SORT: 5010.10 DOCI: DODD 5010.10 DATE: 19720809 TITL: DODD 5010.10 Intelligence Career Development Program, August 9, 1972, ASD(I) thru ch 1 November 16, 1994 Refs: (a) DoD Directive 5010.10, subject as above, June 16, 1966 (hereby cancelled) (b) DoD Directive 1430. 2, "Assignment of Responsibility for Civilian Career Programs," May 9, 1966 (c) DoD Directive 5105.25, "Defense Intelligence School," November 2, 1962 (d) DoD Directive 5100.47, "National Cryptologic School," April 30, 1965 (e) Presidential Memorandum, "Organization and Management of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Community," November 5, 1971 I. PURPOSE This Directive implements the applicable provisions of Presidential memorandum of November 5, 1971 (reference (e)) within the Department of Defense. It establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the development of military and civilian intelligence Career Programs designed to assure the attainment of an improved DoD intelligence product. IL CANCELLATION Reference (a) is hereby superseded and cancelled. III. APPLICABILITY The provisions of this Directive apply to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military Departments, the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Unified and Specified Commands, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency and the Central Security Service (hereinafter referred to collectively as "DoD Components"). IV. DEFINITIONS The terms used in this Directive are defined in enclosure 1. V. POLICY A. The Department of Defense has a significant and recognized need for professionally competent and highly motivated Intelligence personnel. It is essential that all practicable measures be taken to develop and maintain viable and effective career development programs for our military and civilian Intelligence personnel. B. In order to address these needs and assure the emphasis and coordination required, the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence), on behalf of the Secretary of Defense, and in consonance with the provisions of DoD Directive 1430.2 (reference (b)) and this Directive, will assume overall leadership and coordinating responsibility over all DoD military and civilian career development programs in the field of Intelligence. VI. OBJECTIVES The Department of Defense is fully committed to the goal of improving the career development of all military and civilian Intelligence personnel, thereby improving the Intelligence product. The specific objectives are to: A. Improve the DoD Intelligence capability, in consonance with other high priority operational and personnel requirements, through the planned development, effective motivation, and efficient use of the required numbers and types of qualified military and civilian Intelligence personnel. B. Provide to all career Intelligence personnel opportunities for education, training, rotation, and promotion equal to their contemporaries in other career fields. C. Insure that career Intelligence personnel are carefully selected, provided opportunities and incentives to increase their skills and broaden their experience, and are motivated toward primary careers in one or more areas of Intelligence. D. Direct attention and emphasis toward improving the career development and advancement opportunities of civilian Intelligence personnel by: 1. projecting and effecting planned work assignments that follow clear lines of progression to higher skill and grade levels and to successively more responsible positions, and 2. awarding the opportunity of cross-movement and promotion to positions in and among DoD components requiring Intelligence professionals. E. Augment the skills of selected career Intelligence personnel through varied command/managerial and/or staff assignments outside the Intelligence field which involve the application of Intelligence products and the management of resources. F. Improve the career development programs for military General Intelligence and Cryptologic personnel and Intelligence subspecialists through the interchange of information, ideas, and successful innovations. VII. RESPONSIBILITIES AND FUNCTIONS A. The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence) is responsible to the Secretary of Defense for overseeing, guiding and coordinating all DoD component Intelligence career development programs for military and civilian personnel; for assuring through his personal involvement that high level interest and responsiveness are maintained by DoD components; for keeping the Secretary of Defense apprised of achievements, problems and plans; and for making recommendations with respect to Intelligence career development activities throughout the Department of Defense. In exercising this responsibility he will: l. Issue DoD instructions and memoranda as necessary to further implement this Directive. 2. Assure that obstacles to fully viable "Intelligence career development plans and programs are identified, analyzed, and resolved in a timely manner. 3. Establish as his chief advisory body a joint "Intelligence Career Development Steering Group," chaired by a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence), and composed of senior military and civilian representatives (Intelligence and Personnel) from each of the Military Departments, OJCS, DIA, NSA, and OASD(M&RA). This advisory group will: identify problem areas and establish priorities, recommend plans of attack with objectives for resolving these problem areas, establish schedules for and monitor the accomplishment of these objectives, interchange information and suggestions on a timely and frank basis, and advise the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence) when his actions and coordination are required. 4. Review all Intelligence education and training programs, and insure that the Defense Intelligence School and the National Cryptologic School serve as the cornerstones for providing the education and training programs required in accordance with DoD Directives 5105.25 and 5100.47 (references (c) and (d)) to enhance the preparation of military and civilian Intelligence personnel for positions in the national and international security structure and to assist in their career development 5. Review annual status reports from the Secretaries of the Military Departments and the comments thereon by the functional directors: Director, DIA for General Intelligence and Director, NSA/Chief, CSS for Cryptology; and report significant accomplishments, problems, plans and recommendations to the Secretary of Defense. 6. Review the Intelligence organizations of DoD components to evaluate the adequacy of civilian grade structures and position opportunities to support the effective career development and advancement of civilian career Intelligence personnel. 7. Recommend such legislation as may be necessary to overcome impediments that may exist to the effective development and administration of Intelligence career development programs. 8. Coordinate with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (M&RA) in matters of Intelligence career development policy. B. The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency will be the functional director, under the guidance and direction of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence), for establishing a DoD career development program designed to provide civilian General Intelligence career personnel for duty with the Defense Intelligence Agency, Service Intelligence Staffs, and Unified and Specified Commands; and for reviewing and coordinating career development programs for military General Intelligence career personnel. In exercising this responsibility he will: l. Act as executive agent for the development of an overall career development program for all civilian General Intelligence personnel in the Department of Defense in accordance with DoD directive l430.2 (reference (b)). 2. Delineate the civilian General Intelligence field within the Department of Defense and establish and maintain a referral system for all identified billets and personnel. 3. Establish in consonance with the referral system an overall assignment and promotion opportunity for civilian General Intelligence personnel and appropriate cross assignments for professional broadening among DoD components with General Intelligence elements. 4. Submit proposals, including possible required legislation to upgrade career opportunities by providing more rewarding careers for the civilian General Intelligence community, including the opportunity to reach higher salary levels while remaining analysts. 5. Evaluate the adequacy of career programs for military and civilian General Intelligence personnel by commenting on the annual status reports of the Military Departments to the Secretary of Defense and by providing appropriate comments and recommendations on the achievements, problems and plans for solving the problems within the General Intelligence community. C. The Director, National Security Agency/Chief, Central Security Service will act as the functional director, in accordance with the guidance of thhat effective representatives are assigned to the Intelligence Career Development Steering Group and that these representatives in turn have access to the highest levels within their respective military departments for action and decision as required. 6. Evaluate the effectiveness and adequacy of career programs for military and civilian Intelligence personnel (including subspecialists where applicable) and commencing 1 January 1973 make comprehensive but brief annual status reports to the Secretary of Defense on achievements, problems and plans for solving the problems. VIII. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS The reporting requirements prescribed herein are assigned Report Control Symbol DD-I(A) 1200. IX. EFFECTIVE DATE The provisions of this Directive are effective immediately. Secretary of Defense Enclosure - 1 Definitions 5010.10 (Encl 1) Aug 9, 72 DEFINITIONS A. Career development is the orderly growth and improvement of each individual's potential to meet organizational needs as well as personal career objectives. This is accomplished by integrating each individual's capabilities, needs, interests and aptitudes into a planned, systematic program of education, training, and utilization that is geared to meet present and future organizational requirements. B. Career Development Program is a formal integration of the processes of recruitment, selection, placement, job rotation, education, training, incentives and awards, and promotion to achieve the systematic development and effective utilization of skills for mission accomplishment and the orderly and equitable career progression of affected personnel. C. Intelligence personnel are those DoD General Intelligence (including scientific and technical) personnel and Cryptologic personnel engaged in the collection, processing, analysis, production and dissemination of Intelligence information, or involved in the planning, programming and management of Intelligence resources. D. Career Intelligence Personnel is a term which embraces the following: l. Military career Intelligence personnel are those officers, warrant officers and enlisted personnel whose careers are being developed primarily in General Intelligence or Cryptology augmented, wherever possible, by varied command and/or staff assignments in other functional areas. 2. Civilian career Intelligence personnel are those civilians in the grades of GS-5 through GS-18 whose careers are being developed in one or more areas in the field of Intelligence and who are part of one of the following major divisions: a. Civilian Cryptologic personnel are those civilian personnel who work for NSA, and those civilian Cryptologic personnel of the Central Security Service, and the Service Cryptologic Agencies. b. Civilian General Intelligence personnel are those civilian Intelligencepersonnel within the Department of Defense, excluding civilian Cryptologic personnel as defined above. 3. Intelligence Subspecialist is a term used to identify those officers of the Military Departments whose primary specialties are other than General Intelligence or Cryptology but who are qualified through planned training or experience to serve in, and are periodically assigned to General Intelligence or Cryptology positions. ---------------------------------