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In the mid-seventies, two events created a void in echelons above corps (EAC) intelligence doctrine and force structure: the transition of Army doctrine from field Army to EAC and the implementation of decisions resulting from the Intelligence Organization and Stationing Study. In 1982, the Army Chief of Staff approved the changes resulting from this document for planning purposes. During this time, US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) completed the EAC Intelligence, Security, and Electronic Warfare Architecture Study . This was the base document for EAC intelligence and electronic warfare (IEW) force development. FM 100-16, published in April 1985, incorporated key IEW doctrinal principles.
This manual applies those principles to the Military Intelligence (MI) brigades (EAC) that support IEW in different theaters. The brigades are the critical parts of the IEW structure established at EAC. The IEW functions of the MI brigades (EAC) forge the links with the EAC staff, the echelons above corps intelligence center (EACIC), echelons corps and below (ECB), other MI brigade elements, other services, and national level intelligence agencies.
This manual provides the doctrine for EAC IEW operations, including organizations, missions, functions, and capabilities of MI organizations at EAC. This manual further supports Army doctrine described in FM 100-5 and FM 100-20.
This manual is not designed nor intended to be a descriptive tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) manual. The uniqueness of the EAC theaters in which the IEW units are located prohibits such a task. The geographical and operational focus of the theaters, along with command and National Command Authorities (NCA) guidance, orients the specific IEW support missions; for example, functional and regional tailoring to best achieve the assigned mission.
Chapter 1 describes how the general political and military environment of theaters of operation are formed. It also describes how the IEW structure forms to the operational level focus of the theaters and supports the Army's AirLand Battle Doctrine and IEW doctrinal principles and tasks. All intelligence disciplines have been included in the functional description.
The remainder of the manual discusses the organization of the MI brigades (EAC) under the new "L" series tables of organization and equipment (TOEs). These TOEs provide the framework for describing the missions and functions of the brigade and its subordinate units. These TOEs may be augmented with tables of distribution and allowances (TDAs) force structures. However, such TDA organizations are theater dependent and are not included in this manual.
This manual is for commanders, staff, and key personnel of all EAC organizations--combat, combat support (CS), and combat service support (CSS). It describes the organization and functions of theater level IEW units and how they support the formulation of operational level intelligence. It thus lends support to the operational planning by all Army units within their functional missions. It should also be used by members of United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) service schools and other military organizations.
The proponent of this publication is HQ, USAICS. Send comments and recommendations on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly to Commander, US Army Intelligence Center and School (USAICS), ATTN: ATSI-TD-DP, Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613-7000.
This manual complies with STANAG 2084. It does not implement any international standardization agreement.
Unless this publication states otherwise masculine nouns and pronouns do not refer exclusively to men.
This publication does not contain copyrighted material.