: a. Appoint the DoD Member for Policy on the U.S. Port Security Committee. b. As appropriate, consult with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Policy) or the Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs) regarding international politico-military aspects of the port security program. 2. The Secretary of the Navy is designated Executive Agent for Department of Defense participation in the U.S. port security program and shall: a. Appoint a Navy staff member to act as the DoD Member for Operations on the U.S. Port Security Committee to handle matters arising from the administration of the program in conformance to the following guidelines: (1) Signify nonobjection to port calls in cases with no significant national security implications. (2) Negotiate alternate dates for port calls when entry is approved subject to considerations of scheduled sensitive activity and advise the DUSD/P or designee of this. (3) Refer to the DUSD/P requests for entry to a port that may warrant DoD objection on security grounds if denial of entry would be precedent setting for that port. (4) After a precedent-setting denial of a port call, object to future requests, if warranted, and inform the DUSD/P or designee of this. b. Refer congressional inquiries and all matters affecting U.S. relationships with other countries or involving policy change or interpretation to the DUSD/P. c. Develop and apply a port security vulnerability assessment program for determining on a continuing basis the sensitivity and vulnerability of Defense and Defense-related facilities in or near port areas under the jurisdiction of the United States, including programing, budgeting, and funding. d. Prepare and maintain lists of ports that fall into the following categories: (1) Those considered to be vulnerable to intelligence collection activities against Defense and Defense-related facilities. (2) Those not measurably sensitive from a Defense point of view and need not be, therefore, the subject of individual examination each time a special interest vessel seeks entry. e. In collaboration with the Coast Guard arid other governmental agencies,establish such other measures as may be considered necessary to frustrate hostile intelligence collection efforts. 3. The Director, National Security Agency, shall designate a point of contact to assist the DoD Executive Agent in fulfilling the needs of the port security program, as required. 4. The Secretaries of the Army and the Air Force each shall designate an appropriate organization that will have a primary responsibility to respond to the needs of the port security program, including the assignment or detail of appropriate personnel to assist the Executive Agent, as required, particularly in the conduct of the port security vulnerability assessment program. 5. DoD Components concerned shall: a. Identify to the Executive Agent sensitive installations for which they are responsible in or near port areas to facilitate vulnerability surveys and to permit appropriate notification of special interest vessel visits. b. Review on a continuing basis the security vulnerability of such facilities and, where feasible, institute countermeasures as needed. c. To the extent of available resources, assist and cooperate fully with the Executive Agent for DoD participation in the U.S. port security program. E. EFFECTIVE DATE AND IMPLEMENTATION This Directive is effective immediately. Forward one copy of implementing documents to the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy within 120 days. William H. Taft, IV Deputy Secretary of Defense ---------------------------------