USFK J-2 Philosophy

I want to share my philosophy about intelligence organizations and the people who make up those organizations. I share my philosophy because you need to know the moral and intellectual foundations for how I make decisions, where I'm coming from, and what I hook into during good times and tough times. The words that follow aren't perfunctory -- they have meaning for me, and they will have meaning for you. As such, I want each of you to read this philosophy and think about it. Moreover, I hope each of you will take the time to think about your own philosophy, to articulate and live it.

1. THREAT: TREAT WITH CIRCUMSPECTION AND RESPECT. We must always keep an eye to the north. At all costs, we must avoid allowing the nKs to catch us off guard.

2. IDEAL ENVIRONMENT: INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING. I want us to have an ideal environment in which people can work, learn, change, and develop.

3. WHAT WE'RE ALL ABOUT: THINKING. Analysts are inquisitive. Analysts always have mysteries or pursue unanswered questions. Analysts are thinkers. But good thinking isn't confined to analysts. I expect all people to think effectively and improve their ability to think in all kinds of situations.

4. ORGANIZATIONAL VECTOR: OPEN, CREATIVE, ADAPTIVE. As an organization standing on the threshold of the 21st century, we can't afford to bind ourselves to a bureaucracy totally accentuating and upholding the status quo.

5. COMMUNICATIONS: LIFE-BLOOD OF INTELLIGENCE. Our analysis and synthesis is for naught if we can't move it to warfighters in time to be relevant. Communications and intelligence closely relate -- communications provide PATHS TO MOVE INFORMATION and intelligence provides MEANING THAT TRAVELS OVER THOSE PATHS. Many forms of communications exist; we must know and exercise all to overcome the adversity of a failed primary or alternate route. We must aim for having a primary route plus at least three alternate routes. We must develop very close relations with those who control communications, and we must exercise ALL ways of moving information frequently.

6. AUTOMATION: A TOOL TO HELP US THINK. Automation is a work aid -- nothing more, nothing less. In its simplest state, automation helps human beings think. The world of automation has software applications and hardware intertwined in a complex process that helps us manage, manipulate, exploit, and track information resident in data.

7. BASICS: FUNDAMENTALS OF OUR PROFESSION. We must never forget the absolute requirement to know basics of our profession.

8. SYNERGY: AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO SEEK IT. Synergy enables enormous power of all kinds to spring forth. Synergy is, by definition, a condition where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We must create synergy through using combinations of people, things, and thoughts.

9. OUR REASON FOR EXISTENCE: PROVIDE MEANINGFUL INFORMATION TO OUR CONSUMERS. We must work hard to satisfy the needs of those who use our information. We must strive to interact with recipients of our information and intelligence and adjust content or presentation to satisfy consumers.

  1. TEAMWORK: IMPERATIVE FOR SUCCESS IN ANY ENDEAVOR. We can't do things effectively in isolation or without being concerned for the welfare of others. Specifically, we lose an immense source of power if we don't learn to operate as a team. Moreover, we can't hope to achieve synergy if we operate in isolation, not trying to conduct our activities and energies with a well-defined and purposefully constructed sense of harmony.

As individuals or as members of organizations, we'll always operate with others and within a multitude of contexts. In our case, we'll operate with our ROK counterparts in combined operations and within a U.S. military joint context. The object in these relationships is working in harmony, accentuating strengths, and minimizing weaknesses. We have to learn about differences among us, bypass or get over those differences, overcome obstacles to teamwork, and develop an effective team. We must have close relationships that cut across cultural biases and service ethos lines in armistice because we'll be stronger for it in crisis and conflict. Every day I hope each of us does something to improve relationships with ROK or U.S. joint counterparts.

11. HUMAN BEINGS: OUR GREATEST STRENGTH. We will work very hard to accomplish our mission with the highest standards of excellence. Regardless of the relentless pace of our lives and the hard work we perform, we can't ever lose sight of caring for people. We need to ensure, absolutely, that our people learn, get their promotions, get recognition for doing well, and get a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from their work. We must help each other grow intellectually, and help each other during the difficult times that will come to each of us; we must treat each other with dignity and respect; we must watch out for each other on and off duty. We must ensure that our subordinates have a good place to live, work, eat, and play. We must have an environment of integrity and caring - we always tell the truth; we don't equivocate. We must be proud of who we are and of what we're doing.

12. INFORMATION REVOLUTION: ONE OF THE MOST MOMENTOUS CHANGES IN HISTORY. We can't fear change. Arguably, change makes most of us uncomfortable. We like the status quo because we get accustomed to accomplishing our tasks in certain ways, and we like our environments to be without perturbation. Regardless of our likes, change is upon us and we must act. We can take two paths. The first is the path of status quo - resisting change, arguing for the way we've always done it, being leery of and resistant to new ideas.

The second path is the more difficult and certainly least taken. That is the path of accepting change and using its presence and energy to shape the future like we desire. This approach is active, aggressive, and more risky than the first but it is certainly the approach we have to be on to provide the best possible support to our informational consumers. We must be bold, competent, and innovative to hope to excel as we move toward the 21st century and as we move even farther on the path of the information revolution.