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Doc Info &

FM 34-8 Chptr 4 - Military Intelligence Unit Capabilities




The IEW support mission at all echelons is to provide intelligence, EW, and CI support to help you accomplish your mission.

Elements of Intelligence Support

Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)

SIGINT is analyzed information derived from monitoring and locating enemy communications and noncommunications systems (such as enemy radars). Intelligence derived from monitoring enemy communications is communications intelligence (COMINT), and intelligence derived from monitoring noncommunications emitters is electronic intelligence (ELINT).

Electronic Warfare (EW)

EW is one of your combat multipliers. It can disrupt enemy command and control and fire support communications when used during a critical phase of the battle. Some aspects of it will protect your communications. The three elements of EW are-

Human Intelligence (HUMINT)


Interrogation of enemy prisoners of war or civilian detainees provides information on enemy intentions, composition, and disposition. Debriefing of refugees can also provide valuable information on the enemy, plus information on the status of lines of communication and other aspects of the AO.

Long-range Surveillance (LRS)

LRS units provide reliable HUMINT against second echelon and follow-on forces and deep targets. LRS units conduct stationary surveillance and very limited reconnaissance. They deploy deep into the enemy area to observe and report enemy dispositions, movement and activities, and battlefield conditions. They arc not equipped or trained to conduct direct-action missions.

Counterintelligence (CI)

CI protects the force through evaluation of the enemy's multidiscipline intelligence gathering capabilities. It detects, evaluates, counteracts, and prevents hostile intelligence collection, subversion, and sabotage. CI also provides important support to the commander's OPSEC and deception programs.

Scouts and Cavalry

Although not part of MI organizations, your scouts and cavalry units can also provide you with critical and exact intelligence information by visual means.

Imagery Intelligence (IMINT)

IMINT is used to acquire and exploit visual representations on the battlefield that contribute to situation development, targeting, and BDA. IMINT sensors include electro-optical, infrared, FLIR, and RADAR imaging systems.

Intelligence System of Systems

No single echelon has sufficient organic intelligence capabilities to satisfy all your priority intelligence and targeting requirements. Your intelligence officer must know and understand how to obtain support from higher and lower elements of the intelligence system of systems in order to make it work to satisfy your intelligence requirements. To most efficiently use your organic resources, you must understand-

Command and Support Relationships

A division's IEW systems arc organic, assigned, or operational control (OPCON) to the MI battalion. In some situations, IEW assets or units maybe attached to maneuver units. Circumstances which may require the attachment of an entire MI company team to a brigade are-

Regardless of how many MI assets are operating in your AO, the MI battalion will attach an IEWSO to your brigade. The IEWSO serves as your liaison with the MI unit. He coordinates your taskings with the MI company commander and the MI battalion, and helps coordinate terrain management for the MI collection assets.

When an MI company team is in direct support of your brigade and focused on your PIR, the IEWSO coordinates your COMINT taskings with the MI battalion TOC so its Technical Control and Analysis Element (TCAE) can provide your collectors the technical data (enemy call signs, frequencies, etc.) needed 10 execute your taskings.


MI Company (Separate Brigade) or Armored Cavalry Regiment (ACR)

This MI company has fewer capabilities (ban the MI battalion but more capabilities (ban a task organized MI company team. The MI company in support of the ACR or separate brigade provides-

MI Battalion (Division)

Organizational Capabilities

The MI battalion at division level provides you with ground based communications intercept, DF capability, ECM, HUMINT collection, and ground based surveillance.

The remaining divisional assets will be task organized into MI company learns GS to the division as a whole or DS to designated brigades. MI company teams may have ground based COMINT collection and EW, CI, and interrogation capability.

MI Company Team (GS)

MI company teams in GS to the division -

MI Company Team (DS)

MI Brigade (Corps)

The MI brigade provides you with ground-based and airborne SIGINT and EW, close and deep HUMINT collection, and links to national and theater intelligence systems. The Ml brigade can provide IEW assets to subordinate commands to weight the main effort. The corps MI brigade has three battalions: operations, tactical exploitation, and aerial exploitation.

Operations Battalion

The Operations Battalion provides the CTOCSE which performs IEW analytical, processing, and management functions in support of overall corps operations. The Operations Battalion -

Tactical Exploitation Battalion (TEB)

The TEB provides CI, interrogation of prisoners, ground-based SIGINT and EW support, and LRS support to corps operations. It provides-

Aerial Exploitation Battalion (AEB)

The AEB allows the commander to "see" the battlefield to the depth of the AO and beyond. The battalion gives you a deep look aerial reconnaissance, surveillance, and SIG INT collection capability. It provides-

MI Brigade (EAC)

The Ml brigade (EAC) is tailored by contingency region (linguists, area analysts, etc. ) and function (equipment) for a specific geographic area. It directs, collects, processes, and disseminates HUMINT, CI, IMINT, SIGINT, and technical intelligence (TECHINT) (the exploitation of captured enemy documents, equipment, weapons, and other war material). The MI brigade (EAC) normally supports the Army components of a joint command.

Standard Tactical Missions

Support relationships arc established through the assignment of Army standard tactical missions (STM). These support relationships determine the degree of control and responsiveness of the IEW organizations supporting you. METT-T will drive the MI unit's STM in any given situation. There arc seven responsibilities inherent to each STM. The following matrix (Figure 4-1) demonstrates these responsibilities.

Figure 4-1. Standard Tactical Mission Responsibilities Matrix.


Your intelligence system has some limitations you must understand. These include-