Appendix B:
Section I
AC - Active Component
AI - Artificial Intelligence
ASAS - All Source Analysis System
ATCD - Advanced Technology Concept Demonstrations
ATR - Automated Target(object) Recognition
AWE - Advanced Warfighting Experiments
BDA - Battle Damage assessment
BOS - Battlefield Operating System
C2 - Command and Control
C2 Attack - Command and Control Attack
C2 Exploit - Command and Control Exploitation
C2 Protect - Command and Control Protection
C2W - Command and Control Warfare
C4I - Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and
CAS - Close Air Support
CCIR - Commander's Critical Information Requirements
CI - Counter-Intelligence
CMISE - Corps Military Intelligence Support Element
COA - Course of Action
CONUS - Continental United States
CSS - Combat Service Support
DISE - Deployable Intelligence Support Element
DTED - Digital Terrain and Elevation Data
EEFI - Essential Elements of Friendly Information
EXFOR - Experimental Forces
GIE - Global Information Environment
GRCS - Guard Rail Common Sensor
HPT - High Payoff Target
HUMINT - Human Intelligence
HVT - High Value Target
ID - Identification
INTSUM - Intelligence Summary
IPB - Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace
ISB - Intelligence Support Base
INSCOM - Intelligence and Security Command
IO - Information Operations
JSTARS - Joint Stars
LRC - Limited Regional Conflict
LZ - Landing Zone
METT-T - Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops, and Time available
MIE - Military Information Environment
MRC - Medium Regional Conflict
NGIC - National Ground Intelligence Center
NGO - Non-Governmental Organizations
PIR - Priority Intelligence Requirement
OPS - Operations
OPSEC - Operations Security
OPTEMPO - Operational Tempo
RC - Reserve Component
RSOC - Regional SIGINT Operation Center
RWS - Remote Work Station
RSTA - Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Targeting Acquisition
SOF - Special Operation Force
UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Section II
Battlespace - components of this space are determined by the maximum capabilities of friendly and adversary forces to acquire and dominate each others fires and maneuver and in the electromagnetic spectrum
Battlefield visualization - The process whereby the commander develops a clear understanding of his current state in relation to the adversary and environment, envisions a desired end state which represents mission accomplishment and then, subsequently, visualizes the sequence of activity that will move his force from its current state to the desired end state.
Broadcast Intelligence - a) directed downlink of broadcast
of raw data and "smart push" of intelligence products; and
b)enabling units to access intelligence products and data
bases in a "smart pull" mode, to obtain the specific
intelligence which they require.
Command and Control Warfare - the integrated use of operations security, military deception, psychological operations, electronic warfare, and physical destruction mutually supported by intelligence to deny information to, to influence, or to degrade adversary C2 capabilities while protecting friendly C2 capabilities against such actions; C2W applies across the full range of military operations and all levels of war.
Common Relevant Enemy Picture - The aggregate of data that is shared among all friendly forces on the disposition of enemy forces. This data is used to build a tailored relevant graphic display for the warfighter that increases in detail shown as the echelon served is closer to the soldier. Commonly called the enemy portion of situation awareness.
Deployable Intelligence Support Element (DISE) - A tailored intelligence support package which is digitally connected in real time to a non-deploying intelligence support base. A DISE will have long haul communications to the ISB, automation tools required to manipulate, store and present essential information on the area of operations, and have capabilities to access joint and combined systems. The commander and G2 will decide the specific size and capabilities of the DISE to be deployed. A DISE will often include non-organic specialized augmentation teams as well as organic resources.
Information Age - the future time period when social, cultural, and economic patterns will reflect the decentralized, nonhierarchical flow of information; contrast this to the more centralized, hierarchical social, cultural, and economic patterns that reflect the Industrial Age's mechanization of production systems.
Information Dominance - the degree of information superiority that allows the possessor to use information systems and capabilities to achieve an operation advantage in a conflict or to control the situation in operations short of war, while denying those capabilities to the adversary.
Information Engineering - The process of acquiring, preparing, and delivering data to decision makers which takes into account not just the decision maker's information requirements, but data availability and the framework within which data is received, analyzed, and presented. This framework includes the information architecture of available data sources and analysis resources, the communication architecture for data receipt and information dissemination and how the information must be shaped and given context for presentation to the decision maker.
Information Operations - Continuous military operations within the Military Information Environment that enable, enhance, and protect the commander's decision cycle and mission execution to achieve an information advantage across the full range of military operations. Information operations includes interacting with GIE (Global Information Environment) and, as required, exploiting or degrading an adversary's information and decision systems.
Infosphere - the Infosphere refers to the rapidly growing global network of military and commercial command, control, communications, and computer systems, including the networks linking information data bases and fusion centers that are accessible to the warrior anywhere, anytime, in the performance of any mission. The Infosphere provides the worldwide automated information of exchange backbone support to joint forces; and provides seamless operations from anywhere to any where that are secure and transparent to the warrior. This emerging capability is highly flexible to support the adaptive command and control infrastructures of the twenty-first century (Upon approval of FM 100-6, this term and its definition will be included in Joint Pub 1-02)
Intelligence Support Base (ISB) - An intelligence element operating in CONUS or sanctuaries which provides forward deployed intelligence elements tailored intelligence products required to support deployed commanders. This intelligence element provides the gateway for forward deployed elements to leverage national, joint and multi-national intelligence capabilities. This intelligence element may be composed of deployed forces, organic intelligence assets, or a composite of intelligence support from echelons division and above.
MI System - The seamless system of systems that includes all collectors, non-lethal C2 Attack systems, processors, analysts, and assured communications means, organic to intelligence organizations.
Smart Pull - Enabling units to electronically automatically access intelligence products and data bases based upon their specific requirements.
Smart Push - Automatically providing intelligence to units based upon their stated requirements.