
SORT: 5100.85

DOCI: DODD 5100.85

DATE: 19950627

TITL: DODD 5100.85  Intelligence Systems Board (ISB), June 27, 1995, ASD(C3I)

References:  (a)  Joint Pub 1-02, "Department of Defense Dictionary of
Military and Associated Terms," March 23, 1994
(b)  Title 10, United States Code
(c)  Title 50, United States Code
(d)  Executive Order 12333, "United States Intelligence
Activities," December 4, 1981
(e)  DoD Directive 5137.1, "Assistant Secretary of Defense
for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence
(ASD(C3I))," February 12, 1992
(f)  DoD Directive 5100.35, "Military
Communications-Electronics Board," May 6, 1985
(g)  DoD Directive 5205.9, "Joint Military Intelligence
Program (JMIP)," April 7, 1995


This Directive establishes a joint ISB (hereafter referred to as "the
Board") composed of representatives of the Secretary of Defense and the
Director of Central Intelligence.  The Board is to ensure the
interoperability of automatic NOTE:  Reference (a) uses "automatic" rather
than "automated" in systems such as this.  END NOTE:  intelligence
information systems is met effectively and efficiently, in a manner
conducive to national security, and consistent with the authorities and
duties of the Secretary of Defense and the Director of Central
Intelligence under references (b), (c), and (d).


This Directive applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense
(OSD), the Military Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, the Unified Combatant Commands, the Inspector General of the
Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field Activities
(hereafter referred to collectively as "the DoD Components").


1.  Automatic Intelligence Information Systems.  Electronic data
processing and communications systems and facilities, and related
operating standards and procedures used in or intended for use in the
collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence;
includes automatic systems that support the exchange and dissemination of
intelligence data through transformation, indexing, storage, retrieval,
presentation, telecommunications, and teleprocessing.

2.  Joint Military Intelligence Program (JMIP).  A program for
planning and budgeting Defense-wide initiatives and activities that
provide intelligence information and support to multiple DoD customers.
Included are the Defense Cryptologic Program; the Defense Imagery Program;
the Defense Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy Program; and the Defense
General Intelligence and Applications Program.

3.  National Foreign Intelligence Program (NFIP).  A planning and
resources management program for which responsibility has been assigned by
the President to the Director of Central Intelligence and having
components as defined in 50 U.S.C. 401.a. (reference (c)).  Included are
the program on the Central Intelligence Agency, the Consolidated
Cryptologic Program, the General Defense Intelligence Program, and certain
other programs within the Department of Defense.  Also included are the
foreign intelligence and counterintelligence programs of the Departments
of State, Treasury, and Energy, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

4.  Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities (TIARA).  Those DoD
intelligence activities planned and programmed by the sponsoring
organization as required for support of the planning and conduct of
tactical military operations by United States Armed Forces.


1.  The ISB

a.  The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence and
Security) (DASD(I&S)), representing the Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (ASD(C3I)) and the
Executive Director for Intelligence Community Affairs representing the
Director of Central Intelligence, shall Co-Chair the Board, which shall
meet on the call of either Co-Chair.

b.  Members of the Board shall be senior representatives of the:

(1)  Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).

(2)  NFIP Program Managers.

(3)  JMIP Program Managers.

(4)  Military Service TIARA Managers.

(5)  Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

(6)  Director, Defense Information Systems Agency.

(7)  Director, Program Analysis and Evaluation.

(8)  Community Open Source Program Office.

(9)  Chairperson, Military Communications-Electronics Board.

(10)  Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence; Headquarters (HQ),
Department of the Army.

(11)  Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of the Navy.

(12)  Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, HQ, Department of the
Air Force.

(13)  Director of Intelligence, HQ, U.S. Marine Corps.

c.  The Co-Chairs may invite other organizations having an interest in
automatic intelligence information systems to be represented at the Board
sessions on an ex-officio basis, or to participate in the Board meetings
when matters germane to their interests are addressed.

2.  The Intelligence Systems Secretariat (ISS)

a.  ISS (hereafter referred to as "the Secretariat") shall operate
under the guidance of the Co-Chairs of the Board.

b.  The Secretariat Director shall be appointed by the Secretary of
Defense in consultation with the Director of Central Intelligence.  The
Deputy Director shall be appointed by the Director of Central Intelligence
in consultation with the Secretary of Defense.

c.  As the staff element of the Board, the Secretariat shall be
staffed jointly by the Department of Defense and non-DoD intelligence

d.  The Secretariat Director may establish subcommittees, working
groups, and advisory bodies, as necessary, to support activities of the

e.  With approval of the Board Co-Chairs, the Secretariat Director may
invite U. S. Government organizations not represented on the Board to
participate in specific programs or activities sponsored by the Board.


1.  The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control,
Communications, and Intelligence, under DoD Directive 5137.1 (reference
(e)), as the principal staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary and
Deputy Secretary of Defense for information management matters, shall
represent the Secretary of Defense on Board-related matters.  In the
exercise of these responsibilities, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence shall:

a.  Issue relevant DoD policy guidance, as necessary.

b.  Nominate to the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the
Director of Central Intelligence, the Secretariat Director, and consult
with the Director of Central Intelligence on appointment of the
Secretariat Deputy Director.

c.  Ensure appropriate participation by the DoD Components in
activities of the Board and the Secretariat, including DoD representation
in the Secretariat.

d.  Ensure that the Secretariat shall operate under the guidance and
direction of the Board Co-Chairs, and serves as the supporting staff
element of the Board.

2.  The Intelligence Systems Secretariat shall, in cooperation with
the intelligence functional managers, provide administrative support to
the Board, and shall conduct the day-to-day staff activities necessary to
support accomplishment of the Board's responsibilities.

3.  The Intelligence Systems Board shall:

a.  Advise and make recommendations, under the guidance of its
Co-Chairs, to the Secretary of Defense and the Director of Central
Intelligence on policy and requirements on the design, development,
acquisition, and operation of automatic intelligence information systems
and architectures used by the DoD Components and by non-DoD organizations
within the NFIP concerning:

(1)  Enhancing interoperability of existing and planned automatic
intelligence systems designed or intended for intelligence support to the
U.S. Armed Forces.

(2)  Integrating and enhancing interoperability among automatic
intelligence information systems functioning within or among elements of
the NFIP, JMIP, and TIARA aggregate.

(3)  Improving interoperability between intelligence and military
command and control systems.

(4)  Defining interorganizational intelligence information

(5)  Establishing an automatic intelligence information systems
management security policy.

(6)  Defining and coordinating common information handling standards
and procedures.

(7)  Developing program and budget guidance affecting the development
and operation of automatic intelligence information systems.

(8)  Evaluating and adopting new and improved automatic intelligence
information management technologies.

(9)  Designating a DoD or NFIP Component to serve as the Executive
Agent for processes or activities of common concern.

(10)  Identifying priority automatic intelligence information systems
that require funding support for acquisition and/or operations.

(11)  Designating of an Executive Agent(s) to implement and operate
automatic intelligence systems as a service of common concern.

b.  Emphasize the means to enhance the interoperability of existing
and planned automatic intelligence information system support to
operational military components.

c.  In the interest of furthering interoperability of present and
planned automatic intelligence information systems, serve as the channel
for communications and other interface between the DoD Components
represented on the ISB and the Military Communications-Electronics Board
(MCEB) under DoD Directive 5100.35 (reference (f)).  In this interface
role, review and provide recommendations, as appropriate, on all
communications between the ISB member Components and the MCEB that relate
to automatic intelligence information systems and architectures.

4.  The Chairperson of the Military Communications-Electronics Board
shall provide a senior member to serve as a member of the ISB, and ensure
that communications between the MCEB and the DoD Components represented on
the ISB are sent to the ISB Secretariat for review by the ISB if they
relate to automatic intelligence information systems and architectures.

5.  The Heads of the DoD Components shall:

a.  Provide senior-level representation to serve on the Board.

b.  Provide qualified representatives, as coordinated with the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and
Intelligence to the Secretariat on a detail, non-reimbursable, rotational

c.  Participate, where appropriate, in working groups and panels
established by the Secretariat Director to address tasks assigned by the
Board Co-Chairs.

d.  Provide information and data to the Secretariat as required to
enable the Board to fulfill its responsibilities.

e.  Upon designation by the Secretary of Defense and Director of
Central Intelligence, and with arrangements for necessary funding, serve
as the Executive Agent for implementation and/or operation of automatic
intelligence information systems as a service of common concern.


This Directive is effective immediately.

John P. White
Deputy Secretary of Defense
