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IEW and communications systems continue to improve in their sophistication, application of technology, and accessibility to the commander. Their increasing capabilities create an unprecedented volume of information available to commanders at all echelons. Without focus and management, this wealth of information becomes an encumbrance to effective battle command rather than a blessing.
The manual intelligence management, analysis, and dissemination methods used in the past are inadequate in this Information Age. Successful operations at the tactical and operational levels require an increased ability to synchronize fires, access intelligence, maintain situational awareness, and provide force protection. As the IEW component of the ABCS, the ASAS is an essential tool in meeting those requirements and automating the Intelligence Battlefield Operating System (BOS).
The ASAS is a tactically deployable, ruggedized, and automated information system. It consists of evolutionary hardware and software modules that support the execution of IEW tasks at regiment, brigade, division, corps, and theater Army.
The ASAS remote workstation (ASAS-RWS) provides the G2 (S2) with the means to integrate IEW into the ABCS. The ASAS all-source workstation (ASAS-ASW) and single-source workstation (ASAS-SSW) provide automation processing that aids IEW control, database development, and intelligence production within the ACE.
These workstations provide the G2 (S2) and the ACE the ability to efficiently and effectively process high volumes of perishable combat information and multidiscipline intelligence. This ability in turn supports timely, relevant, accurate, and predictive reporting and dissemination of a common threat picture to other battlefield functional areas. Figure 1-1 shows the evolutionary nature of ASAS.
The ASAS is an evolutionary system. Its development and fielding support the near-term needs of units, exploit emerging technology, and comply with the standards of the ABCS. The ASAS Block I, the initial system, provides ASAS capability to corps and divisions. As ABCS Common Hardware and Software (CHS) II become available, ASAS Block II will replace Block I. Block II will have greatly improved software that meets baseline system requirements.
The objective system, ASAS Block III, will expand upon Block II capabilities for operational, environmental, and performance requirements. In addition to these programmed materiel acquisition versions of ASAS, technology insertion and prototyping efforts will incrementally enhance ASAS and support the rapid distribution of ASAS capabilities to units in the field.
The ASAS is upgraded as new technology becomes available. An example of technology insertion is the use of the commercial Alpha Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) processor. The Alpha RISC operates 30 times faster than the initially fielded processor in the Block I ASAS-ASW. It eliminates the need for the two AN/TYQ-36(V) 3 Data Processing Sets (DPSs) in the ASAS Block I. Some units equipped with ASAS Block I will be upgraded with the Alpha RISC processor. The Alpha RISC processor is also used in the ASAS-Extended provided to selected units not receiving the ASAS Block I hardware.
Prototyping gets new technology and applications to the field quickly. Organizations like the Joint Prototyping Office use prototyping to develop software and hardware modules that are given to units for experimentation and evaluation. The Joint Prototyping Office is located at MYSTEC Associates, Inc. ATTN: Joint Prototyping Office, Suite 1200 5320S, Leesburg Pike Skyline Plaza, Falls Church, VA 22041. Based on unit recommendations, useful modules are further refined and incorporated into new software and hardware. Prototyping for ASAS focuses on high value capabilities not already defined for ASAS software applications that support emerging intelligence techniques, and high risk efforts that push technology to the edge. The WARRIOR workstation developed initially for US Army, Europe (USAREUR) is an example of ASAS prototyping efforts that have supported forces in the field and contributed to improvements to the ASAS-RWS.
The ABCS exploits state-of-the-art sensors, processors, and communications systems to provide commanders with the technical advantages needed to meet the challenges of battle command. Leaders and operators use ABCS to maintain proficiency for and accomplish a broad range of potential missions. The ABCS provides--
The ABCS provides both commander and staff with the capability to identify and satisfy the commander's critical information requirements (CCIR). The commander can view his requirements as a set of tailorable, recurring information products. These products include situation maps, graphical resource status reports, intelligence products, and textual reports. His staff can tailor these products according to the commander's specific mission, enemy, troops, terrain and weather, and time available (METT-T). The ABCS consists of the following systems:
The AGCCS is the echelons above corps (EAC) portion of ABCS; it is also the Army component of the larger joint level Global Command and Control System (GCCS). AGCCS provides a suite of software applications that specialize in supporting functions peculiar to the national and theater levels of command. It is the primary link to joint and combined automation systems. The AGCCS integrates the following systems:
ATCCS consists of battlefield functional area control systems (BFACS) for maneuver, fire support, air defense artillery (ADA), IEW, and combat service support (CSS). In addition to ASAS, the BFACS of the ATCCS shown in Figure 1-2 provides situational information and decision support to commanders and staffs at brigade through corps levels. ATCCS connectivity is supported primarily by the Area Common User System (ACUS), the combat net radio (CNR) systems, and the Army Data Distribution System (ADDS). The ASAS and the following systems make up the BFACS of the ATCCS:
Maneuver Control System (MCS). The MCS is the primary automated decision support system for the tactical commander and his staff. When completely fielded, MCS will provide the principal operational interface with the force level database and enable access to "common force level information." The system will provide the applications software necessary to access and manipulate the force level information database and provide timely control of current operations. MCS will facilitate the development and distribution of plans and estimates in support of future operations. It will be interoperable with the other BFACSs, Army Brigade and Below (AB2), and ADDSs like the Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS).
Forward Area Air Defense Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (FAADC3I). The FAADC3I system provides automated interface between Forward Area Air Defense nodes and weapon systems. It integrates information provided from other BFACSs, STACCS, and joint and combined theater air defense operations. System applications software supports hostile aircraft cueing to fire units; rapid dissemination and acknowledgement of air battle management control measures and information; exchange, processing, and display of air defense support. FAADC3I will support control nodes like the Air Battle Management Operations Center, the Army Airspace Command and Control (A2C2) cell, the battery tactical operations center (TOC), and the battery command post (CP). FAADC3I will be interoperable with systems like the Airborne Warning and Control System and Patriot air defense weapon system.
Combat Service Support Control System (CSSCS). The CSSCS provides logistical information to include all classes of supply, field services, maintenance, medical, personnel, and movements to CSS, maneuver, and theater commanders and staff. When fielded, CSSCS will process, analyze, and integrate resource information to support evaluation of current and projected force sustainment capabilities. The system will interface with Standard Army Management Information Systems and STACCS for multi-echelon sustainment support.
Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS). The AFATDS provides automated decision support for fire support operations to include joint and combined fires. AFATDS provides a fully integrated fire support command and control (Cē) system, giving the fire support coordinator (FSCOORD) automated support for the planning, coordination, control, and execution of fires. AFATDS will perform all of the fire support operational functions, to include automated allocation and distribution of fires based upon target value analysis. AFATDS will interface with systems like Tactical Fire Direction System, Firefinder Radar System, and Multiple Launch Rocket System.
See FM 24-7 for more information on the ABCS.
The ASAS is a "linchpin" system in forming a seamless intelligence architecture between and across echelons. The architecture can be broken down into three major groups: sensors, processors, and communications systems. The systems within each group support simultaneous demands for intelligence and targeting information at multiple echelons. They form a seamless intelligence system that supports commanders from tactical through strategic levels anywhere across the range of military operations. Figure 1-3 provides a snapshot of some of the pieces that make up the intelligence architecture.
Sensors come from a variety of organizations, echelons, services, and intelligence disciplines. METT-T determines the specific mix of sensors or, in a broader sense, collection assets. Types of sensors include but are not limited to--
Intelligence processors are information systems that receive, convert, and correlate information into a form usable as combat information or intelligence. These processors are found at all echelons of the intelligence architecture. The majority of intelligence processors support the collection and reporting of perishable combat information. Examples of these processors are the UAV ground control station (GCS) and the GUARDRAIL Integrated Processing Facility (IPF) where raw sensor data is received, converted into video or audio data, and disseminated in an automated reporting format as combat information. Other systems like the Electronic Processing and Dissemination System (EPDS) and Mobile Integrated Tactical Terminal (MITT) provide intermediate or preprocessing of single-discipline intelligence. Intermediate processing of broadcast data and imagery products helps tailor this information to the specific needs of the echelon and mission.
The ASAS, a fusion system, is part of a new generation of processors. At echelons corps and below (ECB), it is the Army's principal intelligence fusion system for acquiring and combining combat information and single discipline intelligence reporting into an all-source picture of the enemy or threat situation. Understanding the distinction between intermediate processing and fusion systems is important in determining processing requirements, means, and responsibilities.
Communications systems provide the link between sensors, processors, and commanders. The G2 (S2) and ACE personnel must be familiar with the full range of communications options available to support their IEW mission and the commander's operation. A variety of communications systems support IEW operations. The ACUS Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE) and the CNR Single-Channel Ground Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) are the primary Army communications systems supporting tactical IEW operations. Systems like the TROJAN Special Purpose Integrated Remote Intelligence Terminal (SPIRIT) II, the Joint Tactical Terminal (JTT), and the Tactical Intelligence Gathering and Exploitation Relay (TIGER) provide dedicated IEW communications support. The ASAS itself is equipped with a communications control system that provides connectivity into the multiple communications systems described above. The technology experiment that follows describes the potential of the ASAS.
Technology Experiment 24th ID)(M) ACE in Operation DESERT CAPTURE II
Enemy vehicles are turning north and filing through a narrow pass called the Bowling Alley. An intercept report from GUARDRAIL the previous night indicated the enemy might use this route--a route considered to be the least likely enemy course of action (COA). The imagery analyst inside the ACE observes this activity in real-time video on his WARRIOR workstation screen. The video, received from a UAV, is being sent through the UAV GCS through the Joint STARS GSM to the ASAS.
With the GCS collocated with anti landlined into the ACE(-), the ACE imagery analyst directs the UAV pilot at the GCS to follow the vehicle Column. While continuing to observe the video, the ACG analyst types a SPOT report on his workstation and sends it to the analysis and control team (ACT) at the supported brigade over the MSE packet switch network. His assistant uses his WARRIOR terminal to freeze a video frame of the enemy battalion in the pass. He enhances the image, annotates it, and forwards it to the brigade over MSE. The field artillery intelligence officer (FAIO) sends a target report to the brigade fire support element (FSE): "One enemy battalion in engagement area (EA) Bowl."
As the situation develops, Joint STARS moving target indicators (MTIs) are displayed on the remote display screen (RDS) in the ACE. They show the enemy column turning east out of the Bowling Alley into the Valley of Death, then breaking into two columns. The ACE analyst directs the UAV pilot, cued by the MTI, to observe the two columns and conduct a vehicle count. Each column has 40 or more vehicles. Two battalions have moved through the Bowling Alley and are now in the Valley of Death The UAV pilot tracks these lead battalions back to the second echelon battalion which the ACE analyst notes as turning north into the Bowling Alley. The FAIO sends a second report: "Two battalions in EA Valley and one battalion in EA Bowl."
The entire enemy regiment is now committed to the Valley of Death. The ACE all-source analyst creates a graphic of the situation showing the current location of the three battalions with MTI data and a map background. He sends this picture of the battlefield to the brigade over MSE. SPOT reports, target reports, and graphic reports continue as the ACE follows the enemy out of the Valley of Death, north of the Whale Gap, and into the Red Pass. At each point, the brigade commander has the intelligence he needed to request close air support (CAS) and attack helicopters and to reposition his reserve company to meet the enemy concentration in the Red Pass.
The ASAS is a quantum improvement to automated IEW operations at the operational and tactical levels. Its processing speed substantially increases the analyst's ability to correlate large volumes of information. Once correlated, the analyst can use a variety of software tools to transform the raw information into finished intelligence products. The system's communications software and hardware in turn support the rapid distribution of these products to users throughout the intelligence system. In the hands of a trained intelligence crew, supported by proper planning and adequate communications, the ASAS can provide commanders with the edge needed to win the information war.
ASAS automated information management capability eases many of the information choke points caused by time-consuming manual processing of information. ASAS can process the majority of inbound intelligence messages and update its all-source correlated database (ASCDB) on enemy units, weapon systems, and locations automatically. Trained analysts use ASAS to--
The ASAS provides robust operational flexibility through its modular hardware and software design. This capability allows the G2 (S2) and ACE to--
The ASAS is a powerful toolbox for the MI soldier. The system cannot perform analysis but in can help make a good analyst better and more productive. Specifically, the ASAS provides the analyst--
Historically the dissemination of combat information and intelligence products was hampered by communications bottlenecks and manual recording procedures. The ASAS communications software supports automated message processing and the conversion of a number of communications protocols. These capabilities facilitate--
The ASAS is not a collection system and does not produce intelligence. it changes and automates the mechanisms by which trained soldiers perform analysis and direct IEW operations. The ASAS--