Handbook on the Dayton Peace Agreement
February 1996
Annex 1B
Agreement on Regional Stabilization
This annex is the Agreement on Regional Stabilization. The parties are the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Republika Srpska.
Summary of Main Points
The parties agree on the importance of building transparency and confidence and achieving balanced and stable defenses at minimum levels to avoid an arms race. They approve the following elements for a regional structure for stability:
Confidence- and Security-Building Measures. The parties agree to negotiate on developing a series of measures to enhance mutual confidence and reduce the risk of conflict. Potential measures include restrictions on military deployments and exercises in certain geographical areas, restrictions on locations of heavy weapons, force data exchanges, and the establishment of military liaison missions, as well as others.
Regional Confidence- and Security-Building Measures. To supplement the Confidence- and Security-Building Measures, the parties agree not to import any arms for 90 days (13 March) after this agreement enters into force, and not to import for 180 days (11 June) or until an arms control agreement is reached heavy weapons, heavy weapons ammunition, mines, military aircraft, or helicopters.
Measures for Subregional Arms Control. The parties agree to commence negotiations on an arms control agreement establishing voluntary limits on military manpower. Failing voluntary consensus within 180 days (11 June) of the agreement entering into force, a 5:2:2 ratio based on approximate population ratios will be adopted. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's holdings will determine a baseline to which:
- The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's limits will be 75 percent of the baseline.
- The Republic of Croatia's limits will be 30 percent of the baseline.
- Bosnia and Herzegovina's limits will be 30 percent of the baseline. Within Bosnia and Herzegovina, the allocation of forces for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska is 2:1.
Regional Arms Control Agreement. The OSCE will organize and conduct negotiations on establishing a regional balance in and around the former Yugoslavia.
Upon the Agreement Entering Into Force
Within 7 Days (21 December)
- The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Republika Srpska shall commence negotiations under the OSCE on confidence-building with the goal of agreeing to a set of measures within 45 days (4 February).
Within 30 Days (13 January)
- Parties commence negotiations under the OSCE to reach voluntary agreement on levels of armaments and manpower.
- Parties report their weapons holdings according to the 1992 Vienna Document's format.
For 90 Days (13 March)
- Parties agree to abstain from importing any weapons.
For 180 Days (11 June)
- Parties agree to abstain from importing heavy weapons.
Within 180 Days (11 June)
- If the parties fail to reach a voluntary agreement establishing force limits, a 5:2:2 force ratio limit shall be applied.