IEW site selection

Block of Instruction: IEW site selection

Slide 1: IEW Site Selection Thus far in the course, we have discussed how to place MI assets doctrinally and have not covered the aspects of weather, terrain, and the various other factors that influence the use of IEW equipment. During the next several hours, we will address these considerations in detail. As junior MI officers, you all must fully understand how to properly place the assets in each of these situations we will cover.
Slide 2: Five Basic IEW Mission Planning Steps First, you must recieve the mission. This may just be a Warning Order at first, but should give you enough to begin preliminary planning.
Second, you must begin a map reconnaissance. You should begin examining it for good sites to move to, looking for good hilltops with good LOS. This will help you produce a good measle sheet to plan your moves, and should be in depth through your sector. Map reconnaisance is useful in that it helps familiarize you with the area quickly, before you even have deployed in some instances. The disadvantage of map reconnaisance is that maps are often many years out of date, and the terrain has changed!! Once you have done a thorough map reconnaisance, you need to begin coordinating with your own NCO's, CO CDR, and Brigade staff for movement and asset placement. Once all coordination is done, you need to conduct a ground reconnaissance. While there, see if you can hear anything on the radio. Move around to ind the best LOS. This will save you a lot of time down the road. You can then begin planning your sites and producing a strip map. After all the coordination and planning has taken place, you can then carry out the mission.

Slide 3: Measle Sheet Here is an example of a measle sheet. This will make your movement simple if everyone has a copy and knows where their asset is supposed to go.

Slide 4: Combat Operations are your IEW equipment. Because we have so few systems you must properly plan and employ them at all times. How we deploy them will depend on METT.

Slide 5: Prehostility Phase for IEW Support During prehostilities, both the MI BN and the divisional RSTA assets will work hand in hand to collect information to determine the enemy capabilities. Usually, in the prehostility phase, assets are in GS but operate in BDE/BN areas of operation. GSR and REMS will be attached out. As soon as the hostilities commence, IEW assets may and usually will become DS to the BDE in the area they are operating in.

Slide 6: Deployment of Assets Deployment of our assets requires continuous coordination between the BDE/BN in whose AO they are in, the MI CO, the MI BN, and any other agency/unit involved. Coordination is easy to say but hard to do well!

Slide 7: Common Items for Coordination Here are some common items to consider when planning/coordinating with other agencies/units:

  • Mi support and how it will support the maneuver commander
  • Times and routes for deployment within the BDE/BN AO.
  • Operational areas and sites
  • Security
  • Coordinating and communications procedures
  • Final coordination of prearranged CSS requirements
Slide 8: Initial Coordination Factors These are some initial things to consider when coordinating during the inital phases of the operation:

  • Designation, type, and mission of the deploying MI unit
  • Time of deployment and route the unit will use to deploy
  • General operational area and operational site requirements
  • Arrangements for direct coordination beween the MI BN and all subordinate units
  • Exchange of radio call signs and frequencies

Slide 9: Coordination Issues Between the MI Unit and Maneuver Unit This slide shows the key coordination areas you must work out between your unit and a manuever unit.

  • Security
  • Operational Sites
  • Deployment and displacement routes
  • CSS
  • Coordination and communications procedures

Slide 10: IEW Site Selection
These are a couple of problems we face when we are trying to emplace our assets:
  • Most MI Systems need LOS to operate effectively
  • The need for high ground usually exceeds its availability

Slide 11: Three Basic Types of
There are three basic types of sites we consider for our assets. They are:
  • Primary-principle position from which the MI Team will accomplish the assigned mission
  • Alternate-another position where the same target area can be covered
  • Supplementary-a position used to cover a different target area

Slide 12: All Operational Sites Should: You should consider all these factors when choosing an operational site.
  • Permit coverage of the assigned area
  • Provide cover and concealment for the team, vehicles, and operational equipment
  • Facilitate communications and permit coordination with other MI and supported elements
  • Provide good ingress and egress
  • Take advantage of security provided by maneuver elements
  • Provide LOS to the target area. Be relatively free of ground clutter

Slide 13: Ground Reconnaissance Objectives When conducting a ground recon, you want to:
  • Select routes to the AO
  • Identify and coordinate with friendly units in the area
  • Determine the status of security at the site

Slide 14: Operational Site Sketches You will want to do an operational site sketch of all sites chosen, if possible, for all:
  • Primary , alternate, and supplementary positions
You will want to depict the:
  • Exact positions of equipment and antennas at each site
  • Entry and withdrawl routes, and routes between positions
  • Directions and distances to threat forces
  • Location of friendly forces
  • Friendly minefields and planned barriers

Slide 15: Operational Site Here is a sample of a site sketch. You will of course make yours more detailed.

Slide 16: Electronic Warfare Assets Site Requirements When you place ES/EA assets, you want to:
  • Locate within range of targeted recievers and transmitters
  • Ensure that the receiving antenna is positioned to intercept the arriving signal
  • Locate near its supporting elements (when possible)

Slide 17: Electronic Warfare Assets Site Requirements (Con't) A critical consideration of asset placement is positioning the intercept antenna. Here are some key considerations:
  • In mountainous terrain, get the antenna as high as possible
  • Vegetation and trees can be advantageous and disadvantageous
  • Every attempt should be made to position the intercept antenna as far from man-made objects as possible
  • Avoid wire lines and heavily traveled roads

Slide 18: Jamming Principles When you are conducting jamming missions, you must also take the following in consideration :
  • Enemy transmitter power and distance
  • Receiver type and sensitivity
  • Frequency ranges
  • Terrain
  • Weather conditions