Slide 1:
Cover Introduction slide |
A. Lesson Tie-in: This block of instruction is the basis for all instruction that you will receive during the rest of MIOBC. It is designed to provided you with a working knowledge of MI tactical (Corps and below) organizations, their equipment, and their operational concepts. This instruction provides the foundations for the upcoming All Source III ACE PE, and for BASIX at the end of the MIOBC course. |
Slide 2:
Class Objectives |
B. Objectives: Given FM 34-1 and FM 34-10, SIS TBABBI (A), and tactical situations, scenarios, identify the MI organizational element and structure to include its operations, equipment, and tasking reporting channels IAW with graduation criteria.
C. Safety Considerations: There are no safety considerations for this block of instruction,
D. Purpose: This information will aid you in performing in various positions within these MI tactical units. For example, given a certain combat situation, it will be your responsibility to know which elements are under your control, what they can do for you, and how you deploy them in order to accomplish the mission. Many leadership positions are filled by Lieutenants in the field, so keep in mind that you could find yourself responsible for the operations and equipment of these tactical organizations.
E. Procedure: During this class I will discuss the organizations, operations, and equipment of all MI units at echelons corps and below. We will discuss some basic concepts. We will focus on the transition of interim organization and the new organization of the heavy division MI battalion and its composition, and discuss how it differs from the other divisions. Afterwards, we will discuss the tasking and reporting cycles for the units and their associated equipment to make intelligence and electronic warfare combat multipliers. We shall cover an in class PE to assist you in better understanding deployment and the tasking and reporting channels. During the class, I will conduct a series of reviews to insure that you (students) understand the material I present. If there are any questions please raise your hand and I will call on you. This block of instruction is unclassified. Follow along with me in your handouts.
Slide 3:
The MI Organization Higher archei line and block chart. |
Tactical MI Organizations: Now that we've covered the various types of equipment found in Military Intelligence units Corps and below, let's take a close look at the organizations themselves. As we look at the various units, follow along using your organizational charts, SIS TBABBI(A) and your equipment handout, SIS TBABBI(B).
A. The Corps Headquarters is the largest tactical headquarters in the army. It may control up to 5 divisions of various types; Heavy, Light, Airborne, or Air Assault. It will also control an Armored Cavalry Regiment and may control a Separate Brigade (if formed). Each one of these units has organic MI assets. We will focus our discussion on the units within the Heavy Division. |
Slide 4:
An Infantry Division main elements chart. |
B. This Slide shows a generic division organization with its its major commands depicted. Here you can see the three maneuver brigades, the division artillery, the division support command, the combat aviation brigade, the MI battalion, and all of the other major separate command with in the division.
1. Under the Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) you will notice the Quickfix Flight Platoon. The Quickfix Flight Platoon is organic to the CAB, and is usually found in the Division's Aviation General Support Company. 2. The Quickfix standard tactical mission is General Support (GS) to the division. The dotted line between the Quickfix Flight platoon and the MI battalion represents the command relation between them. 3. The Quickfix is under Operational control or Opcon to the MI Battalion. |
Slide 5:
Heavy Division Symbol for an Armored Division and an Mechanized Infantry Division. |
C. Now I will cover the Heavy Division MI Battalion. I will First show you the Interim organization of the battalion, then the new organization for Concept FORCE XXI.
1. Before I continue, you need to know a little back ground on why we have the interim and new organization concepts here for you. In the early 90's, following the fall of the Eastern block, the Gulf war, the military drawdown, and the development of new technologies the US army relook how its MI units should be structure to support its new needs and missions, thus became FORCE XXI.
2. As in all new concepts, it takes time to implement. The interim organization is how the units are forming in preparation to receive the new equipment and getting on line for FORCE XXI. When you get to your unit, it may be in the interim layout, or some where between the interim and the final Force XXI concept.
Slide 6:
Interim MI BN Heavy Division company lay out. |
D. The MI battalion provides dedicated IEW support to the division. It is organic to the division and operates under the command and direction of the division commander and his staff. It responds to missions assigned by the G2 and G3.
1. As you can see from this slide, the Heavy MI BN has five companies. An Headquarters and Headquarters and Operations Company (HHOC), three Direct Support Companies (DS CO), and a General Support Company (GS CO). The Quickfix with the dotted line represents the Quickfix being opcon to the MI BN. the MI BN will have control all MI assets in the division in some form, whether their organic divisional assets or reinforced from another MI organization.
2. You will note that there are three DS CO. Each DS CO will support each of the division's maneuver BDEs. To help you remember this and keep track of the DS concept, at this time write under the left DS CO 1st bde, the center one 2nd bde, and the last one 3rd bde. This should alleviate any confusion over the companies and their association with the maneuver units.
3. The DS CO concept created in order to maintain an habitual relationship with the support maneuver unit. This also supports the army's doctrine of train as you fight, and train and a work as a combined arms team.
Slide 7:
Interim Heavy Division MI BN HHOC |
E. Here is the Battalions Headquarters and Headquarters operations company.
F. The HHOC MAIN MISSION: The HHOC provides C2 the headquarters elements of the battalion and elements under OPCON of the battalion. It also has the elements which provide asset management for the division's IEW operation and supplies technical control and analysis for IEW operations for the Division's G2 and G3.
Now lets look at each section of this company.
1. Company Headquarters: The Co HQ provides C2 and administrative support for the company. the Co HQ is usually comprised of the company commander, the First Sergeant, a supply SGT and /or a supply specialist, and the company NBC NCO.
2. Service Support Platoon: The service support section provides :
A. Food Service Section: Provides Food Service support for the battalion.
B. Mechanical Maintenance section: Provides Vehicle, generator(electrical plants), and environmental (air condition systems) maintenance support for the battalion. The mechanical maintenance section will also provide the DS CO's with a maintenance Contact team.
3. C&E and IEW Maintenance Platoon: The C&E /IEW maintenance platoon provides:
A. Communication and Electronic Maintenance section: Provides communication and comsec equipment services for all communication equipment.
B. Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Maintenance Section: Provides services and maintenance on all MI specific equipment. MI specific equipment includes SIGINT systems (TRQ-32, PRD series, TSQ-138, TLQ-17, GBCS). Other intelligence equipment includes the AN/PPS-5 or AN/PPS-15 (GSR), REMBASS systems (GSQ 187) and all other systems that fall with in the IEW inventory.
4. Battalion Headquarters: The Battalion Headquarters is comprised of:
HeadQuarters Element
S1 S2 S3 S4 C & E Operations I will now cover each of these different BN elements. A. The Headquarters element is basically the Battalion Commander, BN XO, and CSM. B. BN XO: The XO supervises the staff and coordinates administrative and logistical and maintenance support for the BN. Normally, the BN CDR delegates the authority that the XO needs to direct the staff. Even though each staff officer has direct access to the CDR, the Xo is informed of matters that are addressed through direct coordination between the CDR and the staff officers. The XO serves as the deputy BN cdr and makes command decisions in the cdr's absence. He assumes command of the BN when the cdr is incapacitated or when directed by the BN CDR. C. Battalion S1: The S1 is responsible for personnel management and administration. some S1 responsibilities are: A. Maintenance of unit strength
D. Headquarters Management E. Casualty reporting D. Battalion S2 The S2 is the principal intelligence staff officer with in the battalion and serves as the security manager, overseeing the establishment of personnel security procedures with in the battalion. The S2 ensures that BN SCI management, handling, production, and dissemination are consistent with regulations. E. Battalion S3 The S3 is the BN operations officer and has staff responsibility for operations, plans, and training for the battalion. F. Battalion S4 The S4 has staff responsibility for the logistical support within the Battalion. G. The Division Analysis and Control Element (ACE). The ACE, though is part of the MI BN, it manages all IEW operations within the divisions Area of operation for the division G2 and G3. The ACE is deployed with the Division Main CP. I will cover the ACE in detail in the next slide. H. Battle Field Deception Element. BAT-D Advises Division G3 and assist in plans of deception operation , and executes or assist in executing the deception mission. BAT-D has four main sub section: Plans and Operation Section Communication Signature team Physical Signature Team Electronic Signature Team 1. Plans and Operation Section: Are the ones who assist the G3 with developing and planing Deception mission and needs. 2. Communication Signature Team. Replicate communication nodes on the battlefield for deception operations by using special equipment that simulate communication nodes. The communication Signature Team can also use existing communication systems to replicate node centers. 3. Physical Signature Team. Replicate physical items on the battle field by using actual equipment, such as vehicles or tents and etc. Or by using inflatable visual devices or siloute devise. They also use other devices such as generator or smudge pots to effect the thermal or IR visual systems as well. 4. Electronic Signature Team: Same as the Communication Signature team except they replicate the non-communication nodes on the battle field. |
Slide 8:
ACE Line And Block Chart |
G. The ACE or Analysis and Control Element: is the main analytical activity at division and corps . It is where requirements are developed, collection missions are tasked, and the focal point where information is processed, analyzed, and disseminated. It consists of three main section: Headquarters section, Technical Control and Processing Section, and All Source Intelligence Section.
1. The Headquarters Element: This is comprised of the ACE Chief, a Maj., and a Senior NCO Order of Battle analyst. They are overall responsible for ACE operation and coordinate with the G2 and G3 to ensure that the divisions IEW mission is working in line with the divisions mission, operations, and with the CDR's PIR and IR.
2. The Headquarter Section: is comprised of two main section: The ASAS section and the Trojan Spirit section.
A. The ASAS Section: Maintain the overall ASAS hardware and ensure the system is linked with all other terminals and trouble shoot problems. All Section with in the ACE will have an ASAS terminal, which they are responsible for operation, but the ASAS section ensures that it is all function as a complete unit.
B. The Trojan Spirit: is the satellite communication link that will tie ASAS in to all of the national level system and into home base during split base operations.
3. Technical Control and Processing (TCP): The TC&P is the Single Source side of the ACE. Single Source means that the various analysis cell work with just one of the intelligence disciplines. The three Disciplines that the Divisional ACE controls are SIGINT, HUMINT, and IMINT. The Following Cells of the TC&P are:
A. SIGINT ANALYSIS TEAM: Prices all SIGINT activity generated with in the Division as well as from source from out side of the Division. The SIGINT Analysis Team is divided into its two sub teams of:
1. COMINT , ANALYSIS TEAM (CAT): The job of the COMINT cell is to analyze all incoming COMINT, conduct traffic analysis, and forward their products All Source Production Team.
2. ELINT ANALYSIS TEAM: analyzes all incoming ELINT and sends their analysis products to the All Source Production Team.
B. HUMINT and MDCI Analysis TEAM: This cell analyzes all incoming HUMINT, and forwards their analysis to the Database Manager and/or the Synchronization Cell. They will assist in developing EEFI, and provide input to the deception plan. They also can develop OPSEC missions in support of the division.
C. IMINT ANALYSIS TEAM: This cell analyzes all incoming IMINT, and sends their analysis to the Database Manager and/or the Synchronization Cell.
3. All Source Intelligence Section: Is the All source section of the ACE which means it works with information from all of the Intelligence disciplines to get an overall composite picture of the battlefield. THE AS INTELL SECTION is comprised of the following teams.
A. All Source Production: The Situation/All Source Production section is responsible for processing all source information, developing and maintaining intelligence databases, and identifying any critical gaps in collection to Collection Management (CM). They track this information on their graphics and data screens on the ASAS system. They can set up alarm criteria to alert them when key information they need comes in (Such as 100 tanks in one place or the location of a SCUD), and can recommend targets to the Targeting section. They develop the Intelligence Estimate, Annex, Intelligence Summaries (INTSUMs), and IPB products to support subordinate and higher level units that require them.
B. Collection and Mission Management Team: The Collection Management (CM) section within the ACE is the focal point for overall collection management within the division. With the automated support of the ASAS system, they are responsible for ensuring the commanders PIR are broken into intelligence requirements, which are tasked for collection, and monitored until completed. They follow the six steps of collection management to conduct their operations:
C. Target Nomination Team: The Targeting Team receives information from all other cells and nominates targets for fires to FSE. They can setup the alarms on their system to alert them when any messages meet their HVT criteria. They can nominate any targets they desire to the FSE through TACFIRE/ATACMS.
NOTE: These positions are manned by both OB analyst and Field Artillery personnel. D. DISSEMINATION TEAM: This section is responsible for tracking outgoing messages, routing, and ensuring units receive all information required in a timely manner. E. Mobile Integrated Tactical Terminal Team: is a system which receives secondary imagery from the Imagery Processing and Dissemination Station, and also receives near real time correlated ELINT from ACUS communications or the Success radio. F. JSTARS Ground Station Module: is mounted on a 5 Ton, HUMMV, or EFVS, is able to receive JSTARS imagery in near real time to corps and divisions. It also has the capability to receive data from the OV-1D Mohawk (SLAR) and the UAV G. UAV Ground Control STATION: is the Means that the division and control and receive information from the Short and Close range UAVs. The Short Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is a remotely piloted vehicle capable of taking live TV video by means of its forward looking infra red (FLIR) and transmitting down its data to a ground control station (GCS) and remote video terminal (RVT). It can remain on station for 8-12 hours. |
Slide 9:
Interim Heavy Division MI BN HHOC on the Battle field. |
H. This slide show how the Interim Heavy MI BN HHOC is layer out on the battle field.
1. Quickfix based out at an airfield and flying a track in the division rear area. There is no doctrinal distance for Quickfix operation, the base rule of thumb is to fly in an area so you can cover your target area while being out of harms way (ADA,AAA).
2. The Battalion ACE and BAT-D are located at the Division Main CP.
3. MI BN TOC: is located on the battle field in such a manner so as to have communications with both the Division and the MI units in BDE's Sectors.
4. The MI BN TOC is the C2 center for the MI BN. Under the direction of the BN CDR or the BN S3, it performs asset management of organic, attached, and reinforced intelligence and Electronic Warfare resources of the Division. It provides the MI BN CDR the centralized management necessary to ensure rapid, efficient response to mission requirements. The MI BN TOC is Comprised of the BN S2 and S#. I. MI BN TRAINS (or ADMINISTRATIVE AND LOGISTICS CENTER or ALOC): The MI BN Trains are the focal point for administrative and logistical support for the battalion. It consist of the BN XO, S1, S4, their staff, and the maintenance and support elements of the MI BN HHOC. |
Slide 10:
The Interim Direct Support Company NOTE: When Interrogation Teams Work at Division, they work in an EPW Cage, at bde level it is an Screening cell. |
J. The DS CO: Provide Direct support to the Maneuver BDEs in the Division. The DS CO is made up of the following:
1. Company Headquarters: The Co HQ provides C2 and administrative support for the company. the Co HQ is usually comprised of the company commander, the First Sergeant, a supply SGT and /or a supply specialist, and the company NBC NCO.
2. The Analysis Control Team (ACT): The ACT is the BDE SCI link to the Division and is its only access to SIGINT information and to have ES AND EA support from the Divisions GS CO through the ACT to the ACE. The ACT has an ASAS or ASAS type terminal that can be linked into the Division ASAS.
3. Communication Section: Provides limited communication support to the company.
4. Operations Platoon: is the main work force for the DS CO. it is made up of the following:
a. Counter Intelligence Team: provides support to the BDE against enemy hostile intelligence collection, sabotage, subversion, and terrorist threat.
b. Interrogation Team: Provides EPW exploitation from the BDE Screening cell.
c. Ground Surveillance Squad: The GSR Squad is equipped with 4 an/PPS-5 GSR Teams.
Doctrinally the GSR will be attached down the maneuver BDE or BN and will be tasked directly by the maneuver BDE or BN S2. d. IMINT TEAM: will provide the BDE with secondary imagery from the division, through a MITT or MITT like system. |
Slide 11:
INTERIM DS CO lay out on the battle field |
K. This slide shows how the DS CO will be on the battle field. The DS CO will have its Co HQ vicinity of the BDE TOC. The CI TEAM, if not actively working some operation, will be based out of the DS CO HQ or with the INTERROGators. the Interrogators will be in the Screening Cell some where within the BDE Support AREA (BSA). The Imagery Section will also be with the CO HQ, as well as a maintenance contact team, attached from the BN HHOC. The Contact team usually will have a vehicle and or generator mechanic, a C&E/IEW mechanic, just enough to trouble shoot problems, do minor repairs, coordinate with the BDE's Fwd Maintenance unit for army common equipment, and with the MI BN trains for MI SPECIFIC equipment. THE ACT will be collocated with the CO HQ, just out side of the BDE TOC, in a field SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) so as the BDE CDR can have ready access to the ACT. The GSR will be deployed where ever necessary to conduct surveillance mission as designated by the BDE/BN S2 in support of their R&S plans. |
Slide 12.
Maneuver S2's Task: |
L. This Restates that the BDE or BN S2's normally task the GSR by Doctrine. |
Slide 13: A blow up of a BDE sector, with a DS CO and a C&J platoon attached. |
M. This slide shows a blow up of a bde sector with the DS CO assets layout and includes a C&J Platoon, that is organic to the GS CO, but will most likely be attached to the DS CO for SIGINT SUPPORT. The C&J POC will be collocated with the DS CO ACT. More about the C&J PLAtoon in the next slide.
Slide 14:
INTERIM GS CO General NOTE All ground base collection assets will doctrinally deploy 5-10 km from the FLOT all ground base Jamming assets will doctrinally deploy 3-5 km from the FLOT. |
N. Here is the Interim Divisions General Support CO. this unit provides all of the Divisions SIGINT ES AND EW support. The GS CO is comprised up of the following. 1. Company Headquarters: The Co HQ provides C2 and administrative support for the company. the Co HQ is usually comprised of the company commander, the First Sergeant, a supply SGT and /or a supply specialist, and the company NBC NCO. 2. Communication Section: Provides limited communication support to the company. 3. Collection and Jamming Platoon: The GS CO has three C&J platoons, each of which will probably be attached to the DS CO. Each C&J platoon is made up of the following elements. a. Platoon HeadQuarters: This is the Platoon Leader and Plt SGT. b. Transcription and Analysis team (T&A): it performs selective scanning and gisting of voice intercepts recorded by collection teams. It performs limited analysis and reports combat information to the division ACE and the supported BDE's ACT. It also provides asset management of the platoons collection and jamming systems, and is focal point for the tasking and reporting associated with the platoon operation down from the division and to the assets and back up. C. The Platoon Headquarters and the T&A team are collocated together and forms what is KNOWN as the Platoon Operation Center or POC. D. The Voice Collection Team performs HF/VHF/UHF voice intercept with the PRD-10/11/12 and TRQ-32. This Team is a 6 man team that can perform limited 24 hour operations. E. The HF/VHF EA team which will perform ES missions as well as jamming missions using the AN/TLQ 17A communications jammer. (4 man team) F. The Electronic Warfare Platoon has the mission of providing the MI Bn with ground based DF results on enemy communications. It is a GS asset to the Division. the Platoon consist of: 1. Platoon HeadQuarters: This is the Platoon Leader and Plt SGT. b. Transcription and Analysis team (T&A): it performs selective scanning and gisting of voice intercepts recorded by collection teams. It performs limited analysis and reports combat information to the division ACE and the supported BDE's ACT. It also provides asset management of the platoons collection and jamming systems, and is focal point for the tasking and reporting associated with the platoon operation down from the division and to the assets and back up. C. The Platoon Headquarters and the T&A team are collocated together and is located with the GS CO Headquarters on the battle field to form the CO HQ. D. TRAILBLAZER system (AN/TSQ-138) which will set up a Lazy W DF baseline across the entire division frontage in order to intercept and DF enemy VHF communications emitters. The TRAILBLAZER system will deploy 5 to 10 Km from the FLOT. After all of the subcomponents are emplaced and have FM radio communications, the UHF datalink is used to pass technical data between subelements in order to accomplish automated DF missions. to the Division. |
Slide 15
INTERIM GS CO on the battle field |
O. This slide shows how the GS CO deploys on the battle field. Note the KM makers on my map. It is meant to show you the doctrinal placement of the ES and EA assets on the battle field. As you can see the TLQ-17 (Jammers) are up front, deployed 3-km from the FLOT. and The Collection assets are 5-10 KM from the FLOT. |
slide 16:
Lazy W formation |
P. Here you can see the "LAZY W" formation of the TrailBlazer system. The reason for The lazy W is to capitalize on the two concepts of DF theory of Concave and Convex Base lines.
Slide 17:
Interim HVY DIV COMPOSITE look |
Q. This slide shows an over all composite layout of the Interim Heavy MI BN on the battle field with all of its assets in place. Now we will talk about the NEW HEAVY DIVISION CONCEPT |
Slide 18:
New Heavy Division HHOC |
Here is the Battalions Headquarters and Headquarters operations company.
A. The HHOC MAIN MISSION: The HHOC provides C2 the headquarters elements of the battalion and elements under OPCON of the battalion. It also has the elements which provide asset management for the division's IEW operation and supplies technical control and analysis for IEW operations for the Division's G2 and G3.
Now lets look at each section of this company.
1. Company Headquarters: The Co HQ provides C2 and administrative support for the company. the Co HQ is usually comprised of the company commander, the First Sergeant, a supply SGT and /or a supply specialist, and the company NBC NCO.
2. Service Support Platoon: The service support section provides :
A. Food Service Section: Provides Food Service support for the battalion.
B. Mechanical Maintenance section: Provides Vehicle, generator(electrical plants), and environmental (air condition systems) maintenance support for the battalion. The mechanical maintenance section will also provide the DS CO's with a maintenance Contact team.
3. C&E and IEW Maintenance Platoon: The C&E /IEW maintenance platoon provides:
A. Communication and Electronic Maintenance section: Provides communication and comsec equipment services for all communication equipment.
B. Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Maintenance Section: Provides services and maintenance on all MI specific equipment. MI specific equipment includes SIGINT systems (TRQ-32, PRD series, TSQ-138, TLQ-17, GBCS). Other intelligence equipment includes the AN/PPS-5 or AN/PPS-15 (GSR), REMBASS systems (GSQ 187) and all other systems that fall with in the IEW inventory. 4. Battalion Headquarters: The Battalion Headquarters is comprised of: Headquarters Element S1 S2 S3 S4 C & E Operations I will now cover each of these different BN elements. A. The Headquarters element is basically the Battalion Commander, BN XO, and CSM. B. BN XO: The XO supervises the staff and coordinates administrative and logistical and maintenance support for the BN. Normally, the BN CDR delegates the authority that the XO needs to direct the staff. Even though each staff officer has direct access to the CDR, the Xo is informed of matters that are addressed through direct coordination between the CDR and the staff officers. The XO serves as the deputy BN cdr and makes command decisions in the cdr's absence. He assumes command of the BN when the cdr is incapacitated or when directed by the BN CDR. C. Battalion S1: The S1 is responsible for personnel management and administration. some S1 responsibilities are: A. Maintenance of unit strength
D. Headquarters Management E. Casualty reporting D. Battalion S2 The S2 is the principal intelligence staff officer with in the battalion and serves as the security manager, overseeing the establishment of personnel security procedures with in the battalion. The S2 ensures that BN SCI management, handling, production, and dissemination are consistent with regulations. E. Battalion S3 The S3 is the BN operations officer and has staff responsibility for operations, plans, and training for the battalion. F. Battalion S4 The S4 has staff responsibility for the logistical support within the Battalion. 5. The Division Analysis and Control Element (ACE). The ACE, though is part of the MI BN, it manages all IEW operations within the divisions Area of operation for the division G2 and G3. The ACE is deployed with the Division Main CP. I will cover the ACE in detail in the next slide. |
Note: Bat-D may Be take away from the active component and give to the reserves or taken completely out of the system |
6. Battle Field Deception Element. BAT-D Advises Division G3 and assist in plans of deception operation , and executes or assist in executing the deception mission. BAT-D has four main sub section:
Plans and Operation Section
Communication Signature team Physical Signature Team Electronic Signature Team A. Plans and Operation Section: Are the ones who assist the G3 with developing and planing Deception mission and needs. B. Communication Signature Team. Replicate communication nodes on the battlefield for deception operations by using special equipment that simulate communication nodes. The communication Signature Team can also use existing communication systems to replicate node centers. C. Physical Signature Team. Replicate physical items on the battle field by using actual equipment, such as vehicles or tents and etc. Or by using inflatable visual devices or silouate devise. They also use other devices such as generator or smudge pots to effect the thermal or IR visual systems as well. D. Electronic Signature Team: Same as the Communication Signature team except they replicate the non-communication nodes on the battle field. |
Slide 19:
ACE Line And Block Chart |
B. The ACE or Analysis and Control Element: is the main analytical activity at division and corps . It is where requirements are developed, collection missions are tasked, and the focal point where information is processed, analyzed, and disseminated. It consists of three main section: Headquarters section, Technical Control and Processing Section, and All Source Intelligence Section.
1. The Headquarters Element: This is comprised of the ACE Chief, a Maj., and a Senior NCO Order of Battle analyst. They are overall responsible for ACE operation and coordinate with the G2 and G3 to ensure that the divisions IEW mission is working in line with the divisions mission, operations, and with the CDR's PIR and IR.
2. The Headquarter Section: is comprised of two main section: The ASAS section and the Trojan Spirit section.
A. The ASAS Section: Maintain the overall ASAS hardware and ensure the system is linked with all other terminals and trouble shoot problems. All Section with in the ACE will have an ASAS terminal, which they are responsible for operation, but the ASAS section ensures that it is all function as a complete unit.
B. The Trojan Spirit: is the satellite communication link that will tie ASAS in to all of the national level system and into home base during split base operations.
3. Technical Control and Processing (TCP): The TC&P is the Single Source side of the ACE. Single Source means that the various analysis cell work with just one of the intelligence disciplines. The three Disciplines that the Divisional ACE controls are SIGINT, HUMINT, and IMINT. The Following Cells of the TC&P are:
A. SIGINT ANALYSIS TEAM: Prices all SIGINT activity generated with in the Division as well as from source from out side of the Division. The SIGINT Analysis Team is divided into its two sub teams of:
1. COMINT ANALYSIS TEAM (CAT): The job of the COMINT cell is to analyze all incoming COMINT, conduct traffic analysis, and forward their products All Source Production Team.
2. ELINT ANALYSIS TEAM: analyzes all incoming ELINT and sends their analysis products to the All Source Production Team.
B. HUMINT and MDCI Analysis TEAM: This cell analyzes all incoming HUMINT, and forwards their analysis to the Database Manager and/or the Synchronization Cell. They will assist in developing EEFI, and provide input to the deception plan. They also can develop OPSEC missions in support of the division.
C. IMINT ANALYSIS TEAM: This cell analyzes all incoming IMINT, and sends their analysis to the Database Manager and/or the Synchronization Cell.
3. All Source Intelligence Section: Is the All source section of the ACE which means it works with information from all of the Intelligence disciplines to get an overall composite picture of the battlefield. THE AS INTELL SECTION is comprised of the following teams.
A. All Source Production: The Situation/All Source Production section is responsible for processing all source information, developing and maintaining intelligence databases, and identifying any critical gaps in collection to Collection Management (CM). They track this information on their graphics and data screens on the ASAS system. They can set up alarm criteria to alert them when key information they need comes in (Such as 100 tanks in one place or the location of a SCUD), and can recommend targets to the Targeting section. They develop the Intelligence Estimate, Annex, Intelligence Summaries (INTSUMs), and IPB products to support subordinate and higher level units that require them.
B. Collection and Mission Management Team: The Collection Management (CM) section within the ACE is the focal point for overall collection management within the division. With the automated support of the ASAS system, they are responsible for ensuring the commanders PIR are broken into intelligence requirements, which are tasked for collection, and monitored until completed. They follow the six steps of collection management to conduct their operations:
C. Target Nomination Team: The Targeting Team receives information from all other cells and nominates targets for fires to FSE. They can setup the alarms on their system to alert them when any messages meet their HVT criteria. They can nominate any targets they desire to the FSE through TACFIRE/ATACMS.
NOTE: These positions are manned by both OB analyst and Field Artillery personnel. D. DISSEMINATION TEAM: This section is responsible for tracking outgoing messages, routing, and ensuring units receive all information required in a timely manner. E. Mobile Integrated Tactical Terminal Team: is a system which receives secondary imagery from the Imagery Processing and Dissemination Station, and also receives near real time correlated ELINT from ACUS communications or the Success radio. F. JSTARS Ground Station Module: is mounted on a 5 Ton, HUMMV, or EFVS, is able to receive JSTARS imagery in near real time to corps and divisions. It also has the capability to receive data from the OV-1D Mohawk (SLAR) and the UAV G. UAV Ground Control STATION: is the Means that the division and control and receive information from the Short and Close range UAVs. The Short Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is a remotely piloted vehicle capable of taking live TV video by means of its forward looking infra red (FLIR) and transmitting down its data to a ground control station (GCS) and remote video terminal (RVT). It can remain on station for 8-12 hours. |
Slide 20:
Heavy Division MI BN HHOC on the Battle field. |
C. This slide show how the Interim Heavy MI BN HHOC is layer out on the battle field.
1. Quickfix based out at an airfield and flying a track in the division rear area. There is no doctrinal distance for Quickfix operation, the base rule of thumb is to fly in an area so you can cover your target area while being out of harms way (ADA,AAA).
2. The Battalion ACE and BAT-D are located at the Division Main CP.
3. MI BN TOC: is located on the battle field in such a manner so as to have communications with both the Division and the MI units in BDE's Sectors.
The MI BN TOC is the C2 center for the MI BN. Under the direction of the BN CDR or the BN S3, it performs asset management of organic, attached, and reinforced intelligence and Electronic Warfare resources of the Division. It provides the MI BN CDR the centralized management necessary to ensure rapid, efficient response to mission requirements. The MI BN TOC is Comprised of the BN S2 and S#. 4. MI BN TRAINS (or ADMINISTRATIVE AND LOGISTICS CENTER or ALOC): The MI BN Trains are the focal point for administrative and logistical support for the battalion. It consist of the BN XO, S1, S4, their staff, and the maintenance and support elements of the MI BN HHOC. |
Slide 21:
DS CO NOTE: When Interrogation Teams Work at Division, they work in an EPW Cage, at bde level it is an Screening cell. |
D. The DS CO: Provide Direct support to the Maneuver BDEs in the Division. The DS CO is made up of the following:
1. Company Headquarters: The Co HQ provides C2 and administrative support for the company. the Co HQ is usually comprised of the company commander, the First Sergeant, a supply SGT and /or a supply specialist, and the company NBC NCO.
2. The Analysis Control Team (ACT): The ACT is the BDE SCI link to the Division and is its only access to SIGINT information and to have ES AND EA support from the Divisions GS CO through the ACT to the ACE. The ACT has an ASAS or ASAS type terminal that can be linked into the Division ASAS.
3. Communication Section: Provides limited communication support to the company.
4. Operations Platoon: is the main work force for the DS CO. it is made up of the following:
a. Counter Intelligence Team: provides support to the BDE against enemy hostile intelligence collection, sabotage, subversion, and terrorist threat.
b. Interrogation Team: Provides EPW exploitation from the BDE Screening cell.
C. UAV SECTION: At This time all we are sure about the UAV section is that it will have at a minimum a Ground Control Station that can receive information from any divisional UAV while in the air, and to control and conduct its own Uav missions when allotted the air frame time.
d. IMINT TEAM: will provide the BDE with secondary imagery from the division, through a MITT or MITT like system.
Slide 22:
DS CO lay out on the battle field |
E. This slide shows how the DS CO will be on the battle field. The DS CO will have its Co HQ vicinity of the BDE TOC. The CI TEAM, if not actively working some operation, will be based out of the DS CO HQ or with the INTERROGators. the Interrogators will be in the Screening Cell some where within the BDE Support AREA (BSA). The Imagery Section will also be with the CO HQ, as well as a maintenance contact team, attached from the BN HHOC. The Contact team usually will have a vehicle and or generator mechanic, a C&E/IEW mechanic, just enough to trouble shoot problems, do minor repairs, coordinate with the BDE's Fwd Maintenance unit for army common equipment, and with the MI BN trains for MI SPECIFIC equipment. THE ACT will be collocated with the CO HQ, just out side of the BDE TOC, in a field SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) so as the BDE CDR can have ready access to the ACT. The GSR will be deployed where ever necessary to conduct surveillance mission as designated by the BDE/BN S2 in support of their R&S plans. |
Slide 23
blow up of bde sector |
F. A blow up of a BDE sector, with a DS CO note in the new concept the lack of SIGINT assets DS to the BDE. All SIGINT will be GS to the Div, and the BDE can request ES and EA support from the Div via the ACT. |
Slide 24:
G. Here is the Divisions General Support CO. This unit provides all of the Divisions SIGINT ES AND EW support. The GS CO is comprised up of the following. 1. Company Headquarters: The Co HQ provides C2 and administrative support for the company. the Co HQ is usually comprised of the company commander, the First Sergeant, a supply SGT and /or a supply specialist, and the company NBC NCO. 2. Communication Section: Provides limited communication support to the company. 3. Collection and Jamming Platoon: The GS CO has three C&J platoons, each of which will probably be attached to the DS CO. Each C&J platoon is made up of the following elements. a. Platoon HeadQuarters: This is the Platoon Leader and Plt SGT. b. UAV PLATOON: is the divisions launch and recovery unit. This platoon will launch and recovery uav for both div GS missions and BDE ds missions. composition is not know at this time but will have at least some form of UAV Short Range. C. The Electronic Warfare Platoon: has the mission of providing the MI Bn with ground based DF results on enemy communications. It is a GS asset to the Division. the Platoon consist of: 1. Platoon HeadQuarters: This is the Platoon Leader and Plt SGT. 2. Ground Base Common Sensor (Heavy): The plato will consist of 4 GBCS that will be deployed across the division sector. |
Slide 25:
The GS CO on the battle |
H. This slide shows how the GS CO deploys on the battle field.
Slide 26:
The Heavy Div MI CO on the battle Field |
I. How the entire MI BN Looks on the battle field. |
Slide 27:
Question Slide |
Answer any question.
Slide 28:
Break Take a ten minute break |
.Break time |
Now we will cover the Light, Airborne, and Air Assault divisions. |
Slide 29:
MI BN Line and Block Chart of the MI BN in a light/air borne and air assault division. |
A. Notice that the Lay out of the Light/Airborne and air assault divisions is identical to the Heavy division with the exception that theses divisions have A Long Range Detachment. |
Slide 30:
Light Div Symbol |
Now we will concentrate on the Light Division. |
Slide 31:
Interim LT Div HHOC |
B. The Light Division Interim HHOC is similar to the Heavy Division with the exception of fewer personnel and the Main Difference is the Battle field deception element. The BAT-D of the light division only has the Plans and Operation section. It doesn't have any of the signature sections. |
Slide 32:
Interim LT Div ACE |
c. Identical to the heavy division with slightly fewer personnel. |
Slide 33:
Interim LT Div HHOC on the battle field |
D. The Interim Light Division layout on the battle field is the same as the heavy division with the exception of the LRSD. The LRSD, like The ACE and BAT-D, is cut from the MI BN and is attached to the division. The LRSD CO Headquarters is located near the Division Main, and reports to the Division G2 (Through the ACE). More about LRSD in the next couple of slides.
Slide 34:
Interim LT Div DS CO |
F. The DS CO: Provide Direct support to the Maneuver BDEs in the Division. The DS CO is made up of the following:
1. Company Headquarters: The Co HQ provides C2 and administrative support for the company. the Co HQ is usually comprised of the company commander, the First Sergeant, a supply SGT and /or a supply specialist, and the company NBC NCO.
2. The Analysis Control Team (ACT): The ACT is the BDE SCI link to the Division and is its only access to SIGINT information and to have ES AND EA support from the Divisions GS CO through the ACT to the ACE. The ACT has an ASAS or ASAS type terminal that can be linked into the Division ASAS.
3. Communication Section: Provides limited communication support to the company.
4. Operations Platoon: is the main work force for the DS CO. it is made up of the following:
a. Counter Intelligence Team: provides support to the BDE against enemy hostile intelligence collection, sabotage, subversion, and terrorist threat.
b. Interrogation Team: Provides EPW exploitation from the BDE Screening cell.
c. Ground Surveillance Squad: The GSR Squad is equipped with 3 an/PPS-15 GSR Teams.
Doctrinally the GSR will be attached down to the maneuver BDE or BN and will be tasked directly by the maneuver BDE or BN S2. d REMBASS Section: one section of GSQ-187 REMBASS. Doctrinally, like the GSR's, the REMBASS will be attached down to the maneuver BDE or BN and will be tasked directly by the maneuver BDE or BN S2. d. IMINT TEAM: will provide the BDE with secondary imagery from the division, through a MITT or MITT like system. |
Slide 35:
INTERIM LT DS CO lay out on the battle field |
G. This slide shows how the DS CO will be on the battle field. The DS CO will have its Co HQ vicinity of the BDE TOC. The CI TEAM, if not actively working some operation, will be based out of the DS CO HQ or with the INTERROGators. the Interrogators will be in the Screening Cell some where within the BDE Support AREA (BSA). The Imagery Section will also be with the CO HQ, as well as a maintenance contact team, attached from the BN HHOC. The Contact team usually will have a vehicle and or generator mechanic, a C&E/IEW mechanic, just enough to trouble shoot problems, do minor repairs, coordinate with the BDE's Fwd Maintenance unit for army common equipment, and with the MI BN trains for MI SPECIFIC equipment. THE ACT will be collocated with the CO HQ, just out side of the BDE TOC, in a field SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) so as the BDE CDR can have ready access to the ACT. The GSR and the REMBASS will be deployed where ever necessary to conduct surveillance mission as designated by the BDE/BN S2 in support of their R&S plans. |
Slide 36.
Maneuver S2's Task: |
H. This Restates that the BDE or BN S2's normally task the GSR and REMBASS by Doctrine. |
Slide 37:
I. Here is the Interim Divisions General Support CO. This unit provides all of the Divisions SIGINT ES AND EW support. The GS CO is comprised up of the following. 1. Company Headquarters: The Co HQ provides C2 and administrative support for the company. the Co HQ is usually comprised of the company commander, the First Sergeant, a supply SGT and /or a supply specialist, and the company NBC NCO. 2. Communication Section: Provides limited communication support to the company. 3. Operations Platoon: is the HUMIT support platoon for the division. it is made up of the following: a. Counter Intelligence Team: provides support to the DIV against enemy hostile intelligence collection, sabotage, subversion, and terrorist threat. b. Interrogation Team: Provides EPW exploitation from the Division Enemy Prisoner of War CAGE. c. Document Exploitation Section: Once only a CORPS Reserve Component asset, is now found in the LT Div GS CO to screen capture documents for information that can help the CDR with current and near future operation and that can be exploited at the division level in a relative fast time before such information is invalid at this level. Once screened the document will forwarded to Corps for further detail analysis and exploitation. d. Ground Surveillance Squad: The GSR Squad is equipped with 3 an/PPS-15 GSR Teams. This Squad of GSRs can be kept back to conduct GS Mission for the DIVISION (for example to Support Division rear area operations) or can be tasked dow to support DS CO. e. REMBASS Section: one section of GSQ-187 REMBASS. This section of REMBASS can be kept back to conduct GS Mission for the DIVISION (for example to Support Division rear area operations) or can be tasked dow to support DS CO. 3. Collection and Jamming Platoon: The GS CO has three C&J platoons, each of which will probably be attached to the DS CO. Each C&J platoon is made up of the following elements. a. Platoon HeadQuarters: This is the Platoon Leader and Plt SGT. b. Transcription and Analysis team (T&A): it performs selective scanning and gisting of voice intercepts recorded by collection teams. It performs limited analysis and reports combat information to the division ACE and the supported BDE's ACT. It also provides asset management of the platoons collection, and is focal point for the tasking and reporting associated with the platoon operation down from the division and to the assets and back up. C. The Platoon Headquarters and the T&A team are collocated together and forms what is KNOWN as the Platoon Operation Center or POC. D. The Voice Collection Team performs HF/VHF/UHF voice intercept with the PRD-10/11/12 and TRQ-32. This Team is a 6 man team that can perform limited 24 hour operations. E. Low Level Voice Intercept (LLVI) Section: The LLVI section is made up of three LLVI teams. Each LLVI team is a usually a three personnel Man Pack intercept team equip with an PRD 10/11/12. The LLVI TM can also have a HMMWV and Power the PRD system from VEHicle DC POWER instead of Batteries. |
Slide 38
INTERIM GS CO on the battle field |
J. This slide shows how the GS CO deploys on the battle field. |
Slide 39:
Interim Lt DIV LRSD |
K. The Long Range Surveillance Detachment has the mission to provide long range (cross FLOT) HUMINT collection against point targets. LRSD Teams can deploy up 50 km cross flot for up to 6 days operations be being extracted or This detachment is only to be used for passive collection, not for combat operations. It is organized with a communications section and four, six man, surveillance teams. The communications section has two HF radio base stations for receiving HF burst transmissions from the deployed surveillance teams and reporting that information to the DIV ACE.
Slide 40:
LRSD on the Battle field |
L. This slide shows you how LRSD can be deployed on the Battle field. Due to the nature of HF radio wave propagation, one of these base stations may have to be deployed behind the divisional rear boundary. The Surveillance Teams have 6 men assigned to each one, five of these men are infantry and one is a communications expert. These teams may deploy 50 KM cross FLOT for a period of 6 days without resupply, this distance is just a guideline for commanders. If the unit can support longer deployments the commander may send them out to whatever depth supportable. They may be deployed by land (stay behind, walking in), sea (river ops), or air (paradrop, air assault). Long range planning by CM is therefore very crucial. Not only does CM have to worry about collectors on our side of the FLOT but they now have to plan for collection against a point target up to 50 KM cross FLOT up to 6 days from deployment. The teams are only to be given one collection mission per deployment, moving these teams and changing their tasking will only expose them to a greater chance of discovery. |
Slide 41:
A. Now We will Cover the New LT organization. The New Light HHOC is the same as the in the Interim concept. |
Slide 42:
B. Same as in the Interim Concept. |
Slide 43:
LT HHOC on the Battle field |
C. Same as in the Interim concept. |
Slide 44:
D. Only Difference from the Interim concept, is in the GSR Platoon has been replaced by the UAV Sec. The UAV Sec is the same as in the Heavy Division. |
Slide 45:
DS CO on the battle field |
E. Same as in the interim concept except no GSR's and The UAV Sec, with the GCS Will be located at the DS CO HQ, same as in the Heavy Division. |
Slide 46:
F. The difference between the Interim GS CO and the new GS CO, is: 1. GSR Squad, gone, replaced by the UAV, Platoon, same as in the Heavy Division GS CO. 2. The all three C&J platoons are replaced by One EW Platoon, same as in the Heavy Division, except equipped with four GBCS Light. |
Slide 47:
LT GS CO on the Battle field |
G. This slide shows how the light Division GS CO is deployed on the battle field. |
Slide 48:
H. Same as in the Interim Concept. |
Slide 49:
LRSD on the Battle Field |
I. Same as in the Interim Concept. |
Slide 50:
Question: |
Answer any question |
Slide 51:
Airborne/Air Assault division symbols |
Now we will cover the Airborne and Air Assault division organization. They are basically the Same as in the light div which I will point out the differences. |
Slide 52:
Interim HHOC |
A. Same as in the Interim except for the BAT-D. Air Borne and Air Assault BAT-D is same to the Heavy Division. |
Slide 53:
Interim ACE |
B. Same as The Heavy Division only with a few less personnel. |
Slide 54:
Interim HHOC on the battle field |
C. Same as the Interim Light Division. |
Slide 55:
Interim DS CO |
D. Same as the Interim Light Division. |
Slide 56:
Interim DS CO on the battle field |
E. Same as the Interim Light Division. |
Slide 57:
S2 Task Slide |
F. Again Restating that the Maneuver BDE or BN S2 task the GSR and REMBASS. |
Slide 58:
Interim GS CO |
G. Same as the Interim Light Division. |
Slide 59:
The Interim GS CO on the battle field |
H. Same as the Interim Light Division. |
Slide 60:
Interim LRSD |
I. Same as the Interim Light Division except with Six team vs four teams. |
Slide 61:
Interim LRSD on the Battle Field |
J. Same as in the LightDivision. |
Slide 62:
New Airborne/Air Assault division HHOC |
K. Same As Interim Airborne/Air Assault Division. |
Slide 63:
L. Same as in the Light Division |
Slide 64:
HHOC on the Battle Field |
M.Same as the Light Division |
Slide 65:
N.Same as the Light Division |
Slide 66:DS CO on the Battle field | O.Same as the Light Division |
Slide 67:GS CO | P.Same as the Light Division |
Slide 68:GS CO on the Battle field | Q.Same as the Light Division |
Slide 69:LRSD | R.Same as the Interim Airborne and Air Assault division |
Slide 70:LRSD on theBattle Field | S.Same as in the Interim Airborne and Air Assault division |
Slide 71: Conclussion | Now that I have covered the Divisional MI organization, you can see how the army is now trying to standardize Regular army MI UNITs to be similar to each other, in this way there is little adjustment or relearning new equipment when support your own unit, or if drawn upon to support another command. |
Slide 71:
Question |
Any Question.