SLIDE 1(Title) I. Introduction.

1. A. Lesson Tie-in: This block of instruction is the basis for all instruction that you will receive during the rest of MIOBC. It is designed to provided you with a working knowledge of MI tactical (Corps and below) organizations, their equipment, and their operational concepts. This instruction provides the foundations for the upcoming All Source III ACE PE, and for BASIX at the end of the MIOBC course.

2. Objective Statement: Identify a Corps MI Bde force structure, organization, and mission.

3. Safety Statement: The risk assessment code for this lesson is low IV.

4. Purpose: To provide the MIOBC officer with a basic understanding of the Corps Military Intelligence Brigade organization, functions and equipment.

5. Procedure: During this class I will review, in lecture style, the Corps MI Bde.

II. Development.

1. During this class we will discuss the Corps MI Bde. The TO&E that you will be shown has not been modified and is the basic structure for all corps MI Bde's. I'm sure that many of you have been assigned to MI Bde's whose equipment and organization are entirely different. This class is not intended to be a review of the four active duty corps MI Bde's but to provide the basic structure to the MIOBC student who has not been assigned to this organization.

SLIDE 3 (Corps MI Bde Organization Chart) The organization shown here will be discussed by battalion (Bn). The only Bn that will not be reviewed is the TE(RC) Bn. This organization has a variation of equipment and companies found throughout the active component (AC) MI Bn. At the writing of this lesson plan (LP) this organization is under review and determination to see if it will remain a part of the AC MI Bde.

(MI Bde Functions)
The Corps MI Bde is the largest tactical intelligence unit. It's primary functions are:

-to augment divisional MI Bn's with tactical based systems

-to provide Corps General Support (GS) aerial collection
-to provide the Corps level ACE and DISE elements

-to provide the Corps CI/IPW capabilities and augment divisional MI Bn's

During this class you will be taught which of the subordinate Bn's are responsible and capable of these functions.

(MI Bde Battlefield Location)
This slide provides a graphic representation of how the MI Bde is deployed within the Corps Area of Operations (AO). The Tactical Exploitation (TE) Bn is deployed throughout the AO. The Aerial Exploitation (AE) Bn is normally located at the Corps instrumented airfield. Finally, the Operations Bn is normally collocated with the Corps Main CP.

(HQs & OPS BN)
The first Bn we will discuss is the Headquarters and Operations Bn. This Bn is the center of gravity for intelligence production within the corps. The subordinate companies are:

-Analysis and Control
-Collection and Processing
-CMISE attached

The mission of the HQs & OPS Bn is to provide:

-IEW analytical and planning support.

-Planning and execution of Battlefield Deception in support of the Corps. This group of soldiers works directly for the G3 Plans Officer.

-Technical Management and Control of IEW assets assigned/attached to the MI Bde.

-Technical support to the divisional MI Bn's, ACR MI Company, and Separate Bde MI Company.

-Tactical SIGINT, HUMINT, and IMINT acquisition and processing.

The personnel assigned/attached to this bn work directly for the Corps G2 and form the Corps ACE.

The Bn has a standard HHSC. The mission of this company is:

-the Bn HQ provides C2, mess, communications, maintenance andpersonnel support to the A&C and C&P companies. It is normally collocated or in the close vicinity of the Corps ACE.

The Bn HQ and S-staff perform the exact functions as any other Bn staff. The significant difference being that the S3 must work closely with the HQs Commandant of the Corps HQs Bn for the placement, site selection, and communications requirements of the ACE.

The communications, CE, and IEW sections of the company are responsible for the maintenance of all the IEW specific equipment in the A&C and C&P companies. The civilian contractors normally work out of the C&P company.

(A&C Company/OPS Bn)
The Analysis & Control (A&C) company mission is:

-to provide IEW analytical and planning support, and planning and execution of battlefield deception events in support of the Corps and

-to provide technical management and control of IEW assets assigned and attached to the MI Bde (Corps) and technical support to the divisional MI Bns, the MI Co (ACR), and any MI Co (separate Bde) subordinate to the Corps.

As is evident by this mission statement, this company is responsible for the collection and production of intelligence in support of the Corps.

The company is organized as depicted in this organizational chart:

-Company HQs is equipped with 3 x TrojanSpirit I or II systems. A primary responsibility of the Cdr will be to ensure continued and uninterrupted communications for the ACE element.

The ACE forms the majority of this company. It will not be discussed in great detail here as you will receive an entire class on this organization later during IBOS.

-The PLT HQs (ACE Chief) is a LTC, MI.

-The Technical Control and Analysis Element is responsible for all single source processing for the -Int's. The section is equipped with a set (6 each) of Single Source Workstations.

-The All Source Intelligence Team is responsible for the collection, receipt, processing, production, and dissemination of All-Source Intelligence products for the Corps. This section is equipped with a set (6 each) of All-Source Workstations.

The ACE has various other communications devices, and processing equipment that will not be discussed. The reason is that each of the four Corps has equipped this company with the assets on their MTOE, local purchase or special buy. The types and amounts are so many it would take an entire class to discuss them all.

The Collection & Processing Company mission is to:

-Provide tactical electronic intelligence (ELINT) and tactical imagery intelligence (IMINT) acquisitionand processing support of the Corps. As you will see, this company is issued all the TENCAP equipment for the OPS Bn.
This company, collocated with the A&C Company at the Corps ACE.

(C&P CO Organization)
The C&P company is divided into four sections. They are:

-HQs, who together with the A&C Co Cdr will ensure continued and uninterrupted communications for the ACE.

-Imagery Analysis Section is equipped with at least one Single Source Workstation, the MIES (Imagery Exploitation System) and TRAC (Tactical Radar Correlator). This section will produce all imagery intelligence.

-The ELINT Analysis Section is equipped with a Single source Workstation and receives ELINT data from the ETUT Section.

-The ETUT Section is equipped with the ETUT (Enhanced Tactical User Terminal), and the EPDS (Electronic Processing and Dissemination System).

The MIES, Imagery Exploitation System provides National and Theater imagery products in response to Army taskings.

The TRAC, Tactical Radar Correlator provides NRT IMINT reports, synthetic aperture radar imagery, and target data.

The ETUT, Enhanced Tactical User Terminal correlates national and theater IMINT reporting and receives annotated imagery.
EPDS, Elint Processing and Dissemination System is capable of fusing all ELINT data at corps and theater level from multiple collection sources.
In this graphic depiction of the OPS Bn I have shown that the A&C and C&P companies collocate at the Corps Main CP. The Bn CP may or may not be in the close vicinity of the Corps CP.
The Corps Military Intelligence Support Element (CMISE) is an INSCOM unit, attached to the OPS Bn for support but works directly for the Corps G2. The primary mission of the CMISE is:

-To provide reinforcing collection management, analysis, Allsource Production, SIGINT collection, processing and dissemination in support of real world intelligence and contingency planning.

The CMISE does not normally deploy from garrison station but provides the deploying unit with current intelligence throughout the deployment-redeployment cycle.

We will now cover the Tactical Exploitation Bn.

The primary mission of the TE Bn is:

-To provide CI and Interrogation of PWs, and Long Range Surveillance support functions for the corps, assigned Divisions, ACR, and Separate Brigades.

The HHS/TE Bn primary mission is to:
-The BN HQs provides C2 and Supervision of the Operations of the MI Bn. The HHS provides combat service support to the Bn.
Of an interesting note, within this company is a document and photographic reproduction capability. This section is responsible for reproducing the material developed by the CI and IPW companies.

(Interrogation Co/TE)
The Interrogation CO/TE Bn primary mission is:

-To provide Interrogation of Enemy Prisoners of War (EPW) support to the Corps.

(INT CO Organization)
The company is organized as follows:

-Company HQ.

-IPW Operations Section. Within this section is another 03 billet.

-2 x Interrogation Platoons each with 6 interrogations sections. Each section is commanded by a CW2.

The CI Co/TE Bn primary mission is to:

-Provide CI and OPSEC support to the Corps.

(CI CO Organization)
The CI Co is organized as follows:

-Company HQs.

-CI Operations Section. This section has an additional 03 billet.

-2 x CI PLTs. Each PLT has a HQs section, a CI Operations Section led by a CW3 and 6 each CI teams led by a CW2.

The LRS Co/TE Bn primary mission is to:

-Collect Humint Intelligence (HUMINT) through long-range reconnaissance and surveillance in the area of interest of the Corps.

(LRS Organization)
The LRS Co is organized into the following sections:

-Company HQs.

-Operations Section, led by an 11A 03.

-Communications Platoon, which establishes the Base Stations.

-3 x LRS surveillance platoons. Each platoon has 6 x 9-man teams.

This slide and your handout list all the major end items provided to the surveillance teams. Each team is capable of HF burst transmission communications. They are also equipped with a variety of night- and thermal scopes.

(TE BN Battlefield Locations)
The TE Bn is normally dispersed throughout the Corps AO. The LRS teams will be employed out to 150KMs from the FLOT. The CI and IPW teams will be located at the Corps EPW cage and the Division cage as necessary.

We will now discuss the finalbattalion of the Bde. The Aerial Exploitation (AE) Bn.

(AE BN Mission) The primary mission of the AE Bn is:

-To provide tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Reconnaissance, Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), and Electronic Warfare (EW) acquisition support for the corps, theater army, or the army element of a Joint Task Force.

This bn is the only one with the mission of supporting a JTF. The other bn's would most likely send tactically tailored elements to support a JTF.

The primary mission of the HHSC of the AE Bn is:

-BN HQs provides C2 for the AE and EW companies and attached units in support of a corps, theater Army, or Army element of a JTF. HHSC provides the unit administration and logistical support to the Bn.
This company has one additional section, the Treatment Section. This is where the Flight Surgeon is located for the Bn.

The Aerial Reconnaissance Company/AE Bn primary mission is to:

-Provide near real time (NRT) Reconnaissance, Intelligence surveillance, Target Acquisition and Battle Management to the Corps with minimal risk to personnel.

(AR CO Organization)
The AR Co/AE Bn is organized asfollows:

-Company HQs.

-2 x Ground Control and Operations Platoons. These PLTs conduct mission planning and control the UAV aircraft.

-Launch/Recovery & Maintenance PLT. This PLT is responsible for the actual launching and recovery of the UAV A/C.

The AR Co will be equipped with 2 x baselines. Each reconnaissance baseline will be equipped with 8 x airframes.

These baselines can and will be deployed throughout the Corps AO.

The primary mission of the Electronic Warfare Company/AE Bn is to:

-Collect, analytically process, generate information reports and disseminate reports/information to Corps users (Corps, EAC, or the Army element of a JTF), on aerial Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Direction Finding (DF) and Electronic Warfare.
This company has the Integrated Processing Facility (IPF) as a subordinate PLT. The IPF provides processed intelligence reports to the Corps and Divisional ACEs as well as real-time traffic to user's in the CTT-H/R network.

(EW CO Organization)
The EW Co is organized as follows:

-Company HQs.

-Operations Platoon which includes the IPF and Flight Operations Sections.

-The COMINT Flight Platoon. This PLT is currently equipped with the IGRV A/C. This A/C is capable of COMINT collection only. It will be replaced by the GRCS, a true SIGINT A/C. XVIII ABN Corps retained their Quicklook and Mohawk A/C.

(AE BN Battlefield Location)
When deployed on the battlefield the AE Bn will normally collocate at the Corps instrumented airfield. The AR Company will be pushed forward in support of the divisions and can operate from improved and unimproved airstrips.
III. Conclusion.

Like the rest of the tactical MI structure the MI Bde at Corps is also under going reorganization. The information provided to you in this class is per the current TO&E.

Understand that each and every one of the four AC MI Bde's found at Corps has a different organization and set of equipment.

Use the information provided in this class as a start point from which to build your knowledge of the MI Bde organization, functions, and equipment.

Understand that the Corps MI Bde is the true interface to the national and Theater intelligence organizations.

What are your questions concerning the Corps MI Bde?