SORT: 5210.79 DOCI: DODD 5210.79 DATE: 19920709 TITL: DODD 5210.79 Defense Personnel Security Research Center (PERSEREC), July 9, 1992, ASD(C3I) Refs:(a) DoD Directive 5210.79, "Defense Personnel Security Research and Education Center," May 31, 1989 (hereby canceled) (b) Title 10, United States Code (c) DoD Directive 5400.11, "Department of Defense Privacy Program," June 9, 1982 A. REISSUANCE AND PURPOSE This Directive: 1. Reissues reference (a) to update the PERSEREC, established under reference (b). 2. Assigns direction, authority, and control over the PERSEREC to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (ASD(C3I)). 3. Designates the Secretary of the Navy to provide support to PERSEREC. 4. Prescribes the policy for and responsibilities of the PERSEREC. B. APPLICABILITY This Directive applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Unified and Specified Commands, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field Activities (hereafter referred to collectively as "the DoD Components"). C. POLICY It is DoD policy that the PERSEREC: 1. Shall be the DoD personnel security research center for the Department of Defense, operating under the guidance and authority of the ASD(C3I). 2. Shall perform personnel security research and analysis for the DoD Components and members of the Intelligence Community, as appropriate, and disseminate results of that research. 3. Shall devote its research and analytical resources to evaluating and improving personnel security procedures, programs, and policies. 4. Shall provide advice and assistance to the DoD Components and the Intelligence Community on selected personnel security subjects upon request. 5. Shall encourage Government and non-Government researchers to enter into joint personnel security research projects that have Government-wide applications, thereby stimulating research and reducing duplication of effort. 6. Shall ensure that individual records are maintained and used in accordance with the Department of Defense Privacy Program requirements (DoD Directive 5400.11, reference (c)). 7. Shall arrange for contractual agreements using normal contracting procedures to meet the PERSEREC professional and administrative requirements. The PERSEREC may accept funding from other DoD Components, as well as Executive Branch Agencies, for the conduct of relevant personnel security research, subject to prior coordination with the ASD(C3I). 8. Shall maintain liaison with other DoD Components, industry, professional associations, academia, Government organizations (Federal, State, and local), and other Federal and international agencies for the exchange of information in the field of assigned responsibility; and render assistance, as appropriate, within the limits of established policy and procedures. D. RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence shall: a. Have authority, direction, and control of the PERSEREC. b. Promulgate a memorandum of understanding with the Secretary of the Navy that will provide administrative and logistics support required to ensure the continued effective operation of the PERSEREC. c. Ensure that the PERSEREC is operated efficiently and that appropriate management safeguards are in place to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse. d. Approve the PERSEREC annual budget before its submission to the Navy. e. Convene a personnel security research advisory committee that shall: (1) Review, on a semiannual basis, the research program of the PERSEREC. (2) Advise the Director, PERSEREC, on specific research projects. (3) Promote collaborative initiatives, eliminate redundancies, identify neglected opportunities and problems, and ensure optimal utilization of PERSEREC resources. (4) Promote dissemination of useful information derived from personnel security research efforts. f. Be authorized to make exceptions to the requirements of this Directive on a case-by-case basis when is is determined that doing so furthers -the mission of the Department of Defense and is consistent with the protection of classified information from unauthorized disclosure. 2. The Secretary of the Navy shall: a. Budget for and finance those expenses for operating the PERSEREC, including salaries of assigned civilian personnel. b. Provide and maintain facilities essential to the effective operation of the PERSEREC. c. Provide administrative support to the PERSEREC to include supply, contractual, computer, and employee service assistance. d. Assist the PERSEREC in specific personnel matters, to include managing local hiring authority for civilian personnel. 3. The Heads of the DoD Components shall: a. Cooperate with and assist the Director of the PERSEREC by providing assistance to complete assigned research tasks. b. Subject to internal policies on release of personnel security and criminal investigative records, make available those records and information needed by the PERSEREC to carry out the functions assigned by this Directive. 4. The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management and Personnel) shall ensure that sufficient computer programming and analysis resources are made available at the Defense Manpower Data Center to support PERSEREC requirements. E. EFFECTIVE DATE This Directive is effective immediately. Donald J. Atwood Deputy Secretary of Defense ---------------------------------