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This chapter describes the organization and capabilities of the MI company's organic service support platoon. It describes the classes of supply and how the commander supplies the company. It also describes maintenance support and services. Sustainment is the commander's responsibility.
Both the ACR and separate brigade conduct independent operations which stress mobility. To support these operations, the MI company is 100 percent mobile with organic assets. It is capable of conducting sustainment operations using organic assets.
The service support platoon, shown at Figure 5-1, provides company-level supply functions which essential supply, food service, and maintenance support to the company.
The platoon headquarters supervises the company's sustainment operations, allowing the commander to attend to other functions. The platoon leader's responsibilities include coordinating with both the ACR or separate brigade S4 and the squadron or battalion S4. This coordination is vital. Because the company is spread over the entire unit frontage, supplies may be misrouted. Only constant attention by the platoon leader or company commander prevents this.
This section provides the personnel needed to conduct normal include--
This section is authorized six cooks and one mobile kitchen trailer (MKT). Normally, it is attached to the headquarters and headquarters troop (HHT) or headquarters and headquarters company (HHC) for consolidated food service in the field trains.
This section provides organizational and DS maintenance for company EW systems; GSR; remotely monitored battlefield sensor system (REMBASS) (when augmented); and C-E equipment, less communications security (COMSEC) and avionics. It is equipped to provide contact teams to support deployed assets.
This section provides consolidated vehicle, generator, and air conditioner maintenance support. It can provide limited vehicle recovery (with its 5-ton wrecker and M578) and is staffed and equipped to provide forward contact teams for deployed elements. It does not have aviation maintenance capability. It is also capable of limited refueling operations with its 2-truck and l-trailer mounted tank and pump units (TPUs) (3-TPUs, 750 gallons).
The logistics package (LOGPAC) system is a once or twice daily resupply of Classes I, III, and V; it includes Classes II, IV, VI, and VII when required. (The classes of supply are described below.) Bulk supplies are broken down in the brigade support area (BSA) or regimental support area (RSA) and loaded onto heavy expanded mobility tactical trucks (HEMTTs). They then travel to the field trains of the squadron or battalion and are readjusted to meet the needs (current and forecasted) of the individual troops and companies. Classes I, II, and VI items and clean laundry can be carried by unit supply section 5-ton trucks. Class IV items are carried by HEMTTs if required. Class VII items can be brought forward by their new crews.
At the field trains, the squadron or battalion support platoon leader picks up this convoy of 5-ton trucks, new combat vehicles, and cargo and fuel HEMTTs. He leads them along the MSR to a predetermined logistics release point (LRP). Troop or company lSGs pick up their LOGPACS and take them to their respective units. When necessary, empty vehicles pick up garbage and dirty laundry. When required, the dead and wounded personnel are evacuated. EPWs are also transported in these vehicles to the LRP by the 1SG. The support platoon leader leads the convoy back to the field trains. The convoy goes to the BSA or RSA to drop off their loads, reload, and come forward again.
Due to the often wide frontages covered, it is impossible for the MI company to feed its deployed personnel. This is best done by the supported company or troop since its personnel are normally nearby providing security for the deployed element. If necessary, cooks and element. If necessary, cooks and equipment from the food service equipment from the food service section can be attached to the supported squadron, battalion, ACR, or separate brigade HHT or HHC. The supported unit can provide both hot and prepackaged meal ready-to-eat (MRE) rations. However, deployed elements should carry a basic load of MRES as determined by local policy.
Class II items are ordered through the company supply section, which forwards requests through logistical channels to the RSA or BSA. Items come forward through the LOGPAC system.
The company has a limited refueling capability to support ground elements. This is performed using organic truck-mounted TPUs and a trailer-mounted liquid dispensing tank. Wholesale refueling is normally done at the Class III supply points in the RSA or BSA, where unit elements are operating, or by attached elements coordinating petroleum, oils, an d lubricants (POL) replenishment through the supported unit. POL for aircraft are provided at airfields and at the ACR FARPs, which are established by the ACR aviation squadron. Aviation petroleum products are also available at FARPs established by other units in the AO.
Packaged greases and lubricants are stocked by the company supply and maintenance sections. These items normally are available at supporting supply points, FARPs, and supported units.
The company carries a basic load of ammunition. It is resupplied, when necessary, through ammunition transfer points (ATPs) in the BSA or RSA and in coordination with the regimental ammunition officer. The supply section issues a basic load of ammunition to elements deploying forward. Elements attached to squadrons coordinate to replenish ammunition supplies through the unit to which attached. Elements in other support roles are resupplied by the company or the supported unit, depending on distance forward.
Class VIII supplies are obtained by the company and its deployed elements from their supporting medical aid station. Troop or company medics treat and evacuate wounded MI company soldiers attached to their units.
Stocked organizational maintenance mission repair parts is based on the unit's prescribed load list (PLL). Requests for common repair parts are forwarded to the ACR support squadron. The support squadron fills or forwards the requests to the ACR's material management center (MMC). Requests not filled at this level are passed to the corps level MMC and filled at the lowest level where parts are available.
Class IV (construction) and Class VII (major end items) are provided through the supporting supply unit. Requests for controlled items flow through command channels. Class VI (personal demand items) are made available via sundry packs through the Class I system Class X (material to support nonmilitary programs) is not used by the MI company and is, therefore, not described here. COMSEC equipment is distributed through cryptologistic channels. Distribution normally is coordinated between the unit cryptographic custodian and the cryptographic custodian at the next higher headquarters.
The mechanical maintenance section sets up in the RSA or BSA. If required, it requests additional support from the regimental support squadron (RSS) maintenance troop or the brigade support battalion maintenance company. Class IX requests go through the RSS. The maintenance troop of the ACR or maintenance company of the separate brigade evacuates equipment that cannot be repaired at ACR or separate brigade.
The maintenance section of the MI company has one 5-ton wrecker for recovery. Vehicles must self-recover when possible. The maintenance sections of supported units can offer limited recovery assets, but their priority is to their own vehicles.
The C-E and IEW maintenance section provides unit-level maintenance for the MI company's communications equipment and GSRs. Maintenance support teams (MSTs) repair the equipment onsite when possible. If equipment is not repairable here, it is evacuated to the RSS maintenance troop or separate brigade maintenance company. If they cannot repair it, they send it to EAC maintenance.
The C-E and IEW maintenance section provides unit and DS maintenance for the MI company's EW equipment. When possible, equipment is repaired onsite by MSTs. EAC provides intermediate GS maintenance for the QUICKFIX system.
The MI company does not provide its own services. It must rely on the ACR, separate brigade, or higher headquarters for that support. The basic services are discussed below.
Shower points are coordinated with the S4 by the service platoon leader. Platoon, 1SG, and section sergeants coordinate rotation to the points. Deployed elements may be able to go with their supported units, depending on time and mission constraints.
Laundry is turned in by soldiers during LOGPAC operations and passed from supply section personnel to the laundry collection point in the field trains. After laundering by corps personnel, the laundry travels back down to the field trains and comes forward with a LOGPAC. Processing time is situation dependent.
Maps are ordered and picked up by supply sections based on S2 forecasts. Deployed elements should coordinate with the unit they are supporting to ensure they have the proper maps.
Ministry teams hold services when possible. S1s announce times and locations. Deployed personnel attend services with the nearest unit they are supporting.
The personnel and administration battalion of the COSCOM provides these services.
Deceased personnel are evacuated to the BSA or RSA by any means available. Normally, empty cargo trucks are ambulances are used. The S4 establishes a groves registration (GRREG) point in the BSA or RSA, supported by a division or corps GKREG team. This team further evacuates the dead to division and corps collection points.