[Congressional Record Volume 165, Number 115 (Wednesday, July 10, 2019)] [House] [Pages H5337-H5576] NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020 [...] amendment no. 110 offered by mr. cooper of tennessee Add at the end of subtitle H of title X the following new section: SEC. 10__. REPORTS ON REDUCING THE BACKLOG IN LEGALLY REQUIRED HISTORICAL DECLASSIFICATION OBLIGATIONS. (a) Report.--Not later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency shall each submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report detailing progress made by the Secretary or the Director, as the case may be, toward reducing the backlog in legally required historical declassification obligations. (b) Elements.--Each report under subsection (a) shall include the following: (1) A plan to achieve legally mandated historical declassification requirements and reduce backlogs. (2) A plan to incorporate new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, that would increase productivity and reduce cost in implementing the plan under paragraph (1). (3) A detailed assessment of the documents released in each of the proceeding three years before the date of the report, broken out by program, such as the 25 and 50 year programs. (4) A detailed assessment of the documents awaiting review for release and an estimate of how many documents will be released in each of the next three years. (5) Potential policy, resource, and other options available to the Secretary or the Director, as the case may be, to reduce backlogs. (6) The progress and objectives of the Secretary or the Director, as the case may be, with respect to the release of documents for publication in the Foreign Relations of the United States series or to facilitate the public accessibility of such documents at the National Archives or presidential libraries, or both. (c) Form and Availability.--Each report under subsection (a) shall be submitted in unclassified form, which shall be made publicly available, but may include a classified annex. (d) Appropriate Congressional Committees Defined.--In this section, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (1) the congressional defense committees; (2) the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives; and (3) the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate. [...] passed en bloc