![]() Table of Contents |
These are the sources quoted
or paraphrased in this publication.
Joint and Multiservice
FM 34-81.
Weather Support for Army Tactical Operations. AFM 105-4.
31 August 1989.
(NATO/S) AAFCE Manual 80-2.
Offensive Air Support (U).
(NATO/S) AAFCE Manual 80-3.
Central Region Conventional Attack Planning Guide (U).
DA Pam 25-7-1.
Joint Handbook for Message Text Formats. Classified
Supplement (U). 15 April 1986.
JCS Pub 1-02.
Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated
Terms. December 1989.
(S/NF) JCS Pub 2-01. Intelligence
Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Joint Operations (U).
JCS Pub 3-56.1.
Tactical Command and Control Planning Guidance and Procedures
for Joint Operations (Procedures and Formats). 1 December
JCS Pub 6-04. US Message
Text Formatting Program (U). October 1991.
Army Publications
FM 6-20-10.
Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for the Targeting Process.
29 March 1990.
FM 7-93.
Long-Range Surveillance Unit Operations. June 1987.
FM 34-1.
Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations. 2 July
FM 34-2-1.
Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Reconnaissance and
Surveillance, and Intelligence Support to Counterreconnaissance.
19 June 1991.
FM 34-10.
Division Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations. 25
November 1986.
FM 34-25.
Corps Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations. 30
September 1987.
FM 34-35.
Armored Cavalry Regiment (ACR) and Separate Brigade Intelligence
and Electronic Warfare (IEW) Operations. 12 December 1990.
FM 34-37.
Echelons Above Corps (EAC) Intelligence and E1ectronic Warfare
(IEW) Operations. 15 January 1991.
FM 34-80.
Brigade and Battalion Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations.
15 April 1986.
FM 34-81-1.
Battlefield Weather Effects. 23 December 1992.
FM 34-130.
Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield. 23 May
1989 (to be revised in December 1993).
FM 100-5.
Operations. 14 June 1993.
FM 101-5.
Staff Organization and Operations. 25 May 1984.
FM 101-5-1.
Operational Terms and Symbols. 21 October 1985.
(S) DIAM 57-5.
DOD Exploitation of Multisensor Imagery (U). 12 June
(S/NF) DIAM 58-5.
Imagery Requirements (U). 1 March 1986.
(S/NF) DIAM 58-13.
Defense Human Resources Intelligence Collection Procedures
(U). 28 March 1988.
(S/NF) DIAM 58-17.
Defense Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) Requirement Material (U).
2 March 1987.
(C) DIAM 65-3-1.
Standard Coding Systems Functional Classification Handbook
(U). 17 May 1985.
Standardization Agreements
STANAG 1059. National
Distinguishing Letters for Use by NATO Armed Forces.
STANAG 2033. Interrogation
of Prisoners of War (PW).
STANAG 2044. Procedures
for Dealing with Prisoners.
STANAG 2149. Intelligence
Request, Edition 3.
STANAG 3277. Air
Reconnaissance Request/Task Form, Edition 6.
STANAG 3596. Air
Reconnaissance Requesting and Target Reporting Guide.
STANAG 6004. Meaconing,
Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference Report.
STANAG 6010.
EW in the Land Battle - ATP-51.
Quadripartite Agreements
QSTAG 170. Companion
STANAG 2033, Interrogation of Prisoners of War (PW).
QSTAG 243. Operation
Order, Winning Order, and Administration/Logistics Orders, Edition
QSTAG 295. Command
and Control of Tactical Electronic Warfare Based on a Formation
of Corps Size.
QSTAG 354. Standard
Interference and Jamming Warning Report.
QSTAG 492. Electronic
QSTAG 511. Intelligence
Reports, Edition 7.
QSTAG 523. Procedures
for Dealing with Prisoners of War (PW).
QSTAG 528. Handling
and Reporting of Captured Enemy Equipment and Documents.
QSTAG 593.
Mutual Support Between EW Units Air Standardization Coordinating
Committee (ASCC) Air Standards Agreements.
QSTAG 101/3D.
Air Reconnaissance Request/Task Form.
These documents must be available
to the intended users of this publication.
DA Form 2028.
Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms. February
DD Form 1425.
Specifications and Standards Requistion. March 1986.
STANAGs and QSTAGs may be obtained from the Naval Publications and Forms Center (NPFC), 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120. Use DD Form 1425 to requisition documents. |