[Congressional Record Volume 165, Number 116 (Thursday, July 11, 2019)] [House] [Pages H5594-H5724] NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020 [...] Amendment No. 332 Offered by Mr. Ruiz of California At the end of subtitle B of title III of the bill, add the following new section: SEC. 3__. INFORMATION RELATING TO LOCATIONS OF BURN PIT USE. The Secretary of Defense shall provide to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Congress a list of all locations at which open-air burn pits have been used by Secretary of Defense, for the purposes of augmenting the research, healthcare delivery, disability compensation, and other activities of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Amendment No. 333 Offered by Mr. Ruiz of California At the end of subtitle C of title VII, add the following new section: SEC. 729. REPORT ON RESEARCH AND STUDIES REGARDING HEALTH EFFECTS OF BURN PITS. The Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees and the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Senate a detailed report on the status, methodology, and culmination timeline of all the research and studies being conducted to assess the health effects of burn pits. Amendment No. 334 Offered by Mr. Ruiz of California At the end of subtitle C of title VII, add the following new section: SEC. 729. TRAINING ON HEALTH EFFECTS OF BURN PITS AND OTHER AIRBORNE HAZARDS. The Secretary of Defense shall provide mandatory training to all medical providers of the Department of Defense on the potential health effects of burn pits and other airborne hazards (such as PFAS, mold, or depleted uranium) and the early detection of such health effects. [...] passed en bloc