
SORT: 5200.37
DOCI: DODD 5200.37
DATE: 19921218
TITL: DODD 5200.37 Centralized Management of Department of Defense Human
Intelligence (HUMINT) Operations, December 18, 1992, ASD(C3I)

Refs:(a) Title 10 of the United States Code
(b) The National Security Act of 1947
(c) DoD Directive 5240.2, "DOD Counterintelligence," June 6, 1983
(d) DOD Directive 5137.1, "Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command,
Control, Communications, and Intelligence," February 12, 1992
(e) DoD Directive 5-5105.29, "Human Resources Intelligence (HUMINT)
Activities, July 9, 1987
(f) DoD Directive 5240.1, "DOD Intelligence Activities," April 25, 1988


This Directive implements Section 113 of reference (a) and Section 105
(b)(5) of reference (b) to provide for effective management of Department
of Defense human intelligence activities through the Defense Intelligence
Agency, with centralized management and decentralized execution of such


1. This Directive applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the
Military Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the
Joint Staff, the Unified and Specified Commands, the Inspector General of
the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field
Activities (hereafter referred to collectively as "DOD Components").

2. This Directive does not apply to counterintelligence activities
conducted under the authority of DoD Directive 5240.2 (reference (c)).


The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications,
and Intelligence (ASD/C3l) is hereby delegated the authority and assigned
the duties of the Secretary of Defense under Section 105(b)(5) of
reference (b).


1. The Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, as the DoD HUMINT
Manager and consistent with applicable law and DoD Directives, including
DoD Directives 5137.1,5-5105.29, and 5240.1 (references (e), (f), and
(g)), shall:

a. provide operational tasking to DoD HUMINT elements in accordance with
this Directive.

b. establish standards and procedures for the conduct of DoD HUMINT

c. assess the effectiveness of conduct of DoD HUMINT programs.

d. establish mechanisms consistent with DoD Directives for the receipt,
validation, coordination, approval, and tracking of the satisfaction of
DoD HUMINT requirements.

e. assist in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of DoD HUMINT
activities and eliminating duplication.

f. ensure needed HUMINT support for the DoD components.

g. provide for central cover support for DoD HUMlNT activities.

h. provide for research and development for DoD HUMINT activities.

i. ensure that the Secretaries of the Military Departments and the
commanders in chief of the unified and specified commands are kept fully
informed of DoD HUMINT capabilities and activities.

j. ensure coordination of DoD HUMINT activities with the Director of
Central Intelligence as appropriate.

k. to the extent directed by the ASD/C3I, represent the Department of
Defense in inter-agency forums relating to HUMlNT.

2. To increase efficiency and minimize costs consistent with meeting
operational needs, the Secretaries of the Military Departments, the
commanders of the unified and specified commands, and the Director of the
Defense Intelligence Agency shall consolidate the HUMINT activities of the
Military Departments, the unified or specified commands, and the Defense
Intelligence Agency into elements to be known as operating bases pursuant
to plans that shall be prepared by the ASD/C3l and approved by the
Secretary of Defense.  Such plans shall ensure that each operating base is
established as an element of:

a. a Military Department subject to the authority of the Secretary thereof
in accordance with Section 3013, 5013, or 8013 of reference (a), which may
include elements with personnel assigned from other Military Departments;

b. a unified or specified command subject to the authority, direction and
control of the commander thereof in accordance with Section 164 of
reference (a); or

c. the Defense Intelligence Agency subject to the authority, direction and
control of the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

3. Pursuant to Sections 3013, 5013 and 8013 of reference (a)1 the
Secretaries of the Military Departments each shall establish within their
respective Departments a HUMINT requirements and tasking office, which
shall, to the extent the ASD/C3I determines appropriate, be colocated
with the HUMINT tasking element of the Defense Intelligence Agency.  Each
such office, for the Military Department of which it is an element, shall:

a. keep the Secretary of the Military Department concerned fully informed
of DoD HUMINT capabilities and activities.

b. communicate to the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency the
Military Department's HUMINT requirements.

c. receive from the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
operational tasking for DoD HUMINT elements of that Military Department
and immediately and without change provide such tasking to such elements.

d. ensure that plans and intelligence architectures of the Military
Department concerned appropriately incorporate DoD HUMINT capabilities.

4. Pursuant to Section 164 of reference (a), each commander in chief of a
unified or specified command shall establish or designate within the
command, as an element of the headquarters of that command, a HUMlNT
officer.  The HUMlNT officer shall:

a. keep the commander fully informed of DoD HUMINT capabilities and

b. communicate to the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency the
command's HUMINT requirements, including its requirements for contingency
and wartime operations.

c. receive from the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
operational tasking for DoD HUMINT elements of that command and
immediately and without change provide such tasking to such elements.

d. ensure that the command's plans and intelligence architectures
appropriately incorporate DoD HUMINT capabilities.

5. The Director of the Defense intelligence Agency shall make available to
the HUMINT officers of the unified and specified commands technical advice
on HUMINT matters.

6. A DoD HUMINT element shall execute operational tasking received under
Section 3.c. and 4.c. from the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
and shall do so with the priority assigned to that operational tasking by
the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, unless otherwise
specifically directed by the Secretary of the Military Department
concerned in the case of an element of a Military Department or by the
commander in chief concerned in the case of an element of a unified or
specified command.  In the event of issuance of such specific direction,
the Secretary of the Military Department concerned or, through the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the commander in chief concerned
shall immediately so inform the ASD/C3I.

7. All DoD HUMINT activities shall be conducted consistent with applicable
law and DoD Directives, including Directive S-5105.29 (reference (e)),
Directive 5240.1 (reference (f)), and regulations implementing reference


1. The ASD/C3I may issue such instructions as may be necessary to
implement this Directive.  Instructions to the Military Department shall beissued through the Secretaries of the Military Departments.  Instructions
to the unified and specified commands shall be communicated through the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

2. This Directive shall take effect 30 days after the date of signature.

Donald J. Atwood Deputy Secretary of Defense Date signed: December 18,
