All Source I Intro terms and Definitions
Show Slide 1 (To Send) Slide
Show Slide 2 (Title) Lesson Tie-in: This block of instruction is the basis for all instruction that you will recieve during the rest of MIOBC. It is designed to provide you with a working knowledge of MI tactical (Corps and Below) organizations, their equipment and their operational concepts. This instruction provides the foundations for the upcoming tactical All Source PE, the Integrated Field Training Exercise, and your end of course BASIX field exercise.
Show Side 3 (Flow) b. Objectives: Given FM 34-1 and FM 34-10 MI Organization Charts, and tactical situations/scenarios, identify the MI organizational element/structure to inculde its opeations, equipment, and tasking and reporting channels IAW graduation criteria.
Point to the Fire exit door c. Safety Consideration: There are no safety considerations for this block of instruction, RAC IV E-Low.
d. Purpose: This information will aid you in performing in various positions within these MI tactical units. For example, given a certain combat situation, it will be your responsibility to know which elements are under your control, what they can do for you deploy them in order to accomplish the mission. Many leadership positions are filled by Lt. in the field, so keep in mind that you could find yourself responsible for the operations and equipment of these tactical organizations.
e. Procedures: During this class I will discuss the organizations, operations, and equipment of all MI units at echelons corps and below. We will discuss some basic definitions. We will follow with a presentation showing equipment currently found in the various divisions as well as the corps MI Bde and MI Co. of the ACR, and will discuss future developments. Next, we will on the organization of the heavy div. MI Bn. and its composition, and discuss how it differs from the other Div. Afterwardsd, we will discuss the tasking and reporting cycles for the units and thier associted equipment to make intelligence and electronic warfare combat multipliers. Finally, we will cover intelligence asset site selection so that you can maximize the collection capabilities of your equipment and most important stay alive. We shall cover some in class PE's to assist you in better understanding deployment and the tasking and reporting channels. During the class, I will conduct a series of reviews to insure that you understand the material I present, If thereare any questions please raise your hand and I will call on you. This block of instruction is unclassified. Follow alongwith me in your handouts.
Show Slide 4 (terms) 2. Development: We will begin class with a brief discussion of some of the terms and their definitions I will use during this class.
Show Slide 5 (Intell) a. Definitions:
(1) Intelligence: It is a product of collection, evaluation, analysis, interpretation of information.
Show Slide 6 (Cbt info) (2) Combat Information is UNEVALUATED DATA, gathered by or provided directly to the tactical commander which is extremely time sensitive and cannot be processed into intelligence in time to satisfy the commanders' needs.
Show Slide 7 (Level of Intel) (3) Levels of Intelligence: There are three levels of intell: Strategic, Operational, and Tactical. All levels of intell supports the combat commander, however, operational and tactical commanders drive Army intell. Each represents a different level war.
Show Slide 8 (Strategic Intel)(a) Strategic: Supports the formation of strategy, policy and military plans and operations at the national and theater levels. It concentrates on the national political, economic, and military considerations of states. It also identifies the nation's ability to support U.S. forces and operations as well as predicting the nations responses to U.S. operations when emplyoing air, ground and naval operations.
Show Slide 9 (Operational (b) Operational: Supports the planning Intell.) and conducting of service and joint operations. At this level it serves as a connector between strategic and tactical levels. It also reflects the nature of the theater of wat itself. It focuses on intell. needs of commanders at the Army service component through corps of task force level.
Show Slide 10 (Tactical (c) Tactical: Focuses on the enemy's Intell.) capabilities and intents, local terrain and weather. This kind of intell. is needed for planning and conductind tactical operations, normally at echelons corps and below.
Show Slide 11 (Cat. of (4) Categories of Intelligence: Intell.)
Show Slide 12 (HUMINT) (a) HUMINT: Intelligence derived by analyzing information obtained from human sources.
Show Slide 13 (IMINT) (b) IMINT: Intelligence derived by analyzing information obtained from imagery products.
Show Slide 14 (MASINT) (c) MASINT: Intelligence derived from infromation gathered by technical instrument such as radars, laser, radiation detectors, seismic and sensors to measures objects or events in order to identify them by their signatures.
Show Slide 15 (SIGINT) (d) SIGINT: Intelligence derived by analyzing information obtained from radio and radar intercept. Sub-categories includes: COMINT, ELINT and FISINT.
Show Slide 16 (COMINT) 1. COMINT: Intell. derived from comms by other than the intended recipient, it includes both voice and non-voice comms such as enemy morse code.
Show Slide 17 (ELINT) 2. ELINT: Intell. derived from non-comms emitters such as enemy's radars.
Show Slide 18 (FISINT) 3. FISINT: Intell. derived from strategic assests at the national level, therefore it only occurs at the national level.
Show Slide 19 (CI) (e) COUNTERINTELLIGENCE: It is a multidiscipline function desiged to defeat or degrade threat intell. and targeting capabilities from the enemy. Its primary mission is to support force protection.
Show Slide 20 (TECHINT) (f) TECHINT: Intell derived by analyzing infromation obtained through the study of captured equipment and documentation.
Show Slide 21 (EW) (5) Electronic Warfare: Those military actions involving the use of electromagnetic energy to determine, exploit, reduce or prevent hostile use of the electromagnetic energy to determine, exploit, reduce or prevent hostile use of the electromagnetic spectrum. it consists of three subcategories Electronic Suppoort (ES) collection, Electronic Attack (EA), jamming and electronic deception, and Electronic Protection (EP).
Show Slide 22 (ES) (a) Electronic Support: Previously known as ESM, it gathers information by intercepting, locating, and exploiting enemy comms. and non comms. ES provides timely info. to the commander upon which he can base his immediate decisions and threat recognition in support of EW operations.
Show Slide 23 (EA) (b) Electronic Attack: Previously known as ECM, it uses lethal and non lethal electromagnetic enery to damage, destroy and attack enemy forces with the intent of degrading, neutralizing or destroying enemy combat capabilities.
Show Slide 24 (EP) (c) Electronic Protection: Previously known as ECCM, it protects personnel facilities, or equipment from the effects of friendly or enemy EW.
Show Slide 25 (Student Check) What is the difference between Combat Information and Intelligence
Student response should be: That Cmbt Info is unevaluated data and Intel is an analyzed product.
Show Slide 26 (Intell. Cycle) (6) The Intell. cycle consist of the following phases: we will discuss these phases as we cover the remaining terms:
(a) Directing (b) Collecting (c) Processing (d) Producing (e) Disseminating
Show Slide 27 (Directing) (a) Directing: Invovles task organizing MI assets; identifies personnel, logistical and comms requirments. It also developes a collection plan and monitors the availability of collection info.
Show Slide 28 (Collecting) (b) Collecting: Involves the acquisition of info. and passing it to processing and production elements.
Show Slide 29 (Processing) (c) Processing: Involves the conversion of info. into a understandable manner such as the the translation of foreign language that can be used by Intell. personnel to produce intelligence.
Show Slide 30 (Producing) (d) Producing: Involves the intregation evaluation, analysis and synthesis of info. from all sources available.
Show Slide 31 (Disseminating) (e) Disseminating): Involves the conveyance of intell. to consumers in a usable form.
Show Slide 32 (AO) (7) Area of Operation: A portion of an area of conflict, that is assigned to a commander for military operations. It must be appropiate in size and design so that the commander has full responsibility and authority to conduct military operations.
Show Slide 33 (Battle Space) (8) Battle Space: It is the space that extends beyond the AO, it varies from time to time depending in how the commander positions his assets. It contains the physical, three dimensional view of the battlefield. Understanding battle space allows commanders to keep their opotions open, protect and sustain their forces, sysnchronize combat power, and keep the enemy off balance.
Show Slide 34 (AI) (9) Area of Interest: The AI extends beyond the AO, and includes those areas of concerns to the commander. It is determined by each commander assigned an AO and is based METT-T. Thus the commander starts the directing phase of intelligence cycle by defining WHERE to look.
Show Slide 35 (PIR) (10) Priority Intelligence Requirements: PIR's are generally phrased requirements determined by the commander(his mission essential information) about the enemy capabilities, courses of aciton, or battlefield characteristics which will significantly impact on the comamnder's tactical decisions.
Show Slide 36 (IR) (11) Information Requirments: A Requirement for intell. to fill a gap in the command's knowledge and understanding of the battlefield or threat forces. IR that support decisions which affect the overall mission accomplishment, such as choice
of COA, branch, or sequel are designated as PIR. Less important Intelligence requirements ae designated as IR.
Show Slide 37 (G2/S2) (12) G2/S2's have the following responsibilities and will develop IR's within these functional areas.
(a) Intelligence (ES) (b) Counterintelligence (c) Security
Show Slide 38 (G3/S3) (13) G3/S3's have the following responsibilites and will develope IR's within these functional areas.
(a) OPSEC (b) EW Operations (EA) (c) Deception
Show Slide 39 (Coll. Mgmt) (14) Collection Management: CM is the process of coordinating the activities of all collectors in order to answer the PIR and IR. This includes developing:
(a) Specific Orders or Requests (SOR) to answer the commanders PIR/IR. (b) Mission mgmt. for all EW missions. (c) Mission tasking for ES missions. (d) In order to develope SOR's the intelligence analyst needs to evaluate the collection req. in terms of intell. targets.
Show Slide 40 (Targets) (15) Targets of Intell. resources.
(a) Movers (b) Sitters (c) Emitters (d) Shooters
Show Slide 41 (Sitters) (16) Sitters are fixed or semi-fixed targets such as enemy CPs or service support facilities, the destruction of which will severely degrade the enemy's capability over the long term. Their identification and locations of enemy intentions.
Show Slide 42&43 (Sitter ex.) As the slide before depicts, IMINT (Collectors) is the best category to collect agaisnt sitters.
Show Slide 44(Movers) (17) Movers are defined as targets that through detection, identification and location we may provide information on enemy intentions or patterns. On the screen are examples of movers.
Show Slide 45 & 46 mover picture and collectors
Show Slide 47 (18) Emitters are defined as targets (Emitters) that, through detection, identification, and location, may provide information on enemy intentions and dispositions. SIGINT will provide the commander with the best way to template the battlefield.
Show Slide 48 There will be more emitters targets than we have the capability to collect against, therefore these targets must be prioritized according to the PIR.
Show Slide 49 Emitters collectors SIGINT is obviously the best category.
Show Slide 50 (Shooters) (19) Shooters include arty. and missile delivery systems. These systems may be located by tracking their projectiles after they are fired, They should, however, be located and destroyed as a mover, sitter, or emitter before they can fire. The following two slides are examples of shooters targets.
Show Slide 51,52 & 53 Shooters and collectors ELINT is the best category Counter-Mortar/ Counter-Battery radars
What is the best intell cat. to use against Emmiting targets?
Response should be SIGINT.
In order for the collectors to perform their missions they must be provided the necessary command guidance and service support. We do this thruogh a series of Command Relationship and Standard Tactical Missions.
Show Slide 54 (20) Command relationships are the MI commander's way of providing direction to subordinate elements to accomplish the IEW mission generated by the force commander's concept of the operation. Command relationship tell subordinate elements who is in command of them and who will provide CSS.
Show Slide 55 (Organic) (a) Organic is the first command relationship and are those assets which form an integral part of a military organization. These assets are listed in a TOE and specify the personnel material, and structure of a unit.
Show Slide 56 (Assigned) (b) Assigned refers to those assets are placed in in organization on a relatively permanent basis and are controlled and maintained by the organization to which assigned.
Show Slide 57 (Attached) (c) Attached assets are placed in an organization on a temporary basis. The directive establishing the relationship specifies terms of attachment such as provisions for CSS i.e. GSRs adn the IEWSEs
Show Slide 58 (OPCON) (d) Operational Control assests are placed in an organization for command purposes only, no CSS is implied. OPCON does not permit the gaining commander to tailor the unit placed under is OPCON i.e. the QUICKFIX Flight Plt.
Show Slide 59 (Std Tactical (21) Standard Tactical Missions: Missions During IEW operations, control of MI assets is exercised by the MI commander through the assigment of Standard Tactical Missions. These missions describe in detail the IEW support responsibilities for an MI unit. These missions do not affect the organizational structure or the command relationship that results from that stucture. The four missions are shown this slide. We will further discuss each one in detail.
Show Slide 60 (DS) (a) Direct Support: A MI unit in DS gives first priority of IEW support to the supported unit second priority of IEW support goes to the force as a whole.
Show Slide 61 (GS) (b) General Support: A MI unit in GS gives its only priority of IEW support to the force as a whole. Normally, MI assets are in GS
Show Slide 62 (R) (c) Reinforcing: A MI unit given a reinforcing mission can only reinforce another MI unit. It gives its priority of IEW support to the reinforced unit, i.e. a Corps EA Plt reinforcing a Div C&J Co.
Show Slide 63 (GSR) (d) General Support Reinforcing: is actually a combination of both GS and Reinforcing. A MI unit in a GSR role gives its first priority of IEW support to the force as a whole and its second priority of IEW support to the reinforced unit.
Show Slide 64 (Student check)
What is the only Command relationship that does not require the gaining commander to provide CSS?
Answer is OPCON.
Note: Suggested 10-min break................. ...........................................