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Integrated Architectures Panel
The C4ISR Architecture Framework was developed under the auspices of the C4ISR Integra-tion Task Force (ITF) Integrated Architectures Panel, whose members included representatives from the Joint Staff, the Services, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the Defense agencies. Direction and guidance was provided by the Architectures Directorate of the C4I Integration Support Activity (CISA), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Com-mand, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (OASD( C3I)). The Framework Steering Group, composed of representatives of the Command, Control, Communications, and Com-puter Systems Directorate (J6) of the Joint Staff, Information Technology Directorate of OASD( C3I), Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), and the Services, provided impor-tant insights and was instrumental in determining appropriate content.
Version 1.0 of the Architecture Framework has focused on information flow and systems- re-lated issues. The Unified Commands frequently use architectures as a mechanism to address a broader range of operational capabilities such as those associated with people, training, facili-ties, management, and direction. This expanded use is a logical extension of principles dis-cussed in the Version 1.0 report. Subsequent versions of the Framework will more specifically address this expanded use of architectures. 6
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