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The mission of the MI battalion (IA) is to exploit tactical, theater, and national level imagery and to quickly disseminate IMINT within the theater. Tactical reconnaissance imagery exploitation has been transferred to the US Army RC. In the future, other imagery functions and organization of this battalion may also be transferred to the RC.
The MI battalion (IA) provides the following IMINT support to the theater:
The MI battalion (IA) organization, shown at Figure 9-1, consists of an HHD, up to nine TRS detachments, and zero-to-five strategic IA detachments.
The HHD provides Cē of assigned or attached elements of the MI battalion (IA).
A TRS detachment deploys with a USAF tactical reconnaissance squadron at an airfield. Due to the geographic dispersion of these elements, they must operate with limited support from the battalion. The TRS detachment locates where the supported Army component commander dictates.
The strategic IA detachment normally locates near the EACIC to fulfill its mission of support. For more information on imagery analysis, see TC 34-55.
The mission of the HHD is to provide Cē and administrative and logistic support to assigned or attached units of the MI battalion (IA).
The HHE, shown at Figure 9-2, includes a battalion headquarters with an S1, combined S2 and S3 section, S4 section, and C-E section; and a detachment headquarters with a mechanized maintenance section and a food service section. Usually the HHD locates in the vicinity of the EACIC.
The responsibilities of the staff sections for the MI battalion (IA) are similar to those described in Chapters 3 and 5. This battalion has a combined S2 and S3 section which performs the functions of both staff positions. This section provides IMINT input to the EACIC for planning, supervising, and coordinating imagery exploitation, mission planning, and assistance in CM in support of theater IMINT requirements.
The S2 and S3 section also provides the interface between TRS detachments, the strategic detachment (IA), and the single discipline team-imagery intelligence (SDT-IMINT) element with the EACIC. The section provides an aerial reconnaissance liaison officer (ARLO) and senior imagery analyst to the USAF tactical reconnaissance wing; they assist in mission planning and satisfying Army requirements.
The mission of the TRS detachment is to exploit tactical and theater level imagery and to disseminate the reports quickly. Figure 9-3 shows the organization of a TRS detachment. The TRS detachment provides--
The detachment headquarters section is the command element. It provides operational Cē, administrative, and supply management support for the detachments. It also acts as liaison between the detachments and the USAF tactical reconnaissance squadrons.
The operations section has a mobile army ground imagery interpretation center (MAGIIC). The MAGIIC was originally designed as a tactical imagery exploitation system and is currently being phased out of fielded inventory. MAGIIC provides the exploitation interface with USAF imaging systems. When this MAGIIC is replaced, it will provide exploitation capability for the RC.
Intelligence reports are sent by TACC or by secure communications to supported units and the EACIC. The section also provides imagery to the basic cover library in the strategic detachment to update the imagery data base and to use it in the basic cover program.
The maintenance section provides personnel and equipment to perform unit level maintenance for wheeled vehicles, generators, compressors, MAGIIC, and related equipment for the detachment.
The C-E section operates the communications link with the MI battalion (IA). It also performs operational and administrative logistic support functions.
When the MI battalion (IA) is at full strength, it has the capability to deploy nine TRS detachments. While normally collocated with USAF tactical reconnaissance squadrons, additional TRS detachments collocate with and provide support to Allied or combined commands anywhere in the theater AO.
Strategic IA detachments are organic to the MI battalion (IA) if assigned to a theater. When present, the HHD of the detachment collocates with the IA battalion headquarters. If the IA battalion is not present, the strategic IA detachment is part of the MI battalion (operations). Chapter 4 discusses the organization, mission, and functions of the strategic IA detachment.