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This chapter describes the mission and organization of the MI brigade (EAC). It discusses staff responsibilities of the brigade headquarters and CSS required by the brigade and its subordinate units. In general, the MI brigade (EAC) headquarters, under the "L" series TOE, consists of a brigade headquarters, a company headquarters, and a headquarters and headquarters company (HHC) or a headquarters and headquarters detachment (HHD).
The brigade headquarters consists of a--
All support personnel for the MI brigade (EAC) are assigned and controlled by the HHC or HHD commander. Figure 3-1 shows the organization of an HHC MI brigade (EAC).
The mission of the MI brigade (EAC) is to provide IEW support to battle management at joint and Allied command levels; to theater rear operations; and to the sustaining base. The MI brigade (EAC) participates in national level IEW operations. Specifically, the headquarters is responsible for--
Brigade headquarters consists of the brigade commander, executive officer (XO), command sergeant major (CSM), and the commander's staff sections.
The brigade commander is responsible for all brigade operations. The commander defines the brigade mission and its mission tasks (through the unit mission-essential tasks list [METL]). He establishes the brigade's objectives, directs its concept of operations, and assigns missions. The commanders vision--the key to mission accomplishment--guides the actions of the staff and subordinate commanders during an operation. The brigade commander is personally involved in the brigade's IEW operations. He provides clear guidance and follows up to ensure the guidance is carried out and meets the needs of the unit.
The deputy commander represents the brigade commander in matters of command authority and responsibility when the commander is not available. While specific Cē functions may vary, the deputy commander is responsible for operations of the brigade command post (CP), and for those essential brigade links with critical support elements. The deputy commander is also the point of contact (POC) with the host nation.
The XO directs the execution of staff tasks, the coordinated effort of staff members, and the efficient and prompt response of the staff. The XO directs the efforts of both coordinating and special staffs.
The CSM, as the senior ranking enlisted soldier in the brigade, is the brigade commander's principal advisor on matters involving the soldiers of the command. The CSM stays cognizant of the state of training, discipline, health and welfare, morale, and esprit de corps of soldiers throughout the command. The CSM is also responsible for NCO professional development throughout the brigade.
Special staff officers assist the commander in professional, technical, and functional areas. They generally are organized into sections according to their area of interest in the command.
The SSO of the brigade functions under the staff supervision of the S2. The SSO is responsible for the control of SCI within the brigade. This office also administers SCI billet management and controls and accounts for all SCI material the brigade uses.
The command judge advocate (CJA) provides advice to the commander concerning the legal aspects of intelligence and operations law as they affect the mission. He is designated as a special staff officer and has direct access to the commander.
The CJA provides advice and assistance in other areas of law which may impact the mission generally. These areas include--
The command must seek the CJA's advice on all matters pertaining to intelligence activities and intelligence oversight efforts.
The brigade chaplain is a special staff officer with direct access to the commander. The unit ministry team--
The public affairs officer (PAO) informs soldiers about the organization, its objectives, equipment, personnel, and the citizens in the AO. The PAO attempts to instill in soldiers a sense of history, motivation, and esprit de corps. The PAO also strives to minimize the effects of rumor and enemy psychological operations (PSYOP).
The aviation section provides technical expertise in Army IEW aviation. It provides planning expertise concerning unique intelligence missions that require aviation support. The aviation staff officer assists in the aviation unit's training program and monitors the brigade's IEW aviation support operations.
Coordinating staff officers are the commander's principal staff assistants. Each officer is concerned with one (or a combination) of the broad fields of interest. They assist the commander by coordinating the plans, activities, and operations of the command.
The S1 aids the brigade commander and staff in personnel matters and provides staff supervision to two sections: the administrative services section and the audio-visual (AV) and reproduction section.
The administrative services section--
The AV and reproduction section--
The brigade S2 is the principal staff assistant for formulating, developing, implementing, and supervising security policies and procedures in support of theater operations. The S2 staff element consists of an S2 section, which is responsible for personnel and document security, and a security section.
The S2 section has a CI officer who develops plans for implementing brigade CI programs. The personnel and document security section is responsible for personnel security administration and classified document accountability. The physical security section contains military police (MP). This section works with the brigade SSO to control access to the SCIF established by the SSO.
The S3 manages field operations and formulates plans for the brigade. The S3--
The S3 establishes a brigade operations center, from which the commander exercises C2 of subordinate units. The operations center communicates with the theater Army main CP and the EACIC. The S3 coordinates closely with the EACIC . The brigade S3 allocates resources required to accomplish the tasking. Close, continuous coordination between the EACIC and the S3 ensures that--
The S3 apprises the commander of the state of intelligence operations and unit readiness and is responsible for all the brigade's operation plans (OPLANs) and operation orders (OPORDs).
The S3 is staffed with MI personnel with functional expertise in all intelligence disciplines. As training manager for the brigade, the S3 establishes command training policies and guidance; monitors the conduct of training; and informs the commander of the brigade's training readiness. The S3 determines types and quantities of equipment (common and intelligence property items) needed to accomplish planned operations. The S3 also establishes the priorities for distribution and redistribution of assets and prepares OPLANs and OPORDs for the brigade to include the TECHINT appendix of the OPORD. The S3 has an NBC section and a communications-electronics (C-E) section.
The NBC section provides defensive NBC expertise to the brigade and ensures that the brigade is adequately trained to function under NBC conditions. (See FM 3-101 for information on chemical staffs and units.)
The C-E section has staff supervision over the communications section in the HHC or HHD (depending upon theater organization of the brigade). The C-E section is responsible for all brigade communications and ECCM. Based on the concept of operations developed by the brigade commander, the C-E section--
The S4 is the principal staff officer responsible for--
The S4 section prepares logistic plans and provides input to the brigade OPORD.
The food service technician, located in the S4, supervises all dining facilities within the brigade. The staff supply technician--
The S4 has three subordinate sections:
See FM 101-5 for details on staff responsibilities and functions in the MI brigade (EAC).
The headquarters element of the MI brigade may vary between theaters. It can be either an HHC or an HHD. For those MI brigades with an organic operations battalion, the headquarters element will be an HHD. If the operations battalion is not present, the headquarters element will be the larger HHC. The "L" series TOE attempts to establish an operations battalion within each MI brigade.
The HHC or HHD supports the internal operations of the brigade, to include billeting and directing organizational communications, maintenance, and food services sections. The HHC commander is responsible for--
The MI brigade is normally located in the theater COMMZ and therefore depends upon the CSS provided by units within the COMMZ. CSS units providing support to EAC are under the command of the theater Army commander who executes DS and GS responsibilities through--
The TAACOM further assigns area responsibilities to an area support group (ASG). The ASG provides DS CSS to units located in or passing through the assigned area.
The principal driving force behind the brigade's logistic operations is the wide dispersal of IEW assets throughout the theater AO. As a result, the brigade and its subordinate units are organized to decentralize logistical functions. This operational concept ties the brigade to the specific supply points or to supply support activities established by the TAACOM.
Of particular concern are the arrangements to support assets which are detached, for both short and long terms, from their parent unit. In these cases the detached asset must coordinate directly with the supported unit for support. The brigade and subordinate S4s must ensure that the elements of the brigade are supported by the nearest CSS unit capable of providing the required support.