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Standard formats are used to report intelligence or information; task assets; or to receive information, intelligence, and orders or instructions. These formats can be echelon-specific, like the patrol report usually prepared at battalion level; or they may be general in nature, like the spot report used at all echelons.
This appendix provides a brief description of the most common intelligence-related formats and examples prepared or used at the brigade and battalion levels. Several of the reports within this appendix have been written in the US Message Text Format (USMTF). For more information on these, refer to JCS Publication 25.
Use the meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and interference report feeder (MIJIFEEDER), Figure C-1, to report MIJI incidents to the appropriate C-E officer.
The intelligence report (INTREP), Figure C-2, is the primary method of reporting HUMINT information. Use it for the joint exchange of information provided through tactical collection efforts. This report provides timely information regarding events that could have an immediate or significant effect on current planning and operations. It is also used to pass critical information to national level agencies.
The intelligence summary (INTSUM), Figure C-3, provides a brief summary of information of intelligence interest covering a specific period of time. It provides a summary of the enemy situation in forward and rear areas, enemy operations and capabilities, and weather and terrain characteristics.
The electronic intelligence requirement tasking message (ERTM), Figure C-4, is used for OPCON of electronic intelligence (ELINT) collection resources by operational commanders or requests for ELINT collection sources outside the commander's control.
Use the tactical report (TACREP), Figure C-5, to quickly report vital intelligence information such as fleeting target, threat or danger to friendly units, distress situation, radio DF and other EW information, newly discovered enemy intentions, battle damage assessment (BDA) data, and combat information that cannot be exchanged with tactical data systems between tactical units.
This message includes enemy activity; ship, aircraft, or ground vehicle type; related unit; location; speed and direction of movement for maritime, air, and ground enemy units with amplifying information; and EW information such as emitter frequency, bandwidth, call sign, and type of EW.
The RII, Figure C-6, is used to request intelligence information from other units. Use it to request the status of an anticipated response of a previous request.
The response to request for intelligence information (RRII), Figure C-7, is used to reply to an RII. If information is contained in a previous message, the RRII should reference that message.
The tactical electronic intelligence report (TACELINT) , Figure C-8, is used to report time-critical operational ELINT and parametric information. Use it for indications and warning, data base maintenance, OB, and strike planning. ELINT collectors use this message as a reporting vehicle.
Use the electronic warfare mission summary (EWMSNSUM), Figure C-9, to summarize significant EW missions and the status of offensive EW assets. Use the TACREP for reporting results of ESM operations.
The electronic warfare requesting or tasking message (EWRTM), Figure C-10, is for tasking units to perform EW missions or to request EW support from nonorganic units. The EWRTM describes ECM and ESM targets. Use the electronic warfare employment message (EWEM) to answer EWRTMs that you receive. Do not use the EWRTM to task or request SIGINT assets. Use the electronic intelligence requirements tasking message (ERTM) and the communications intelligence advisory tasking (COMINTADTSK) to task or request SIGINT assets.
The order message, Figure C-11, contains the standard five-paragraph combat order. Use it to send directives and instructions to subordinate commands. Send information copies to higher and adjacent headquarters as required. The message includes the type of order; task organization; and comments about situation, mission, execution, administration, log, and command signal.
Use the commander's SITREP, Figure C-12, for changes in the situation since the last report. Areas covered are current OPLANs, current status, unit readiness, situations that may affect operations, operational problems, recommended courses of action, and items included in other reports.
This message is divided into the following areas:
The intelligence estimate, Figure C-13, is a logical and orderly examination of the intelligence factors affecting mission accomplishment. It provides commanders with a basis for planning operations and for disseminating intelligence to their staffs and to other headquarters. It consists of five paragraphs which outline an analysis of the AO, enemy strength, and enemy capabilities that can influence the mission.
The intelligence estimate is generally written at division and higher headquarters and briefed down to battalion. In a contingency operation, it may be written at the brigade level. The intelligence summary may be presented to the commander formally or informally, either written or oral, detailed or summarized. However, when possible, a written estimate is preferred.
The intelligence staff officer prepares the intelligence estimate of the enemy situation. An estimate is prepared at the commander's direction or on the intelligence staff officer's initiative.
The intelligence estimate includes--
The intelligence annex, Figure C-14, disseminates information about forces essential to the conduct of the operation. It also gives any other necessary intelligence orders or guidance for the operation in question. In addition, it serves as a medium for instructing subordinate commanders to acquire information necessary for the conduct of the operation. Such information often can be obtained only immediately before or during the operation itself. The intelligence annex is not a substitute for an intelligence collection plan.
The intelligence annex is a formal intelligence tasking document that may accompany an OPLAN or OPORD. It should be brief and clear. Its first paragraph gives a summary of the enemy situation necessary to understand the OPLAN or OPORD and may refer to annotated maps, enemy situation overlays, or current intelligence reports. Subsequent paragraphs contain specific collection requirements and instructions. SOP information should not be repeated in the intelligence annex.
The spot report uses the SALUTE message format to report enemy size, activity, location, unit, time, and equipment. Figure C-15 shows a spot report.
Collection plans provide a framework that collection managers (GMs) use to determine and evaluate intelligence needs. They use the plan to meet those needs. Because of the diversity of missions, capabilities, and requirements, the collection plan has no prescribed doctrinal format. The commander's PIR form the basis of the collection plan. The collection plan helps the commander see as deep in space and time as possible. It should--
The selection of a format is based on the requirements of the headquarters, and the resources available for collection management. Regardless of the format selected, it must follow the logical sequence of collection management. In addition, the plan must be easily adjustable to changing requirements, situations, and missions.
A written intelligence collection plan worksheet is a valuable aid in planning and directing the collection effort, particularly for those requirements concerned with enemy capabilities and vulnerabilities. The detail in which the worksheet is prepared depends on the particular requirements to satisfy and the overall coordination needed in the collection effort.
At battalion and brigade, the collection plan worksheet is informal. It may consist of a list of available collection means plus brief notes or reminders on current intelligence requirements and specific information to collect.
At corps and division, collection planning is more complex. The PIR of a corps commander often require in-depth analysis. The coordination of the overall collection effort is a major undertaking. For that reason, written collection worksheets prepared at these echelons are detailed.
Figure C-16 shows a collection plan format suitable for corps and division. Brigades and battalions can modify this format to fit their requirements. Figure C-17 is an example of a completed collection plan using fictitious data.
Another method for maintaining a collection plan is in the form of a visual file index using 5-by 8-inch cards (see Figures C-18 and C-19). In this method, a collection requirement is displayed across the bottom of a card. The remainder of the card may contain the following:
Priorities can be shown by using different colored cards or index tabs. For example, a red card or index tab could indicate a highly time sensitive request to the CM, no matter how many shift changes take place.
The CM can group the cards in the visual files; for example: OB factors, NAI, requester, collector. In each operation the file may start out one way and, by necessity, change as the situation changes. This is accomplished quickly as the cards are easily manipulated.
When the collection requirement is satisfied, the card is removed from the visual files. The remainder of the cards are not disrupted. The CM can then place the 5-by 8-inch card in a small file organized by geographic areas. This enables the CM to build a data base on the responsiveness of the collection agencies by areas.
If the visual file method is used, the CM must maintain two charts. One is used to show the PIR and IR which drive the collection effort. The other lists the available units and agencies, and those tasked with each requirement. This chart is needed to prevent overloading or overlooking any single available collector. These two charts are shown at Figure C-20. Additional distribution of results.