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As covered in Chapter 6, the MI battalion (C&E) performs both foreign positive HUMINT and CI activities. In other theaters, these missions are performed by two other battalions. This chapter discusses the MI battalion (I&E) whose mission is entirely foreign positive HUMINT.
The MI battalion (I&E), shown at Figure 7-1, has a battalion headquarters, an HHC, and three MI companies (I&E). Two interrogation companies provide support to the operations of JIFs established within the theater. The third company provides GS support to ECB units operating in the theater AO. The MI battalion (I&E) mission, which is similar to that of the MI battalion (C&E), includes--
The HHC includes personnel for the battalion headquarters and the headquarters company. Figure 7-2 shows this organization.
The general staff responsibilities of the MI battalion (I&E)are similar to those of the MI brigade (EAC) and other MI battalions (see Chapters 3 and 5). The MI battalion (I&E)also has a unit ministry team assigned. The S3 section--
Each MI company (interrogation) includes a company headquarters, operations section, communications section, food service section, and an I&E platoon. The functions of each of the company's sections are described in Chapter 6. (Refer to Figure 6-4 for the organization of this company.)
The MI company (interrogation) (GS) provides HUMINT support functions similar to that of the EPW companies. The main difference is the direction of the support. This company provides GS to ECB units operating in the theater AO. It also conducts liaison with the supported commands, foreign military and civilian intelligence organizations, refugee control points, and collection facilities. These liaison activities can result in written intelligence products on persons, documents, and equipment of significant intelligence value to the theater commands. In addition, this company can assist the other interrogation companies, as required.
The MI company (interrogation) (GS) consists of a headquarters section, operations section, and three interrogation platoons, each with a platoon headquarters and six interrogation sections. These sections combine the skills of intelligence analysts and interrogators to accomplish their assigned missions, which are directed and coordinated by the company's operations section. This company uses the supported command's reporting channels.
Both MI battalions--I&E and C&E--can be augmented with TAREX elements or teams. The elements would be located with TECHINT battalions or companies of the MI brigade (EAC). When augmented, either battalion can conduct collection operations supporting strategic and tactical exploitation of hostile EW activities. TAREX operations are conducted against certain EPWs, civilians, defectors, and refugees who have knowledge of enemy C-E (signal) operations.
TAREX teams assist in the interrogation or debriefing of captured C-E personnel and screen enemy signal-peculiar equipment, documents, or other signal materiel. Although OPCON to either battalions (I&E or C&E), the TAREX reporting channels flow through SIGINT channels established within the theater to the EACIC. The functions and operations of TECHINT are discussed in Chapter 8.
The operations of the MI battalion (I&E)are identical to that of the MI battalion (C&E). Operations involve both specific internal procedures and external coordination requirements with other intelligence and civilian organizations within the theater AO. Generally, MI battalion (I&E)activities are controlled through the battalion and company operations sections. Reporting flows back through these operations channels and directly to the SDT-HUMINT and CI team within the EACIC.