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The JTT provides a joint service, interoperable intelligence communications system which provides a reliable, airborne relayed SIGINT dissemination path from the Army and Air Force processing facilities and collection platforms to widely dispersed mobile, tactical consumers.
The JTT System consists of a secure, jam resistant, communications network which uses "packetized" Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) as the method of servicing multiple processing facilities and tactical commanders. All currently fielded JTT/HR (2-channel receive-only) can receive SIGINT data from the current four SIGINT nets, but can only receive and monitor two sources simultaneously. The primary mode of SIGINT information transfer is digital data, while voice is a secondary or backup mode.
The Army's Block I GSM is one of the earliest fielded systems with JTT. Its mission within the GSM is predominantly cueing. SIGINT information is received and displayed as icons on top of Joint STARS imagery on the operator's terminal. If the iconed signal is significant, the operator will request imagery to confirm, deny, or identify the activity surrounding the signal location. The integration of two different types of intelligence, in one viewable form, lets the commander see a complete picture of the battlefield. The GSM also has the capability of printing the JTT messages in text format as well as the iconed signal on top of Joint STARS imagery.
Communications from the SIGINT collector to the tactical user, via the ground processing facility (GPF), will be through LOS UHF communications signal or through communications relay links. Communications relay links are established by airborne platforms and communications satellite systems. The airborne relays are on-board the Air Force U-2R and the Army RC-12 intelligence collection platforms.
Relay equipment requires minimum power, and is designed to cause minimum interference to collocated intelligence sensors in the aircraft. All data and voice communications from a processing facility to a field JTT are transmitted to the airborne relay via the interoperable data link (IDL). The relay retransmits the data and voice via the UHF downlink to field JTTs which are within LOS.
There are four networks, as shown in Figure D-1, that support the dissemination of tactical intelligence.
The TRIXS network provides the data structure and direct, dedicated links to disseminate critical, time sensitive tactical SIGINT reconnaissance, intelligence, and surveillance information to battlefield commanders via LOS transmissions from military aircraft relays. The Army's GRCS and the Air Force's Contingency Airborne Reconnaissance System (CARS) are prime processing facilities in the TRIXS network. This network can support up to five producers and relays simultaneously. Two of the producers within this net are the Army's GRCS (RC-12) and the Air Force U-2R.
The TIBS network provides a capability to disseminate correlated, time sensitive tactical SIGINT information to joint operational users via UHF broadcasts from aircraft or the Fleet Satellite Communications System (FLTSATCOMSYS). Current collection sources of data include the RC135 (RIVET JOINT), GRCS (RC-12), AWACS, and the U-2R SENIOR Program. This network can broadcast data from up to 10 information producers, each with multiple sensors. An unlimited number of users can have receive capability.
The TDDS concept of operation is to collect SIGINT information from multiple SIGINT sources and disseminate them through a UHF SATCOM broadcast to tactical and strategic users. TDDS provides global surveillance information for sensor cueing and integration into databases at field reception locations. Data is forwarded from sensor through processor to military user via FLTSATCOMSYS. This is a worldwide broadcast. TDDS signals are broadcast over several fixed UHF frequencies through one or more satellites.
The TOPS concept is to process and distribute nationally generated tactical SIGINT data to operational forces and commanders worldwide. The information delivered directly to the commanders will support I&W, other sensor cueing, and user mission planning. TOPS information is also disseminated via SATCOM. TOPS signals are broadcast over one of four fixed frequencies channels.
Advanced JTT Systems will be fielded with the Joint STARS CGS. These terminals will have three-channel (receive-only) capability. The 3-channel JTTs will be able to receive secondary imagery via the new GPL net. It is proposed that one of the uses of the GPL net will be for the SIDS. With the 3-channel JTT, TIBS and TRIXS can now be received simultaneously.