
SORT: 5105.56

DOCI: DODD 5105.56

DATE: 19920506

TITL: DODD 5105.56  Central Imagery Office, May 6, 1992, DA&M, thru Ch1, March

19, 1993

References:  (a)  Title 10 of the United States Code

        (b)  National Security Act of 1947

        (c)  Executive Order 12333, "United States Intelligence

             Activities," December 4, 1981

        (d)  DOD Directive 5240.1, "DOD Intelligence Activities,"

             April 25, 1988

        (e)  DOD 5240.1-R, "Procedures Governing the Activities of

             DOD Intelligence Components That Affect United States

             Persons," December 3, 1982.

        (f)  DOD Directive 7750.5, "Management and Control of

             Information Requirements," August 7, 1986


1.  This Directive establishes a Central Imagery Office (CIO) within

the Department of Defense to ensure that United States Government

intelligence, mapping, charting and geodesy, and other needs for imagery

are met effectively and efficiently in a manner conducive to national

security, consistent with the authorities and duties of the Secretary of

Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence under references (a),

(b), and (c).

2.  This Directive applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense,

the Military Departments; the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and

the Joint Staff; the Unified and Specified Combatant Commands; the Defense

Agencies; and DOD Field Activities.


The CIO shall provide support to the Department of Defense, the

Central Intelligence Agency, and other Federal Government departments and

agencies on matters concerning imagery relating to the national security.


The CIO is hereby established as a defense agency of the Department of

Defense under reference (a) and is hereby designated as a combat support

agency.  The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control,

Communications, and Intelligence shall exercise overall supervision over

the Central Imagery Office.  The CIO shall consist of a Director of the

Central Imagery Office and such subordinate organizational elements,

including the central imagery tasking authority required by Section

E.1.d., as the Director establishes within the resources made available.


The Director of the CIO shall:

1.  Organize, direct, and manage the CIO and all assigned resources;

2.  Manage the establishment of national imagery collection

requirements consistent with guidance received from the Director of

Central Intelligence under reference (c);

3.  Ensure responsive imagery support to the Department of Defense,

the Central Intelligence Agency, and, as appropriate, other Federal

Government departments and agencies, including by coordination of imagery

collection tasking, collection, processing, exploitation, and


4.  Task imagery collection elements of the Department of Defense to

meet national intelligence requirements, including requirements

established by the Director of Central Intelligence in accordance with

references (b) and (c), except that the Director of the CIO shall advise

an imagery collection element on collection of imagery to meet such

national intelligence requirements when the collection element both (a) is

assigned to or under the operational control of the Secretary of a MilitaryDepartment or a commander of a unified or specified command and (b) is not

allocated by the Secretary of Defense to meet national intelligence


5.  Advise imagery collection elements of the Department of Defense on

the collection of imagery to meet non-national intelligence requirements;

6.  Establish, consistent to the maximum practicable extent with the

overall functional architectures of the Department of Defense, the

architectures for imagery tasking, collection, processing, exploitation,

and dissemination within the Department of Defense, and, to the extent

authorized by the heads of other departments or agencies with imagery

tasking, collection, processing, exploitation, and dissemination functions

establish the architectures for imagery tasking, collection, processing,

exploitation, and dissemination within those departments or agencies;

7.  Establish, in coordination with the Director of the Defense

Information Systems Agency as appropriate, standards for imagery systems

for which the Department of Defense has responsibility and ensure

compatibility and interoperability for such systems, and, to the extent

authorized by the heads of other departments or agencies with imagery

systems establish standards and ensure compatibility and interoperabilgence Agency; and

d.  establish within the CIO a central imagery tasking authority to

execute the imagery collection tasking authority of the Director of the


2.  The Secretaries of the Military Departments, the Chairman of the

Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the heads of other Department of Defense

components shall support the Director of the CIO in the performance of the

Director's functions, including by:

a.  ensuring compliance with national intelligence tasking issued

under paragraph D.4 above;

b.  ensuring compliance with the architectures and standards

established by the Director of the CIO under paragraphs D.6, D.7, and D.15


c.  assisting the Director in his role as functional manager for the

Consolidated Imagery Program and the Tactical Imagery Program under

paragraphs D.8 and D.9 above; and

d.  submitting imagery collection requirements to the Director.


1.  The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control,

Communications and Intelligence is hereby delegated the authority to issue

instructions to Department of Defense components to implement this

Directive.  Instructions to the Military Departments shall be issued

through the Secretaries of the Military Departments.  Instructions to the

commanders in chief of the unified and specified commands shall be issued

through the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

2.  The Director of the CIO is hereby delegated the authority to

obtain reports, information, advice, and assistance, consistent with

reference (f), as necessary, in the performance of the Director's assigned



1.  The Director of the Central Imagery Office shall be appointed by

the Secretary of Defense on the recommendation of the Director of Central


2.  The Director of the Central Imagery Office shall obtain

administrative support, including personnel, budget execution, and

contracting services, from the Defense Intelligence Agency and, to the

extent permitted by law and approved by the Secretary of Defense and the

Director of Central Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency.

3.  Resources for the Central Imagery Office shall be provided through

the National Foreign Intelligence Program and the budget aggregation known

as Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities, in accordance with

applicable planning, programming, and budgeting system processes.


This Directive shall take effect immediately.

                        Secretary of Defense
