[Congressional Record Volume 161, Number 87 (Tuesday, June 2, 2015)] [House] [Pages H3700-H3755] COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE, AND RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2016 [...] Amendment Offered by Mr. Grayson Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Chairman, I have an amendment at the desk. The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will report the amendment. The Clerk read as follows: Sec. __. None of the finds made available by this Act may be used to negotiate or enter into a trade agreement whose negotiating texts are confidential. The limitation described in this section shall not apply in the case of the administration of a tax or tariff. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to House Resolution 287, the gentleman from Florida and a Member opposed each will control 5 minutes. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Florida. Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Chairman, this amendment is akin to an amendment that was considered just a few moments ago offered by Mr. Meadows. This amendment is meant to address a problem that has arisen with trade agreements that has become visible to all of us as Members of this august body. What has happened is that the Trade Representative, for no apparent legal reason, with no apparent legal authority, has taken it upon himself to negotiate trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership in secret--not entirely in secret, just in secret from us and from members of the American public. The corresponding provision, the TTIP provision, has been posted by the European Union, which is our negotiating partner in this on the Internet. The Trans-Pacific Partnership itself has been negotiated in secret, but that has been posted by WikiLeaks, to the embarrassment of our government in an unnecessary manner. What we have seen over the past several years is that the Trade Representative has turned a deaf ear to our concerns as Members of Congress who must perform our oversight functions whenever we ask for information about what the Trade Representative is doing on behalf of the American people. Three years ago, we had the strange circumstance come up that over 100 Members of Congress, 100 Members of this body, wrote a letter to the Trade Representative saying: We hear you are negotiating something called the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Would you please give us a copy? And the answer came back: No. We are not going to give you a copy. For the past 5 years, the Trans-Pacific Partnership has been negotiated in secret. Only in the last few months, Members of Congress have been able to see it under the most extreme conditions imaginable. I was actually the first person to be able to see it, and the Trade Representative came to my office with his staff and offered to show it to me, but I couldn't take any notes. {time} 0030 I couldn't discuss it with my own staff. I couldn't even discuss it with other Members of this body. And of course I couldn't make copies or otherwise help myself to record what I had seen, much less speak to my constituents about it, much less speak to the media about it, much less speak to the public about it. Respectfully, secret laws are un-American laws; secret agreements are un-American agreements. There is no such thing recognized under our Constitution as a ``secret statute'' or a ``secret treaty.'' But that is, in effect, what we have been experiencing without any legal authority whatsoever on behalf of the Trade Representative. Now, I am not saying the Trade Representative needs to stop negotiating these agreements; not at all. What I am suggesting is that we lift the veil of secrecy that has been dropped over these negotiations so that we can't see them, the American people can't see them, but foreign governments can see them. Why is it that we have confidentiality? Why is it that we have a classified information system? Generally speaking, it is not to keep Americans from seeing this information; it is to keep foreigners from seeing this information. And here the world has been turned upside down, and we have a situation where foreigners get to see it, but even the highest members of our own government--our Senators, our Congressmen--we don't get to see it. That is absolutely unacceptable; it is un-American. The only way to come up with agreements that satisfy the needs of this country is through an open, fair, transparent process. That is what this simple amendment will accomplish. It says: None of the funds made available in this act, which includes funds made to the Trade Representative, may be used to negotiate or enter into a trade agreement whose negotiating texts are confidential. It is time for a little sunlight. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. It is time for the Members of this body to take control of our constitutional responsibilities, not to let the Trade Representative or any member of the executive branch tell us to stuff it when we need to find out things in order to be able to do our jobs properly. Wouldn't it be a better system if we were able to tell a trade representative what we think, what our constituents think, what the members of the American public think about these documents before they are simply dropped on us? This is a simple commonsense amendment. There is no existing legal authority that allows the Trade Representative to do what he has been doing. I say the time is up and we should insist that these agreements, which will determine the course of economic history in America for the next 20 or 30 years, are agreements that are negotiated in public with our approval and with our input. I reserve the balance of my time. Mr. CULBERSON. Mr. Chairman, I claim the time in opposition. The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman from Texas is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. CULBERSON. Mr. Chairman, the gentleman from Florida I know has worked in the past as an attorney and represented clients and undoubtedly has settled cases before. And those settlement agreements, those negotiations, when you were designing those agreements, Mr. Grayson, I know were not something that you wanted to disclose. You wanted to negotiate those settlements in private with your client confidentially, because had the world seen what you were working out, that would have damaged your client's ability to negotiate a fair settlement with the other party in the case. As here, with trade promotion authority, the countries with which the Trade Representative is negotiating, Japan, for example, I doubt the Japanese want the Australians to see what the Japanese are agreeing to. That is just common sense. I doubt that the Koreans want the Japanese to see what the Koreans are attempting to agree to. So it is perfectly understandable that the agreement itself would be confidential until it is finalized. Members of Congress can go see the agreement, but the Korean-American Trade Agreement is going to be confidential until it is finally settled because Korea doesn't want Japan or Australia or Vietnam to see what they are negotiating, in the same way you did not want your clients, the agreement you were attempting to negotiate on behalf of your client, you didn't want to do that in the open sunshine. Sunshine is a good thing, but there are times when a negotiation like this on a trade agreement is just common sense. You are not going to want the other countries that you are competing against to see what kind of a deal you are fixing to work out with the United States. [[Page H3745]] The Members of Congress can see it, of course, as we should, and the agreement itself must be available to the public to view 90 days before the President can even sign the agreement, and the Congress is going to have this debate. In fact, I understand that this trade promotion authority agreement that is under discussion, the new law that Congress is proposing, would for the first time give either House of Congress a veto over the agreement with a majority vote. So the House could decide on our own to veto a particular trade agreement by majority vote; the Senate could veto a trade agreement by majority vote. The only part of the deal so far that is confidential is the ongoing negotiation, which is exactly the way you handled and protected your client's best interest as an attorney. I am quite confident as an attorney you handled your client's litigation in a way that was professional and confidential, and I imagine you never disclosed a pending settlement agreement that was being negotiated, you never released that publicly, did you ever, Mr. Grayson? Mr. GRAYSON. Is the gentleman yielding to me? Mr. CULBERSON. Did you ever release a negotiated settlement agreement to the public before it was finalized? Mr. GRAYSON. Is the gentleman yielding to me? Mr. CULBERSON. No. Answer my question, yes or no. Mr. GRAYSON. Well, I can't answer your question unless you are going to yield to me. Mr. CULBERSON. That is why I am asking a question. I am asking you, did you ever release the terms of a settlement agreement you were negotiating before it was final? The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman from Texas controls the time. Mr. CULBERSON. Yes. And I am asking a question. I was an attorney myself. I defended businesses in civil litigation, and any settlement agreement that we worked on was done confidentially. And I would ask Mr. Grayson, did you ever disclose a confidential settlement negotiation publicly when you were negotiating on behalf of your client? Mr. GRAYSON. Is the gentleman yielding the balance of his time to me? Mr. CULBERSON. No, I am not yielding the balance of my time. I am just asking a question. I am quite confident Mr. Grayson always kept those negotiations secret. That is all that is being kept secret here. And it is actually not secret because Members of Congress can go read the text of the trade agreement that is being negotiated. And if any of us have any sort of an objection, that is a good time to raise it, to tell the Trade Representative that we think this or that provision is going to either be in violation of Federal law or cause a problem for American industry and we think you ought to drop it. So you have actually got an opportunity to have your 2 cents' worth heard during the course of the negotiation. So I would urge Members to oppose Mr. Grayson's amendment for the same reason that Mr. Grayson always kept his settlement negotiations confidential on behalf of his clients. I reserve the balance of my time. The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman from Florida has 15 seconds remaining. The gentleman from Texas has 30 seconds remaining. Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Chairman, I ask unanimous consent for another minute beyond my 15 seconds. Mr. CULBERSON. I object. We are limited to 5 minutes and it is 12:30 at night. The Acting CHAIR. There is an objection. The gentleman has 15 seconds. Mr. GRAYSON. First of all, I represent the American public here, not the American private. When I was an attorney, I represented private interest, just as you did. Now I represent the public. The reason we refer to the American public as the public is because the public's business needs to be public. That means no secret negotiations, no secret acts, no secret agreements, nothing but the public interest in public. The Acting CHAIR. The time of the gentleman has expired. Mr. CULBERSON. Mr. Chairman, I think Mr. Grayson's answer confirms that he did not ever disclose a negotiated settlement before it was final, and that is just common sense. And here, under trade promotion authority, the trade agreement, as it is being negotiated, needs to be kept confidential. But any Member of Congress can go in and see it and have our voices heard, object, suggest changes to it, as it is being negotiated. And then once it is finalized the text must be made available to the public 90 days before the President signs the agreement, and then either House of Congress can void the agreement by a majority vote. We are going to have this debate, and I urge Members to oppose this amendment. I yield back the balance of my time. The Acting CHAIR. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Florida (Mr. Grayson). The question was taken; and the Acting Chair announced that the noes appeared to have it. Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Chairman, I demand a recorded vote. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to clause 6 of rule XVIII, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Florida will be postponed. [...]