Intelligence Battlefield Operating System (IBOS)


1. Introduction.

a. Tie-in: This class is intended as an introduction of the Intelligence Battlefield Operating System (IBOS) block of instruction. You will use the information presented here during the remainder of IBOS, the Practical Exercises (PEs), All Source Exploitation Exercise (AXE), Final Examination and in your future as MI officers.

b. Objective Statement: Identify the requirements of the IBOS block of instruction IAW graduation criteria.

c. Safety Statement: The risk assessment code for this lesson is low IV.

d. Purpose: To identify for you the requirements of the IBOS block of instruction, the PEs, AXE and final examination. To give you an overview of the course flow and the basic requirements.

e. Procedure: During this class I will review for you the structure and sequence of events for IBOS, AXE and the examination.


2. Development.

a. The IBOS block of instruction is continually under development. We incorporate the most current doctrine, force structure and information about new Intelligence Electronic Warfare (IEW) equipment available. We conduct this block of instruction in the following phases.

(1) Battle Focused Training. This block is organized to incorporate the new Analytical Control Element (ACE) and All Source Analysis System (ASAS) equipment. You will continue to receive the lecture class, a self-paced read ahead packet, and an examination.

(2) Intelligence Battlefield Operating System (IBOS) block is divided into Joint, Corps, and Division classes.

(3) All Source Exploitation Exercise (AXE) simulation will culminate the entire block of instruction.

(4) The IBOS Examination is a graduation criteria. All personnel are required to pass this examination to graduate from the advanced course.


b. Battle Focused Training will incorporate a three hour block of instruction, a take-home read ahead packet and a one hour examination.

(1) We will introduce you to the takehome requirement after the IBOS introduction.

(2) The examination consists of 30 questions. FES is 23 of 30 (75%).

SLIDE 4 (IBOS PE Organization)

c. The IBOS block of instruction is divided into the following individual sections:

(1) Joint overview which looks at the structure of the force, the commands, the intelligence architecture. This block of instruction is followed by a Joint Practical Exercise (PE). In this PE students will prepare and brief a Joint Intelligence Estimate.

(2) Corps classes which include an overview of the functions, tactics, and structure. A look at the restructure of the Tactical MI Bde found at corps, it organization, functions, activities and equipment. There will be a review of the TDP, CM, IPB, Intel Estimate processes.

(3) Each block of instruction is followed by a PE.

(4) PEs are group efforts and are GO/NO GO. We have a PE grade sheet which will be used for each group. It will be reviewed with the group at the conclusion of each briefing requirement.

(5) All group assignments are identified in the IBOS PE guide which is issued to each student. Students are asked to return the PE guide at the end of IBOS.

(6) Finally each individual soldier's briefing technique will be graded by his/her peers on a standard from. Prior to the first PE brief you will be taught how to use this form.

d. Here is a quick overview of each PE. Prior to beginning a requirement you will be told in depth what your requirements are.

(1) PE 1 is the Joint Intelligence Estimate.

(2) PE 2 is the Division Intelligence Estimate and mission analysis.

(3) PE 3 is the development of friendly courses of action and the Division OPORD.

(4) PE 4 is the division collection plan.

(5) PE 5 is the MI BN OPORD and ACE operations.


e. The AXE is the culmination exercise for the IBOS block of instruction.

(a) This portion of IBOS is conducted in ROWE hall.

(b) We normally have 1-2 preparation days followed by 3-4 days of simulation.

(c) We replicate the ACEs using WARRIOR terminals as the intelligence processor. In the future we will use ASAS Allsource and Single Source terminals as the processors.

(d) The cells organized during the AXE are:

-Division Cdr, Staff
-MI Bn
-3 x Bde S2s
-2 or 3 x ACE cells

(f) Finally we will pick one of the group divisional orders to execute during the AXE. You will not be told until one week out which group will execute this mission.

SLIDE 6 (Examination)

f. The IBOS and AXE are followed by an examination. This examination if part of your graduation criteria.

(1) The exam has 2 CAEs.

(2) The 100 points are subdivided into questions based on multiple choice, fill in the blank, essay and situational dependent.

(3) The questions are derived from information, processes, equipment and terminology your were taught during Bde O&I and IBOS.

(4) The exam has two CAEs. CAE #1 is two hours, open book. CAE #2 is one hour closed book.

SLIDE 7 (Common Questions)

g. Now what are the most common questions asked when soldiers come to IBOS?

(1) Are the PEs like Bde O&I? Yes and No. We will use ST 101-5, and all the same references and processes as Bde O&I but we will require you to elevate your processes one step higher. By this we expect you to have expert products and expert briefings. Will you make mistakes? Yes, but we will assist each of you and your groups as necessary.

(2) Do I have to work hard? Yes, we expect each of you to assist the others in your group and outside of your group if you are the subject matter expert (SME).

(3) Do I really have to bring my own manuals? Yes, you have to take the string off the bundle and use them during this block.

(4) Why can't I be in the OPFOR? Because someone has to be the ACE chief.


h. Classroom rules. These are non-negotiable. I expect each of you as professional officers to adhere to these at a minimum.

(1) Come to class on time.

(2) Do your classwork, don't leave the building every time we put you in PE. If we think you have to much time on your hands we may cut your PE time and have you brief immediately. So plan accordingly.

(3) Read ahead for class. We will tell you what to read and what to prepare for. This is not punishment but will enable you to ask smart questions during lecture and PEs. Plus you will have at least four quizzes which are part of your graduation criteria.

(4) Help your peers. Back stabbing, letting peers flounder when you know the answer, not taking charge if you know the answer or where in charge during that previous PE are not tolerated lightly. You must learn here how to assist one another if you are to succeed in your future positions.


i. Classroom Don't:

(a) Come to class late, you will get to visit your company commander.

(b) Talk when someone is teaching or briefing. It is rude and disruptive to those trying to learn.

(c) Chew, spit, or dip.

(d) Eat 6-course meals. Small candies are o.k. Let us know of special days and we will arrange for longer breaks outside if necessary.

(e) Read papers, novels, etc., if you are then you must be the SME and can teach the class or brief your entire groups PE at the time your are caught doing this. You have break times and your time to read. Manuals are allowed.

SLIDE 10 (Cheating Policy)

j. Each of you are reminded about the Commanding General's Cheating Policy letter you received in your initial issue. Please take it to heart, we do not tolerate any form of cheating and all persons whom we believe are cheating will be referred immediately to the A Company Commander.

SLIDE 11 (Conclusion)

3. Conclusion.

a. IBOS is lecture, PE, and simulation.

b. You will learn about Joint, Corps, and Division level operations, organizations, tactics, techniques and procedures.

c. You will be required to demonstrate your knowledge during PEs.

d. IBOS is very much a group effort. Each of you will be in charge at some point.

e. Finally we want it to be Fun so that you will not be inhabited by the classroom environment. Help each other and learn.

f. This concludes the IBOS course introduction what are your questions?